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Jafar remembers fighting fish in trout in the older days Mjmirick hands a stringer of Brook Trout to Chiefsgirl Chiefsgirl puts her trout in a cooler she brought just for this occasion Mjmirick stands and clears his throat Mjmirick says, "In the beginning Hazed created the universe" Mjmirick says, "then the planets of Fed started appearing" Mjmirick adjusts his treble hook Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool "I'd like to welcome you all to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "I am honored to have Duke Mjmirick as our guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Mjmirick says, "I started Fed sometime late 95 or early 96...I can't remember" Chiefsgirl plops down and sips her drink, listening to the duke as he continues Mjmirick says, "and then I worked my way up the ranks" Chiefsgirl asks, "Was this a long process for you?" Mjmirick smiles, "and finally became a Duke" Mjmirick says, "Yes, but it was fun and has alot of good memories for me" "How long did it take?", asks Wolfyn. Mjmirick says, "In those days, it took along time" Mjmirick says, "Aol had Fed" Gerhilda nods in agreement with MJ on that score. "and you had to pay for everything", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "no flat $20/month stuff" Chiefsgirl nods Wolfyn grins. Bsacarl cringes at the thought Gerhilda remembers AOL bills in the hundreds of $$$ "so it seemed like it took forever", says Mjmirick. Gerhilda had no life, LOL! Megamike exclaims, "or in the thousands!" "What was your favorite rank?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I liked JP the most", smiles Mjmirick. Jafar says, "what do you think is the current 'state of the universe' so to speak" Chiefsgirl marks another tally in the JP column Mjmirick says, "you developed a lot of friendships trying to solve the Snark puzz" Gerhilda nods to CG to put her on that list, too. Megamike asks, "was this JP wish the snark puzzle or with company profit that you liked?" Chiefsgirl marks again for Gerhilda Mjmirick asks, "the current state Jafar?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you wish they would bring back the requirement to do snark to promote?" "as compared to the days when you were comin up in the ranks", says Jafar. Mjmirick says, "the Snark puzz Megamike" "He sits on his fishland and orders us around, what could he not like.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles Mjmirick frowns and says, "I must have died a dozen times on Snark" "Tell us about the Walrus on Trout!", exclaims Wolfyn. "did making duke meet all the expectations you had fer it ?", asks Jafar. Mjmirick says, "the Walrus was nice" Mjmirick says, "very nice" Wolfyn asks, "When did you get it? As an agri? Where there many planets? Why did you burn me with the matches?" "I have to admit it is one of my better accomplishments", says Mjmirick. "and Fight was a Walrus also", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "I wrote it for my son when he was playing" "How long did it take you to complete the planet as it is now?", asks Chiefsgirl. Mjmirick says, "I don't remember Chiefgirl" "was reaching Duke yer ultimate goal? Was there a letdown as to particular goals after you made Duke ?", asks Jafar. "I just got inspired one day", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "Duke is not all it's cracked up to be" Mjmirick says, "actually boring" Gerhilda nods in agreement with MJ, again. Jafar nods Bigshell thinks that is good news since he hates puzzles. "well, it does have certain bennies", says Gerhilda with a wink. "I miss the action of playing an active role", says Mjmirick. Chiefsgirl asks, "Is there anything that would make it better?" Megamike asks, "when did you become a duke?" "If you were to add something to being a Duke what would it be ?", asks Jafar. Lessgill hates puzzles more than Bigs "the invasion, of course!", exclaims Mjmirick. "bring 'em on....Trout is ready", says Mjmirick. Megamike asks, "when did you become a duke?" Mjmirick says, "we're armed to the teeth with carp" Jafar asks, "do you think 19 is a good number of planets fer a duchy ?" Mjmirick smiles, "and smelt, and other stinky things" "20 is fine Jafar", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "I became Duke right after Ninjal" "should there be a rank above duke?", asks Megamike. Bigshell thinks MJ is a very old Duke... even older than... well... old. Lessgill enjoys the smell of Trout over his planet A savage-looking Jackal has just arrived. "Heard you had smelt and carp and other things here.", says Jackal with a wink. Gerhilda whispers to Bigshell, "*all* the dukes are old" ;) Lessgill laughs age in the face..... "Probbaly Megamike", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "the Senator role should be interesting" "Who were your first planets in your duchy?", asks Wolfyn. "were you a duke in pay aol fed?", asks Megamike. Gerhilda smirks. "if it ever goes online", says Mjmirick. "I was Duke during AOL FED", says Mjmirick. "Senator isn't a player rank", says Barb. Mjmirick says, "the Duchy of Trout has had many planets" "wasn't it once supposed to be a rank that one can retire to?", asks Megamike. "it was something that was considered and rejected", says Barb. Mjmirick says, "Many of them are now Dukes or Barons" Mjmirick says, "I was in the Duchy of Droidium" "Exobot was the Duke then", says Mjmirick. Megamike asks, "I remember trout in the old days, a very lively planet, could it ever become that again?" Gerhilda smiles, "geeeez, Droidium! Those were the days" Mjmirick smiles, "Trout is a very lively duchy now" Mjmirick says, "most of the players are active" Megamike remembers Droidium too Bigshell remembers many an all night party. Lessgill remembers too many all night parties...... "I mean a planet with many people on it at all times, not a duchy with active planets", smiles Megamike. Mjmirick still has photos of Unicorn777 Mjmirick frowns and says, "Trout doesn't have many players on it anymore Megamike" Wolfyn winks and says, "Nice quiet place to fish, though." "A lot of ships pass through your link though.", says Bigshell. Mjmirick is sad so many of the old Dukes have left the game Megamike says, "a very nicely written planet" Chiefsgirl asks, "What keeps you hanging around still?" Wolfyn says, "We force him to." Mjmirick says, "good question CG" "Wolfie has me locked up most of the time", says Mjmirick. Wolfyn nods. "and Biggs comes by and feeds me every now and then", says Mjmirick. Megamike trys to pull out the fabled hand held weapons from the aol fed message boards but remembers the futility of the idea Lessgill would be lost anywhere but Trout, been there since Capt. Mjmirick deep down inside thinks Fed is still kewl Bigshell asks, "Did you know MrKyushu very well, MJ?" Mjmirick says, "yes, MrK was a gentleman" "very much an artist", says Mjmirick. Wolfyn says, "Well, there was one night he wasn't so.. er.. nevermind." Bigshell says, "And a great role player." Mjmirick says, "I have those photos too" Wolfyn pales. Mjmirick says, "yes, a great player" Chiefsgirl thinks Mj must have a big photo album Lessgill falls to the floor laughing "He has been back a few times. Just to say hello. And bow.,", says Wolfyn. "I could name alot of players who are great in my opinion", says Mjmirick. "So name them.", smiles Wolfyn. "oh, please do", says Chiefsgirl. Mjmirick says, "but, I'll probably leave someone out" "and get myself into trouble", says Mjmirick. Megamike listens for any names he might know from long ago "You can leave Biggs out.", says Wolfyn. Chiefsgirl hands you a disclaimer for the end Lessgill ducks Gerhilda grins. Bigshell is used to being left out. Mjmirick smiles, "Gerhilda help me out" "naming the great Fedders?", asks Gerhilda. "Who can forget Rokmonster?", asks Gerhilda. "the old ones", says Mjmirick. Gerhilda says, "or GuyRay" "Starlis, although she is back now", says Gerhilda. Mjmirick says, "yes, the Rok" Gerhilda says, "Durrock" "GuyRay is a legend", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "PO of Nightclub" Jafar asks, "were you around in Shavers Youth ?" Cptmartin thinks he just took a step back in time... "Xandra2, of course Shaver, C5crwchief", says Gerhilda. "Jafar - yes", says Mjmirick. Gerhilda asks, "Fauxhack and Tsaint, remember them?" "C5, Ghost11, Satn, Uni, NAM", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "BigPink" Barb says, "I liked Tsaint and Fauxhack a lot" "they are still around now and then", says Gerhilda. "Autumnday", says Gerhilda. Mjmirick says, "I think Tbar, Gallileo, et al are great" Gerhilda frowns and says, "but not in Fed" "MND", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "MyNewDay" "do you remember Mykeeagle?", asks Gerhilda. Gerhilda rolls! Barb says, "how could I forget" Barb laughs Mjmirick smiles Gerhilda laughs until her eyes water. Chiefsgirl asks, "And what made these folks memorable?" "GCostigan, Sivar, FinSolo", says Gerhilda. Gerhilda says, "Mykeeagle fancied himself quite the ladies man" "Ming's gift to women", says Gerhilda. Barb says, "a total pig" Mjmirick says, "they are great role players, always helpful, usually honest" Chiefsgirl nods Gerhilda laughs!!! Chiefsgirl asks, "And you feel that's missing currently?" Gerhilda is just soggy with nostalgia! Lessgill laughs at "usually" Jafar nods "I don't miss Mykeeagle", says Barb. "I don't play enough anymore to have an opinion CG", says Mjmirick. "a legend in his own lunch time", says Barb. Gerhilda roll.s Gerhilda says, "errr, rolls" "Well, maybe you would play more if that were still the case", says Chiefsgirl. Gerhilda says, "he worked for AOL, used to bump people offline if they made him mad in the game" Jafar says, "yup yup" "I don't play much because of my situation in RL at the moment", says Mjmirick with a frown. Chiefsgirl nods "When you were active, MJ, coming up through the ranks, how many people did you usually see in the game at one time?", asks Wolfyn. "my heart is here in Fed", says Mjmirick. Mjmirick says, "20 was alot in the old days" "Geeze.", smiles Wolfyn. Gerhilda nods emphatically. "Dear lord...that was old...", says Cptmartin. "sometimes when Fed was down and then came back up, you could be the only player for awhile", says Mjmirick. "once Hazed asked me to quit the game for a while because there were more than 100 players in the game and it was overloaded", says Gerhilda. Jafar mumblez something bout 20 being a lot nowadays sometime "and then Crypto threw in all those clones for awhile", smiles Mjmirick. Gerhilda smiles, "the Cryptospawn" Wolfyn grins. Mjmirick tosses a catfish to Bigshell Bigshell catches it. Lessgill applauds Mjmirick smiles, "sing us asong Biggs" "Best catch I've made in a while.", says Bigshell. Mjmirick says, "~~~~" Wolfyn grins. Bigshell grins Mjmirick tosses a BudIce to the Biggs Gerhilda ponders the nature of harrassment. Chiefsgirl waits for the singing to start Mjmirick has given Gerhilda a passionate kiss! Lessgill gives everyone a rice krispy treat "<----how's that?", asks Mjmirick. Wolfyn smiles, "Pull up the file, Mr. Biggs." Gerhilda laughs. Gerhilda has given Mjmirick a nice kiss! "not even close, darling", smiles Gerhilda. Mjmirick :::::blushes:::: Gerhilda has given Mjmirick a nice snog! "Does anyone have any questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn pats her foot waiting for a song. Mjmirick gets ready to field a few questions Bigshell wouldn't know what to sing. Wolfyn raises her hand. "Yes Wolfyn?", asks Chiefsgirl. Mjmirick says, "yes, Wolfie" Wolfyn wants to know the.. er.. duchy philosophy. She hasn't had that lecture... Wolfyn ducks. Chiefsgirl smiles "there are no rules, no taxes, and no philosophy other than to have fun", says Mjmirick. Bigshell looks for the muzzle again. Wolfyn sighs with relief. "See Wolfie... have fun!", exclaims Bigshell. Mjmirick says, "a don't like DD planets, but think they should be allowed" Wolfyn whispers into her communit and sets her taxes back to 0. Lessgill thought there were rules, etc..... hmm will have to change attitude "I didn't like the macro trading stuff", says Mjmirick. Jafar asks, "would you have used it as a Squire an up though ?" "but that's the freedom we need, if Fed is gonna grow", says Mjmirick. "I was just teasing when I told you those new rules, Less!", exclaims Wolfyn. Wolfyn blushes. Mjmirick says, "No, Jafar...I wouyldn't have used them" Mjmirick says, "I don't use a spybeam either" Wolfyn sighs with relief. Bigshell notes that MJ uses his code too. Mjmirick says, "not unless I'm asked to" "Any more questions for Duke Mj?", asks Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn asks for some frog legs. Mjmirick gives Bigshell high-five Cptmartin winks and says, "I've got one, but I'll ask later..." "not a question, just a comment. I wish you could be around more.", smiles Bigshell. Wolfyn nods! Chiefsgirl smiles Lessgill les nods "thanks, Biggs, I'll try", says Mjmirick. Jafar wishes all the dukes could be around more Wolfyn exclaims, "Biggs doesn't listen to me anymore.. he needs some guidance!" Bigshell nods solemnly. Mjmirick thwaks Bigshell with a Brook Trout "ouch", says Bigshell. Mjmirick smiles, "Good night gang" "Thank you Mj for being the guest tonight", smiles Chiefsgirl. wearing a treble hook in his nose Mjmirick has just disappeared. "I hope you'll all join me next week when Laurianaa will be the guest", smiles Chiefsgirl. |