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Lucas orders BC some nachos and a root beer. Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to welcome you all to Fed's Meet & Greet" "It's held every Wednesday evening right here in CD's", Chiefsgirl says. "Tonight our guest is Duke Lucas of Riva.... he'll tell us a bit about himself and you all feel free to join in and ask questions or comment", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl sits down on her barstool and applauds for Lucas Lucas says, "There's not really a whole lot to tell. I'm pretty plain vanilla as far as Fed citizens go" "Not a whole lot happening here. No sir.", says Lucas. Amidra says, "aww and he is modest too" "Thats my Duke.", says Wbc. Chiefsgirl thinks there must have been something that happened since his start and now "So back to beginning... maybe I could start there.", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl smiles "There was a great swirling cloud of cosmic dust. Slowly it coalesced into the Sun.", says Lucas. Lucas thinks. Amidra says, "too far..." "Maybe I'll move a little further on.", says Lucas. "So I started Fed in Feb of 95 I believe", says Lucas. Lucas says, "A group of us called the Lightning Guild would meet on a regular basis to figure out the JP puzzle" "Who was in the Lightning Guild?", Chiefsgirl asks. Lucas says, "Only a handful of people had completed it then" Lucas says, "GizmoF, Ksimbutm Strmsker, myself, Jaybugg" Lucas says, "Of course those were all AOL names" Chiefsgirl nods Lucas says, "Couple of others too" "Back then, you couldn't borrow megs and megs of money. No one had any", says Lucas. "And you couldn't ask for hints cause no one had done it yet", says Lucas. Lucas says, "Eventually though we got it. We all helped the first guy do it, then he took his planet money to help the rest of us with stats" Lucas says, "Then Riva became the 81st planet into Fed." Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you pick the name Riva?" Lucas says, "Uhhhh" "Well, it's a place I like", says Lucas. Lucas leaves it at that. Chiefsgirl smiles Lucas chuckles. Lucas asks, "More history or questions?" Chiefsgirl looks around to see if there are questions "how long did it take on aol fed to be a po?", asks Amidra. Calscallop asks, "Any funny things you recall through the years?" Lucas buys you a Rivan Fizz. It glows a bright red but begins to turn blue from the warmth of your hand. Suddenly it loses half it's volume and turns a brilliant yellow. You sip... Heaven! Lucas says, "OK... GH to Adventurer was still about the same" Chiefsgirl stares at her Rivan Fizz mesmerized Wbc turns blue from the fizz. "Trader took FOREVER. You literally made all your money hauling your butt around the universe. No FedNav, No macros. So you spent a lot of time looking for trade runs.", says Lucas. Wbc asks, "What are your rules for running Riva?" Deathiscome asks, "rules?" Deathiscome smiles Chiefsgirl hated being a trader Lucas writes down the questions. Amidra asks, "are you accepting applications for the opening in riva?" "All Dukes have rules.", says Wbc. "not all", says Deathiscome. "So then Merchant and JP were tough. If you didn't make your profit you started over.", says Lucas. Wbc says, "They may be unwritten but they are there." "JP took a long while. I think I was a JP for 7 months, working the puzzle. Of course Zedan made it hard too.", says Lucas. Deathiscome Loved Zedan "So I finally made Duke on Christmas day, 1996.", says Lucas. Lucas says, "or maybe it was 97. It says at the Riva website." Chiefsgirl giggles Amidra asks, "was that a sign or what?" Lucas chuckles. I waited to do that. Lucas says, "I was one of the last people to make Duke under PayFed. Riva maybe one of the most expensive planets in the universe." Amidra says, "but worth every penny" Lucas grins. "I'm glad its there.", says Wbc. Lucas asks, "OK... someone asked about rules?" Chiefsgirl nods "Yes how you run your Duchy.", says Wbc. Lucas says, "There's been a lot of talk lately about Duke's rules." Lucas says, "Everyone's heard about Tbar's decision" "No", says Fortune. "Yes.", says Wbc. "I didn't hear", says Deathiscome. "Orgies are out.", says Wbc. Lucas says, "So I'm kind of glad that this came up. OK, if you didn't hear, (roughly translated) Tbar expelled someone for cybering" "Wasn't expelled, they left of their own accord", Chiefsgirl says. "My thought is this. You may not agree with his stance on that issue or even other issues.", says Lucas. Fortune asks, "Cybering?" Chiefsgirl says, "But anyway...sorry to interrupt" Amidra asks, "isn't this supposed to be an adult game though?" "But the Duke/Duchesse has the sovereign right to determine membership in his duchy", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl nods in agreement with Lucas "I don't agree with them (what are they)", smiles Deathiscome. Fortune says, "He booted someone for boinking? What a twinky" Wbc says, "I agree but we should know the Duke's rules." Lucas says, "Sure Amidra. The game is not taking away your right to do that. Although Tbar says he won't have that in his. Just like Yawin is a Star Wars duchy, Just like only Weasels are in Poco's duchy" "Tbar didn't expell them, they left", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl listens to Lucas Amidra says, "i'm just sayin if someone is on their planet in a private room it should be ok" Lucas says, "As for Riva, We're a social duchy, adopting a fairly neutral position in the universe" Wbc says, "Tbar would not approve of my Motel." Lucas chuckles. "Most Rivans have been in the duchy since it's inception", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl wonders about this motel "Not that I would ever use it myself...chuckle.", says Wbc. "Including Mere and BC.", says Lucas. Lucas grins. Merepoule asks, "How are you ne'er do wells?" "Come ci come ca, ca va?", asks Lucas. "Lot's of French influence in Riva", says Lucas with a wink. Chiefsgirl smiles Merepoule says, "un peu, oui" Merepoule giggles "Southern French", says Merepoule. "so lucas are you acceptin offers for the open space in riva?", asks Amidra. "there's open space", says Merepoule. Merepoule frowns Merepoule mutters Lucas says, "I am always taking applications, but I have no room at the moment" "je parle francais un peu", says Amidra. Wbc says, "Opus is still in Sol." "Oui c'est necessaire, Amidra", says Merepoule. "Have you mentioned the trivia games", says Merepoule. Merepoule asks, "Moonshine's in Sol?" Merepoule sighs "So... other fun stuff about Riva. Trivia games are found on an LP at some point of the evening usually", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl perks at the mention of games Amidra asks, "what is it 19 or 20 planets in a duchy?" Lucas says, "Also, BigMartian and Zanedd were often seen there" "20", says Lucas. "well there are 19 in riva", says Amidra. Lucas says, "Not to mention those scaliwags, Boboli and Veryfine." "Riva is the 20th planet Amidra", says Lucas with a wink. Merepoule says, "Maybe one's closed" Wbc says, "Don't forget Gandhi." Merepoule says, "ah oui, bien sur" Amidra says, "no 19 including riva" "well one's closed them", says Merepoule. "Yes 19 Lucas.", says Wbc. "believe me i checked", says Amidra. Lucas says, "That's weird, my listing shows 20" Lucas gets the telescope out. Amidra says, "i have been waiting to talk to you kahn told me to see you" "Well Moonshine is waiting.", says Wbc. Chiefsgirl thinks it's the duke's reading that counts "Later Amidra, most of us are not interested, we want more history", says Calscallop. Amidra sits quietly and waits to hear more "You ever add to your book Lucas?", asks Merepoule. Lucas asks, "OK... I'm blanking. Any questions?" "Ah... the online novel.", says Lucas. Merepoule nods "Did you finish the rules?", Chiefsgirl asks. Calscallop asks, "What would you like to see changed in Fed?" Lucas says, "Nope, Chapter Five is half way done" Merepoule says, "I'd like to see stuff to buy" Lucas says, "what would I like to see changed in Fed? Ha. That's how I got fired as BogMartian." Merepoule says, "we have all these megs to brun" "burn", says Merepoule. "They fired ya? Why?", asks Jazir. "Next question. (If you really want to know, read the Bulletin Board at the Riva site and read Lucas' Dream)", says Lucas. Calscallop asks, "How does one access the Riva site?" Lucas says, "When we switched over to Web Fed, tempers were running a little hot." "Http://members.aol.com/Lucasw123", says Lucas. Wbc says, "Its a great site...King of the Web pages." "And the website was running and someone posted a criticizing post about Fed Staff. So....", says Lucas. Magicalelf says, "i think for just answering my TB and being courtious to me unlike any other duke is a reason itself to be interviewed =)" "The rest is CattySu's planet", says Lucas. "Is anyone invited to these trivia games?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Oh yeah... as Duke you sometimes marry people", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "they're open" Merepoule says, "but they're tough" Lucas says, "As a West Coaster, you sometimes misunderstand time zones" Merepoule says, "no pushovers in the group" "And how many wives do you have now?", Chiefsgirl asks. Lucas says, "Anyone is allowed at the Trivia games." Chiefsgirl winks at Lucas Merepoule wants to see the Lucas harem "Me? I'm a confirmed Bachelor. I had one female acquaintance years back.", says Lucas. "Ha. I was in SoSayCIn's harem for a day when we were all in Rainbow.,", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Pardon me, I misunderstood the dukes marry people statement" Merepoule says, "He married me to my husband" "Now those were glory days (winces knowing some people have a few things to say abut Rainbow)", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "except he didn't" "He missed the wedding", says Merepoule. Calscallop says, "I liked Rainbow" Merepoule says, "And MyNewDay, Duchess of Oz had to graciously fill in" "Mere I thought he didn't show up.", says Wbc. Lucas says, "But Shaver was a great educator in role playing and planet economy. Taught me everything I know. Tbar's been another great friend." Merepoule says, "poor My, she was a nervous wreck, totally unprepared" Fortune chuckles about "Glory Days". Lucas realizes he's friends with a lot of Dukes. Lucas smiles, "MyNewDay, duchesse of Oz, was a Riva FO." Merepoule says, "such a sweetie" "She did a good job at the wedding.", says Wbc. Lucas grins at Mere. "Yes, it was lovely, bc", says Merepoule. "she spoke from the heart", says Merepoule. Lucas says, "So, there's lots of intrigue in Riva as well." "well with Opus gone.....", says Merepoule. "Best wedding in Fed I've ever attended.", says Wbc. "The board mentions something abut a spy.", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "a lot of paranoia" "There was a brief war with Backdraft that turned into a alliance with Aldva.", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "I think that's called a hate/love relationship" "how long ago?", asks Amidra. "Remember the AOL duchy boards? Riva had quite a few posts. The Backdraftians decided to catch up and it started a competition that got out of hand.", says Lucas. Lucas chuckles. Merepoule wrote my fingers to the bone "A while back I think it was. Haven't seen Aldva in a while.", says Lucas. "You really cracked the whip then", says Merepoule. "Yup", says Lucas. Lucas says, "We went to Martial law." Merepoule cowers Merepoule cringes "Must have been a different Lucas then?", asks Wbc. Chiefsgirl laughs Lucas asks, "Oooops. Speaking of which... remember the Onyxian invasion?" "What did Martial Law entail?", asks Fortune. Lucas <---- Defender of Riva. Merepoule snickers Amidra asks, "what is the point of a duke/duchess getting married?" Lucas says, "When the Onyxians attacked, I got a ton of email from the POs. I closed the duchy and we moved all of the planet orbits." "To make it legal?", asks Merepoule. Merepoule grins Chiefsgirl giggles Wbc smiles. Lucas says, "We reopened with a 50% tax, and then me and some fighters shot down any and all macro traders." Lucas grins evilly. Chiefsgirl is impressed at the duchy teamwork "Ouch", says Jazir. "So, Riva is very active?", Chiefsgirl asks. Lucas says, "OK... let's clarify. When I said I married people, I meant like in the clerical sense." Lucas says, "Fairly." Chiefsgirl laughs Lucas says, "A lot of us are waiting for something to happen" Chiefsgirl is sorry for confusing the issue with a joke Merepoule says, "I've been waiting for the duke puzzle to be done - hard to be active once it's all done and you just wait" "i know that...", says Amidra. Deathiscome asks, "ain't it though?" "performed ceremonies", says Calscallop. "A year ago though, you'd find no less than 5 Rivans on, on any night.", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "trivia" "fire setting", says Merepoule. Merepoule chuckles "Opus would deny that.", says Wbc. Lucas says, "Oh yes... and it appears we have a pyromaniac loose in the duchy as well." "A lot of lively com talk", says Merepoule. "In many languages.. I think we had a French, Spanish, English comm night once", says Lucas. "I miss that old pyro.", says Wbc. "yes that was fun, n'est ce pas senor?", asks Merepoule. Lucas says, "Then there's the Zanedd incident." Merepoule says, "Yeah, well he didn't sneak into your bedroom burning you bc" Lucas chuckles. Chiefsgirl laughs "Anyone here remember Zanedd? Or is that too far back?", asks Lucas. "I don't have a bedroom in Fed Mere.", says Wbc. Chiefsgirl asks, "What's the Zanedd incident?" Merepoule says, "and sweeping up your ashes under the rug" "I do Lucas", says Deathiscome. Merepoule says, "I have several" Deathiscome says, "liked his as well" Amidra asks, "was everyone here on aol fed? i never knew it existed when i had aol?" Merepoule laughs "Seems that I took a hit to the head and split my personality for a while.", says Lucas. Lucas says, "Zanedd was my alter ego" Deathiscome says, "cool" Calscallop says, "I think most of us were on aol fed" "oh goodness", Chiefsgirl says. "Aol Fed? Nope, Was before that", says Fortune. Chiefsgirl was on AOLFed "yup.. Zanedd was crazy. Unlike Zedan, he never kept pieces, he usually gave them back after scaring people have to death.", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "drinks...I knew something was missing" Amidra has bought you an Ameenities Cream Ale! "very kind of you...", says Merepoule. Merepoule smiles at Amidra Amidra says, "no problem" Merepoule says, "However..." "Then someone made Zanedd take a vow. So he switched to being a fighter pilot.", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl smiles Lucas says, "Member Golfspa? That was a favorite hangout." Merepoule pops cork from a bottle of Pouilly Fuisse and pours some into some crystal glasses, passing them around Deathiscome smiles, "not a very good one was he" Lucas looks impressed. Merepoule offers her duke a glass with a curtsy "ooo...thanks Mere", Chiefsgirl smiles. "He hung out with a bad crowd.... Deathiscome, TheCursed1", says Lucas. Fortune looks into his glass, then at Merepoule suspiciously Merepoule hopes you enjoy it's rich taste Chiefsgirl Kao smiles her thanks and sips the wine Merepoule says, "none of the rumors are true Fortune" Calscallop raises his eyebrow in Death's direction Fortune says, "Ain't heard none of the rumours, just wonderin' what the hech it is" Amidra pulls out a bottle of Au Bon Climate and shares with everyone it is no fun to drink alone Lucas says, "Ooooh. That was ominous." Chiefsgirl sips her drink Merepoule says, "white wine, very dry, very flavorful" Calscallop chuckles "yes i love it", says Amidra. "BC loves white wine..takes a sip.", says Wbc. Lucas plays piano with finesse. on the piano. Lucas chuckles. Merepoule says, "The Piano Man - our own Billy Joel" "Wine. Um, okay", says Fortune. "There's a nice grand in my office on Riva.", says Lucas. Lucas asks, "Next question?" "Did you guys know Riva won the TTTT in its first week?", asks Lucas. "Do you have a long waiting list to get in Riva?", asks Wbc. Chiefsgirl asks, "First week as a planet?" "do you think fed has gotten too easy?", asks Amidra. Lucas says, "back in the day.... people used to flock to new planets to explore and get ideas" "Yup. The game has evolved. It used to be about striving to make a few groats. If you were lucky, you'd see a real live PO and you'd be awestruck.", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "I loved those days" "I truly felt subservient", says Merepoule. Jazir says, "Those days were fun" Kao was around back then "Now a days the game is different. You work hard and you get a planet. It's time for the game to change because it's not the same game anymore.", says Lucas. "and they were mentors", says Merepoule. Lucas nods. Merepoule says, "and the interactivity was necessary for succeess" "i agree", says Amidra. Merepoule says, "It was a perfect balance" Merepoule says, "people needed each other" Lucas says, "Valor Nine was the planet owner's planet owner. Funny, witty, good planet designer and a little touched in the head" "Fed needs more players..but things are getting better.", says Wbc. "Not enough poor people now. I've stunned PO's when I tell them I'm not an alt", says Jazir. Amidra says, "that is true but no one really communicates on here now unless you have a few close friends" "One of the keys to Ferd's success was that you needed other people to pull off success", says Lucas. Fortune says, "More players? Sheesh, I remember before AOL when 20 was a lot" Lucas says, "Now all you need is a rich alt" Merepoule blushes Lucas whispers that Ferd is the alternate Rivan spelling to "Fed" Lucas chuckles. "Now... the game needs to evolve. I say bring on the Martians.", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl laughs Wbc says, "Maybe thats what we need...Fed to change its name to Ferd...lol :)." Calscallop says, "I agree that is time for the Martians" "imagine a universe where raging Martians looted unprotected worlds or their populations, money and builds", says Lucas. Merepoule sighs Calscallop says, "But few planets did any Security to prepare for them" Merepoule loves peace Amidra says, "that sounds great" "People could band together to fight off invasions OR the Duke could build an army to protect his duchy", says Lucas. "I vote for peace.", says Wbc. Lucas says, "I will protect you BC" Chiefsgirl likes the rough and tumble "That does sound interesting Lucas, I'll admit", says Merepoule. Lucas grins and stands like a super hero. Merepoule rolls her eyes Jazir chuckles "it will get the po's workin harder", says Amidra. Wbc says, "I hope so....I'm a lousy fighter..ask Peggysus." "OR.... Fed could become really Economic based", says Lucas. Fortune remembers The Powers That Be talking about a Martian Invasion 4 years ago Jazir asks, "How so, luke?" Amidra smiles, "yea pegasus killed me 4 times" "Well.... enough with the automatic exchanges.", says Lucas. Lucas says, "Each PO would figure out how much the planet could sell and he'd set the price" Merepoule asks, "You don't think the random factor makes it challening?" Merepoule says, "challenging" Amidra says, "that sounds like a better plan....." Lucas says, "Kinda like the Stock Market... you'd kinda have to bet on how much the planet would consume and how much trade you 'd get." Poco immerses herself in her margarita trough and goes into silent mode Lucas says, "Put too much out for sale and you lose money, hit the right price and people flock to you." Lucas says, "You'd have to make planets need materials to function, that'd encourage buying commods from other planets." Amidra says, "that is better there are just too many planets now" "Lucas...the thing is", says Merepoule. "If they were selling for 0, I wouldn't flock", says Merepoule. Merepoule says, "I don't need anythihng" "So if you never watched your planet, it'd stop making money cause it didn't have the raw materials it needed and eventually the population would die off", says Lucas. "And when I do, I don't care what it costs - I want handy", says Merepoule. "Right now, if you have a def of -1000, nothing happens", says Lucas. Wbc says, "I have a lot of them." "as a Baron?", asks Merepoule. "So, there are many slants you could take to evolve the game", says Lucas. "me to", says Amidra. "wow", says Merepoule. Lucas says, "Mere has a goldmine for a planet" Wbc says, "Yep...more than any other PO level." "Stick is good too", says Merepoule. Merepoule says, "But Provence has always had outstanding exchanges" Lucas orders a round of drinks. Lucas says, "LOL... Zanedd used to order everyone Spider Lattes" Wbc says, "Zanedd was sick." Lucas says, "Ha! I just remembered a long off Ferd memory" Lucas says, "Seems that when I was a trader, Learjet shot me down at the link. Big bad Merchant shooting down a trader in a 10 hull ship" "So I stalked him and killed him in his own orbit.", says Lucas. "That was the only really gruesome thing I did but it got the message across", says Lucas. Lucas grins. Wbc asks, "You could do that?" Lucas says, "Oh yes...." "did you have insurance then?", asks Amidra. Merepoule didn't know her Duke was so bloodthirsty Lucas remembers the days before the mandatory peace flag in orbit Wbc says, "Shooting in orbit is not allowed." "If he was dumb enough not to make his orbit a peace loc", says Fortune. "I've mellowed tremendously as a Duke", says Lucas. Lucas nods at Fortune. "WHoaaaa", says Lucas. Lucas says, "I've nodded to Fortune and bowed to Death." Wbc says, "Spoooky." Lucas wonders if Fate will show up. He also wonder if CG will edit all this mess. Chiefsgirl smiles, "And all in one evening" Chiefsgirl giggles Lucas laughs, spilling his drink on his tie. Chiefsgirl says, "No editing....it flies as is" Lucas says, "Whoops." Chiefsgirl gives Lucas a tender tickle! Amidra hands lucas a napkin "Watch my Tux Lucas...I dressed for this occasion.", says Wbc. Lucas says, "I've had quite a few colorful friends too.... Anakin, Manof13, Boboli55" Lucas says, "People who really talked up 9" >ex lucas Lucas wears simple clothes, mostly khaki and white linen. His face is pleasant but sometimes looks lion- or even eagle-headed when you turn away. >ex wbc BC is wearing a black tuxedo, white ruffled shirt, black tie & black shoes. "Ah... my most simple EX", says Lucas. "I have two favorites....", says Lucas. Chiefsgirl whistles in appreciation of the tux Wbc takes a bow. Chiefsgirl holds up her applause sign for BC "One was ..... Wearing a cloth cone shaped hat and wearing a blanket tied to his back and wrists, Lucas is a pteranodon.", says Lucas. "Shades of Gandhi?", asks Wbc. Lucas looks at BC Lucas says, "Since I have the news here, let me clear up another myth. I am not gahndi." Lucas bows. Wbc says, "I meant that maybe Gandhi had a bad influence on you Lucas." Lucas says, "Hey! J4 is here. You missed my startling news revelation." "Yes, he's booting Stick", says Merepoule. Lucas asks, "Again?" Lucas says, "WHen was the last time you saw this many Rivans on. Wow." Lucas asks, "Oh and CG did I mention we were RAD?" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Nope, but thanks for mentioning it now" "Riva the Awesome Duchy", says Lucas. Lucas chuckles. Chiefsgirl gets her camera out and tells all the Riva folks to get together for a photo Lucas watches the Rivan lawyers pass out cards saying that Riva the Awesome Duchy is not affiliated with the Duchy alliance headed by Tbar. All resemblances are coincidental. Batteries not included. "What happened to Opus?", asks Jfour. Wbc stands close to his Rivan friends. Chiefsgirl snaps many photos Lucas mugs for the camera. Merepoule hands him a comb Amidra sits on her stool and feels left out Lucas says, "Opus has been booted for crimes against the state." "Sweetie the Duke puzzle is fixed", says Merepoule. Wbc stands proud in his new tux. Fortune jots down a few notes... "What?", asks Jfour. "but it's broken again", says Merepoule. Jfour blinks Chiefsgirl says, "Oh Amidra, join in the photo" Lucas hands Amidra an I Love Riva button. "Tried to tell you earlier but you had to go", says Merepoule. Merepoule says, "had a lot of news" Amidra says, "but i'm not a member yet i have to put in my app" "Did I mention that I've been to Horsell lately, guys?", asks Lucas. Merepoule asks, "Have you?" "and didn't take us?", asks Merepoule. Merepoule pushes Lucas "It was fun...brought back so many memories", says Lucas. Merepoule says, "Crypto got married and is on his honeymoon, so it won't get fixed til he returns." Merepoule says, "The duke puzzle was crashing the game apparently if people messed up" "can we warp from anywhere Lucas?", asks Jfour. Lucas has no idea since his time machine was taken away. "You need commodities to use the time machine", says Merepoule. Jfour says, "oh yeah" Merepoule asks, "Your time machine was taken away?" "Dukes have no time machines.", says Lucas. "bummer", says Merepoule. Lucas says, "Tel me abuot it, I stil have a ware full of commods" "should change", says Merepoule. Chiefsgirl offers Lucas hers since she's not using it "WHoops... spelling Rivan again", says Lucas. Lucas returns the time machine remote back to CG since he may go back and write al the Beatles music himself. "darn someone jumped in b4 i could", says Amidra. Chiefsgirl laughs "Lucas how did you get to horsell without a time machine?", asks Wbc. "and i was nice and asked...", says Amidra. Jfour says, "go with someone who does" "Uhhh", says Lucas. Lucas blushes. Wbc says, "Never thought about that." "if you are in the room with em", says Jfour. Jfour says, "they take you along automatically" "Did I say I went to Horsell. I meant I dreamed it.", says Lucas. "You can do that?", asks Jazir. Jfour pokes Lucas "yep", says Jfour. Wbc says, "Yes Lucas is a dreamer." Lucas falls off his stool. Jazir says, "Cool" Lucas laughs from the floor. Wbc says, "And a poor barfly as well." Lucas puts a quarter in the jukebox and plays the Macarena very loudly. You wonder how he did that from the floor. Merepoule groans Merepoule decides to just do the hip wiggle part from where she sits Lucas likes the macarena so he can watch people's faces. Merepoule thinks you watch the wrong thing Lucas "OK... closing thought for the Interview.", says Lucas. "In closing.....", says Lucas. "In conclusion......", says Lucas. "Four score and thirty years ago.....", says Lucas. "Oh forget it... thanks CG!", exclaims Lucas. Jfour laughs at his most supremely inane Duke Chiefsgirl smiles, "Thank you Duke Lucas for being my guest tonight" "Visit the Riva Website at http://members.aol.com/LucasW123", says Lucas. Amidra stands and gives a round of applause "And thanks to your duchy for coming out in force", Chiefsgirl says. Lucas shamelessly plugs the Luc-O-Site Merepoule says, "Lucas Lucas he's our man" Wbc Applauds . Jfour rofl Merepoule says, "If he can't do it no one can" Jfour has given Merepoule a hot kiss! Merepoule giggles "If he can't do it.... no one is surprised.", says Lucas. Lucas laughs. "rofl", says Merepoule. Chiefsgirl smiles, "I hope you'll all join me on future Wednesday nights... next week my guest is Duke Goodnfast at midnight" Wbc says, "Hip..hip..hooray..to Lucas." Lucas toaasts a macarel. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Lucas Lucas has bought you a Spam-Aide.! Chiefsgirl saves her Spam-Aide for the weiner dogs on Rhapsody Chiefsgirl excuses herself and curtsies to Duke Lucas |