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REVIEW with KAIPANTHER, Baron of Kis |
Chiefsgirl blinks and tries to wake up Blaze sits on Bart's lap and waits for the show ta start. "what show??", asks Kayla. "Kayla, CG's weekly interview thingie", smiles Blaze. "More like my weekly free-for-all", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "She does hers Live...takes guts lol", says Blaze. Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to Fed's duchy review which is now called Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Tonight we have a special guest in Kaipanther", says Chiefsgirl. Blaze peers in Kai, "There's a special guest in him?" Chiefsgirl says, "We've also are holding it at a special time and we thank Bart for hosting it on Boomtown" Kaipanther gives Blaze a roguish wink, "There's lots of special things in da Pirate Prince ;) Chiefsgirl smiles, "Our guest will tell us a bit about himself and his history and then we'll field questions and comments from the crowd" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds for Kai Kaipanther ponders, "Hmmm.." "well, I started in Fed about 3 years ago when it was still Beta.", says Kaipanther. "Although This version of Panther is only a year and a half or so old", says Kaipanther. "I've never been in a hurry to promote, because I am one of those folks who think theirs more to Fed then just hauling", says Kaipanther. Blaze notes that Kai doesnt know the meaning of the word haul ;) "And, I have no plans to promote to Duke. I'm too lazy as it is now =p", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther grins at Blaze Kaipanther says, "She'd know =p" Bartholomew says, "Yeah, like dukes hafta be energetic =P" Chiefsgirl wonders if this hauling thing is a new concept she missed "Although I've been around a long time, I've kinda kept to myself. Blaze is probably the only one left who remembers me from early Fed", says Kaipanther. Vili smiles, "wow blaze, didn't know you were that old" "over a year ago or so, I broke my knee and learned ya couldn't haul without walking so I started hanging around bars alot", says Kaipanther. "As old as Shaver, Vili", says Blaze with a wink. "it was during that time that Asoftflame and myself hatched a idea for a goofy fanzine to send to some freinds.", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther says, "over a year later and 62 issues its became something far beyond anything I could have dreamed up back then." Kaipanther winks and says, "which, pretty much brings us to the presant" Kaipanther left out the details of his pre UG history because he dosn't want to embarse certin ladies ;) "wow, so how many subscribe to the fanzine?", asks Vili. "last count was close to 400", says Kaipanther. Blaze smiles, "The Underground rocks" Kaipanther grins and leans back against the bar while sipping from his Jolly Roger Akasmartguy wonders if there really are that many people who play fed. "is there a group of people who write for it?", asks Vili. "What made you decide that Fed needed a news source like the Underground?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kaipanther says, "The truth? I was reading FedNews and thought it looked like somebody just threw whatever came in onto a page and posted it. I felt it be better" Kaipanther says, "The Underground has a full time staff of 5 plus another 4 part time writers." Kaipanther says, "Its all a team effort. Without people like Blaze, Kao and Bart, the Underground wouldn't be worth the paper its printed on" "hm.. are there specific sections that each works on?", asks Vili. "As new writers come aboard, I ask them what they'd like to do. Each one more or less is on their own as to what and how to write, and how they wish their column to look", says Kaipanther. "What's your main job as the editor?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kaipanther says, "contray to what a few would whisper, I am very honest about printing just what's sent in. My writers know I'll repel any attacks against their freedom to express themselves" Chiefsgirl was wondering if you told them what to write Kaipanther chuckles, "My job as Editor. Well, truth be told, it depends on just what your definition of editor is. My skills with grammer and spelling are saddly lacking, yet. Kaipanther says, "I am good at inspiring my writers, pushing a deadline and more or less keep the cannon pointed in the right direction" Kaipanther long, sleek tail curls up around behind him and scratchs the back of his ear Vili wonders what direction that may be :) Kayla says, "i would like to know if you pay the MULTI TALENTED journalist....(My sister) Blaze or if its done for satisfaction" Kao chokes on her scotch Kayla giggles i knew i would get in multi talented blaze in there somewhere Blaze laughs and laughs Kaipanther chuckles and flashes you one of his Galaxy famose cheshire grins "im serious....do the writers get groats...or free hours??", asks Kayla. Wolfyn says, "They get the occasional full mailbox..." Bartholomew bites his knuckles... "There ya go, Wolfyn", says Blaze with a wink. Kaipanther winks and says, "well, I've poked and conjoled IBGames Staff to give my full time writers a break, but so far, I look for the Duke puzzle to be back long before that happens" Kaipanther says, "Seriously, they write because they enjoy it. Its just not possible to force somebody to write as well as they do." Blaze smiles, "We are volunteers who enjoy our work" "I'll always say, the UG is as good as it is because of their tireless efforts.", says Kaipanther. "i'm sorta new, but how influential is the Underground... like to Hazed and Fed itself", says Vili. "how influential?", asks Kaipanther. Vili asks, "yeah... does it really make a difference with how fed is run?" Kaipanther says, "thats hard to say. I know 90% of the IB people read it every issue, and They do respond to our letters" Kaipanther winks and says, "in Fact, Blaze is interviewing Hazed for our next issue" Blaze already interviewed her in fact... Kaipanther nods and grins. Blaze winks and says, "Its obvious she's been reading input from our readers" "it was a Great interview too", says Kaipanther with a wink. Vili smiles, "hm... any hints?" Chiefsgirl wonders when this issue will be out Kayla says, "i didnt read that one yet blaze....but you are secretly my favorite underground writer....LOL" "I can't speak for Blaze, but the highlight of my time with the UG so far was my interview with Alan Lenton last year", says Kaipanther. "did anyone find out if they were going to do a flatrate Fed???", asks Kayla. Kayla says, "this is prolly not appropriate....nevermind" Kaipanther leans against the bar and winks at CG Chiefsgirl catches Kai's wink and wonders what he's winking for Kaipanther says, "I wink at almost everybody" Kaipanther winks and says, "puts em off guard" Chiefsgirl finds that to be true Wolfyn would really like to know about the Prince before UG. Embarrassing or not. Kaipanther asks, "hehee. what would ya like to know?" "what Prince?", smiles Vili. Vili asks, "there was a prince?" Wolfyn says, "I remember meeting Ki before UG, and he was a mysterious panther..." Kaipanther says, "oh yes, I remember those days rather well." Bartholomew remembers Kai being a pirate panther before UG Kaipanther winks and says, "When I came to Fed, I viewed it as a fancy chatroom and spent most of my time hunting females" Bartholomew winks and says, "Kill any?" "no, but I did have to dive out a few second floor windows as the Duke landed on the LP =p", says Kaipanther. "I was married once as well.", says Kaipanther. Chiefsgirl wonders who Kai was married to Kaipanther winks and says, "in Fact, my wedding had to be one of the biggest on record" "I married Haulnmouse.", says Kaipanther. "It was one of those crazy things, you know? we met, we fell in love, we married, her dad tried to shoot me, she left Fed shortly after", says Kaipanther. Bartholomew remembers the day Mouse left Fed for good... Blaze says, "Kai tell them how quickly you built your planet to accomodate the wedding" Kaipanther winks and says, "her dad an I came to an understanding after I had some of my crew show him the nifty airlock just outside the broadside club on Ki's" Kaipanther chuckles and rubs his temples remembering that mad rush Kaipanther says, "14 hours" "112 loc's, 14 objects, 15 evants in 14 hours", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther says, "straight, with no sleep =p" Kaipanther says, "well, actually I promised to build a chapel unlike any other in Fed for her and it just happened to be loc 81 =p" "Mouse and I's honeymoon got put off for a day because Bella called her away to a meeting of sorts", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther ponders and realizes he can count the number of times his wife and he had sex on one hand and knows the marriage was doomed ;) Kaipanther says, "well, ya had to know mousE." Vili asks, "yeah, what was she like?" Kaipanther refrains from sharing his thoughts about her real persona Bartholomew says, "onE of a kind" Kaipanther winks and says, "in her own mind" Wolfyn asks, "Along with all the MousE alts?" Kaipanther says, "she demanded a lot. was pushy in a sweet way." Kaipanther asks, "but then, arn't most women?" Kaipanther ducks behind the bar Blaze smiles, "Is this an interview about Mouse or Kai?" "well, i wanted to know what got them together", says Vili with a wink. "what type of person Kai is", smiles Vili. Kaipanther says, "we spent a lot of time talking in the chatrooms" Wolfyn exclaims, "They were both legends... the MousE and the Pirate!" Andy winks and says, "we duno, but Kai is now the most famous personality in Fed" Kaipanther says, "am not =p" "Tbar is", says Kaipanther with a wink. Kaipanther says, "what kind of persona is Kai? "Unlike any other you'll ever meet"" "Kai...what are your thoughts in response to people who say that you do the Underground just to feed your own ego?", asks Blaze. "Hey, at least the Underground keeps me fed here, I had ta do table dances before it =p", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther holds up his other bucket of ego and smirks, "What ego?" "kai what about when you run out of stories.....who thinks up the new stuff??? WOuld that be you?", asks Kayla. "seriously. Those who know me know I'm full of self doubt, and am very hard on myself.", says Kaipanther. "I try to be honest with everybody, and fair. And, I value my friends with a passion that rivials life", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther says, "actually, you folks provide us with a never ending story to tell. The Underground is by Fedders, for Fedders. its very much a flowing story of Fed society itself" Kaipanther says, "every time I log into Fed, I hear something new. good, bad, odd. but new. Besides, as some of my critics would say, i'm so full of hot air, i'll never run out of BS =p" "sometimes we have slow weeks. but thats to be expected. Other weeks we really have to wrestle rather or not to print a story", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther says, "I actually run the underground with a board of senior writers. Kao and Blaze and I bounced ideas and stories off each other" Wolfyn asks, "How much time do you end up spending on the UG in a week, Kai?" "I average between 10 and 15 hours a week, but its broken up over the week", says Kaipanther. "it takes about 2 hours to email the whole thing out because i'm tooo much of a redneck to get a massmailer software =p", says Kaipanther. "Has your relationships with the Fed staff... er.. changed much since you started the UG?", asks Wolfyn. "In other words, do you catch a lot of flak?", asks Wolfyn. Kaipanther says, "I find myself in a odd postion in Fed. I walk the fringe so to speak." "what IS the fringe...", says Andy. Kaipanther says, "Most of Fed staff and I get along pretty good. In fact, Bella and I share several hobbies." Kaipanther says, "and I count Barb as my strongest supporter inside IBgames. I've spent the time to get to know her and, 'her new york attitude aside;)' she's a nice person" "Kai, has she been ok? Ive noticed shes distant, well... at least to me lately", says Andy. Kaipanther was rather tickled to learn that Barb and Hazed talked about GravBall through dinner last week as Hazed choose a name for her team "Barb is spending more time with AoA. I also think Hazed has talked to her about mellowing her responses to players in Fed. they are paying custmers now", says Kaipanther. "Barb mellowing???", asks Pilgrim. Bartholomew says, "I get along well with Barb..." Kaipanther says, "but, in her defense. I've sat with her many, many a time when she let somebody have more chances and get away with things then I would ever had." Bartholomew says, "We have similar senses of humour..." "she dose try to give folks a chance to back off. but, push her to far, and you get what ya asked fer", says Kaipanther. "also in her defence.....her bark is worse than her bite", says Pilgrim. Wolfyn chortles. "Where did you get the name Kis?" "for my planet?", asks Kaipanther. Bartholomew says, "It's Ki's" Kaipanther nods towards Bart, "It was ment to be Ki's but they won't let ya have a ' :) "the real name, which is printed in the Link is Ki's Incredible Flying Spaceport", says Kaipanther. Kaipanther winks and says, "Its a real starship, not a Planet" Kao says, "What was my assingment for the next issue? I forgot" Bartholomew makes his debut in the next issue... Kaipanther asks, "write another one of your stories?" Kaipanther likes the first one Kayla wonders what you have to do to be a reporter for the underground? Kaipanther smirks "I think we should all applaud KI for coming here tonite", Kao smiles. Kaipanther winks and says, "depends on yer talents" Kaipanther bows slightly to you and grins a sly panther like grin, "I enjoyed myself tonight. |