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Chiefsgirl plops onto her barstool and gets ready for Meet&Greet "Did you invite all your friends Andy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Andy winks and says, "sure did" Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to Fed's Meet & Greet held every Sunday night at 9pm eastern", says Chiefsgirl. "Tonight my guest is Baron of Redwall, Andy", smiles Chiefsgirl. "So without further ado, we'll let him get started", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly Andy grins "Why don't you tell us how you found this universe, Andy, and when", smiles Chiefsgirl. Andy waves to everyone like a rose-parade person, elbow-elbow-wrist-wrist "Okey dokey. I found out about Fed about 3 years ago from a Merchie friend who had a gaming list on AOL", says Andy. "That hurts", says Andy. "Anyway, I came in and started up my character. I found this game horrendously dull, but about 2 months later I came back again and started to enjoy it. Well, once I started making money", says Andy. Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you make money?" "He worked here?", asks Wolfyn. Julie did that too..as well as many others. "He stole it.", says Olias. "Begging, getting 5 groats a day and such. I hauled non-stop and actually imagined doing it which made it fun", says Andy. "I daydreamed all the time of being a captain", says Andy. Chiefsgirl giggles Julie noes those days all too well. Andy smiles, "Yep" "Did you have any people you met back then that were especially helpful to you?", asks Chiefsgirl. Andy exclaims, "The worst rank for me was Adventurer I'd say... so much work!" Chiefsgirl nods Andy smiles, "oh yes, GAMEIS1, and BegarsTomb, now Bartholomew" Chiefsgirl personally hated all those ranks you had to haul to promote through Andy smiles, "everyone did" Katrien raises her hand "What made it more fun for you Andy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Since you said you found it dull at first", says Chiefsgirl. "But Begars was amazing to me... we became friends after he gave me 30 megs, which was amazing for me", says Andy. "Once I knew what to do it was better. But I was a visual kid so text didnt appeal to me at first.", says Andy. Chiefsgirl nods "Question Katrien?", asks Chiefsgirl. Katrien says, "I forget it already! LOL" Andy smirks "Merchant was a great rank I'd say", smiles Andy. "Was that your favorite rank Andy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Andy smiles, "for a while Merchant, since I made SOOOO much money" Wolfyn tries to transform the fizzy lifting drink into an underwire bra. "How long did it take you to get to PO, Andy?" "Merchant was hard for me tho, once I beat up Zahab in the Cantina. It gave me a bad reputation that lingers to this day", says Andy. Andy says, "and that was 2 1/2 years ago" Chiefsgirl asks, "A reputation as what Andy? A fighter?" Andy says, "as a snert" "Ah", says Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn asks, "You, snert??" "All forgiven, Andy", says Ops with a wink. Chiefsgirl peers at Ops Chiefsgirl asks, "Andy beat you up, Ops?" "No, no...Zahab...aka the GoddessBot", says Ops. Julie listens attentively to Andy, engrossed by his words which linger and stimulate her mind. ;) "Someone asked how long it took you to get your planet", says Chiefsgirl. Andy winks at Julie Andy says, "ummm, 1 1/2 years" "back then that was average", says Andy with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you customize it right away?" Andy winks and says, "I got a loan of 650 megs from JB007Ender, with a 10% interest fee, it was a mafia deal you know" "oh yes, immediately!", exclaims Andy. Chiefsgirl asks, "Mafia?" Andy says, "I loved editing, it was my favorite activity, I daydreamed of it all the time" "And what does Redwall mean?", asks Wolfyn. "yep, La Cosa Nostra", says Andy. Andy says, "Redwall is based on a series of books of animals" "Banthas?", asks Olias. Andy says, "I hope you'll all explore it, it has many fun and secret spots" Wolfyn nods. Please continue.. Andy says, "such as loc #33, a baron only club" Katrien asks, "oh?" Ops likes fun and secret spots... Andy smiles Wolfyn pouts. Katrien sniffles cause she cant go Olias asks, "33? Like club 33?" Chiefsgirl makes note of location 33 "I cant go there then...", says Pepper. Pepper says, "gtma, Kats." Andy says, "yes, Club 33, thats my inspiration" Deltack says, "Studio 54" "Really? Wow, I just got pictures developed of that doorway.", says Olias. Andy winks and says, "54? no thats a death loc" "yes, Club 33... when you walk in that door the guard says, "Hello, please leave"", says Andy. "Did you join a duchy right away Andy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Andy says, "yep. I went to Aaargh" Andy winks and says, "I still hold the record for longest AAAAAAAAAAAARGH in history, Katrien can vouch for me" Katrien smiles fondly - Aaargh "too true Andy", says Katrien with a wink. "Why did you leave aaargh?", asks Olias. Andy smiles, "Aaargh was where I grew up, and where I met my Mommy over here" "I didnt... Zoot DDed", says Andy. Katrien nods sadly now Olias says, "Oh." "You ought to get out more, hon.", says Wolfyn with a wink. "I did not know that.", says Olias. "Im waiting for him to get back up to Duke, or if Pintomike hits Duke first I'll move to Onyx", says Andy. "Picto here was an ancient Aaargh'er also", says Andy with a wink. Picto shouts, "AAARGH!!" "dont make me ;p", says Andy. Katrien feels shivers run up her spine Olias looks around. "Maybe Mars will get the TTTT." Picto smiles, "Hey ANdy LOL" Andy did an Aaargh that lasted 20 minutes Picto chuckles Katrien still has the ear plugs to prove it! Andy grins Emmy wonders if that would have been scrolling...... "any questions so far????", asks Andy. Andy smiles, "yes scroll for 20 minutes" Olias says, "Tell us of your good or bad experiences in Fed." Katrien pulls out her big black book noting all the times Andy was in trouble Wolfyn asks, "And were you a Cantina rat?" "yes I loved the Tina", smiles Andy. Katrien flips through the vast pages Andy says, "My best experience was my first major love... which lasted until he told me he was 2x older than me ;p" Andy says, "so that would be my best and Worst experience" Wolfyn whispers, "Olias, I'm two times older than you." Olias says, "Blah. Not even close." "What are your plans for the future Andy? Do you want to be Duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. Picto says, "Good question" Andy smiles, "I hope so CG, I know lots of people just wanna be Barons but I'd love to have a private duchy of my own" "What kind of duchy would you have?", asks Chiefsgirl. Andy says, "umm, only a duchy where friends and people I know very well are admitted" "and I'll make strict rules so noone can have sex, EVER! wah ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", says Andy. "admitted? or committed?", asks Brenda. Olias exclaims, "No! Not that!" "Liar! LOL", says Katrien. Chiefsgirl wonders how Andy would enforce that rule Andy giggles, "Just kidding" Andy smiles, "oh I would never do that CG" "Thank God.", says Olias. "Id probably encourage it, it is quite healthy", says Andy. Andy says, "good exercise" Wolfyn frowns and says, "You look healthy enough, Olias." "You have family here Andy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Took the words right outta my mouth Andy.", says Julie with a wink. Andy smiles, "yup" Andy says, "A Mom, a husband, a daughter, and an Uncle" Katrien has given Andy a tender kiss! "that old blob that kissed me is Moma", says Andy. Andy ducks Picto smiles at that tender moment Katrien thwapps Andy playfully Andy says, "ow" Katrien says, "no allowance now Andy ;p" Andy giggles Andy says, "awwwwwww" Olias inches away. He doesn't want to be mytosised by any blobs. Andy winks and says, "hey Mom I make more then you" Katrien tacks on a couple of spankings Picto smiles, "Hey ANdy....ever had any embarassing XT's!!" "oh yes, many", says Andy. "that you do, you need to take better care of you Mommy", says Katrien with a wink. Andy says, "Tho I cant remember any of them" Chiefsgirl says, "They couldn't have been too embarrassing then" Chiefsgirl giggles Chiefsgirl remembers all of hers "Either that or he doesnt want to remember them", says Julie with a wink. Andy winks and says, "but I once played T & D with Alexy and some friends... and on a dare one of the players got locked from Fed for what he said" "somethings best to forget", says Aiki. "boy did he get angry at me", says Andy. "Forget them as quick as you can I say...", says Pepper. Picto asks, "Hey andy how come your fed persona doesn't reflect your love of photography?" "I reflect my love of everything in Fed, but I reflect so much that some things dont get reflected", says Andy with a wink. Wolfyn reflects on that. Chiefsgirl laughs Andy grins Picto is impressed by the double talk on that one! Olias hands out Windex. Pepper 's eyes hurt from the reflection.. Picto heads back to his ship for da hip waders Andy says, "dont make me hurt you guys:P" Pepper puts on her sexy sunglasses... Aiki <------- Hands out Q-Tips Katrien hands Pep some shakes for da glare Olias grins. Katrien winks and says, "shades even" Jemia has just vanished. Pepper says, "I love to wear shakes..." Katrien shakes at her typos Picto smiles, "Strawberry please" Pepper says, "Makes me shake..." Julie perks. Shakes? Katrien gets the cream "Fed's a big thing in my life. Its the only place other then Dr. Savages office that I can talk about anything that is on my mind", says Andy. "Dr Savage?", asks Chiefsgirl. Andy says, "my psychiatrist" Andy says, "my parents make me see him" "Ah", says Chiefsgirl. Olias wonders if this Dr. Savage wears shrunken heads and tooth necklaces. Andy says, "Fed is a great place fer me, its the first place I ever came out of the closet in" Picto asks, "Really Andy?" Olias says, "Why do they make you see him? You seem well-balanced as anybody." Julie didn't even noe about that till about a year later. Katrien remembers when he came out to her Picto says, "I agree" Picto exclaims, "I came back to fed and andy was out!" "I was proud of him.", says Picto. "Olias, Im balanced in Fed", says Andy. Andy blinks at Picto Katrien checks out Picto's shake now too Julie was a lil shocked. Andy winks and says, "why were you proud?" Julie asks, "Looks good doesnt it katrien?" Olias says, "Bah. I'd wager you're okay in RL, too. Or will be." Picto says, "Takes courage man....it really does" "Of course I am", says Andy. Chiefsgirl nods "that it does", smiles Katrien. "oh courage indeed, I just came out in RL to my best friend a month ago", says Andy. "So, this enabled you to come out in RL too, Andy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Andy nods Chiefsgirl asks, "How did this all come about?" Chiefsgirl is hinting for Andy to tell his lovestory with him & Cen Katrien smiles ....proud of Andy myself Andy blushes "So, you want to go into this incident with the cigar?...er...wait a minute....I'm at the wrong press conference!", exclaims Olias. "Oh thats a long story", says Andy. Chiefsgirl smiles, "But it's romantic" "okay... it started on Atra for a TTTT party", says Andy. Chiefsgirl loves romance "I was hosting a Fedpardy game and Cen was a contestant", says Andy. "back then he was Cen677 and I was Andykaufman", says Andy. "I mean Andykaufmn", says Andy. "My buddy!!", smiles Picto. "anyhow... he lost bigtime, and he and I talked afterward, became aquainted with eachother", smiles Andy. "he was engaged to Scully4444 at the time, a girl", says Andy. Andy says, "Then one day I came into the Cantina, he and Scully were there, and my mood said this:" Staring at the Breeders, Andy has just left. Staring at the Breeders, Andy has just arrived. Andy says, "so then he knew I was gay, and he was too so he came to me and told me he was too. We really became good friends then, and hung out for a few months" Andy says, "then, on the NO SAVE day of Fed, before the move, we travelled to Horsell" Andy says, "we walked to the spot east of the martian crater, and then: Cen677 says, "Do you mind?" Andykaufmn says, "Go ahead"" "You blew it up?", asks Olias. Katrien scribbles furiously as she takes notes Andy smiles, "Cen677 has given you a passionate kiss! that was the first time we ever kissed. And then we became boyfriends" Olias asks, "So you didn't blow it up?" "maybe something else blew", says Katrien with a wink. Andy blinks Katrien can't believe she just said that! Picto gasps "that was uncalled for Mom...", says Andy. Olias coughs. Picto moves away from Katrien Chiefsgirl clears her throat Andy tsks.... Katrien turns a bright red.....well Wolfyn hides her eyes. Ears, too. Katrien smiles, "sorry, I couldn't resist" Olias offers Katrien her other foot to much on for awhile. "Shame.....some Mom you are.", says Picto. Katrien shuts up now Andy smirks... "Continue Andy", says Chiefsgirl. Julie thinks someone whose eyes and ears are hidden would look like. "Yea Mom yeesh", says Andy. Brenda says, "I think that is so kwel..finding somebody you feel comfortable with is a real tresure" Julie says, "er wonders what" Andy says, "okay. WEll after we became boyfriends he came out in Fed to Scully and his parents" "How did his parents take it?", asks Olias. Andy smiles, "8 months later, in the presence of Emano267, (RIP) he got on 1 knee and (not doing what MOM would think) he proposed" Katrien gulps "Emano! He tried to DD me once!", exclaims Olias. Wolfyn shouts, "RIP?" Olias glares. "they were angry that he hadn't told them earlier, but they didnt care he was gay", smiles Andy. Picto shouts, "RIP?" Wolfyn didn't mean to shout. Chiefsgirl says, "Rest in peace" Andy says, "yes Wolfyn, he commited suicide a few months ago" "Oh, well, that's good.", says Olias. "in real life", says Andy. Wolfyn is sure Picto didn't mean to either. "in RL?", asks Katrien. "what???", asks Katrien. "I mean the parents, not the suicide.", says Olias. Andy nods "WAIT!! SOmeone said no he didn't!!!", exclaims Picto. Wolfyn says, "But it wasn't that long ago you were talking about him.." Katrien says, "I didn't realize that...OMG" "yes they did, that was me Picto", says Andy. "WHo!?!?", asks Julie. "but he went thru with it I guess", says Andy. Picto asks, "THat was incorrect ANdy?" Chiefsgirl is totally lost now Brenda says, "thats so sad" Andy nods Picto shouts, "OMG...." Katrien had no idea Pepper says, "Suicide is never an answer.." "but it wasnt proven or anything so he didnt get any such publicity like Kazi did", says Andy. Katrien I agree - 100% "He wrote me an e-mail saying he was gonna do it!!!", exclaims Picto. "thats true Pepper, but thats not an issue", says Andy. Picto exclaims, "I called AOL and everything!!!" "Are you SURE ANdy?", asks Picto. "Picto Ive been trying to find his number, but I havent seen or heard from him so for the moment I think so", says Andy. Andy says, "and im not surprised" Katrien is real sorry to hear that Pepper says, "Sad..." Picto says, "Oh God" Andy says, "but Im sad this got so off topic. I'd rather not get on the subject any more if you people dont mind" "sometimes, no matter how much you want to help, its not possible. taking a life, even your own is so final, no matter how bad things get, that can get better", says Brenda. Katrien nods in agreement Olias nods. Picto nods and looks shocked at the floor Chiefsgirl says, "Ok Andy, we'll move on" Katrien puts her arm around Picto to comfort him "How long have you and Cen been together", says Chiefsgirl. Katrien recalls Andy and Cen's wedding fonly "fondly even", says Katrien. Andy smiles Andy has given Picto a sloppy hug! Picto has given Andy a tender hug! "have you ever met Cen in RL?", asks Brenda. "yep. Cen got punted 6 times during that wedding", says Andy. Andy smiles, "no, but I will meet him on halloween" Julie wasn't invited. Katrien laughs, I remember Julie shuns Andy. ;) Julie has given Andy a warm tickle! Chiefsgirl didn't know Andy then Andy blushes "Oh yeah? Halloween?", asks Olias. Andy exclaims, "yup!" "Ahh...but we were long forgotten. lost in our own worlds", smiles Julie. Olias smiles, "No kidding. That's great." Andy smiles Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions for Andy?" "yea, final questions", smiles Andy. "or comments?", asks Chiefsgirl. Katrien smiles, "yes, how much do you love you Mom in Fed?" Chiefsgirl giggles Andy smiles, "Almost as much as Cen, Mom" "Yeah. Are you meeting at an airport? Make sure it's not on a stormy night.", says Olias with a wink. Brenda smiles, "that is so sweet" Katrien loves Andy bunches and bunches Andy winks and says, "we're not meeting at an airport, Im going to meet him at his apartment. He knows the day i'm coming but not when" Chiefsgirl smiles at Andy Andy asks, "Wow this lasted an hour, do they last that long all the time?" "Yes Andy...time flies", says Chiefsgirl. Andy feels popular and special ;) Andy stands on a stool, "I'd like to thank all my friends who came and all the new faces who wanted to know about me. I know my story is a sordid one, and I plan to write a book about it" Andy exclaims, "3 years of Fed and Im not stopping yet!" "I want an autographed copy Andy!!", smiles Picto. Katrien must have a talk with Andy it appears Chiefsgirl stands and smiles at everyone Andy smiles, "Thanks again everyone!!!!!" "Thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Andy says, "and now, a really big aaargh." "My guest next week will be Sparhawk, Squire of Bah", says Chiefsgirl. Andy shouts, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Chiefsgirl says, "Same place, same time... 9pm eastern" |