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Chiefsgirl asks, "What lucky person sweetie?" "Kari is my guest tonight", Chiefsgirl smiles. "For what?? What's going on?", asks Marv. Kariscats smiles, "The Duchy review" Chiefsgirl thinks this is a family party and not a duchy review "well gosh.. I must be related to a good part of Fed I think", says Kariscats with a wink. Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat "You're probably related to everybody, Kari:o)", says Audrey. "Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's Duchy Review", Chiefsgirl smiles. "Tonight I have the pleasure of having my sister-in-law, Kariscats, as my guest", Chiefsgirl smiles. "So without further ado, we'll let her tell us her life story", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds Kariscats winks and says, "gosh.... where to start" Chiefsgirl holds up the applauds sign Kurn asks, "the begining?" "Ya know... that's a very good place to start", says Kariscats with a wink. Njrudeboy winks and says, "When ya met me" "Humans Evlolved from Fleas!", exclaims Kurn. "well... gosh... I found Fed because my son was playing... I actually thought it was a little silly at first", smiles Kariscats. Kariscats grins Kurn asks, "I'll help ya a litt.e..when did ya first start playin Fed?" Chiefsgirl says, "Thanks Kurn" Kariscats smiles, "I mean gosh... sitting around in the cantina... and there was an awful lot of slapping goin on" Chiefsgirl laughs Kariscats winks and says, "but I watched.. and started getting interested.. but once he let me find the GM for him.... I was hooked" "and then...... he wouldn't let me play his game anymore", says Kariscats with a frown. "so I had to start my own character", smiles Kariscats. Bababooie Raises his Hand "that was in Feb... of 97", says Kariscats. Kariscats asks, "yes Baba?" Bababooie asks, "Ah who was HE nj ?" "no my son:) rl one..", says Kariscats. Kurn asks, "whats his character name?" "so instead of fighting over playing his character.. we fought over computer time", smiles Kariscats. "cool..", says Kurn. Kariscats whispers being the Mom has its priviliges sometimes... but he ended up getting aol for his birthday... so I could play in peace;) Kurn asks, "whats his character name?" "he doesn't play anymore... he likes to tell me... that... HE... has a life", says Kariscats. "he didn't!", exclaims Kurn. Chiefsgirl is still boggling over the fact that her and Kari started at the same time "fed is a special part of all our lives..how could he just abandon it! (he was to cheap to pay wasn't he?)", says Kurn. Njrudeboy says, "How did you end up in Backdraft" "I was on a real slow pace I think", Chiefsgirl says. Audrey says, "What was it, Kari? :::thinks she knew him::::" Kurn says, "I'm on a slow pace to Chiefsgirl..." "anyway... I didn't have a very eventful trip up... I was scared to talk to people or ask questions..", says Kariscats. "How did you end up in Backdraft Kari?", Chiefsgirl asks. "he hung around BD for a bit Audrey... so you may have.. it was Briguymhs", says Kariscats. Audrey says, "Hmm...sounds familiar...don't think i really knew him, tho...." Kariscats says, "well the night I found the GM... I was sooooo excited.. that I went to the cantina... I place I usually avoided.. all that scroll..." Audrey shudders at the rememberance of it:o) Kariscats says, "and I yelled.. I found the GM... I'm a Trader" Kariscats grins Chiefsgirl laughs "well boy were they impressed", says Kariscats. Kariscats rolls her eyes Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Kariscats says, "but I was excited..." Bababooie Hides a grin Kurn asks, "impressed that you made trader?" "yeah", smiles Kariscats. "most people don't care..", says Kurn. Bababooie Was that happy when he bought his first ship ;) Chiefsgirl started bouncin when she found the GM Kariscats says, "Deiselpwr was there... and he told me that Backdraft was a good place to trade... and well for sure I didn't know anybody.. so I tried there" "Sounds like Deis", Chiefsgirl says. "and well.... the longer I was there... I ummmmmmm... well stopped being so quiet", says Kariscats with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Did he set you up with round trips?" "although... I am still sweet and innocent to this day...", says Kariscats. "the opposite of me..", says Kurn. Kariscats whisper she has to tell you that... because some people seem to not pick up on that Kariscats points to the halo and mentions if you need one... she sells them in the corner of her shipyard Rukiddingm says, "I would like to introduce my friend Dahzin, from the Duchy of Pacifica - she's a really nice dragon...." "I asked her to come meet my family...", says Rukiddingm. "ohhhhh well... don't listen to her.. we're really very nice peope", says Kariscats. Abraham stares at dahzin as he has never actually seen a dragon Njrudeboy asks, "So why is yur planet called Catscradle ... and what is cats about?" Rukiddingm winks and says, "That's all I wanted, sis. Hey, I told her you were the sweet and innocent one" Chiefsgirl sits back and drinks since her brother is now the host "So what was it like tradin in the secound best duchy in Fed back then", smiles Bababooie. Kariscats thinks yeah... I bet you did Ruk Kariscats chokes on her drink Njrudeboy can't think of any other duchy in Fed 'cept Backdraft.... Kariscats winks and says, "well Baba... I wouldn't know... I traded in THE best trading duchy" Njrudeboy didn't know there was more than one ducy Chiefsgirl only has eyes for backdraft Bababooie smiles, "Well We all know what Duke is da BOSS dont we lady's" Chiefsgirl asks, "So Kari, what was your favorite rank?" Kariscats says, "ummmmmmmmmm yep we do...Baba.." Kariscats says, "well ya know.. I loved the name Adventuress;) I think its a wasted name on such a low rank..." Chiefsgirl nods "I would have loved to have been an Adventuress for a long time", smiles Kariscats. Kariscats says, "and Guild Mistress...." Kariscats laughs Chiefsgirl giggles Kurn says, "I alwasy got JourneyPerson and Adventurer mixed up.." Audrey loved when they changed it to Adventuress...cuz she couldn't spell Adventureuse or whatever.... "I was an explorer for a long time...", says Kariscats. Kariscats says, "right before I was ready to get my planet... they put in major new code..." Kariscats says, "Fed was down for days..." Kurn says, "that musta sucked.." "what happened with them", says Danteaf. "and when it was stable... you could not bring a new planet online...", says Kariscats. Chiefsgirl says, "Ewww yuck" "for how long?", asks Kurn. "so we waited for a couple weeks I think it was..", says Kariscats. Chiefsgirl seems to remember this time Audrey remembers that...frowns.... Magesmiley got his planet 1 day before the AOL backups were taken "that musta really sucked.I dojn't remember that..", says Kurn. Audrey says, "It was like that for months, Kurn:o)" "oh that's terrible..", says Kurn. "well.. it was not fun...", says Kariscats. "How did you choose the name Catscradle?", Chiefsgirl asks. "the day it went back up.. lots of planets came on line..", says Kariscats. "well... as you may have notice... I kinda like Cats", smiles Kariscats. "We might have noticed a little Kari", Chiefsgirl says with a wink. Audrey winks and says, "only "kinda"? I think that's an understatement...." Kariscats smiles, "and it just came to me... although Catscradle really has nothing to do with cats at all" Kariscats says, "I have one cat mobile on my planet.... if my sister hasn't taken him" Kurn says, "Ashesh to Ashes, Dust to Dust, We stuck my old cat, in the Earths crust." Rukiddingm rolls her eyes and adjusts her halo... Njrudeboy asks, "what is Cats all about?" Kurn exclaims, "she had 4 more good years left in her! There was no reason for my parents to have her put to sleep!" "my planet is a vacation spot.. well actually a spot for romance.. well lots of spots for romance....", says Kariscats. Bababooie says, "Yeah a baby makin planet" Kariscats winks and says, "ya'll are welcome to check it out anytime... there's lots of private spots.. and fun spots" Chiefsgirl has to explore Catscradle still "And you can shower when your done", says Bababooie with a wink. "Icedrake reviewed it... it should be in tonight News when it goes up... hopefully he liked it", smiles Kariscats. Kariscats winks and says, "yes.... there is a shower" Chiefsgirl notices baba has checked out this planet thoroughly and wonders who with Bababooie Blushes "I was so good she changed sex", says Bababooie. Njrudeboy asks, "when did you become a Nav? and who was the biggest Snert you punted?" Chiefsgirl laughs Kariscats says, "there's lots of events... and well it took me a year... but I used up all my locations.. and objects.." Kariscats says, "I started Naving.. a little before Fed moved to the Web..." Kariscats says, "that wasn't a fun time.. cuz most people were mad about the move.." "what are the requirments to become a Nav?", asks Kurn. Kariscats can still remember haveing to monitor the fed chat rooms during crashes.. Audrey says, "Gm or higher, 18 yrs old, I think....and some applying proccess whatever...." Wolfyn says, "You must have been one of the last new navs, then." Audrey asks, "But I dunno if they're getting any new ones now...are they?" Kariscats says, "yes I was in the last batch to be hired.." "no they aren't yet...", says Kariscats. "well..maybe in 5 more years when I get to be 18..and I should be up to GM by then..", says Kurn. "and I like it a lot..although.. it can be pretty quiet these days", smiles Kariscats. Kurn asks, "what exactly does a nav do?" Njrudeboy says, "Punt snerts Kurn ...." Kariscats says, "well... we help people if they have questions..." Kariscats says, "and yes.. there are house rules.... and a Nav can bump or lock" "hopefully people listen when you tell them the first time so that's not necessary Kurn", says Kariscats. Kurn cowers down a little. Kariscats laughs Kariscats smiles, "I also teach a class for Traders on Sunday nights" Bababooie asks, "Does or Do nav get involved in findin ways to bring new players to fed ?" "is fed ever going to advertise", says Danteaf. Kariscats says, "no... well not this Nav.. I tell my friends.. and I know people I've gotten to join.." Kurn asks, "yeah..how much do navs actualy have a say in when it comes to the future of the game?" "This might be kind of off the subject, but we were talking about it on the comms.. and it is a duchy review...", says Wolfyn. "I caught MJMirick the other night.. he's rarely on.. and he talked about the first duchies..", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "He said the order was Rainbow, Atlantis, Fantasy, Carroll..." "that was before my time.. I know Backdraft goes way back...", says Kariscats. "Then Shade, Trout, Wired with Dimension and Satinsheet's duchy in there somewhere.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn exclaims, "I just thought that was very interesting!" "I remember the duchies only having 15 planets.. I remember when they went to 20", smiles Kariscats. "It is", smiles Kariscats. Chiefsgirl nods and remembers that "well.... lets see..... what else to tell....", says Kariscats. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have plans to be a duchess Kari?" "I'm married to Njrudeboy... and well gosh we lead a very boring life", says Kariscats with a wink. Njrudeboy squirms a little "just with the occassional dd threat over a tttt...", says Kariscats. Njrudeboy says, "dds, wars, kids, and Catscradle ........" Kariscats says, "or gosh... even a challenge to the arena over a tttt" Kariscats looks in Kurns direction Kurn glares at kariscats "I deserved that..", says Kurn. Kariscats doesn't like to be glared at... Njrudeboy stares down Kurn Chiefsgirl raises an eyebrow at Kurn Kurn puts his head down.. "yes you did Kurn", smiles Kariscats. Kariscats says, "I have 6 fed kids..." Abraham remembers the dragon and wonders if he was to tickle her, would he get a scale Kurn turns red even though he is sitting at his computer --- miles away. Bababooie Gives Kurn TIME OUT "6! You said you had a boring life!", exclaims Wolfyn. Kariscats whispers that she think Nj may plan to try to adopt most any unattached newbie in fed Kariscats smiles, "I have no parents myself though" Wolfyn exclaims, "Ah. Another orphan!" Njrudeboy can't find his wallet anymore since his kids keep getting groats Kariscats says, "but a brother... and several sisters" "sorry daddy, I needed a new planet", smiles Geno. Kariscats winks and says, "all as sweet and innocent as myself" Chiefsgirl is glad she didn't mention the innocence of her husband in that sentence Kariscats knows her husband isn't innocent and can be blamed for any perceived lack of innocence on her part Kariscats winks and says, "and I never play Ring toss or Frisbie with my halo... as some people (and I will mention none of my sister's names) do" "What do you do for Aldva and Ninjal in their absence", says Njrudeboy. "I have no plans to be a duchess.. I really like where I am.. and what I do...", says Kariscats. "When did you first become a squire, Karis?", asks Wolfyn. "and I am Aldva and Ninjal's administrative asst", says Kariscats. Rukiddingm whips out some spare halos and smiles - innocently. Chiefsgirl now wears her halo around her waist Kariscats says, "I got my planet the day you could take them online... when they fixed the problem.. I can't remember exactly.. I think the very end of May 97" Kariscats isn't exactly sure what that means in the duchies.. Njrudeboy looks at a halo and notices that they are not from Catscradle Bababooie asks, "What is the Story behind all these Halos I keep seein ? can ya shed some light on that Kari ?" "I keep the lists.. I act in his absence...", says Kariscats. Njrudeboy thinks they are cheap imitations Ruk "Then you were in that huge class of people that went from channel 4 to 5 to 6...", says Wolfyn. Kariscats laughs "yep", smiles Kariscats. Kariscats always tuned to channel 12 Njrudeboy Passes out Viagra Chiefsgirl cheers for 12 Kurn looks at Njrudeboy. "I have my own." Rpknight doesn't need viagra and winks Kariscats thinks Nj has a viagra factory on his planet "daddy you dont really need to keep viagra around does ya now?", asks Abraham. "you don't want any brothers or sisters Abe?", says Kariscats with a wink. "you know its funny..Viagra came up earlier today..", says Kurn. "why i got me a baby bro now", smiles Abraham. "on Meba..", says Kurn. Njrudeboy heard that it helps everyone ;) Kariscats has totally forgotten what she was talking about... Kariscats grins Kurn lights up the Viagra he does not need. "Halos and Viagra", says Njrudeboy. "we have a lot of fun in backdraft... or whereever we hang out...", says Kariscats. "Do you know how many active duchies are there now?", asks Wolfyn. Chiefsgirl cheers for Backdraft Kariscats says, "after Nj's alt one the tttt for Castle so many times someone tried to dd him..." Bababooie Thinks NJ on Viagra would make him a cereal babay maker Julie asks, "Kariscats? now who would want to do a review about kariscats?" Julie has given Kariscats a hot tickle! Dead remembers his lp after all the fun on friday Kariscats grins Kariscats winks and says, "gee thanks Julie" Julie grins. "Ya noe im a kiddin", says Julie with a wink. Kariscats says, "we've moved around..." "we have a blast on Aquila in Trout.. met new people..", says Kariscats. Wolfyn says, "Got a little deaf on Aquila too.;)_" "and learned lotsa new songs...", says Kariscats. Kariscats knows there's gonna be singing on the Backdraft comms from now on "Trout sings when Biggshell is around.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Kurn asks, "singing?" Kariscats says, "and last night we went to Thundera and had a party..." Chiefsgirl will be happy to hear anything on BD's comms "oh can i sing my worms song momma?", asks Abraham. "We never sing..I demand singing..", says Marv. "wasn't it tonight you had the part on Thundera?", asks Kurn. "we had a blast singing..", says Kariscats. Kariscats smiles, "if ya'll see Bigshell you need to ask him to sing for you" Rpknight asks, "Karis, if there was such a thing as a fed theme song, what would you like it to be?" "hmmmmmmmmmmm.....", says Kariscats. Evilzoot raises his hand on the theme song "gosh....", says Kariscats. Kariscats asks, "what Evil?" Freya exclaims, "happ happy Joy Joy!" Njrudeboy thinks it would be a porn soundtrack RP ;) Kariscats laughs "Nj!", exclaims Kariscats. "Really Nj", Chiefsgirl says. "Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!", exclaims Evilzoot. Rukiddingm hugs NJ and rolls... Kariscats looks for her thwap Nj f-key "How come we never sing in Pacifica?", asks Marv. "I play fed to have fun... and I know a lot of people complain about the Duke puzzle..", says Kariscats. Freya grabs Evilzoots hands and wildly polkas him around the bar singing Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Dahzin says, "what Marv?? I sing all the time there." Kariscats says, "but... the best part of fed for me.. is the people..." Marv frowns and says, "I never hear it" Evilzoot will teach your grandma to suck eggs. Njrudeboy and me of course ...... Chiefsgirl nods Kariscats says, "people are what make fed.. sometimes you gotta make your own fun.." Nightsky checks status again...mutters "this is the build that never ends..." Freya says, "well I never suck......eggs" Kariscats winks and says, "Nj and I are good at making our own fun" "What ya think about all the bouncin in Fed these Days Kari ?", smiles Bababooie. Kariscats grins Njrudeboy knows how to have fun Evilzoot grew some fun on AAARGH but got busted. Rpknight would pass out earplugs to everyone if Dahzin sings, but he has called a truce for tonight "Promise, Evil?", says Marv with a wink. Kariscats says, "and yes Nj.. you make fed more fun for me" Kariscats has given Njrudeboy a passionate tickle! Chiefsgirl bounces happily Njrudeboy can't look at it anymore :( Kariscats was never a bouncer... Chiefsgirl is happy her brother is good for something Evilzoot has bought you a Happy Helmets! Chiefsgirl giggles Kariscats winks and says, "well only.. on special occasions... or on special requests" Evilzoot grins at Freya "oooH my very own happy helmet!", exclaims Freya. Freya clutches her happy helmet Kariscats says, "but there's lots of fun to have in fed even without a Duke Puzzle.." "Lord. What have I walked in on?", asks Poco. "Duchy review", Chiefsgirl smiles. "We gathered here to talk about you, Poco!", exclaims Wolfyn. Julie exclaims, "Me scorekeeper!" "what would you like to have walked in on, Poco?", asks Freya. Njrudeboy frowns and says, "Reviews are not yet out" Kariscats smiles, "and if you can't find fun where you are.. then come find us.. cuz usually we're having fun" "Karis is there a party set for tommorow you might know of ? The more the better sometime", smiles Bababooie. Abraham says, "i agree with you momma, i have had so much fun in fed so far" "I don't know If I can say and adhere to house rules, Freya.", says Poco. Freya smiles, "really? I can say anything in a way that passes muster" Poco says, "I'm invisible, Damnit." Njrudeboy Look for Catscradle to be reviewed by Icedrake in a Fed issue soon "not tomorrow nite... but Sunday night on Catscradle there will be.. it Nj and my 3 month anniversary...", says Kariscats. Chiefsgirl smiles happily at Kari and Nj Freya says, "innuendo does wonders" Kariscats whispers it only SEEMS like it's been forever "We can't all be so eloquent. Last time I tried eloquence my poetry got banned.", says Poco. "you were only banned for poetry? Hmm we used to shoot people for that", says Freya. Kariscats says, "gosh... I can't think of anything else to say..." Freya says, "pushed them out the airlocks by the 2nd verse" Kariscats smiles, "y'all come visit anytime:) there's lots to do on Catscradle" Chiefsgirl says, "Well, I'd like to thank Kari for being our guest tonight." Poco says, "I narrowly avoided a firing squad. Occcy was about to have me garroted. NAM was even dispatched to do the honors I think." Chiefsgirl smiles, "Join me next week when I don't know who my guest will be" "I was garrotted once by the Godfather", says Freya. Evilzoot says, "Who was the idiot you had last week." "just put the coins in the vending machine ...and you will be alone with your sweetie guaranteed", says Njrudeboy. Kariscats says, "Phew! glad that's done" Julie grins at Evilzoot. Wolfyn winks and says, "Get Bigshell, Chiefsgirl. He's been a Baron forever and he can tell about his songs." "Ahhhh would that be you Zoot???", asks Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl nods and makes note of Wolfyn's suggestion Freya says, "You know, I remember Occcy when he was a woman. He was one big godawful looking woman" "Wasn't me", says Evilzoot. "gosh.. you may not of ever hear of him Evilzoot... something live... or trans.... or wait.. trens?????", asks Kariscats. Poco asks, "Oh well, have a lovely evening. Freya, nice to see you still alive, and perhaps kicking. That's the correct phrase I believe. Follywood Squares, Anyone?" "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....", says Kariscats. Kariscats grins Freya smiles, "oh I kick very nicely thank you very much" Kariscats has given Evilzoot a tender tickle! Chiefsgirl waves to everyone |