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It was also before Kalock died dead-dead and had to climb the ranks again.
Kalock says, "Thanks CG" Chiefsgirl says, "you're welcome" Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat "I want to thank you all for coming to the Meet & Greet, take two", says Chiefsgirl. Kalock grins Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight my guest is Kalock and he asked to redo last night's event in a calmer setting" Chiefsgirl says, "So, here we are" Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl says, "We'll let Kalock get started with telling us about himself and his plans" Kalock says, "O.k. well" "Feel free to jump in and ask questions or make comments", says Chiefsgirl. The Mouse has just arrived. Chiefsgirl sits down and sips her drink "I guess I should start with my beginning in FED", says Kalock. The Mouse has just left. Kalock says, "Like most people I was a very confused GH" Chiefsgirl knows she was confused "I was doing more walking then anything", says Kalock. Kariskitty grins and nods Kalock says, "Well a person by the name of Richmp591 saw me just walking around" Dead members how long it took him the first time Kalock says, "He then guided me around" Chiefsgirl smiles Kalock says, "Showed me most of the basics of what I needed" "Well worked a alot so I could repay my loan on my ship. After I made Capt.", says Kalock. "A person meets me on the LP of Earth", says Kalock. "I guess he must have been watching me the whole time", smiles Kalock. "It was Richmp again", says Kalock. Kalock says, "He asked me if I wanted to goto a good place for FED members so I said Yes" Chiefsgirl smiles Kalock says, "Well that is when he took me to Aldva and MistikDawn" Kalock says, "From there He and Faster50 took me under their wings" "I learned most of my ways of FED from them.", says Kalock. The Mouse has just arrived. The Mouse has just left. Duking it out with the Duke PUZ Kalock has just disappeared. Duking it out with the Duke PUZ Kalock has just appeared. Kalock says, "Lag sorry" Kalock says, "Now where was I" "I did work alot in FED", says Kalock. "And missed alot also", says Kalock. Kalock says, "I missed alot of stuf with my Alliance Family" Kalock says, "But now that is resolved" "I spend alot more time enjoying FED", says Kalock. "I also hold 2 positions in the Alliance", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl asks, "What positions do you hold?" "I am on the Ducal committee responsible for the judgement of applications to the Alliance", says Kalock. "And I also have been asked to be a Knight in training", says Kalock. "That's very nice", smiles Chiefsgirl. The Mouse has just arrived. "Yes it was from my adopted father", says Kalock. Dead wants to be a knight some day "Known as Phill now", says Kalock. The Mouse has just left. "But was known as Faster50 at one time", says Kalock. "my brother", smiles Kariskitty. Kalock says, "I try to work hard for the people in the Alliance and help them anyway I can" Kalock says, "I just made Baron about a month ago and am working hard on the Duke PUZ" Kalock says, "I do plan to stay with the Alliance once I am Duke" "And try to do what is right for FED and all the good people in it", says Kalock. "Any questions", says Kalock. Dead wonders if you'll ask to expand the alliance to your duchy also? Chiefsgirl smiles "My Duchy will be a part of it Dead", says Kalock. Dead smiles, "cool" "I cant leave it after how it has helped me", says Kalock. "So what kind of duchy will you have, do you hope?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kalock looks around the room for questions "I will have a strict but fair one CG. I am not a tyrant but I will not stand for Snertish people in there", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl nods The Mouse has just arrived. Dead raises his hand The Mouse has just left. Kalock says, "Yes Dead" "whats with the mouse?", asks Dead. Kalock laughs Kalock says, "That is my pet" Dead laughs Dead says, "cool" "I need some company when now one else is here", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl missed the mouse Kalock says, "He is also part of my PUZ" Chiefsgirl thinks the mouse better watch out for the kitty "thats another question Kal", says Dead. Kalock smiles "yes Dead", says Kalock. "anyone special in your fed life?", asks Dead. "if its ok to ask", says Dead. Chiefsgirl thought the puzzle was the question Chiefsgirl laughs "Well as far as Female", says Kalock. Dead says, "i guess, what else is there" Dead ponders that question... Kalock says, "No one that is intimate with. I consider Chiefsgirl and Kariscats good friends" "so do i", smiles Dead. Chiefsgirl has given Kalock a warm hug! "Phill and Richmp are very good freinds", says Kalock. Kalock says, "So I have people I would do anything for. But I have left Sex out of it" Dead says, "cool...was just wondering since i dont get to talk to alot" Kariskitty frowns and says, "I'm sorry afk alot" Kalock says, "No prob kari" "But I have more close freinds", says Kalock. Dead smiles, "good, in fed ya need good friends" Chiefsgirl thinks it's good to have friends "Panda of Areafiftyone helped me on my way And Bozown is where I got my first haulin contract and FAC's", says Kalock. Kalock says, "Boz helped me alot" The Mouse has just arrived. Chiefsgirl nods The Mouse has just left. "missed the mouse again, arrgh", says Dead. Chiefsgirl says, "I think we all remember the people that helped us coming up" "But over all the Alliance is full of lots of people I call freinds and some outside the Alliance", says Kalock. Kalock has given Dead a nice tickle! "What kind of puzzle do you have here, Kalock?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Is it hard?" "Now not all my FED time was fun", says Kalock. Kalock says, "It is a 10 meg PUZ at most" Chiefsgirl will try it sometime Chiefsgirl asks, "What times weren't fun?" Kalock says, "I did have a few run ins at times" Dead says, "so will i" "Well I got Aldva mad at me one time over a well a friend who got kicked out of the Alliance for some stuff.", says Kalock. "did you ever DD?", asks Dead. "That doesn't sound fun", says Chiefsgirl. Kalock says, "I spoke against Aldva on the situation and that was not a good idea" "Then I realized I was wrong it is his Duchy", says Kalock. Kalock has given Chiefsgirl a hot hug! Kalock says, "No it was not CG" "No I have never DD'ed", says Kalock. "darn must f been scary when al threatens ya,good, ive DD'ed too much", says Dead. Kalock says, "I try to stay away from that possibility Dead" Chiefsgirl asks, "Again Dead?" The Mouse has just arrived. "Well it was a good friend who I thought was dont wrong.", says Kalock. "got him!", exclaims Dead. The Mouse has just left. "the mouse that is", says Dead. Dead says, "lately no, but i have DD'ed 3 or 4 times with Dead" Chiefsgirl hopes you won't again Kalock says, "Well lets look at your name Dead" "guess thats where he got his name...", smiles Dead. "How many times have you attempted the duke puzzle, Kalock?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Oh god about 6 times", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you feel your getting close to a solution?" Kalock says, "I am a very hard headed person so I will keep at it till I am done" Chiefsgirl laughs Dead says, "well its good to keep trying as long as it dont hurt ya much" "No I feel worse off then when I started", says Kalock. "so was i with Snark if ya can member", smiles Dead. Kalock says, "I tend to second guess myself a lot" "ohh", says Dead. Chiefsgirl says, "I've not attempted it myself, just went along for the ride" Kalock says, "Mmmm" "I will just keep working on it", says Kalock. Kariskitty plans to stay a Baroness forever Dead says, "never got near it to attempt it, still 8 builds from baron" Kalock grins at Dead "what i do???", asks Dead. "Dont worry dead you will get there", says Kalock. Dead lowers his head Dead says, "i hope" "Any other questions", says Kalock. "Feel free to ask", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl asks, "You were the first planet in 1999 to get the TTTT... why was that important to you?" "how big is your planet?", asks Dead. The Mouse has just arrived. Kalock says, "Well one I had never had it" The Mouse has just left. "So my first time getting it I wanted to stand out", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl smiles Kalock says, "And that was the way to do it" Justadawg hasn't has the TTTT "Well, you did that", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has given Justadawg a passionate cuddle! Kalock says, "I was also the first Meet and Greet for 99" Dead has given Kalock a nice tickle! Chiefsgirl smiles, "Yes you were" "that's great", smiles Kariskitty. Dead smiles Chiefsgirl says, "1999 must be your year, Kalock" Kalock says, "I hoped to be the first Duke but I am still working on it" Justadawg asks, "any other firsts?" "that would be neat", smiles Dead. Chiefsgirl says, "Lots of folks working on it too" Dead says, "im outa questions for now" Dead asks, "ohhh, where ya live in RL?" Kalock says, "I am in Mississippi" "neat, im in boring old NJ", says Dead. Kalock grins Kalock says, "I have not spent my whole life here" "I was raised here but spent my last 4 years in the Army", says Kalock. Kariskitty asks, "I missed it.. when did you start playing Kalock?" Kalock says, "Oh I am sorry kari" "neither have i, i was born in Denver, Colorado", says Dead. "I started playing in Feb or March of 97", says Kalock. "That's when I did too Kalock", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has given Kalock a warm tickle! "I have been close to there Dead", says Kalock. Kalock smiles at CG "cool", smiles Dead. Kariskitty smiles, "me too" "Pinyon Canyon", says Kalock. "ive been there", says Dead. Kalock says, "I spent a month there" Dead asks, "have fun?" "Umm NO", says Kalock. Kalock says, "I was with the Army" "how come?", asks Dead. The Mouse has just arrived. Dead says, "oh...i see" Kalock says, "So I was sleeping in a tent no sleep blah blah blah" The Mouse has just left. Dead says, "darn" "I was away from my Wife and kids so it was not a nice place", says Kalock. "too bad", says Dead. "Well I am out now", says Kalock. "It taught me to appreciate what I have more", says Kalock. "thats good, if ya ever go back then take the family", says Dead with a wink. "Well I am happy in Mississippi", says Kalock. "I have a good job and am just happy", says Kalock. "good, one of the only states i havent been to", says Dead. Dead says, "cool" Kalock says, "You should come" Chiefsgirl doesn't think she's been to Mississippi either "Dont listen to all those Hollywood stories about the south", says Kalock. Dead smiles, "i will one day, been to about 42 states and im only 16 and 3/4" Dead says, "i love the south" Kalock smiles, "3/4" "Wow Dead.. that's great", says Chiefsgirl. "yea, i turn 17 in april", smiles Dead. Kalock is 24 "neat", says Dead. "Yup", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl won't mention any ages Dead has given Chiefsgirl a hot tickle! Kalock has given Chiefsgirl a friendly tickle! Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces "haha beat ya Kal", says Dead with a wink. The Mouse has just arrived. The Mouse has just left. Dead watches the mouse run around Kalock says, "yea I messed up my first one I did :)PpPpP" "Well anyone want to know anything else", says Kalock. Chiefsgirl has that hard to spell name "member hows to spell Chiefsgirl cause shes my mommy", says Dead. Chiefsgirl has given Dead a sloppy tickle! Dead has given Chiefsgirl a passionate tickle! Dead has given Chiefsgirl a sloppy hug! Chiefsgirl has given Dead a warm hug! Kalock feels left out Kalock grins Chiefsgirl has given Kalock a friendly hug! Dead has given Kalock a warm hug! Dead has given Kalock a tender tickle! Kalock says, "O.k. o.k I am tickleish" "Anyone?", asks Kalock. Chiefsgirl looks around "I think we covered it Kalock", smiles Chiefsgirl. Kariskitty has given Kalock a friendly hug! Kalock says, "Dead seems to have dominated the questions" Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you all for coming tonight" Dead says, "yep, just about all of it me thinks" Chiefsgirl says, "This Sunday my guest will be Gabriel" Dead says, "no prob" Kalock says, "Cool" Kalock has given Chiefsgirl a nice hug! Dead says, "neat" Justadawg enjoyed this one MUCH more than the one with the ass in the background.. ;) Cgee packs up the video equipment Kalock says, "I want to thank you all for coming" "this was fun, we should do more of this, on planets rather then mars", says Dead. "That's what I wanted originally", says Chiefsgirl. Kalock says, "Why not do it CG" Dead asks, "ohh, yea why not?" Chiefsgirl says, "But I was told it had to be held in sol so anyone could come no matter what rank" Chiefsgirl says, "I wanted it to be on the guest's planet" Dead says, "darn" Chiefsgirl thought that would be interesting "Oh well", says Kalock. "But that would mean that Commanders couldn't attend because they can't leave sol", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles Justadawg thinks most everyone can attend now.. ;) Chiefsgirl shrugs Cgee waves |