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Sloan says, "I'm not from Stadium..." "Me neither", Chiefsgirl says with a wink. Flee says, "you could come to sloan, and you too CG, we could hot tub instead" "that sounds good to me", says Jeffrey. Chiefsgirl thinks fondly of a hot tub Chiefsgirl shuffles more papers and prepares for the evening Chiefsgirl passes around the popcorn and peanuts "Wow, Merchants, I didn't know Merchants were still around!!", exclaims Davion. Davion looks at the Merchants in disbelief. "merchant! who? where?", asks Jeffrey. Rukiddingm says, "Ah, but be nice to us, cause our parents maybe people of importance...." Davion smiles, "I am being nice, I didnt think there was anyone under the rank of GM left" "Has anyone bought a drink for the kind Duke who is spending time here to enlighten us, rather that being at home in bed in his own Duchy?", asks Icequeen. Davion says, "Well, I was planning on trying to bribe him to let my planet in to his duchy, and I figured a drink is kinda cheap." "So Duke Flee, any open slots in your Duchy?", asks Davion. "Good evening everyone and welcome to CD's and the Fed Duchy Review", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl says, "This takes place every Tuesday evening at 9pm EDT with a different guest every night" Chiefsgirl says, "tonight's guest is Duke Flee of Stadium" Chiefsgirl smiles, "I'll let him tell you a bit about his history and duchy and then he can field questions and comments" Chiefsgirl applauds for Duke Flee Chiefsgirl carefully climbs off her barstool and plops down Flee says, "thank you Chiefsgirl:-))" "well i started to play federation about 2.5 years ago", says Flee. "when Aol used to charge hourly rates, yack", says Flee. "I bet it did'nt cost as much as it does now.", says Sloan. "i must say that i got addicted to federation very fast at that time", says Flee. Ibunyc calculates how long he's played Chiefsgirl nods and listens Flee says, "it took me a very long time to make merchant,and hated trader the most" "trader, at that time took about 6 weeks to get past:-(", says Flee. Flee says, "a very friendly player, named Japresnik, finally helped me past trader" "he is one of my heroes in Fed", says Flee. "ok 1.5 years", says Ibunyc. Flee says, "i flew through merchant to JP in about 10 days" "then DD on thanksgiving day, 2 years ago:-((", says Flee. "again, Japresnik came to my rescue and helped me get back to merchant that day", says Flee. Abiqu asks, "dont you hate it when that happens?" "have never dd'd", says Ldypanther. "i dded twice", says Ibunyc. "am to slick", says Ldypanther. "me neither", Chiefsgirl says. "that was a 10 hour battle", says Flee. Chiefsgirl knocks on wood "then i met up with a great friend named Haralon at JP", says Flee. Flee says, "we spent endless hours trying to make enough groats to buy stats to attempt the JP puzzle" Flee says, "around that time i met up with Aldva, Duke of Backdraft" "he is my Brother in Federation", says Flee. "that was the funnest time in federation,...", says Flee. "all of the JP puzzle attempts, at that time ya had to complete the puzzle to get a planet", says Flee. "one day we spent 6 hours on one thwarted attempt", says Flee. Flee says, "that day , I almost quit fed for good:-(" "but then 2 weeks later, i completed the JP puzzle and started my rise as a po", says Flee. Flee says, "Stadium, popped around a few duchies, until it found a home in Backdraft with Aldva and Dawn" "there it labored as a Squire for months", says Flee. Flee says, "Stadium was an agri planet for almost 6 months, hated that rank" Chiefsgirl nods Flee says, "while in Backdraft, I took on several Planet owners that became very loyal to me" "and now some are po's in stadium", says Flee. "On good Friday a year ago, Stadium went Duchy:-)", says Flee. Chiefsgirl applauds for Flee's anniversary just past "and now it is made up of planet that came from stadium as FO's", says Flee. Flee says, "or from players that grew up in Stadium as traders, merchants, etc" Flee says, "we all hang out together in Stadium, and have fun all of the time, we are a very social Duchy" Flee says, "and very friendly to newbods" Ikspec whispers something to Flee about porting on Stadium. Flee says, "I have had the great opportunity to make alot of great friends in Federation, alot of which now are Dukes or Duchesses themselves" Flee says, "So I have ties with alot of other Duchies" "the only thing I miss now that I am a Duke, is the time to get out into federation and meet more new friends", says Flee. Flee says, "as i spend most of my time there now:-))" "<<<has spent a lot of time on Belle in Backdraft, now looking forward to visiting Stadium since you have deemed it safe...", says Rukiddingm. Flee says, "well I dont think everyone came here to listen to me ramble" Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone have any questions for Duke Flee?" "we didn't", says Jeffrey. Mrsfrogge says, "i did" Flee says, "so I will open the floor to CG for questions" Ibunyc says, "i like backdraft" Chiefsgirl loves Backdraft cause that's home Ibunyc says, "ok ...is being duke boring>" "BD is a great Duchy too", says Flee. Bababooie Thinks all Duchys with Al and Dawn are Great ;) Flee says, "is Duke boring??hmmm" Ibunyc says, "you know with no EX" Flee says, "yes it is boring sometimes" Flee says, "but i do like the interaction with players there too" "we don't give Flee time to get bored", says Mrsfrogge. "ok", says Ibunyc. "it is more of a social rank", says Flee. "What keeps it exciting for you Flee?", Chiefsgirl asks. Flee says, "helping out new po's with their planets" Ikspec asks, "Oh I got a question whats your porter adress going to be afer this thing ?" Flee says, "and the occasion role playing we do there:-)" Ikspec gigles. Chiefsgirl asks, "We'll come back to the role playing aspect, but what about Sloan's question?" Flee asks, "sorry what was sloans??" Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have a defense fleet or are you starting one?" Sloan nods to Chief's girl. Flee says, "no, I dont see a need for one for some time" "the invasion code wont come in for years", says Flee. Chiefsgirl thinks Sloan is volunteering for the army "no, we cant build up armies yet", says Flee. "Hey, ive been place ive been places....", says Sloan. Flee asks, "We have no need to fight in Stadium??" Sloan says, "Ive been Chez's Servant, served in The National Guard, sold vaccuums, Played pianos for a living," Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any rules in your duchy, Flee?" "and what an honorable post that must be sloan:-)", says Flee. "yes we have several rules...", says Flee. Flee says, "absolutely no taxes" "no piles under 3k", says Flee. "no death spots for newbies to find by accident", says Flee. "no art facs", says Flee. "we also offer free facs to all", says Flee. Icequeen raises hand to ask question... Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes, Icequeen?" "yes Ice:-)", says Flee. "Duke Flee, do guide you PO's in their planet development, or just let them advance as they see fit?", asks Icequeen. Flee says, "that all depends on there activity, i help those that are willing to help themselves" Flee says, "i do suggest builds for them to do" Flee says, "and help them set up their exchanges too" "even help the squires with builds sometimes:-)", says Flee. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you require a certain level of activity from your PO's?" "I do try to teach them how to make more profits", says Flee. "no i dont, just that they do stay active, no set requirements", says Flee. Flee says, "i will suggest staying at a rank for a time period though" Flee says, "that will benefit the Duchy and that planet as well" Chiefsgirl asks, "So, to get back to the role playing aspect, how important is it to you and Stadium that you get role play activity from your PO's?" "oh it is a very important aspec of a duchy", says Flee. Flee says, "that is how alliances are formed and friendships too" "we often have pool parties, weddings and other such social activities", says Flee. "we love to play games and have fun, that is what fed is all about, fun", says Flee. Chiefsgirl enjoys weddings and pool parties Flee says, "we play boggle pc's from time to time" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions?" Chiefsgirl has some of her own "What's trading like right now in Stadium?", Chiefsgirl asks. "it is very slow, other than po's generally", says Flee. Flee says, "no newbods to trade much, havent given a pc's in months:-(" Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have a good balance or are you top-heavy like everyone else?" Flee says, "but all commods sell great, agri to leisures" "yes we had to make some changes to help out the new po's coming to stadium", says Flee. Danny asks, "Has anyone else noticed that everyone in Fed right now's a PO?" Chiefsgirl nods Flee says, "we do have about 6 leisures, but also have about 6 agri too" Chiefsgirl is impressed with so many agris Flee says, "several mining and 2 indy and 1 tech" "one more tommorrow", says Jeffrey with a wink. Danny says, "Pretty soon everyone'll be Dukes." Chiefsgirl laughs Danny says, "Well, everyone but me. I'm doomed to be a Squire forever." "too many duchies dont believe that the lower ranked players is what makes fed run smoothly", says Flee. Danny says, "But oh well, a planet's a planet." "and duchies too", says Flee. Flee says, "fed is all out of balance right now, and that is really hurting us all:-(" Chiefsgirl nods "fed is probably doomed unless new players don't start to join...", says Jeffrey. "well its getting better fee", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "flee" "and i fear it will only get worse when the duke puzzle comes back", says Flee. "i saw 2 haulers tonight", says Ibunyc. "How do you view the new WebFed and it's activity?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Then they should lower the bloody prices.", says Sloan. Flee says, "yes it is getting better, but 2 haulers, how many need goods moved right now" Flee says, "Webfed is dying slowly i think" "haulers used to outnuber pos", says Jeffrey. "I remember when POs were the upper class, now POs are the only class.", says Danny. "but since p2p has started, it is picking up, but it is overloaded with ranked players", says Flee. Chiefsgirl asks, "What do you think should be done to change that, Flee?" "oh my ideas of fed are not mainstreamed at all", says Flee. Flee says, "fed will not rebound til the remove many planets" Sloan says, "IF we wanted to hear mainstream we would'nt be hear! GIve us your opinion.." "Back in the good old days when I was a Captain you looked up to POs. Now there's no Captains. And if there was, there are so many POs what would there be to look up to?", asks Danny. Chiefsgirl asks, "Remove planets? How?" "they need to slow the number of players making po, and make it harder to attain, so players will stick with fed", says Flee. "And people are so Generous that when they reach Captain they gets lots of money and move up fast.", says Sloan. Danny says, "As long as you don't remove Raptorian I'm fine with it" Flee says, "they need to start a federation2 or something to move some out" Alwods says, "I say...put ranks past duke..." Flee says, "or wipe out in active players altogether" Danny says, "I'm active, so I'm fine with it." "there has to be something else...", says Alwods. "more ranks would be nice, but that wont make more newbods??", asks Flee. "If you make Squire the equilivant of an Trader..", says Sloan. Alwods exclaims, "money to play...limits newbods!" "I wouldn't be willing to shell out 12 dollars...for a game I have never played...", says Alwods. Danny says, "I need sugestions on how to balance the Fed heirarchy." "Flee for Emperor!", exclaims Sloan. Alwods says, "maybe once they have the free trial thing...if they do it..." Ibunyc says, "here here" Flee says, "and i think they should offer bonus credits for players that are more active" "Alwods it does limit newbods but what do ya suggest they make fed free IB needs to earn a living some how and I dont think 60 cents a hour is unreasonable", says Ikspec. Alwods says, "ikspec that isn't what I was saying at all..." "Simutronics is 10 95 a month.", says Sloan. Helga has just arrived. "and it has 100s of 10000s of players.", says Sloan. Danny says, "60 cents an hour is a good rate. If it were still on AOL it'd be $1.99/hour." Flee says, "right now fed is kinda like an unknown video in the store" Mrsfrogge asks, "2.95 on aol..right?" Flee says, "nobody is willing to put out $$ for something unknown" Sloan says, "Theres games better den Fed (in certain ways) and are only 9 bucks a MONTH." Alwods says, "that is what I was getting at flee..." "Good point, Flee, I'll add that.", says Danny. Ikspec says, "Sloan Alan Lenton said himself that fed isn't a game that was designed to be unlimited it just doesn't work" Sloan says, "Here, you gotta be fairly smart..." "yes, that is what got us in the spot we are in now", says Flee. Chiefsgirl agrees with Ikspec Flee says, "it unbalanced federation" Alwods exclaims, "maybe it wasn't meant to be free...but it was more fun then!" "I mean, you think theres some idiots here....Take a walk in Simutronics.", says Sloan. Jeffrey thinks the situation on AOL was much better "made it too easy to earn ranks", says Flee. "you are right flee...", says Alwods. "More fun for who?", Chiefsgirl asks. "and this new gm hauling only 5000tns...doesn't help!", exclaims Alwods. "with no investment, many lost respect for others and the game too", says Flee. "Yer jus jealous.", says Sloan. Ibunyc says, "lol alwods" Ibunyc says, "you would t say that if you were a gm" Mrsfrogge thinks CC's now will help Flee says, "for instance, when fed cost us hundreds of $$ to play, we valued it all" Chiefsgirl nods in agreement with Flee Flee says, "then it went free and players treated it as such" "Yes Unlimted was horrible..A merchant needs to make a certain amount of profit in 10 days to promote He can stay on 24/7 Gee I wonder how in the world he can promote", says Ikspec. "like it was disposable", says Flee. Flee says, "and it went macroland too, no interaction at all" Mrsfrogge thinks it can work both ways.. "that took fed away from the social aspect of the game and RPing", says Flee. Mrsfrogge came on in AOL.. didn't macro.. got hooked on fed Elwoodd thinks getting out of merchanthood is gonna cost a lot of credits. Chiefsgirl has never used a macro "but alot of players did, it was free and it made more groats that ways too", says Flee. Chiefsgirl thinks this is probably why she never works and only socializes Rukiddingm is very confused, since no one can win this game, why the big rush to get to Duke/Duchess, I am here for the fun of it...think we just need a few more months to get back to the way it used to be? Nukem won ... several times ;'] "i see a future of fed where the lower ranks promote by how much they ...and how well they seve the higher ranks .....::::::hopes to god he doesnt DD after saying that:::::", says Ibunyc. "but the damage is already done, too top heavy now", says Flee. Ikspec nods to Flee and says "Aol going unlimited caused most of the inflation we have today" Danny says, "So, before I go off to document this for the Fed News, give me some suggestions as to what IbGames can do to fix this." "I don't know if they can fix it!", exclaims Alwods. Nukem slips Flee a list of 'to do things' "but inflation brought a wealth of thew new players", says Jeffrey. Elwoodd asks, "knock all the POs back to adventurer?" Rukiddingm asks, "So, Duke Flee, does that mean we should have new, higher ranks, to resettled Fed space?" Sloan asks, "Knock all the adventureres to POs?" "set up the maritan code ;) hehehe", says Alwods. Sloan says, "That'll solve the class system." Alwods winks and says, "martian even" "and most of the new players arent playing now", says Flee. "yeah! switch all the POs with the adventurers", says Elwoodd. "Maybe make a way that you could lose a planet? Through invasions or war or something....", Chiefsgirl says. Sloan says, "I think they should destroy all those worthless planets in one massive invasion." Flee says, "yes that would also make players be more active too" "Set all current dukes to arch dukes .. and the rest are where they fall ::::Blast::::", says Nukem. "kill all the barons...", says Helga with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Flee winks to Nukem, yeah so we could just blast planets as we see fit Nukem nods at Flee "Jeffrey it did bring alot of new players alot of them I'm a nav I was on 1 when they came in about 3/4 of them quit after 5 minutes", says Ikspec. Alwods says, "how bout...get rid of planet if po doesn't edit after a certain amount of time after purchase..." Sloan says, "Have their be more to advancin then Money. Like various ways to gain various ranks." "like explode japresto, instead of expel japresto", says Flee. Nukem is Flee assistant Alwods says, "get rid of those bland planets..." "Like someone can join the Army and Make Grand Admiral instead of Duke.", says Sloan. "implement the death star?", asks Elwoodd. "Well I'll see ya all later. If I'm as good a writer as people say you might see one of your quotes in the Fed News next week.", says Danny with a wink. "Wait a min., I dont like the sound of that, I want a Warships.", says Davion. "Flee I dont think ya should use that Order thing it's too court like and well last time I remember ya weren't too fond of courts.", says Ikspec. Flee hits da explode neverland button Jeffrey asks, "curious, flee what did tbar do that makes you angry whenever he shows or comes up?" "actually Tbar is a great guy, took me along time to get to know him well though", says Flee. Helga asks, "Who is Tbar?" Flee says, "we just play games to have fun with each other is all:-)" "RPing", says Flee. Rukiddingm looks around to see if anyone from Neverland is here... Flee says, "Tbar=Tbarculosis" Nukem slips Flee a note : Need duchy for great planet Atom Chiefsgirl thinks back to a certain duke's wedding/trial Rukiddingm says, "Don't worry Duke, this group would never hurt a Flee." Nukem know how Flee became Flee cuz Tbar was Flee first Flee asks, "yes that makes me unhappy, calling me Flee when i was MMOff??" "but we like Flee now ..", smiles Nukem. Flee asks, "hard to be Dukely with Flee in your title??" "Hehe I'm talking with a old fed friend of mine who left when we moved I think she's coming back!", exclaims Ikspec. Flee asks, "or is that Dukeflee??" "NO.. not hard to be duke .... Flee is a great name", says Nukem. Ikspec grins. Jeffrey asks, "how'd you go to flee w/ mmoff?" "It wasn't meant to insult, I have only been in Fed for 10mos. and don't know your history (hangs head in shame).", says Rukiddingm. "Tbar was name of Flee first... then MMoff made the same error.. lol", says Nukem. "i was MMoff39264 on aol fed, then came here as MMOff", says Flee. Flee says, "then when they stopped beta i got stuck with Flee" "oh duke of stadium ... didnt that used to be in backdraft ?>", says Ibunyc. "i used to trade there", says Ibunyc. "yes for a long time, aldva and I are brothers", says Flee. Ibunyc recalls his earl fed life Helga asks, "Wasn't Stadium in Seabright at one time, long ago?" Mrsfrogge says, "hmmmmm" "You were an Earl", says Sloan. "dawn, JJ , aldva, are all friends", says Flee. Ibunyc asks, "RL brothes ?" "i think stadium was in seabright at first, cant recall", says Flee. Flee says, "no fed brothers, for years now" Nukem says, "Bacdraft was in Starfinder .. now that is history.. hehe" Flee says, "was in passion abit too, i think" Flee says, "when aldva went duke, i went ot backdraft for good" Rukiddingm asks, "Do you have any sisters Duke Flee?" "any other questions before i head out myself??", asks Flee. Nukem says, "ya ... you gonna take my planet ;']" Nukem is Flee protector "you agri nukem??", asks Flee. Flee chuckles Nukem says, "no .. I'm super Leisure" Flee says, "if in i recall correctly, atom was in the best duchy in fed for sometime<g>" "yea ... dat Stupid Tbar kicked me out", says Nukem. Nukem :( Jeffrey chuckles Flee says, "Tbar ...Duke of Stadium????LOL" Rukiddingm says, "LOL" Nukem says, "oh ... that time.. lol" Nukem says, "oops" Chiefsgirl feels her head start to spin Flee pulls out some of Nukem's grey hairs Nukem says, "oh well .. hehe .. seems I perked it up for a time for sure" "now if ya gots a spot for a mining planet, we could work something out", says Flee. "who me .. I got spots?", asks Nukem. Nukem looks in mirror at tongue Chiefsgirl climbs back up on her barstool and clears her throat "I want to thank you all for coming tonight and thank Duke Flee for spending time with us", Chiefsgirl says. Flee says, "no trouble at all, come to stadium to c me anytime" "Remember, duchy review is every Tuesday evening at 9pm EDT", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl doesn't know who her guest is next week so watch the board next Tuesday for a post Flee waves to everyone "thanks for coming:-)", says Flee. Chiefsgirl climbs down from her barstool Chiefsgirl gets out her broom and starts cleaning up |