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Chiefsgirl clears her throat Kevinwire listens "I'd like to welcome you all to the duchy review.", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Our guest tonight is Duke Kevinwire of Wired" Kevinwire stands and ::Bows::; and does one of the Smilez Kevinwire sits "This has been pretty informal in the past weeks.....Duke Kevin will introduce himself and then you'll all have a chance to ask questions or make comments", Chiefsgirl says. Kevinwire stands Chiefsgirl says, "If the questions and comments get to be too much for Kevin to field, I'll ask that you type ? or ! (question or comment) and go in order please" Kevinwire smiles, "my name is KevinWire .. of the House of Wired .. you may call me Kev" "Wired ir that star .. right between Neverland and Oz ... home base to RAD...", says Kevinwire. Chiefsgirl makes note to call the duke Kev "we like magic and intrigue ... and things that go bump in the Knight ...", says Kevinwire. Kevinwire says, "We like Honor and fighting dragons ... and casting spells.." Chiefsgirl cheers for night bumping Nighthawk looks around, night, ohh nevermiond Kevinwire says, "any way .. we are a fun bunch ..." Kevinwire says, "and the planets are nice .. all active ... and One of the few duchies in FED that is full .. to the rim with active players.." Kevinwire says, "i started in this Univers about 2 years ago ..and yes.. I too hauled .. but now retired from all that 'work' ;']" "now is just sit around snacking on popcorn ... and going broke.. LOL", says Kevinwire. Kevinwire says, "that's about the extent of my opening .. as to who I am..." "Back when I was a trader, you had Wired radio going on in Wired for PC's over the comms", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl asks, "Will you ever do that again?" Chiefsgirl loved trading in Wired and working the radio station "i keep hearing this tune ... like a MJ tune .. "he's RAD, he's RAD , he's really really RAD .. or is that BAD ;']", says Kevinwire. "Wired Radio ... that was fun ...", says Kevinwire. Kevinwire frowns and says, "but... our DJ went "pfft"" Wogg asks, "Who was he?" Kevinwire says, "I sure like to see talent like that again return to Wired..." "actually, i tried to replicate that in my Fedterm F-Keys at the beginning of beta... but didn't work...", says Bozoboyz. "It was great to be a trader there. I thought maybe since you have lots of active PO's you could start it again in the future", Chiefsgirl says. Kevinwire smiles, "I think that we would move it to 24 and call it Rad Radio... better trading on 24 ( when we get back to nromal)" Bozoboyz says, "i still have the original wired radio program... too bad i can't translate it..." Kevinwire smiles, "yo would be the one to be able to handle the DJ thing Bozo" You smile asks, "Does everyone here know what the Wired radio was or should Kev explain it?" Odinoss asks, "can you remember the first planets to join wired?" Chiefsgirl looks to Kev to explain Wired radio to those that never experienced it Kevinwire says, "Wired Radio was a lot of things .. it came on the comes about every 5 to ten minutes .. with song, News .. or trading information ... sometime it was all trading ... fact is .. Wired Radio got its' idea from Neverland..." Kevinwire says, "err coms" "neverland never found the right talent .. but Wired did...", says Kevinwire. Nighthawk frowns and says, "must have been during my exile" Bozoboyz says, "Wired radio was the only thing that could ever cause enough rucuss on comms that could keep me quiet... didn't last" Chiefsgirl says, "It was great fun....I loved to do my dj shift" Kevinwire says, "It would be relly kewl to get it going again .." Chiefsgirl nods in agreement "Wired Radio was really unique..", says Kevinwire. "I'm not sure who all the persons involved were .. I should have got more involved myself.. but at that time I was not around as much as I am now", says Kevinwire with a frown. Kevinwire says, "It's something ... that we really didn't appreciate as much .. as when it was gone" Kevinwire says, "when it was gone .. we sure did miss it" Dodeca asks, "What are you doing to protect your Duchy from the Martian invasions?" Kevinwire listens "I'm drinking a lot", says Kevinwire. Bozoboyz smiles, "but when i tried to revive it a little back in october or november everyone told me to shut up..." Kevinwire says, "the more a Duke drinks .. the less likely any martian will show up ..." Kevinwire says, "bozo ... that was a 'bad' bunch... they sure won't tell you to shut up now ;']" "Kevin I like your style..", says Dodeca. "this duke loves that com traffic", smiles Kevinwire. You smile asks, "Do you have any rules for Wired?" "cuz i hypnotized everyone... don't you remember? oh yea... oops... heh heh heh...a", says Bozoboyz. Bozoboyz hides "Let's face it .. FED is lots more than Trading and promoting .. it's having fun ... and talking with friends etc.... money is easy to make", says Kevinwire. "I Feel.. if a duchy is active, fun and intereactive .. it makes money by default .. traders like a duchy that is active with coms and a lot of playing.. they may not say much .. but they listen whle trading .. and always come back.", says Kevinwire. Kevinwire notes that the Alliance and Zar ... are a lot like Wired and RAD :) "In what way Kev?", You smile asks. "Family, Fun and RP", says Kevinwire. "the money is second ... and they make plenty", smiles Kevinwire. Bozoboyz says, "comment:i wish i could be a bit sillier, but Bozo's go into an opposite effect as April Fools day comes about; they slowly lose all silliness till april 1 and on that day, and that day only, are Bozo's normal. it's scary..." Chiefsgirl looks around the bar, "Are you all here from Wired? Or RAD?" Kevinwire says, "Very scary ;']" Nighthawk smiles, "{{{Wired}}}}" Eggie is from Nevy! Kevinwire smiles, "nevy is rad" "Wired is rad", smiles Kevinwire. "oZ is rad", smiles Kevinwire. "Samething", says Eggie with a wink. "it's the W-Factor... give me a break, i can't control it... that's why i don't plan to come to the april fools contest...", says Bozoboyz. Nighthawk is the rad work a holic:) Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to know how long you've been around and what your favorite rank was" "my Favorite Rank ... well.. JP I think befor Po, then Baron as PO ..", says Kevinwire. "2 years working in FED ..", says Kevinwire. Chiefsgirl wonders why everyone loves being a JP Bozoboyz smiles, "ooo... i can answer that one... it's the rank you can be the laziest..." "over 2 years", says Dooeee. Kevinwire says, "I like the JP for the teamwork .. and the friends ... a mission, that is shared... to attain a goal .. and everyone helps each other.. JP was really kewl" Asmiller thinks Wired Wizard is good rank ... "It's good to be the Duke.", says Wogg. Chiefsgirl thinks she missed the mission Kevinwire says, "Well, during my day .. one had to have a mission to promote .. ;']" Chiefsgirl thinks she would still be a JP if that was the case Kevinwire says, "It's good to be Duke .. but during these times .. its sad, that we have no mission .. or a dern thing really to do" "ya can thwapp bozo's though!", smiles Bozoboyz. "So how do you pass the time? You said you are here more now than you used to be", Chiefsgirl says. "most Dukes are very good at getting into troubleZ ;']", says Kevinwire. "OH.. I make things to do ... I create the mission ...", smiles Kevinwire. "You wouldn't want to share with us what the current mission is?", You smile asks. Kevinwire smiles, "i look for active players .. I make plans for the future .. and i work on the RAD Community .. our home away from home.." "My Mission .. is to give our RAD residents ... the comeplete package ... not just a duchy ... but way of life.", says Kevinwire. "there are Duchies .. and there are duchies ..", says Kevinwire. Asmiller cheers the RAD way of life Kevinwire smiles, ".. and then there is RAD" "When one joins a RAD duchy... they are really joining the family of RAD.", says Kevinwire. Kevinwire says, "it's not just a duchy ya know ;']" Chiefsgirl says, "Well, that just makes it all more of a community, so I'm all for that" Kevinwire says, "key word .. Community" Kevinwire smiles Odinoss asks, "will all the promoting Barons have a chance to join Rad?" "That is complicated .. in General the answer is yes", says Kevinwire. "question: What is your favorite flavor of pie?", asks Bozoboyz. "but .. not just anyone would be let in", says Kevinwire. Kevinwire says, "peach" Bozoboyz hits Kev in the face with a peach pie! Splaat! Wogg asks, "What is your take on groveling?" Kevinwire says, "i like it .. if done right ... it's fun" Wogg scribbles some notes. Chiefsgirl thinks groveling while offering peaches would be a good angle to try "I guess it depends on the purpose .. and the people around .. circumstances and so forth", says Kevinwire. Kevinwire smiles, "i love it when Wogg grovels .. he's so good" Kevinwire ;'] Wogg scribbles more notes with a smirk on his face. "How involved do you get with the way your PO's run their planets?", Chiefsgirl asks. "i don't get involved.. that is their buxiness .. so long as it falls within the RAD and Wired guidlines ..", says Kevinwire. "If a Po ask for help .. they get it .. if a PO tells me another po needs some help .. they get it..", says Kevinwire. "otherwise ... i stay out.", says Kevinwire. "How do you go about protecting your POs from dumping?", asks Wogg. "Wogg .. that is not possible .. because key portions of FED are 'broke' .. one really cannot not protect from dumpers ...", says Kevinwire. Nighthawk smiles, "i love when po's dump on me, saves me the trouble" Kevinwire says, "We can set exchanges.., close the duchy.. move the planet link .. but that is not really protection." Kevinwire smiles, "Chiefsgirl is really kewl .. don't ya'll think?" Chiefsgirl bounces happily Bozoboyz asks, "Chiefsgirl... what's your favorite kind of pie?" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Gotta be cherry" Bozoboyz hits Chiefsgirl with 2 cherry pies! Kersplaaat! Chiefsgirl giggles and licks her lips....yummm...cherries Chiefsgirl knows she had another question but has forgotten it in the midst of all these drinks and pies "Well, I would like to thank you all for coming tonight", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl smiles, "And thank you Kev for being our most wonderful guest" Kevinwire says, "you are most welcome.." |