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Vorete smiles, "Good" Longstrider smiles. :) Chiefsgirl shuffles lots of papers around Longstrider is getting tb's from teleporting players :) "Dey could port here and let us benefit", smiles Vorete. Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat, "good evening everyone" "Welcome to the newest Fed adventure.....the duchy review", you say. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Or the Duke meet-n-greet as I like to call it" Chiefsgirl says, "I'm CG and I'll be your hostess tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "Last week was very informal and that format seemed to work out fine. If you do have a question or comment for Duke Longstrider, you can TB me and I'll be sure it gets addressed" "So without further ado, I'd like you all to welcome Duke Longstrider", Chiefsgirl smiles. Longstrider breaks out in wild aplause :) Cweetie stands and cheers Pillrollr claps Rus smiles at Long Obeahcay bows to the Duke Michelle cheers for da 3rd best Duke in Fed! Chiefsgirl holds up the applause sign Longstrider blushes :) Lucy gives da dupe an standing ovation Longstrider smiles, "Ooops ... daz me" Vorete claps Grace applauds Faster claps loudly Rus laughs Schnitzlebank giggles! "Uncontested 3rd best!" Vorete smiles, "Welcome" Gneutron cheers for the 3rd best!!! :))) "I am very honored by the Fed team that is setting up these Tuesday night", says Longstrider. "sessions that they would ask me to speak.", smiles Longstrider. Longstrider smiles a Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles at Longstrider "I hope I have some information", says Longstrider. "that everyone will find interesting, if not entertaining. Whatever I", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "tell you is mostly my personal opinion, and is not meant to be" "critical of anyone else in Fed-staff, Duchess, Duke or any other player player. I have", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "some 'Long' prefatory remarks, and then I'd like to entertain questions." Longstrider hopes some of the crowd remains awake. Grace hopes Longstrider slows down a little Vorete listens intently "Am I talking too fast :) ... I'm a very fast hauler too", smiles Longstrider. Rus has bought you a No-Doz! "Some of the Duchesses and Dukes in Fed have some very 'bizarre' backgrounds,", says Longstrider. Grace smiles, "3rd fastest..is the rumor" Chiefsgirl makes note that the Duke is a fast hauler Lucy nods thanks to Rus Longstrider says, "but mine is very ordinary. I started Fed in March of 1996. It was an unspectacular" Gneutron says, "the 3rd fastest i believe is true" Longstrider says, "start, but I did seem to have a knack at making friends and finding adventure. The" Longstrider says, "most important friend and event in Fed for me was the night" Lucy makes note da Dupe very fast "an adventuress, LdyLucinia, and I competed with one another for a JP's 'offers.' He was named SRobe.", smiles Longstrider. "I thought I was a fast hauler, but I could barely keep up with her. Afterwards we had a drink and have been together since.", smiles Longstrider. Longstrider smiles at Lucy. Lucy smile in remembrance Longstrider says, "In my first days, I was devoted to reading everything I could about Fed." Grace cheers for the couple Chiefsgirl sighs at the romance of it all "I never even knew there was a help channel. What I could not discover in the", says Longstrider. "guides, I would ask friends about, or try to find player files that were", says Longstrider. Longstrider smiles, "maintained by Fed on AOL. LdyLucinia taught me much also." Longstrider says, "In those days, JP's could only promote if they" "completed the Snark puzzle, and the Snark puzzle requires groups of three or", says Longstrider. "more to complete if the puzzler is to succeed. I was addicted to the puzzle and helped from when I was a", says Longstrider. "captain, all through the summer of 1996. I participated in over 200 Snark puzzles,", says Longstrider. "I am certain, and I managed the 'gather' portion for scores of puzzlers.", says Longstrider. Grace says, "Long..please slow down" Longstrider smiles, "okies" Grace thanks you "Snerts (puzzle object thieves) were a huge problem. I developed a dozen", says Longstrider. "strategies to defeat them. I was highly sought by puzzlers to come", says Longstrider. "and 'snert-proof' their puzzle. By the end of the summer,", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "I was even coaching players on 'space mobile combat tactics." Grace exclaims, "that he was!" Longstrider says, "It was in late August 1996 that I found Lothlorien. Fortunately for the economy" Chiefsgirl is awful at combat Longstrider says, "of Lothlorien, Fed removed the Snark puzzle as a promotion requirement" Lucy nods in agreement Longstrider says, "for JP's. Demand for my help on Snark virtually disappeared, so I turned my attention to my" "planet treasury. Like all things, I immersed myself in the success of", says Longstrider. Grace exclaims, "having fun!" "Lothlorien. I attended planet management school, and studied a bit from", says Longstrider. "Exobot. Some of the older generation of players consider Exobot", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "Fed's greatest economist ever." Longstrider smiles rememberling ex'g the 6 foot tall arachnid teaching the class. :) Longstrider pauses and takes a drink of water. Somehow, you notice he continues to speak as he drinks. Chiefsgirl giggles Longstrider says, "LdyLucinia's Gondor had been online since May, and" "she and I swapped needed deficits back and forth. Players learned that I had", says Longstrider. "a knack for economics too, and they shared their digests with me asking for", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "insights. When I began seeing all these digests, I also saw wider and wider" Longstrider says, "opportunities for trading commitments among my friends, and I helped form many trading alliances--" "many of which had no direct benefit for Lothlorien. Moreover, players at lower ranks", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "began putting factories on Lothlorien. They would often approach me in" Longstrider says, "their inexperience about less-profitable factories, and I would always listen" "and gently nudge them towards my high-profit factories. I never really needed", says Longstrider. "to rely on FO's to enhance my revenue, so I tried to help the FO make their", says Longstrider. "goal of 25 meg in 10 days as a merchant", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "or 37.5 meg in 10 days as a JP." "factory and planet management from my missives.", says Longstrider. Longstrider frowns :) Longstrider smiles :( Longstrider says, "I would email them routinely about events concerning Lorry, and I hoped they were learning about" Schnitzlebank giggles. Chiefsgirl laughs "factory and planet management from my missives.", says Longstrider. Grace laughs Rus chuckles Lucy laughs Longstrider sighs in relief :) Longstrider says, "As 1996, came to a close, LdyLucinia encouraged me to try Navigating on Channel One." "This activity helped fill the time that had been freed by the virtual disappearance", says Longstrider. "of Snark puzzlers. I found my nature was quite compatible at helping sometimes frustrated", says Longstrider. "commanders and captains, as I had helped sometimes frustrated JP's, FO's and PO's.", says Longstrider. Longstrider looks up. :) Grace wonders if the Dupe will sing at the end Longstrider says, "Somehow during these times, I came to get a reputation as long-winded ..." Ikspec remembers that. Chiefsgirl giggles "though I am quite sure undeservedly.", says Longstrider. Cweetie giggles "nooooo", smiles Rus. Longstrider has bought you a cup of strong coffee, as he notes your drooping eyelids.! Michelle giggles merryily Lucy smiles at Fed's 3rd greatest navigator :) "Anyway, Lothlorien did spectacularly. It confronted the horrible lag wars", smiles Longstrider. Schnitzlebank remembers thebeing frustrated the first time I tried to spell "Lothlorien"...and then Aamazign.. Longstrider says, "at the end of 1996. I would never play an alt player for profit, so all" Longstrider smiles at Schnitzle :) "my income was based on Lothlorien's treasury. And though my friends would", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "offer me Fed-financial assistance, I refused to take it." "Lothlorien made duchydom quickly. It started with six agri planets and", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "two indy planets. I am embarrassed to say that some nights, I did not have" Longstrider says, "enough income from that day to cover social security taxes. But, I worked hard" Longstrider says, "to make everyone successful in the Duchy and the time quickly came where" Schnitzlebank cut and pastes "aamaizngg" "Lothlorien's treasury became very 'healthy.", says Longstrider. "Many of my Lothlorien duchymates are former FO's, and JP's, and PO's,", says Longstrider. Longstrider smiles, "or Traders that I helped Long ago." "In all my adventures and toils, I learned many things, but premier among them", says Longstrider. "was a respect for players of any rank", says Longstrider. "a healthy humility that one can never", says Longstrider. "stop learning about Fed", says Longstrider. "and that success comes primarily from finding", says Longstrider. "friends in Fed who can help you with their insights or share some adventure.", says Longstrider. Longstrider suddenly looks surprised and a bit disorganized. Schnitzlebank has bought you an aamaizngg drink! Longstrider rustles through his papers and mutters 'where did the rest of the speech go?' Longstrider sighs. "Oh well, I guess that concludes my prepared remarks.", says Longstrider. Rus looks under her chair Cweetie laughs and knows da Dupe iz more organized den dat Gneutron has learned lots in lory... lol Schnitz Longstrider says, "I had planned to sing the Duchy Anthem ..." Pillrollr looks under rus "but I see I run a bit Long.", smiles Longstrider. "If you have questions about my experiences above, or other topics like", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "life and times in Lorry, duchy policies, how to find a duchy for your planet," "ways in how govern a duchy, compare/contrast Lorry to other duchies...", says Longstrider. Belleinva stands an applauds the no singing idea "I think dat was the 3 shortest from our Dupe", says Gneutron with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "We did have a question from Michelle....would you like to ask it Michelle?" Longstrider smiles, "Any thing at all, I'd be happy to talk about them." Longstrider smiles, "Okies, CG" "hhmmmmmm.......ye can if ye like CG", says Michelle. Chiefsgirl says, "ok....the question was.. "as a Duke AND long standing Nav I'd like ta know Strider's option on the lack of low ranking player and lack of rank balance in Fed today...will the Pay to Play really bring that balnace back.." " Longstrider smiles at his two longest duchymates, Grace and Cweetie :) "There ya go", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl laughs Michelle kindly thanks CG Cweetie thinks CG doing a great job and applaudes "Michelle, I'm very optimistic the balance will return. It will take awhile. :) ... but it will be back", smiles Longstrider. Chiefsgirl whispers her thanks to Cweetie Grace nods at the 3rd most optimistic Duke in Fed "yeah, at the rate lauri keeps dding, no time at all!", says Schnitzlebank with a wink. Longstrider in the meantime enjoys the diminished lag :) Grace in the meantime hauls for MEGA groats Longstrider grins at the rich Baroness of Resorts :) Rus thinks Lauri can keep Fed supplied with commanders for a long time Chiefsgirl asks, "I used to do a lot of trading in Lothlorien during my lower rank days but I never really got to know any of you very well. How is the trading in Lothlorien now?" "well CG...kinda one sided...most are Leisure", smiles Grace. "Well, many, many leisures now, CG", smiles Longstrider. Chiefsgirl nods "short on agri", says Gneutron. Longstrider smiles at Grace Longstrider smiles, "so, we export and import to all of Fed!" Grace drools at the word "woods" "now would be a good time for me to revive my agri planet...", says Schnitzlebank. Michelle drools "Spices" "Are you making any plans to attract some of the newer planets into Lothlorien or are you full?", Chiefsgirl asks. "since ya can spell aamaizngg will set markups on somethin ya got", says Gneutron. "Well, I'm full now, CG :) ... but I expect lotsa openings when Duchess puzzle is fixed", smiles Longstrider. Michelle raises her hand with another question Chiefsgirl smiles, "Go right ahead Michelle" Michelle bounces and wiggles in her seat Longstrider smiles at Michelle :) Phill Raises his hand with a question ?????? Belleinva raises her hand. "are your Baronesses and Barons planning on forming a large trading group of Duchies whe they promote?", asks Michelle. Cweetie raises her hand too "Well, it's been a pleasure, but I think I'm going to go try something that I haven't done in awhile....Hauling! I even bought a ship!", smiles Schnitzlebank. Chiefsgirl giggles and makes note of the queue order Longstrider smiles, "Michelle, we from Lorry will be friends thru whatever comes :) ... but we are very free spirited too" Longstrider has given Schnitzlebank a friendly tickle! Longstrider smiles, "So, I think we'll see what comes after they promote" Michelle nods knowingly....Trouties are free spirited as well Phill asks, "Sir LongStrider anyadvise you can give me on Botttom line Duchy setup , I plan to go duke as soon as possible ??" Longstrider smiles, "Phill, ideally need about 1/3 agri planet is your duchy" Longstrider smiles, "but, I rarely had that mix ... and I never could get the Expell command to work" "I jez took the hand dealt to me and found ways to make it work", smiles Longstrider. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Belleinva, your question was next" Longstrider smiles at Belle :) "How many planets do you foresee losing when the puzzle goes in?", asks Belleinva. Longstrider knows Baronesses 'rule' Fed :) Michelle wiggles, giggles, and jiggles! "lose? none", smiles Longstrider. "change of address notices :) ... everyone that would like to", smiles Longstrider. Belleinva laughs Chiefsgirl smiles "you think the thousand planets in sol wony mostly vaporize?", asks Pillrollr. Grace smiles at her Dupe warmly Pillrollr asks, "wont too>?" Longstrider closes his eyes and touches his forehead ... Lucy raises her hand with a question Chiefsgirl asks, "Cweetie, you had a question?" "I see a terrible tormoil before the turn of the century in Fed ... much death ... many losses", says Longstrider. Belleinva looks for more prozac "yeah..how does one know when to stop 'nudgin' a new player and be tactful...I like ta help..but sometimes seem ta push to hard..where iz that balance?", asks Cweetie. "Oh, C ... that is very hard ...", says Longstrider. "I have felt taken advantage of ... but I long ago adopted a policy and it has served me well ever since ...", says Longstrider. Gneutron says, "yes to not help sometimes is very hard.." "I rarely ever give anyone a groat ...", says Longstrider. Longstrider says, "I will give them time, encouragement, friendship ..." Chiefsgirl makes note of that Chiefsgirl says, "Lucy, I believe you had a question or comment" Grace smiles, "and work even" Michelle thinks true power is knowledge.....not groats Longstrider says, "learning, but not a groat ... unless it is someone know has it a misfortune that is not of their doing" Phill agrees with the Duke, no spoon feeding... Longstrider agrees with Grace's remark. "has given very little groats but lots of help.. things i've learned from being in lory", says Gneutron. Lucy asks, "I'll behave. You said you had suggestions for planet seeking Duchies?" Longstrider sometimes will sneak into an exchange and beef it up w/o no one's knowledge too :) Longstrider says, "Well, seeking a duchy is very, very tough now ..." Chiefsgirl wants the duke to know Rhapsody is there for the beefing Longstrider grins at CG "... but ....", says Longstrider. Lucy loves da beef Longstrider says, "... the key way I recommend, is engratiate yourself to the senior players in the duchy ..." Michelle looks around at the beef eaters and looks worried Longstrider smiles, "... I have a very hard time turning down my Baronesses when they bring me a new candidate" Pillrollr has a hard time turning baronesses down too Rozesa raises her hand to ask a question. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Go right ahead Rozesa" Rozesa asks, "I am having trouble seeing anything in FED, except for my wonderful friedships, to strive for now...don't need groats..or promotions?" Rozesa says, "I miss a challenge." Longstrider says, "Roze, iz very interesting question ... I heard that lots from Dukes too ..." "once Dupedom, no challenge left :) ...", says Longstrider. Rus giggles, guess lauri needed a challenge too... and got one Longstrider says, "But, there are so many interesting things in Fed to do ... I wander all of Sol ..." Chiefsgirl wonders about this dupe thing that is obviously not a typo Longstrider says, "... meeting players ... finding out how they're doing ..." "... helping if they need it ...", says Longstrider. "... and identifying up & comers for possible PO'dom in Lorry", smiles Longstrider. Rozesa knows Long knows that she gets around! :::wink::: and Phill remembers LongStriders help wayyyy back when :) Rozesa says, "I have gone throught a RL grieving process seeing so many of mah friends leave...maybe I just need to give it some time...has been very sad." Longstrider smiles, "... so, we grow ... help on puzzles ... write Fed guides ... make Web pages ... help others wif digests" "Ok, so who will explain this dupe thing to me?", Chiefsgirl asks. "I was duped into Dukedom, CG!", smiles Longstrider. Rozesa is on o da dupe's dopes. :D Grace smiles, "Long is the Dupe of Dopes..CG" Longstrider smiles, "It was Grace and C's and Lucy's fault!!!" Grace smiles, "not!" "have they fixed the Dupe puzzle yet", says Elwoodd with a wink. Mnpowers wonders how a Duke gets duped into Dukedom ... Longstrider had one of the 'sweetest' Leisure exchanges you could imagine :) Chiefsgirl looks around the bar, "How many of you are from the Lothlorien duchy?" Cweetie iz not responsible!! and has dat in writing <g> Longstrider shakes his head at Elwoodd Grace raises her hand as one Lucy raises her hand "Grace, C, Lucy and Roze and GN", smiles Longstrider. Rozesa raises her hand! Elwoodd sits on his hands. Mnpowers is pretty sure he's not in Lothlorien .. Rus considers herself an honorary member of Lorry Chiefsgirl thinks that's a nice turn out Elwoodd wiggles. "You're in Kansas, Mn", smiles Longstrider. Longstrider has given Rus a friendly hug! "ewww kansas?", asks Pillrollr. Rozesa asks, "Since I was late Long, do I still get to stay in Lory?" "You sure are", smiles Longstrider. "without question Rus", says Gneutron. Longstrider smiles, "We'll see" "Rus...you are definitely a part of us!", smiles Grace. "whoa ... how time flies!", exclaims Longstrider. Chiefsgirl glances at her watch Longstrider has Zmud tell him it's quarter of :) Longstrider smiles :) "I had a gooed time, Folks", smiles Longstrider. Lucy raises her hand for another question "Err Duke LongStrider I have a Formal request of you Sir ?", asks Phill. "I shall stay a bit", smiles Longstrider. Chiefsgirl grins "too Late?", asks Lucy. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Let's hear from Lucy and Phill then" Phill kneels before the duke Lucy smiles and nods Longstrider watches Phill :) Chiefsgirl wonders what Uncle Phill is up to Longstrider smiles appreciately at Phill :) Phill says, "I would ask permission to marry the baroness your sister Cweetie" Lucy would love to hear Duke Longstrider's philosophy on interduchie trading :) Chiefsgirl bounces happily Grace faints "Whoa!!!!", exclaims Longstrider. Rozesa faints! DPhill catches grace Longstrider has given Cweetie a passionate hug! You give Cweetie a sloppy hug! Grace has given Cweetie a nice hug! Cweetie blushes and kisses her sweetie Lucy grins at Phill and Cweetie "forget my question" :) Lucy has given Cweetie a hot hug! "Girlfriend!!!", smiles Grace. Cweetie has given Longstrider a friendly hug! Rozesa has given Cweetie a friendly hug! "C! :) ... why you not say sumfin", smiles Longstrider. Rozesa has given Phill a sloppy hug! Grace says, "yeah..C..why??? LOL" Phill smiles Warmly Lucy has given Phill a tender hug! You give Phill a friendly hug! Grace has given Phill a nice hug! Phill looks to cweetie for an answer ???? Cweetie has been speechless and thinks tonite was very appropriate..tole him he hadda ask me brother Longstrider smiles :) ... "Phill, as all know in Lorry ..." Cweetie has given Longstrider a tender tickle! Dscully has given Cweetie a passionate hug! Grace says, "alrighty then Phill..now ya gotta ask me LOL" Cweetie knows momma Grace hasta approve too Lucy laughs and tickles Grace Phill asks, "Will M'lady grace accept me as son in law ?" Longstrider smiles, "I always encourage all to follow their heart" Grace exclaims, "you betcha!!!!" Grace has given Phill a warm hug! Cweetie has given Grace a friendly hug! Chiefsgirl holds up her applause sign "If this is what C wants, it is what I want", smiles Longstrider. Longstrider has given Cweetie a warm hug! Grace applauds wildly Phill has given Grace a hot hug! Cweetie has given Phill a nice kiss! Chiefsgirl bounces happily and applauds Grace stands and yells and cheers for her girlfriend! Phill bows to the Duke and the lady Grace Longstrider is beaming :) Lucy applauds da Dupe and happy engaged C and Phill Cweetie will need a huge diamond on dis finger and know Phill gonna hafta haul lots!! Cweetie has given Phill a sloppy kiss! Grace dries her eyes Chiefsgirl is thrilled to get another auntie in her family Chiefsgirl giggles Cweetie is gonna have a huge family and juz luvs it!! Phill has given Cweetie a tender kiss! Rozesa wonders why she isn't related to anyone here.... :/ Cweetie has given Phill a friendly kiss! You give Rozesa a hot hug! Grace is gonna hafta have a "Long" talk with her girlfriend :) Lucy has given Rozesa a hot hug! Cweetie has given Grace a passionate hug! Grace has given Rozesa a hot hug! Lucy iz an orphan too Longstrider has given Rozesa a passionate hug! "I will Honor her , and protect from any aggressor at any cost", says Phill. Rozesa asks, "Grace you gonna have that special talk with C?" Grace smiles, "you bet I am Roze" Longstrider smiles at Phill :) Cweetie snuggles close ta Phill "Ya better, Phill!!!", smiles Longstrider. Phill smiles, "and will give all to her to do with as she pleases. even my passcodes" Grace thinks Phill will take wonderful care of C :) "Well, I think this was a lovely capper to our evening with the duchy of Lothlorien. Thank you Duke Longstrider for being our honored guest", Chiefsgirl smiles. You give Phill a warm hug! You give Cweetie a sloppy hug! "thankie big brother..was a great meetin!!", exclaims Cweetie. Longstrider smiles, "CG!!! ... thank you so much for having me!" Cweetie has given Longstrider a passionate hug! Phill has given Longstrider a hot hug! Longstrider sighs happily Lucy applauds the Dupe again noisely Longstrider has given Phill a passionate hug! Gneutron has given Longstrider a hot hug! Mnpowers smiles and stops taking notes ... Grace smiles, "CG...was a pleasure to be here" Phill beams!!!! Chiefsgirl curtsies to Duke Longstrider Longstrider smiles to CG :) Chiefsgirl says, "It was nice to meet you all after doing so much trading in Lothlorien when I was growing up" Phill takes cweeties hand an smiles at her warmly Longstrider smiles, "CG, thank you ... I love it in Lorry :) ... when the B's let me in" "It was wonderful to see you all......thank you again Duke Longstrider", Chiefsgirl smiles. |