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"Hello everyone and welcome to Meet & Greet", smiles Chiefsgirl. Ron looks at his vac suit to check his zipper Laurianaa pokes Ron Chiefsgirl says, "Each week we have the opportunity to meet another fascinating personality" Ron looks up innocently "Tonight our guest is Laurianaa, Thane of Crystalline", says Chiefsgirl. Laurianaa smiles, hi Ron claps Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and holds up her applause sign Jalstott claps loudly Panam claps aloud Ron applauses Laurianaa curtsies Jalstott notices how nice Lauri looks tonight "Why don't you start by telling us a little about your history and how you came to be in these parts, Lauri", smiles Chiefsgirl. Ron thinks that is a very true statement. :) Laurianaa says, "k... I discovered Fed in August, 1996..." Laurianaa played with her ex then, learning through his character Laurianaa smiles, "When AOL announced unlimited, I decided to create my own character" Laurianaa started Rusty265 in Oct of that year, and got sooo addicted :P Ron misses Rusty265 Jalstott misses Rusty, too "Rusty worked, learning how to interact in Flying... mett many people there", says Laurianaa. Chiefsgirl never met Rusty "Anyone that stands out, Lauri?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ron remembers Rusty well Laurianaa laughs, GovEMarly introduced me to Flying... Laurianaa says, "I hauled for her and disappeared with her load of goods..." "she wrote me a scathing letter, telling me I'd never get a job again in Fed", says Laurianaa. Jalstott chuckles, cuz he knows what happens to Haulers who don't deliver! Ron laughs cause he's been there and done that too.. Laurianaa cried all night about dat one Ron has given Laurianaa a friendly hug! Chiefsgirl had that happen to her too Chiefsgirl looks to Ron for her hug Ron has given Chiefsgirl a warm hug! "I apologized, and she understood... introduced me to Silver1102, her Mentor...", says Laurianaa. Panam just smiles Laurianaa winks and says, "from then, I always behaved and worked hard... was scared to mess up" Implantguy thinks chiefsgirl did it to him Chiefsgirl raises an eyebrow at Implantguy Jalstott messed up alot, even tho HE was scared Laurianaa smiles, "After Rusty got her planet, I got tired of always being nice, and working... so I created Lauri" Jpinfv has never done that, once sold a bay for a meg through Laurianaa giggles, didn't work, just played Jalstott remembers that Lauri's Idea of Fun is to DD often ... and make PO again, and again Panam smiles about one of those sayings Laurianaa has "through Lauri, I've met people outside of Mba, where Rusty settled down... hung out in Fed instead of one duchy", says Laurianaa. Barb asks, "what's the saying, Panam?" Jalstott has given Laurianaa a warm tickle! Laurianaa says, "I have DD'd a number of times, hehehe... 5 or 6 as a PO, lost track" "Did you find it a lot different from just being sheltered in one duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ron remember that to and never liked it Arrogant says, "yes, do tell" Laurianaa says, "It was a lot different, Mba is very tight..." "What saying?", asks Chiefsgirl. Panam thinks back, " All work and No Play makes for a Grumpy Rusty! Barb says, "the one Panam said he liked of Lauri's" Zeusgod says, "lol, Lauri... the first is devastating... then ya get used to it :::winks:::" Laurianaa winks and says, "yeah, the first time, I cried for days... after that, it just happened now and then" Zeusgod pats Lauri on the back Chiefsgirl knows she would cry for days Barb likes some of Arro's sayings but none of them is fit for mixed company "you have any goals you want to achieve as Lauri?", asks Chiefsgirl. Laurianaa smiles, "But still, I'd beeen pretty much in Mba and Flying... so I created Moonshadow... who'd in Wired... and met even more people" Laurianaa giggles at Barb, can only imagine Barb winks Laurianaa says, "goals..." Laurianaa smiles, "I only play Lauri to have fun" Jalstott thinks Kevinwire is a Great Duke "fun goals", says Barb. Laurianaa doesn't care about rank, just meeting people and enjoying herself Panam fires up another batch of Strawrita's for one of Lauri's Goals Barb says, "like trying out every hot tub" Laurianaa chuckles, dat sounds fun Barb says, "would be" Laurianaa makes a note to sit in hot tubs while she travels "Any hot tubs you've found to be particularly fun?", asks Chiefsgirl. "oh, you haven't done that yet", says Chiefsgirl. Panam smiles Arrogant always has to prize Barb off the jet. Chiefsgirl asks, "What fun have you found so far?" Laurianaa smiles, "I've been touring a lot... trying to learn to do puzzles... heh, loads of fun" Implantguy has a fun jacuzzi Chiefsgirl is awful at puzzles Laurianaa loves to read people's planets and experience what they're trying to say Barb scowls at Arro- that's cuz she stays by the fresh water - Arro still has that little hygienic problem Panam is also awful at puzzles but has been practicing ;) Chiefsgirl asks, "Found any good puzzles Lauri?" "Or too busy finding fun?", asks Chiefsgirl. "<--- wants to meet CG for a game of checkers then", smiles Zeusgod. Laurianaa winks and says, "heh, I've died a bit touring, but reinsure... I'm not very good at the puzzles, actually" "What's your favorite tree?", asks Barb. Panam thinks maybe its teh CLtree ;) Laurianaa winks and says, "mine is CLTree, actually" Laurianaa has given Panam a passionate tickle! Panam laughs Jalstott laughs at the CL joke "What's the CLTree?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl must be missing the joke Jalstott LOL Korath smirks "She's the Baroneess of Albion, and a very good person", smiles Laurianaa. "Cltree the PO of Abion", says Ron. "mine is the thing between twu and for", says Zeusgod. Daveh smiles Chiefsgirl says, "Oh" Chiefsgirl laughs -The- Cltree has just arrived. Cltree is the Cltree :) "she has been in MBA a long time", says Ron. Laurianaa has given Cltree a friendly hug! Chiefsgirl laughs harder Cltree has given Laurianaa a friendly hug! Daveh smiles, "Speaking of which..." Jalstott bows low to CLtree Barb says, "Hi" Ron has given Cltree a nice kiss! Chiefsgirl hadn't met Cltree til now Laurianaa giggles, my favorite tree!!! Korath bows politely Cltree smiles and waves a branch at you all Ron smiles, "Long time no see CL" Justadawg perks at the sight of a tree Cltree just stopped by for a quick visit.. heard her name in the winds.... "Donw, Dawg, Down boy!", exclaims Jalstott. Zeusgod goes to the corner to get away from the pollen Laurianaa used to be afraid of CL, cause JTMoomau moved her planet out of Mba to make room for Crystalline "Good to see you all.. I must go before anyone gets any ideas of cutting me down and using me for a Xmas tree", smiles Cltree. Laurianaa chuckles and puts a star on CL's branch Chiefsgirl thinks Dawg has a different idea for the tree Cltree smiles and straightens out her star Cltree smiles at everyone and reminds them to Hug a tree everyday :) Barb takes out a kleenex and wipes Arro's chin Cltree has just vanished. Zeusgod asks, "oh gawd... dribble????" Barb nods Barb asks, "sad innit?" Panam grins and smiles Justadawg does hug trees "the price of years of uncontrolled self-abuse", says Barb. "eerr doesn't", says Justadawg. Zeusgod moves to the back of the room Panam thwaps Justadog Laurianaa is glad Dawg doesn't do what dawgs usually do to trees Justadawg pees on Panam's foot "I have to have my little pleasures, Barb", says Arrogant. Chiefsgirl asks, "Tell us what you do for fun Lauri?" Zeusgod moves far, far back Panam jumps up on his stool hey got a rabid dog here "heh, yap", smiles Laurianaa. Ron picks up his feet Barb says, "oh gowwd, Lauri..take a word from the wise" Laurianaa loves to talk on the comms... Pillrollr shakes his head Barb nods Justadawg smirks at Ron "you're safe.." Barb says, "much safer- talking on the comms" Ron grins at Dawg Zeusgod asks, "lol, and where is this Wise guy Barb?" Chiefsgirl hands Dawg a meaty-bone to chew on Justadawg sits at CG's gnawin "Or visit people's planets...", says Laurianaa. Barb says, "well, there's a shining example of the wages of sin right here" Ron looks innocent Chiefsgirl asks, "You have any planet's you especially like Lauri?" Panam blinks at an innocent Ron ;) "Mba is one of my favorites, but JTM closed off parts of it", says Laurianaa. Chiefsgirl wonders what Barb is talking about Barb says, "everyone's innocent" Chiefsgirl asks, "Closed parts?" Chiefsgirl wonders why that is "virgin parts?", asks Barb. Laurianaa giggles "part virgin?", asks Arrogant. Ron perks "until proven human :::winks:::", says Zeusgod. "no , everyone's a virgin, even the band", says Barb. Panam stifles a laugh "you'd be quite fortunate with a part virgin these days", says Arrogant. "I also like Albion, have tried really hard on the puzzle there but keep dying", says Laurianaa. Chiefsgirl nods "geez, never saw a part virgin.... :::ponders:::", says Zeusgod. "let that be an inspiration, a QUEST, Zeusgod", says Barb. Zeusgod says, "k Barb, almost like a puzzle :::winks:::" Barb nods Laurianaa is lagging badly, forgive me if it takes a few to answer Zeusgod says, "we stand before you Lauri" Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone have questions for Lauri?" Laurianaa braces herself Panam smiles and waits "mememememe", says Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Zeus?" "Lauri.... if a goal is yours in Fed... What is it?", asks Zeusgod. "I plan to eventually become a Baroness and stay there", says Laurianaa. Laurianaa smiles, "mostly just have fun" "I have a question", says Barb. Chiefsgirl asks, "No more DDing?" Laurianaa winks and says, "Not as this character, anyways" "you don't want to be a Duchess Lauri?", asks Ron. Zeusgod says, "wait!!! me not done" Ron waits Laurianaa smiles, "Not as Lauri... maybe someone else can have dat job" "Barb, Whats your question?", asks Wingdgirl. Zeusgod asks, "if you stay Baroness, isn't that giving up?" Barb asks, "WHo do you consider the 3 top Hunks in Fed?" Chiefsgirl giggles Panam laughs at that question Barb grins Wrenna perks and listens suddenly interested. Laurianaa smiles, "nopers... I'll still have fun and play, just don't need to be a Duchess to do dat... oboy, Barb" Laurianaa thinks... Laurianaa smiles, "Pillrollr, of course..." Barb applauds..that's 1 "heh, prolly Picto and Kai", smiles Laurianaa. Panam just knows this is gonna get Laurianaa in trouble no matter how she answers Barb laughs Barb smiles, "that's the point of questions" Chiefsgirl grins Zeusgod says, "Lauri hasn't met me so that's a mute question Barb" "moot", smiles Barb. Rikkytikki nods....Kai does have a certain appeal, but i'm partial to Dilvish =) Panam chuckles at Barb Laurianaa grins at Zeus Wrenna takes notes. "unless you mean silent", says Barb. Barb winks Laurianaa winks and says, "then again... hmmmm, there's lots more..." Barb says, "oh do tell" Zeusgod smiles, "lol.. yeah.. so I have this thing for the tv remote" Panam smiles and winks right back at ya! Rikkytikki thinks Mute is a command fed should look into.... Mute playername :P Laurianaa waves her hand around the room, pick any one of em ;) Chiefsgirl asks, "You mean they're here?" Chiefsgirl looks around the room Laurianaa grins, loves each and every guy in Fed :P Justadawg asks, "what about Dawgs?" Laurianaa asks, "they are endearing, aren't they?" "even Dawgs", smiles Laurianaa. Chiefsgirl gives Dawg a poke Justadawg squirms Barb casts a jaundiced at at Fireimp "you love Fireimp?", asks Barb. Wrenna writes, Be diplomatic, make everyone -think- they are on the list. Got it. "Well, let's not forget that some of the ladies of Fed are also guys, so we could say you love everyone", says Chiefsgirl. "heh, even Fireimp... he does have his endearing qualities", says Laurianaa. Barb asks, "ah and what do you consider Fireimp's most endearing qualities?" "heh, his tactfulness", smiles Laurianaa. Barb asks, "casting souls into the fires of hell?" Laurianaa giggles Barb makes a note, "Tactfullness" "geez, just because someone grills alot Barb....", says Zeusgod. Barb still rather likes the casting souls bit Laurianaa thinks Fireimp isn't one to beat around the bush Zeusgod smiles, "da bush will burn" Laurianaa laughs Ron asks, "If your other alt makes Duchess are you (Laurianaa) going to stay in MBA ?" Laurianaa smiles, "yuppers, Crystalline IS Mba" Laurianaa smiles, "Mba isn't the same without it" Chiefsgirl asks, "What's it mean to be Mba?" Panam smiles and agrees Chiefsgirl has never been to Mba Panam has given Laurianaa a nice hug! "Arcady neds his Sister", says Panam with a wink. Laurianaa smiles, "Proud, part of a wonderful family... in rl and in Fed" Chiefsgirl nods and smiles Laurianaa smiles, "You must visit sometime, CG... and see each personality through their planet" Chiefsgirl says, "I will do that" Panam smiles and thinks maybe now is a good time to ask a few questions.... Chiefsgirl is always looking for places to explore "<--- been kicked out of Duchy after Duchy cause of my big mouth... but I understand Lauri", says Zeusgod. Panam cracks out his Long List ;) Panam smiles and winks at ya! Panam says, "Lauri......." "Who was your First Fed Love interest?", asks Panam. Laurianaa smiles, "heh, PTBaar" Wrenna chokes on her drink. Chiefsgirl sees Panam has brought the juicy questions Panam smiles and nods.. Correct "we met the first day I played Fed... he made fishfaces in the cantina at me", smiles Laurianaa. Panam grins Panam smiles and give CG a wink Chiefsgirl grins and settles in to hear the dirt "then we were merchies together, through PO... but he got too busy in rl to play much anymore", says Laurianaa. "More questions Panam?", asks Chiefsgirl. Panam smiles.. Um, well.....;) "Panam smiles and mentions Cltree is here...again but in a different form ;) -The- Cltree has just arrived. Laurianaa has given Cltree a warm tickle! Panam smiles and hugs Da tree Panam cracks up laughing Cltree waves her branch again at everyone Laurianaa pokes Pan Cltree has given Laurianaa a hot hug! Cltree has given Panam a friendly hug! Panam is laughinf so hard Korath bows politely to CL Chiefsgirl smiles, "Hello again Cltree" Daveh has given Panam a friendly tickle! Cltree bows politely to Korath then gives him a big hug Panam smiles so more Panam has given Daveh a friendly hug! Korath smirks Cltree says, "Hello Chiefsgirl...good to see you" Cltree has given Daveh a friendly hug! Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone have any other questions?" "oops... see??? there the Lear in person", smiles Zeusgod. "I do wanna say that another goal I have in Fed is to make people smile... I think if I've been able to do that, I've done well...", says Laurianaa. Panam smiles and agrees Barb nods Chiefsgirl agrees with Lauri Cltree nods as well Panam grins Ron applauds "I do use fed as an escape from rl, and enjoy all of the time I spend here... and hope everybody else does too", says Laurianaa. Barb applauds Chiefsgirl knows she enjoys herself Laurianaa grins Cltree enjoys the little time she's had lately Ron smiles Panam does want to know what would make you leave fed for good? "fed isn't an escape... it's a life unto it", says Zeusgod. Ron smiles, "not DD'ing that's for sure" "I can't think of anything that would, Pan... it's a part of me now", smiles Laurianaa. Panam smiles and agrees Chiefsgirl smiles Cltree is remembering Lauri'a dramatic exits...and returns :)))) Laurianaa would be very lonely without Fed, it's in my blood, lol Chiefsgirl stands back up and smiles at everyone, "I'd like to close the official Meet & Greet now and thank Lauri for being our guest tonight "Join me every week ... same time, same place.", says Chiefsgirl. Laurianaa smiles, "Thanks for having me here CG, and thanks all for coming" Chiefsgirl says, "next week my guest will be Brenda, Baroness of Darkshadow" "only if you pay me again Cg ::winks:::", says Zeusgod. Panam smiles at Lauri, "wasn't so bad was it? ;) "And if any of you would like to be a future guest, please contact me... Chiefsgirl@aol.com", says Chiefsgirl. Laurianaa winks and says, "heh, not at all... ya could have asked some very embarassing stuff, LOL" Panam laughs,, Got ya worried there didn't I...hehehe Barb says, "nah, Lauri- that would have just been mean, not fun" "heheh, Lauri... much more beside that :::winks:::", says Zeusgod. "we were all so restrained", says Cltree with a wink. "we just quietly passed around notes", says Barb. Laurianaa is grateful for that, LOL "yes, there are the notes", says Fireimp with a wink. Laurianaa giggles, hopes ya send her a copy Barb says, "we save thoe for the archives" Ron tucks one in his vac suit for closer study later Panam blinks and was really glad he Um didn't ask...lol Laurianaa will hafta visit those archives someday act turns off the bright lights and packs up the video equipment Cgee turns off the bright lights and packs up the video equipment |