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Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl says, "Until Rikky's other event is finished at least" Surfgod asks, "Cool, so when do we start?" "you mean the secret? it's done.", says Pajamian. Chiefsgirl says, "As soon as our guest arrives" Chiefsgirl smiles Pajamian asks, "who's that?" Chiefsgirl says, "Bucknutso" "Hehe, I believe that he is allready here.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl says, "oh" Chiefsgirl glances around Chiefsgirl asks, "Did I miss him?" Surfgod says, "Let me get him.." Chiefsgirl looks under the tables Pajamian winks and says, "ahhh, I see, another alt reveals himself" I'm yo daddy Bucknutso has just arrived. Chiefsgirl smiles Bucknutso smiles, "Hello." Bucknutso removes his hat to the rest of the bar. I'm yo daddy Bucknutso has just disappeared. Chiefsgirl says, "ops" "hrmmm, the puntmonster strickes again.", says Pajamian. I'm yo daddy Bucknutso has just appeared. Bucknutso sighs "Welcome back Buck", smiles Chiefsgirl. Bucknutso says, "Ok...now I'm ready, hehe. :P" Bucknutso says, "Dang malfunctioning teleporter..." Pajamian laughs Bucknutso kicks the four year old, rusted teleporter.. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "I'd like to welcome you all to a special session of Meet & Greet Chiefsgirl smiles, "Tonight we're honored to have the duke of one of Fed's most active and vocal duchies, Amora" Bucknutso smiles "Thanks CG.", smiles Bucknutso. "Bucknutso will tell us a bit about himself and field any questions and comments", smiles Chiefsgirl. Zorra shrugs and thinks Amora is right next door to Amora. She has had to call the authorities about all the noise numerous times. Bucknutso asks, "You want the whole "How I got here" song and dance?" Bucknutso smiles Chiefsgirl nods "I love those song and dances", says Chiefsgirl. Olias says, "Well, you can leave out the amino acids and the dinosaurs and stuff." "hey, speak fer yourself Olias;P", says Pajamian. "Well, my character started in the days of the america online beta.", says Bucknutso. Bucknutso says, "Everyone was poor. If you bought someone a drink, they were REALLY happy, just cuz they saved the 5 IG for food." "But, my character was not Bucknutso to start with.", says Bucknutso. Olias winks and says, "But they were thankful." Chiefsgirl thinks this is where she could get confused Bucknutso says, "Actually, if I tell you the story of how I got here, you are going to be hearing the story of Surfgod." "Well, it's not Surfgod's turn... he'll have to sign up", says Chiefsgirl. I'm yo daddy Bucknutso has just disappeared. "ooops", says Chiefsgirl. "again? oh well.", says Pajamian. "Not another punt?", asks Wbc. Chiefsgirl settles down to wait for the guest to return Chiefsgirl has bought you a fizzy lifting drink! Zorra didn't know she needed her fizzy lifted but thanks Chiefsgirl anyway Looking for some dirt to roll in Rikkytikki has just arrived. "Where is he?", asks Rikkytikki. "We're not doing so well Rikky", says Chiefsgirl with a frown. "He's been punted twice", says Chiefsgirl. "seems the puntmonster has taken a liking to him Rikky.", says Pajamian. Chillin' Surfgod has just appeared. Surfgod exclaims, "Bucknutso has run out of time credits!" Surfgod pulls out large clump of hair... "Nightmare! First AOL punts me TWICE, then fed says I've got no credits.", says Surfgod. ***PUNTED*** "When fed moved to the web, Buck decided he could not put forth the time needed to run a successful duchy.", says Surfgod. "However, the duchymates and buck agreed that the duchy should live on while he did not.", says Surfgod. Surfgod says, "Therefor, since I (Surfspirit) had been with Buck since the days of the beta, and was the oldest player (fedwise) in the duchy, he entusted me with the duchy." "I then became Amora's prime minister.", says Surfgod. "There has been a lot of controversy over me having control of Amora.", says Surfgod. "What sort of controversy?", Chiefsgirl asks. "LtleShaver and WAVENRG didn't dig the fact that some Baron now had a duchy.", says Surfgod. Surfgod says, "So they put embargos on Amora." Chiefsgirl rolls her eyes "lol", says Lacy. Chiefsgirl asks, "Don't Barons usually get control of duchies when they become dukes?" "They do, AND, if they were worried about me paying my "dues", I paid them.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl nods "What dues did you pay?", Chiefsgirl asks. Chiefsgirl thinks this might be juicy "I had all my baron builds done about two weeks before they took the puzzle out, and I helped Dstorms304 on his puzzling.", says Surfgod. Surfgod says, "If they didn't take it out, I would have gotten my duchy in the months and months that it was out before fed went to the web." Chiefsgirl says, "Ah" Surfgod says, "Shaver didn't like the idea that if they put the puzzle in, I'd have two duchies like him." Chiefsgirl laughs Surfgod says, "But either way. When I started things up in Amora, it was kinda difficult at first." "What was difficult?", Chiefsgirl asks. Surfgod says, "Amora had a lot of planets in it that were closed and their owners quit from fed, so it had to be reorganized." "But I couldn't expel people that used to be my duchymates, it was just weird.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl would think it would be "Of course, I'm ruthless, so I'd probably find it easy", Chiefsgirl says. "I spent days and days tracking everyone down.", says Surfgod. "We had a pretty cool duchy at that point, once it was cleaned up, I carefully tried to find the extremely active players to join up.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl says, "I noticed that you have a lot of active players there now" "Fed was so crowded at that time though, that I probobly went through 40 applications.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl says, "At least, they post a lot on the boards and things" Chillin' Surfgod has just disappeared. Chiefsgirl says, "ooops" FLacy wants to ask a rude question :) Chiefsgirl says, "oh, please do Lacy" Chillin' Surfgod has just appeared. Surfgod exclaims, "This is driving me nuts!" Surfgod asks, "So, where was I?" Surfgod shakes his head in disgust at his old porter. Chiefsgirl says, "Applications" Chiefsgirl smiles, "And our audience might have some questions" ""Fed was so crowded at that time though, that I probobly went through 40 applications.", says Surfgod.", says Pajamian. "Oh yeah, and lately in Amora...", says Surfgod. Surfgod says, "Lately we've started some more revitalization." Chiefsgirl smiles, "Lots of action I'd say" Surfgod asks, "In Amora?" "in Amora", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl says, "Duchy of love" Surfgod says, "Well, I owe that to my most active players - Marquezes Badassonyxian and Roman." "home to Badass and his family", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl thinks of the other posts she reads almost daily "isnt that a little old now, frankly?", asks Lacy. Surfgod says, "Well, I've allowed him to join up the acceptable members of his family." Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl asks, "Old, Lacy?" Surfgod says, "Its funny, when I was in Rage we had a war against Onyx, and I dumped on Badass's planet, and his "family"." Lacy asks, "the duchy of love?" "It is old.", smiles Surfgod. Lacy says, "you'd think they would have an oriiginal thought in the buch of them" "A little cheesy too", says Fiesta with a wink. "Bucknutso is the 4th oldest player in the game.", says Surfgod. "The duchy of love isn't orriginal?", asks Surfgod. "Amora is the latin word for love, therefor, its the duchy of love.", says Surfgod. Surfgod smiles "LOL sounds like a euphamism for an act during sex", says Fiesta with a wink. Fiesta exclaims, "Come join my duchy of love, baaaaby!" Surfgod laughs Fiesta giggles Lacy says, "its like a bad jingle, endlessly repeated" Surfgod smiles, "Well, there is a slogan at the link "Get lucky - Amora"." Lacy isnt suprised Surfgod says, "Well. There is backround." Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl thinks duchy pride is nice Fiesta smiles, "Then I should thinks 'Get Lucky in Love' would be a better slogan" Chiefsgirl asks, "What slogan would you suggest for Amora, Lacy?" Chillin' Surfgod has just disappeared. "oooops", Chiefsgirl says. "duchy pride is nice if people can manage to elucidate what they are proud of...", says Lacy. Lacy says, "i dunno" Pajamian says, "hrmmm, we're gonna have to get him a better ISP for Christmas." Lacy says, "wouldnt be caught dead there myself" Chiefsgirl raises an eyebrow "he punt again?", asks Lacy. Pajamian nods "It looks like it", Chiefsgirl says. "I dunno, he just paid me 200megs to haul him 10k of soya", smiles Fiesta. Pajamian says, "hrmmm, a little generous, I'd say." Chillin' Surfgod has just appeared. "Who am I to argue! LOL", says Fiesta. "That was the last time.", says Surfgod. "welcome back Surf", you smile. Pajamian asks, "Until the next time?" "No more punts! :P", says Surfgod. Lacy says, "suuure" Pajamian chuckles "So any suggestions on slogans Lacy?", asks Surfgod. Chiefsgirl was wondering if Surf caught that "nope... no idea what you have to be proud of", says Lacy. "cant think of a thing, personally", says Lacy. "Good.", says Surfgod. "don't.", smiles Surfgod. "No matter how cheasy you may think Amorians sound when they post, proud of their duchy, our slogan, Amorians are still very happy to be where they are.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl thinks that's obvious "Our priority is to make the duchymates happy and successful.", says Surfgod. "Almost as happy as the folks in Connor", Chiefsgirl says with a wink. Surfgod laughs Lacy is sure surfgod didnt duck on that one Surfgod says, "Connor's cool." Chiefsgirl bounces happily in agreement Fiesta smiles, "My friend Kayla is in Connor" Lacy says, "that was why the embargo eh..." Chiefsgirl smiles, "Kayla is cool" "Amora was a Leisure world while Connor was an Agri in Rainbow just before Amora became a duchy.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl says, "Ah" Chiefsgirl asks, "How will Amora move into the future? Are any of your leisure planets planning on becoming duchies themselves?" "LOL come to think of it, Chiefsgirl, I had factories on your planet! I didn't recognize your name til I saw your planet's name!", exclaims Fiesta. "Well, I'd imagine that all my leisures aspire to become duchies.", says Surfgod. "I remember", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl asks, "Will you have a close association with them all... like one big happy Amora family?" "You should see Amorian Barons as some of the first getting their duchies I hope.", says Surfgod. Surfgod says, "We've allready planned an alliance between Surf, Amora, Nwo, and Theti, but others haven't expressed what they will do." "you guys cant find your way out of orbit", smiles Lacy. Surfgod asks, "We can't find out way out of orbit?" "and you're going to solve the duke", smiles Lacy. Lacy laughs again "funny you say that Lacy..", says Surfgod. Pajamian wonders if lacy has just made a testiment to the difficulty level of the duke puz. "I helped Dstorms to solve it, and solved it myself when it was in its old form, I don't why I couldn't now.", says Surfgod. Surfgod asks, "You ever solve Snark Lacy?" "From scratch?", asks Surfgod. Chiefsgirl knows she will need lots of help if she's ever to promote "nope, but watching you trying to buy sharms on bunyland was hysterical", says Lacy. Lacy says, "lol" Surfgod asks, "sharms on bunyland? care to fill me in on the story Lacy?" Surfgod yawns "you had an embargo for the longest time pver it silly", says Lacy. Surfgod asks, "Lacy, could you be Elin?" Wondering what's up, Lordrich has just appeared. Lacy smiles, "part of your illustrious makeover" "I should have guessed earlier.", says Surfgod. Surfgod says, "Elin, you took someone's fed passwords and took control of their character, thats what the embargo was for." Lacy says, "lol... i am lacy... but i am familiar with the story" Lacy says, "uh huh" Surfgod says, "You ruined a friend's opporitunity to play under his main name." "I think its very trashy of you to come her during the meet and greet and badger me.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl clears her throat Lacy says, "it just so happened that you decided to do that 10 minutes after you got laughed off channel 9" "I was about to say something CG.", says Pajamian. Fiesta squirms in her seat and feels the LOVE in the air! "I'm sure if Elin wanted to be here, she would have", Chiefsgirl says. Surfgod says, "Laughed off 9? Lol." Lacy says, "who is badgering" "who are you?", asks Surfgod. "i am just questioning whether someone who cant figure out that the orbit is out", says Lacy. "can really solve the duke puzzle", says Lacy. Chiefsgirl says, "If you have something to ask Surfgod, Lacy, then please direct a question to him" "Maybe I can't Lacy, maybe I can't.", says Surfgod. "I'm sure he'll be happy to answer a question", Chiefsgirl says. "What's it matter to you?", asks Surfgod. Lacy says, "i will take that as an answer to that question" "You ever not been able to find an orbit?", asks Surfgod. "i was wondering what your *official* version of that story was", says Lacy. "I was finding orbits, and solving puzzles, and playing fed, before you even knew it existed.", says Surfgod. "now i know", smiles Lacy. "hmm maybe... but then why arent you better at it?", asks Lacy. Surfgod says, "and I've never even met you before." Surfgod sighs "nope, you havent... but as you say i was interested in your version of that", says Lacy. "Lacy, I don't know what you're trying to prove here.", says Surfgod. Chiefsgirl says, "Lacy, this is not a forum for hostilities to be played out" Fiesta winks and says, "Not finding a planet link appears to be a high crime" Surfgod says, "my "version", there IS NO version." Chiefsgirl says, "You and Surfgod can take this to TB's or IM's or email or whatever" "if that is the best you can do for an insult...", says Lacy. Chiefsgirl say, "Lacy, I don't think the guests come here preparing to hurl insults" Chiefsgirl say, "And I'd appreciate it if you'd take this to a private communication" "And I ceartainly did not come here to listen to two people bicker and argue.", says Pajamian. Lacy says, "say usually they answer questions though" Surfgod says, "I don't know why I've never heard from you before Lacy, it bugs me." Lacy says, "with something other than wild accusations" Surfgod sighs again. Lacy says, "lol, i should worry that it bugs you? i simply asked for your version" Lacy yeawns "Lacy, this isn't the place to discuss a personal dispute with Amora or Surfgod", Chiefsgirl says. "tell me more about the glorious future of amora", smiles Lacy. Surfgod says, "Lacy, why don't you go explore Amora? You'll have fun." "I'd like to thank Surfgod and Bucknutso for appearing as a guest tonight and Sunday night", Chiefsgirl smiles. Surfgod nods "Maybe we'll get it rescheduled for a time when Fed is more stable", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl laughs Surfgod says, "Sorry to bore everyone if I did. :P" Lacy says, "i wouldnt be caught dead in amora" You say, "Join me this sunday when Wingdgirl will be my guest... 9pm Eastern" "frankly", says Lacy. Surfgod says, "Thanks CG, it was an honor." "Thank you Surfgod", Chiefsgirl smiles. Surfgod says, "And, you've introduced me to this wonderful girl - Lacy... :P" Lacy blows a rasberry at surfgod Justadawg says, "now dere's class for ya..." Surfgod smiles Chiefsgirl wishes Surf and Lacy many years of happiness |