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"who is guesting?", asks Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl says, "Oh, Baron Jonathan will be here shortly" Controversial Wood... Jonathan has just arrived. Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to welcome you all to the duchy review" "Every Tuesday night at 9pm we meet another duke or duchess of Fed", Chiefsgirl says. "Tonight we have the pleasure of having someone that's in the planning stages of their future duchy", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Baron Jonathan of Corf" Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and sinks onto her barstool "Thank you, Chiefsgirl", smiles Jonathan. Chiefsgirl sips her drink and settles down to listen to Jonathan "I started playing fed quite a long time ago...persistent and with some absences... but always staying on a long range course...", says Jonathan. "My first business contacts were in the duchy of Rainbow, when I became a proud factory owner on Connor...", says Jonathan. "I followed Connor from Rainbow to Honalee until Connor became a Duchy...", says Jonathan. "I have been a practicing PO in Connor fer quite sometime...and have learned many things", smiles Jonathan. Jonathan says, "That is a very short and quick Bio of my history in Fed..." Chiefsgirl asks, "What type of duchy are you planning to have?" Jonathan says, "Currently I am working on some economic theories...which I plan to continue into a Duchy someday..." "The theory in practice is called Supply Chain Optimization...", says Jonathan. Chiefsgirl asks, "Can you explain it?" Jonathan smiles, "In which you model everything from suppliers to vendors..." Chiefsgirl works good with examples "Can I have some examples please?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Every economic entity has suppliers and vendors...yes i will give examples", smiles Jonathan. Tbar asks, "How are you going to handle Fed politics Jonathan?" Jonathan smiles, "and more importantly customers!" Windy winks and says, "More importantly, do you follow the beliefs of Tbar here, or those of OnyxGod?" "Shall I finish supply chain first or switch to politics?", smiles Jonathan. Chiefsgirl says, "Oh, let's do the supply chain" Windy couldn't help but ask ;) "I was geared up for that", Chiefsgirl says. Windy smiles, "Although politics are much more exciting to talk about.." Tbar points to tatto "Make Love not Groats" "If you look at company and its relation to planet...or a planet and its relation to a duchy...or a duchy to the entire fed economy... you are looking at different levels of aggregation", smiles Jonathan. Jonathan says, "an fo is concerned with the inputs to his facs and the sales price of his commods on the market..." act looks up aggregation in her dictionary Chiefsgirl looks up aggregation in her dictionary "i think you mean aggrevation", says Dead. Sparhawk says, "no, the word is aggregation." Yoda winks and says, "Aggregation? Why i'll aggregate you!!!" "...that can be optimized for a higher level of return...but prolly only by considering analysis of the duchy the planet is located in...", smiles Jonathan. "A PO can definitely swing profits by positioning his exchange to a Duchy composite balance...", smiles Jonathan. Chiefsgirl gets the idea Chiefsgirl boggles that Jonathan has thought of all this Chiefsgirl asks, "Ok, so how do you feel about the political side of things?" Jonathan winks and says, "By analyzing constraints and material lead times ... on ta politics" Jonathan says, "I beleive in helping folks in Federation...which provides a premise for policy" "Policy ... ummmm .. sounds like rules to me ;']", says Tbar. "You're quick tbar", says Cfpmike with a wink. Jonathan smiles, "Politically speaking... I would encourage all to help others to the best of their ability..." "but not require it Tbar", says Jonathan with a wink. "What about dumping and these little wars?", Chiefsgirl asks. Tbar asks, "what's rule one for Corf?" "Cooperation and coordination ... are very helpful...and thanks for the lead-in Chiefsgirl", smiles Jonathan. Chiefsgirl nods and smiles "p'haps dumping would be advantageous to a correctly positioned duchy...", says Jonathan. Jonathan says, "but I am against dumping on the principle that it may hurt players..." Chiefsgirl feels her head spin "What about if two of your duchy members are in a fight? What would you do if they were too hard headed to let it be resolved?", asks Yoda. "Did I miss rule 1?", asks Tbar. Chiefsgirl wonders about duchies with fighting "If the matter could not be resolved internally...I would help resolve the situation as a last resort...but I would expect them to work it out first", smiles Jonathan. "I just leave them alone .. let them fight it out .. best man (oops) wins ;']", says Tbar. Jonathan says, "I would try and encourage Duchy members to have a passion..." "Economics, politics, tactics, exploring, puzzling, strategy...whatever their interests are", smiles Jonathan. Dead says, "you mean like the legacy, shade, and backdraft planet members, i know most of them to be bestest friends" Myangel whispers ...wrong passion cg ;) Tbar asks, "Any thought to a theme Jonathan .. for the duchy?" Jonathan smiles, "yes i would like all members to work together as friends, Dead" Chiefsgirl hums the brady bunch theme Yoda asks, "What about evil ones that like to mess with their duchymates minds?" "but if their choosing was something they wanted to excell in ... i would respect that too", says Jonathan. Jonathan smiles, "a theme...to progress yourself in the fashion that fits you best, Tbar" Jonathan has bought you a choose yer pleasure! Jonathan smiles, "Any other questions? or ones that I missed?" "Which is better, Pepperoni or sausage jon", smiles Cfpmike. Smurfy says, "what do you think about players that have or use controversial names..." "Why not have them both? unless yer a veggie", says Jonathan with a wink. "Which came first? The chicken or the egg?", asks Yoda. Tbar makes a check mark next to JOnathans first politic's statement "A players name is part of their chosen character...That is their choice", smiles Jonathan. Chiefsgirl asks, "How anxiously are you awaiting the duke puzzle, Jonathan?" "will be intressting to see your planet status. agri to leisure and the %", says Lookout. "Jon .. whould you consider a players 'name' when they apply for your duchy?", asks Tbar. "I am not anxious about the Duke puzzle at all... I have never been in a hurry to promote but rather experience...", smiles Jonathan. Jonathan smiles, "No, I would consider their attributes through an interview and recommendations" "how bout when you were fighting for sol jobs, were you in a hurry then to promote?..hehee", says Cficare. "Let's say ya have a player who attempts ta DD another character in the game, do you intervene or let that person play his game his way,even though it may reflect on yer duchy?", asks Montag. Yoda asks, "yeah! What would ya do?" Tbar does consider the name ..... a lot .. its like a lable Jonathan winks and says, "I was rather a metholodical progressor Cfi... but I was fast!" "hmm... umm... gimme a controversial players name...", says Smurfy. Tbar hands Smurfy a 'Bitch" "I was joking, the experience is very important..", smiles Cficare. "A person from my duchy that DD's gets booted... I do not beleive in hurting other players", says Jonathan. Bizcarp smiles, "Try Bitch Smurf" Yoda exclaims, "Bitch!" "lets say "cpn" requests entry into your duchy.... YOU have only heard good things about her..... your duchy folk have hug dead heard bad things.... what do you do?", asks Smurfy. "What about a planets name? Would you take that into consideration??", asks Yoda. Jonathan smiles, "If Bitch is in char...and has good attributes...I do not see why she shouldnt have a fair chance...given that she has some chosen talents to progress" Tbar takes planet name into consideration .. a lot .. "I would still interview... but the current duchy members opinions would be considered", says Jonathan. "ok... use bitch as an example....", says Smurfy. Tbar laughs ... duchy memeber opinons? Yoda asks, "Jon! Would a planets name be taken into consideration for entry?" Montag says, "Let's not talk about Bitch, she gets enough air when she ~is~ around" "you won't ever get anything done in a timely fashion ;']", says Tbar. Chiefsgirl asks, "Ok, Jonathan....how important is role play to you, for your duchy?" "A Duke .. needs to be Duke ...", says Tbar. "Corf is named after a castle I was born a few miles away from...", says Jonathan. Smurfy asks, "hmm... ok... so if 'Bitch wanted into your duchy.... and portrayed her "traits" as such to take over deisels job (if i am not mistaken), how would you prgess?" "A king needs to be a king", Chiefsgirl says with a wink. "I think RP is important to develop your character... but the extent of RP is up to the player...", smiles Jonathan. "If they don't know how to beg and grovel ... don't accept them into you duchy ;']", says Tbar. Jonathan says, "Rather a thin Bio, Smurfy" Yoda winks and says, "I don't beg!!! Grovel yes but never beg!!!" "Did you polish my ship this week Yoda?", asks Tbar. Yoda winks and says, "ACtually i think That Admiralrose did!" "ok... I just hate a dirty ship ..", says Tbar. Tbar smiles, "See... a planet name like Byte .. and player name like Tron .. good combination... that is they type I would let in my duchy" Tron wonders when..;) "forget the duchy opinion thing ;']", says Tbar. "The point is I would look deeper than player name and planet name...", smiles Jonathan. Yoda winks and says, "or a player like Yoda and a planet like dagobah!" "deeper ...... ewwwww I like that", smiles Tbar. "a name like Baddbutt .. won't make it ;']", says Tbar. Yoda asks, "Baddbutt?" Yoda winks and says, "why not?" Chiefsgirl chokes on her drink Tbar says, "Smelliebutt won't get in either ;']" Sparhawk asks, "Frownbutt?" "But what if the planet's name was hemmaroid or something that goes with the butt?", Chiefsgirl asks. "what about Bigbutt?", asks Yoda. "no hemmaroid either .... ;']", says Tbar. "What about Buttinasling, overlord of Introuble", says Montag. Jonathan smiles, "I would have to know more, butt ya nebber know" Tbar already turned down Bubblebutt Tron says, "I don't know, I have see rude names with nice people attatched to em and I've seen nice names with rude people attatched to them also." Chiefsgirl nods in agreement with Tron Jonathan smiles, "Exactly, Tron" Tbar does not take chances ;'] Sparhawk just is a name w/ a planet. :) "no badbutt's ;']", says Tbar. Bizcarp agrees that a rude name does not help ya if you are nice...LOL Tron nods in agreement with Biz. Jonathan says, "Does make you wonder, I spose" Jonathan sighs "you claim that you would interview.. ask your fellow duchy residents thier opinion... you also stated, you would inquire about their goals and inspirations... correct?", asks Smurfy. Tron says, "Whats in a name? hehee" Sparhawk says, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." "Yes, I would, Smurfy", smiles Jonathan. "Well.. to be honest .. there is a lot in a name ...", says Tbar. Tbar says, "name here means a lot .." "it's not like your parents 'named' you ...", says Tbar. "here .. you had choice ...", says Tbar. Montag asks, "A lot in a name?? Does not a rose by any other name smell as sweet?" "There is a conscientious decision in naming, agreed", says Jonathan. "ok, lets take bitch again.... most of feds knows or knows of her... also, most of fed knows or has heard... she plans to take over diesel's "job".. how would you handle the situation..?", asks Smurfy. Tbar says, "So .. aperson who picks a name such a 'Bitch' .. is saying somthing .. and that something I'm not willing to deal with as a duchy member .." Montag asks, "Or in the case of Fed, an Admiralrose by any other name smell as sour?" "MY duchy has a reputation ... I don't want to be associated with a "Bitch" ;']", says Tbar. Smurfy asks, "so, tbar... you PRE-judge characters... solely on name?" Jonathan says, "I would point out that Diesel is preprogrammed...and that there is no real benefit in that pursuit" "take my rl name Spike, now if you heard that name, you would expect to meet a country bumpkin, right? Well I am just that..hehee", says Tron. "correct me if i am wrong.. but she has done QUITE well... in her endevors...", says Smurfy. Tbar says, "Rl don't count ..." Tbar says, "the is FED ..." Jonathan says, "You pick a player name as a char..." "If your name was Spike in real life, you're a bucktooth long haired hick", says Pico. Tbar says, "when you pick a name suchy as "Slimer" .. don't even bother to apply to Neverland ;']" Smurfy asks, "you said you would tell her there was not much direction in that course of action... meaning she would not get far (?). how can Chiefsgirl says that when she in fact HAS done well so far..?" "Does anyone else have any questions or comments for Jonathan?", Chiefsgirl asks. Jonathan asks, "But to what means Smurfy?" "Jonathan ... I wish you the best .. and much sucess", says Tbar. "I spose I would want more substance to char...", says Jonathan. "done well.... she already has planet.. she already has done 2 builds... i understand she has enuf to do 4 more... and has had planet for less than a week...", says Smurfy. "Anybody can throw groats between characters and do well Smurfy.", says Montag. Bizcarp says, "so does everyones alt..." Jonathan says, "A thinly exploited and narrowly defined niche...with no future prospects" Montag says, "That's no accomplishment." Smurfy says, "ok, so you dismiss her as an alt then?..." "so how do you feel about alt's within the duchies?", asks Smurfy. Chiefsgirl wonders how Bitch became the big topic tonight Bizcarp chuckles at Smurfy...you think she's not????? Note her reaction when Chiefsgirl asks:) "alts has surfaced for the first time...", smiles Jonathan. "I would want a player's primary char in the duchy... (big surprise)", says Jonathan. Smurfy says, "biz, i have not hadmuch opportunity to talk with her... so i reserve judgement" "I dunno, Smurfy seems ta be pressing the Bitch issue, he's a big fan a hers", says Montag. "Indeed, Smurfy, the more info the better...", smiles Jonathan. "I guess its like having abandon houses in your neighborhood..if you want it quiet, thats the way to go with alts..", says Tron. Smurfy says, "i am merely trying to ascertain the way jonathan runs or will run his duchy..." "I would require more info...on philosophy...and other attributes, Smurfy", smiles Jonathan. Montag asks Diesel to confiscate Smurfy's "Bitch for Emporer" sign. Smurfy says, "jonathan... one last question..." Montag asks, "Suppose a person has more than one primary character?" "if you have a struggling po.. who obtained a bad roll... but does what he can to try to help his planet.... what would you do..?", asks Smurfy. "One is usually played more than another, Montag", smiles Jonathan. "Help the player as much as I could...a bad roll can be overcome ... I would encourage other PO's to help as well...the PO may have a very good roll upon promotion which others may benefit from", smiles Jonathan. Chiefsgirl smiles, "And I want to thank you for being our guest tonight Jonathan" |