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Chiefsgirl smiles, "It starts in about 5 minutes" Poco is thinking about putting out to sea at full sail...three sheets to the wind Poco nods...Chas makes a great puppet Kammerkazi grins mischieviously.."Only when he sits on your knee without falling off...:p Poco says, "He is rather slippery" Kammerkazi rummages through his shorts and produces his inflatable sofa, throwing it to the floor, it immediately inflates...He leaps across and lands on the sofa, his left leg draped over the arm, swinging nonchalently to-and-fro. Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to the duchy review", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl says, "Every Tuesday we meet another Duke or Duchess" Chasroll asks, "You guys know all my Duchymates here? Kammy, Poo, Deva, Winkie, Koko...who else?" "Tonight we have the pleasure of Duke Chasroll being our guest", Chiefsgirl smiles. Kammerkazi wiggles his digits in the air Belgarath waves Belgarath smiles wolfishly Chasroll says, "Bel" "He'll tell us a bit about himself and his duchy and then we'll open the floor for questions and comments", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl flops down on her barstool and applauds for Chasroll Chasroll says, "OK...well about myself...." Chasroll says, "I've been playing a long long time" Chasroll says, "I'm proud of starting player-created events with mardi Gras on Bourbon...we've had three so far" Chasroll says, "I don't know if Bourbon is a unique Duchy..." Chasroll says, "but it is a total democracy" Poco says, "It has Great spiritS" Koko lifts an eyebrow at Chas.. not unique? "All major decisions are voted on.", says Chasroll. Chasroll fixes koko's eyebrow "I said I didn't know", says Chasroll with a wink. "So all new members have to be voted in...and that's painful sometimes", says Chasroll. "But it seems to work out", says Chasroll. Kammerkazi nods in agreement to Chas.. "We don't like death locations or planetary taxes", says Chasroll. Chasroll says, "but it's pretty much laissez faire from there on" Koko ACKS!! no taxes??? ooops... i gotta go fix something Chiefsgirl wonders if not liking is the same as banning them Devaberial doesn't like death locations either. "We give each PO two votes so he/she can give one to his/her own planetary assembly if they want", says Chasroll. Kammerkazi sniggers ..'just like Koko..been here for ages...aint read the manual yet.. Chasroll grins "Mostly we party Koko sticks her tongue out at Kammy Chiefsgirl perks at the party word "Manual? Oops", says Harm. Ldyemrald asks, "there's a manual?????" "We have a devlish new Duchy puzzle", says Chasroll. "manual??", asks Belgarath. Koko exclaims, "yeah yeah.. tell them about the puzzle Chas!" "It's worth a gig for the solver", says Chasroll. Belgarath says, "and extremely devilish puzzle" Chiefsgirl gasps and swoons at the thought of a gig Chiefsgirl exclaims, "goodness gracious!" "probably cost that much in time to solve it", smiles Juellippa. Chasroll says, "You need to find the "Bourbon Chronicle" on NewsStand and get the detils" "Um details", says Chasroll. Koko winks and says, "you will have to forgive Chas.. we had to learn how to read his typos" Chasroll buys you a shot of Bourbon "So far 4 planets with the meat of the puzzle, so you need to solve Each planets puzzle to get a piece of the whole thing", says Belgarath. "what typos?", asks Juellippa. Chasroll looks at his fingers sadly Nicelady is fluent in typo. Harm Types much worse than Chas Grace offers to hold Chas' typing mittens Sparhawk types nearly perfectly. "it's to find who stole the Golden Bottomless Bottle of Bourbon...and where it is", says Chasroll. Chiefsgirl is horrible at puzzles but may try it anyway Juellippa wants to touch a perfect typist..perhaps it's catching "OK...duchymates..anything to add?", asks Chasroll. Chiefsgirl asks, "Who all is here from Bourbon?" "umm...do we get to party now?", asks Kammerkazi. "You may touch my robes, Juellippa", says Poco. Belgarath has dyslexic fingers Chiefsgirl looks around the bar Chasroll grins Kammerkazi raises his hand Tbar raises hand! Koko says, "each planet puzzle leads you to the next planet and puzzle piece" "We're nice, we're friendly....people are always welcome", smiles Poo. Harm asks, "Did you tell them about our Mardi Gras night?" Belgarath raises his hand "Everyone from Bourbon...raise your glass", says Chasroll. Devaberial raises his glass. Kammerkazi smiles and passes Chas his shot glass.."Not from the bottle in public..:p Koko raises her empty glass Tbar raise glass Poo raises her hand Belgarath raises his bottle and glass Juellippa gently touches the majic robe...does it help with spelling too? Harm raised hand...sort of. Kammerkazi raises his glass.. Chasroll has given Tbar a tender tickle! "What is this Mardi Gras thing?", Chiefsgirl asks. Chasroll smiles, "harm's a Bourbonizer too" Koko asks, "how about your history in Fed Chas???" "magic robe, dear", says Poco. Chasroll asks, "Mardi Gras?" "It's a Tuesday Party in New Orleans", smiles Chasroll. Juellippa gets a pair of scissors out to go after the robe Chasroll says, "but we have it on Bourbon too" Chiefsgirl asks, "When do you have it on Bourbon?" Chasroll says, "Players write floats...and we vote for the best one...and party" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Floats?" Chiefsgirl dreams of rootbeer floats Koko says, "not the ice cream kind Chiefsgirl.. :P" "Um...when mardi Gras is...in Feb...it's a formula that counts Lent before Easter", says Chasroll. Sparhawk wants a rootbeer float. Belgarath has whippie cream "but that's a looong time from now...", says Juellippa. Nicelady has bought you a rootbeer float! Kammerkazi says, "not that kinda float..the PARADE kinda float...:p" Chiefsgirl makes a note in her calendar to attend this next mardi gras "We celebrate other holidays...nothing planned right now though", says Chasroll. Poo exclaims, "We need to plan Memorial Day, Chas!" Kammerkazi nods...it's GREAT fun.. we get to stand on the floats all day, and prance around in silly costumes..a lot like the best days of Fed ..:p Poo says, "And make it memorable" "Tell us about your history Chasroll.....how it was coming up through the ranks, memorable events and people you met", you say. "Hmmm", says Chasroll. Poco smiles, "tell them how good you were at puzzling, Chas" Poco snickers One of Chas's Bimbo's... Koko has just arrived. Koko blushes "i accidently hit O.. and couldn't find my way back in", says Koko. Kammerkazi arches an eyebrow at Koko "Well I discovered 9 different ways to die on Mars I think...I always limped into the Cantina as a JP looking for sympathy and smelling of burning oil", says Chasroll. Poco remembers the smell vividly Chasroll grins >ex chasroll (Slightly cracked) It's ChasEgg! In purple, green and gold stripes...almost artistic...did Faberge drink bourbon? "I always got sympathy from Kinelle, Asoftflame, Duckyfluf, Kissy and the other regulars back then", says Chasroll. Koko says, "Bourbon is the home of 4 outta 20 official members of the Bimbo's of Fed... Chas takes care of us" "We started the Cantina Trash one night...", says Chasroll. Devaberial thinks,'Oh gosh...not old names...gonna make me cry'... "Cantina Trash?", Chiefsgirl asks. Chasroll says, "One of the most venerable of Fed organizations" "Yep...we raided CD's and mugged Newsbot as I recall", says Chasroll. Chasroll winks and says, "Curiously, we didn't make the Fed news" "actually we will have a party just for fun at the drop of a hat [or bottle]", says Belgarath. Chiefsgirl asks, "What was your favorite rank, Chasroll?" "actually wherever 3 or more Bourbonizers is, is a party", says Belgarath. "Pianoman was a regular back then in the Cantina..we used to jam...I'd play the clarinet", says Chasroll. Kammerkazi nods and gets out the party hats in readiness Chasroll winks and says, "And Poco" Tbar yanks on the back of kammie shorts Kammerkazi blinks as his bow-tie begins to whirr, splutter and smoke. Frantically, he reaches into his shorts and finds one of his spares, quickly replacing the frazzled bow-tie with a shiny new one. "ack", says Kammerkazi. Nicelady puts a small party hat on Zia. "I'll have to send ya a poem I'm working on setting to music, Chas, and get your feedback", says Pianoman. "well...my first duchy was Virtis", says Chasroll. "Valornine's Duchy", says Chasroll. Chasroll says, "He was a great PO" Kammerkazi has bought you an a potato shaped like a well-known bodily organ, and a bodily organ shaped like a well known potato.! Bimbo sits on Chasroll's lap... can i come into the duchy yet, oh great duke? "And then Roissy", says Chasroll. Tbar exclaims, "Go Roissy!" "here's some names for ya that Chas will remember....my first duchy was Droidium, then Passion (WhosPink), then Fantasy (Unicorn777)", smiles Pianoman. Chasroll grins Chasroll says, "Then Atlantis...I was the second PO in Atlantis...Kinelle was first" Koko starts to cry at all her old buddies names Kammerkazi sighs and remembers .. "C5...Poseidon.. is a super Duke", says Chasroll. Harm asks, "When did Bourbon go duchy?" "Um..the day before 2.99 and hour stopped...two years ago...Nov. 30", says Chasroll. Kammerkazi was the first non-duke PO in Bourbon...6.5 seconds after it went from leisure to duchy.. Chasroll grins Juellippa looks around at all these ancient players "And haulnMouse was one of the originals...and Kissy", says Chasroll. Koko is startled... ancient??? Tbar twirles his cane Koko applies some more anti wrinkle cream Pianoman remembers the antics of mouse Chasroll puts his teeth in Chiefsgirl giggles Sparhawk is ancient. :) Koko exclaims, "MOuse!!! My Mom!!! I want my Mamamouse!" Poo hands Chas and Koko canes and walkers with wheels! Chasroll asks, "Um...anything I left out?" Tbar :::bites::; Chas Chasroll exclaims, "Yep...Peggysus!" Pianoman says, "there's that one obnoxious PO in Bourbon, tho" Devaberial asks, "Mousie?? Where????" Koko asks, "ummm.. are we interrupting to much Chiefsgirl? Are you getting all this?" Pianoman says, "you know....Newsstand....." Chasroll says, "My most embarassing moment in Fed" "Oh, I think it's great", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl hopes you'll all carry on Devaberial says, "Oh...we all carry on quite often..." Chiefsgirl smiles, "I've been accused of not keeping order, but I think this is much better" Koko says, "most embarassing.. oh.. this will be good" Chasroll smiles, "I was a fairly new player in the Cantina and Peggy came in and snogged me...then she looked at me and voided it" Chasroll says, "Voided snogs are rough" "voided a snog??", asks Kammerkazi. Kammerkazi hmmms Chasroll nods Sparhawk ponders. "carrying on, we a carry on, but Chiefsgirl what makes Chas such a good duke is he visits all planets", says Belgarath. Chiefsgirl wonders how to void a snog Tbar nots ya get your tongue ripped out.. carrying your intestines with it Voided Snog Chiefsgirl is impressed that Chasroll gets around "the thing to do is *a* void some snogs", smiles Poo. Kammerkazi laughs and makes a mental note to look around for a snog-voider.. "boy! does he ever get around!", exclaims Koko. Koko grins Evilly Chasroll smiles, "OK...what next?" "Chas, what do you want to see Bourbon become, in the future.", says Harm. Belgarath says, "Within a short time of me joining da duchy he toured my stills and winery" Juellippa says, "famous landmarks Bel" Chasroll says, "Well, I enjoy watching it evolve...and it'll change when the Duke code goes in...it has a life of its own" Kammerkazi says, "thats not as surprising as you might think though..Chas...touring a winery and stills..:p" Koko buys you a Flaming Bimbo - at every sip this drink leaves blonde roots, fewer braincells, and a strong penchant for shopping malls. DISCLAIMER: KoKo takes no responsibility for your behavior, stupidity, or lightness of wallet, caused by the drink! Chiefsgirl asks, "You looking forward to the duke code going in?" "I'd be interested if the ever have a player Senate...but I doubt they will", says Chasroll. Pianoman thinks that "Duke of Grand" has a nice ring to it ;) Harm wonders how much Bourbon will change when the duke puzzle does go in. I know 1 Baron who has no plans for becomming a Duke, at least not right away. Chasroll says, "I think they need to either get the code in or increase the planets Duchies can have" "I agree with that too", says Poo. Belgarath says, "Mrin fits Bourbon, no reason for me to move on" Koko says, "just cuz they get the code in, means little. The players still need to solve it to become duke, and since it will be new, noone can help them figure it out" Chasroll says, "It's not fair to be stuck in Sol...and not fun to keep telling great players "No" "as long as I can still buy rounds..I''m happy..", smiles Kammerkazi. Kammerkazi has bought you an ice cube surrounded by a glass of martini, complete with a li'l umbrella and a cherry with a long stem.! Poo smiles, "Bourbon is like a warm snog you come to from the cold and dark" Chasroll asks, "Any other questions?" "Comments?", Chiefsgirl asks. Tbar raises hand Chiefsgirl knew Tbar would have something to say Chasroll smiles, "What Tbar" "Did you tell them that no player can have more than 1 planet in Bourbon?", asks Harm. "Tis a freat duchy", says Belgarath. Chasroll says, "Very freat" "great duchy even", says Belgarath. Chasroll grins "Is the best duchy I have ever seen", says Harm. Poco asks, "We been married yet, Chas?" "yep", says Chasroll with a wink. "Oh, you're right...during Oktoberfest...no wonder I don't remember", says Poco. "The Duchy tax is 10%...most planets have no tax", says Chasroll. "I'll drop the Duchy tax when my treas maxes", says Chasroll. Chasroll says, "I keep thinking there might be a Martian invasion :0" Kammerkazi smiles, "we've always said Chas..if the martians invade..they can come to our party too.." "don't worry Chas... We'll give all those martians a peroxide treatment.. they will never come back!", exclaims Koko. "The martians come to Bourbon we will drink them under the table!", exclaims Belgarath. "that should fix them", says Juellippa. Harm says, "Or we could send them over to visit on Pleasure..............they would NEVER come back" "just hand them over to the Bimbo's", says Koko. Belgarath says, "I can see the Headlines now "Martians Soused to death"" Kammerkazi says, "Martians with peroxide har-do?..what about their street rep?..:p" Poo says, "That's a good way of getting rid of them...they'll run for the hills" Chasroll says, "martian psorosis...terrible end to a great invasion" Harm says, "Or send they to a place Faraway." Kammerkazi says, "see Chiefs...we have our battle plans set for the invasion...we plan ahead...Lots of crates, and cases have been stored in readiness" Poseidon asks, "So how goes the interview Chas ?" "Well. I said you were a great Duke...lessee...what else", says Chasroll with a wink. "Not many questions", says Chasroll with a frown. Kammerkazi says, "the overall effect is to party them into submission, and then in the morning..put them all in a cab and send them home.." Chasroll smiles, "When the Croc Dukes...Fed'll really be in trouble" Poseidon says, "Of that i have no doubt ..LOL" "I remember when he was a career Adv", says Chasroll. "Yeah, i'm not sure he wants to be a duke", says Poseidon. Harm realizes how many planets have gone over the rainbow to be with Dorothy and Toto. So many in Bourbon have changed since Cheers joined. Sparhawk would love to be a duke. Poseidon remembers Bourbon when it was an Atlantian place Chasroll says, "Yep...2nd planet in" Juellippa makes plans to check out Bourbon's party schedule and waves "And the first annual Mardi Gras parade too", says Poseidon. "Mention our web site?", asks Harm. "yes... we have our own website.. tell them Harm", says Koko. "Website ?", asks Poseidon. Chasroll says, "Yep...our website...Atlantis has one too" "What website?", Chiefsgirl asks. "website addresses plz, sirs.", says Sparhawk. "I don't have the address...Koko?", asks Chasroll. Koko says, "ummm... just a sec..." Chasroll asks, "Anything any other Duchymates would care to bring up?" Poseidon says, "mines easy <g> www2.atlantis-intl.com/atlantian :) hehe but then again no one asked me ..hehehe" "in public??..Naaaah!", exclaims Kammerkazi. Kammerkazi sniggers Harm exclaims, "I just want to say thank you for accepting me into Bourbon a year ago this weekend. And thanks for being a wonderful duke. No BS, I think you are the BEST!" Chiefsgirl wipes a tear from her eye at Harm's beautiful sentiment Koko says, "http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/8550/" "the best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be.", says Harm. "Thanks Koko...our website above", smiles Chasroll. Poseidon snickers Chasroll asks, "Area51?" Koko says, "that is Marble's website.. it has our duchy message board and info there" Tbar says, "Atlantis ... one of -the- finest sites on the web" "And a Fed chat room.", says Harm. Chasroll says, "I'd like to get your Bourbon artwork on our site...if it still exists...C5" Poseidon blushes but you cant tell cause he is a fish "tell everyone again to come try the 1 gig puzzle...!!!", exclaims Kammerkazi. Poseidon doesnt know if it is still around, will have to take a look "1 gig puzz???", asks Urquan. Chasroll nods Chasroll says, "Yep...multi planet Duchy puzz" Chasroll says, "Goto NewsStand and read the paper" Chasroll smiles, "Thanks for having us Chiefsgirl...it was a great excuse to get together" "Thank you for being our guest tonight, Chasroll", Chiefsgirl smiles. Poseidon laughs, Just went to the Area 51 website, forgot i did that and couldnt figure out what the noise was Chiefsgirl thought it was great fun Koko nods in agreement with Chas... we have been missing each other lately.. this was a good way to see everyoe at once again "You could all see each other every tuesday night, same place same time", you say with a wink. "everyone back to Bourbon for a nightcap?", asks Kammerkazi. Koko says, "don't worry.. you will grow hair.. and it will grow in platinum blonde" "My race does not even HAVE hair...i doubt it.", says Urquan. "Bourbon nightecap?", asks Belgarath. "Where is the party moving to?", Chiefsgirl asks. Chasroll says, "Bourbon 10 I guess" Kammerkazi nods and points across to Bourbon.. "ok... to bourbon 10 we go...", says Koko. Kammerkazi fumbles in his shorts and quickly produces his folding, "go-anywhere" black-hole. He throws it to the floor, jumps in and disappears. The hole closes and you are left wondering what it is that you have just witnessed. "Be right there, harm can not port", says Harm with a frown. Chiefsgirl can't port either Koko says, "the lp is the 10" Koko says, "i have been in this duchy for a long time, and i'm glad to see Chas getting some spotlight" "he means a lot to all of us", says Koko. "He's nice", Chiefsgirl smiles. Koko waves as she goes off to bourbon to join her boys Chiefsgirl used to trade in Bourbon |