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Mnpowers smiles nervously ... Mnpowers has bought you a Green Arctic Breeze!!!! "Ok, I am sure others will trickle in", Chiefsgirl smiles. "But let's get started", Chiefsgirl smiles. "I am your hostess tonight for the duchy review", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl says, "It is every Tuesday night at 9pm right here in CD's" Chiefsgirl says, "Our format is very casual. Our guest will tell us a bit about himself and his duchy and then the floor will be open for questions and comments and chat" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Feel free to chime in" Mnpowers thinks he's kinda ready to start ... Chiefsgirl smiles, "So, without further ado, our guest tonight is Duke Mnpowers" Chiefsgirl holds up her applause sign Mnpowers gets up and stands behind the podium ... Mnpowers says, "Thank you for your kind introduction CG ..." Chiefsgirl collapses on her barstool "Well, let me tel you a little about my history in Fed ...", says Mnpowers. Mnpowers notes that he sometimes has spelling problem and hopes folks will understand ... Chiefsgirl settles in to listen Mnpowers says, "I started playing Federation in August 95 when I noticed a beta test announcement for a neat sounding game ..." Mnpowers says, "I made a serious mistake and read the guide ..." Mnpowers says, "So, I started doing what it told me to do and I quickly rose through the ranks, meeting people along the way ..." "I had noticed some strange things happening, and a good friend and I started doing this crazy puzzle together ...", says Mnpowers. "We found ourselves as junior JPs holding some crucial pieces of the JP puzzle without having clue what to do with them ...", says Mnpowers. Mnpowers smiles, "Which got ScottCSP and I in lots of trouble with the more senior folks ..." "There's always a good old fashioned "duel for the pieces."", says Fireimp with a wink. "But, the senior folks straightened us out and by working with others, we finally managed to earn our planets in late November of 95.", says Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "Then came the hard part ... those of you who are POs know what it's like trying to figure out an exchange at first..." Chiefsgirl hasn't figured hers out yet "many of the first FOs on Arctic remain fast friends ... MistikDawn ... Aldva ... among many others.", says Mnpowers. Chiefsgirl gives a small cheer for Dawn and Al Mnpowers says, "plantary promotions came fairly quickly, albeit at some expense ..." Windyman wants to know how he did it :) "My RL caused me to have to set up routines that my significant other (wife) could do to keep Arctic running ...", says Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "Of some interest, that time away from being online was when I was in the real Arctic ..." "Anyway, the routines transferred groats from the planet to the persona ...", says Mnpowers. "Oh wow! that's neat", Chiefsgirl says. Mnpowers says, "After about 2/3s of the time, the persona was max'd out ... but I forgot to tell the wife to stop ..." Mnpowers looks slightly unhappy ... Mnpowers says, "I reckon I lost about 800MGs that way ..." Mnpowers says, "What happened next??? Well ... I got LOTS of kidding by other players (shoulda told the wife what to watch for!!)" Aldva exclaims, "But ya looked good in a Skirt, MN!" Mnpowers says, "Anyway, a year after Arctic came into existance, I finally figured out the Duke puzzle ... and Arcitc became a Duchy .." Windyman asks, "only a year?" Chiefsgirl says, "One year, that's fast" "Well, that's a year as 'normal' PO ...", says Mnpowers. "so there are severaly types of POs? i must not be normal", smiles Windyman. Mnpowers says, "But, yes, I've been a Duke for over a year now..." Mnpowers isn't sure he's normal either ... Aldva asks, "What was the most, enjoyable part of your ascent to Dukedom?" "of course you are not normal..yuou're here aren';t you?", asks Barb. "good point barb", says Windyman with a wink. Mnpowers says, "The most enjoyable part?? Easy question ... all the friends I've made along the way." Mnpowers says, "Anyway, some of my current POs were FOs on Arctic over 2 years ago! It's been fun helping others and working with others on the various challenges in Fed." "Anyway, that's a short summary of Arctic's history ... (Hi Dodeca!!)", smiles Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "As a Duchy, Arctic has few rules ..." Mnpowers checks his list ... Mnpowers says, "1 - There shall be no double-death traps." Godzuki gets out a pen and writes them down. Mnpowers says, "2 - Routes between the link and the exchange shall be safe ... with the safe route marked if there are dangerous locations." "3 - The planet's exchange shall be reasonably available to other players.", says Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "4 - Warnings shall be posted if there are any potentially deadly locations. These warnings need not be so simple that the unastute player is protected." "Interestingly, the members of the Duchy requested the 3rd rule!", exclaims Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "And, the sole time I expelled a planet was due to a violation of the 1st rule ... Reorx's Mogglyboggly" "I posted warnings as best I coudl following that, but I know a couple of players fell prey to Mogglyboggly's trap.", says Mnpowers with a frown. "Are you a full duchy right now?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Arctic is currently full ... I have several POs who are waiting for credit card payment before they'll be able to bring their planets back online.", says Mnpowers. "So, that's the short story ...", says Mnpowers. "Do you ahve trade restrictions or requrements, Mn?", asks Aldva. "By the way, the Arctic Breeze drink was first developed by my dear friend MistikDawn!", smiles Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "Those 4 are the current rules ... we are aligned with the Duchy of Profit." Vaviking asks, "What problems have you experienced with POs, other than breaking the duchy rules?" Mnpowers says, "The POs in Arctic are mostly people I personally know or how have been recommended by other POs ..." Mnpowers says, "As a result, I have had only the one problem." "What was you favorite rank to be?", asks Aldva. "My favorite rank??? Hmmm ... not Duke!!!", smiles Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "I gues it would have to be JP ..." Dodeca asks, "Hey Al would you also answer that question?" "I kinda like being a Baron", smiles Cwoo. Aldva liked JP best Mnpowers says, "That's when I was working with others the most. Cost me the most though ... the bills while trying to do the puzzle hit over $500 some months ..." Chiefsgirl doesn't understand that JP attraction "Wel CG, it had a lot to do with the Snark puzzle and working with others to solve it ...", says Mnpowers. "Why did you like JP, Best, MN?", asks Aldva. "Ya, I had AOL bills higher than my rent", smiles Vaviking. Chiefsgirl says, "Ah, the puzzle" Chiefsgirl is horrible at puzzles Mnpowers asks, "Al, for me it was working as a team with others ... you???" "Same, Same, Plus one other reason....", says Aldva. Aldva points to DAwn Chiefsgirl smiles at her Duke and Duchess "what's the promo requirement for JPs now, is it the puzzle, or the factory things?", asks Evilexwife. "Company profit", says Smilf. "I dont think they've got all the bugs worked out of the Snark puzzl yet ...", says Mnpowers. Dahzin asks, "What exactly does a Duke do, in Fed?" "the thing I liked about the snark puzzle the most was truing to outwit the puzzle snerts", says Vaviking with a wink. "A Duke offers his POs advice ... and tries to keep from getting bored ...", says Mnpowers. "I do not know if this was asked yet, but have you had to set alot of rules for conduct? Or have your PO's generally been ok?", asks Smilf. Mnpowers says, "Because of the way I like to get new POs, the 4 rules I mentioned earlier have been enough." Vaviking says, "hate to bring this up, but got a question that I have seen in various duchies I have been in..." "What in your opinion, would make being a duke more interesting?", asks Mistikdawn. Vaviking asks, "How do you, as a duke, handle inter-duchy romances that go bad?" "Well ... (hang on Vivaking ...) ...", says Mnpowers. Vaviking says, "Seen such things posin duchies before..." "I'm not sure ... the promised Alien Invasions may help ... maybe a puzzle to make Senator ... dunno ...", says Mnpowers. Barb says, "Senator is not a player option" "I see ... guess I need to read the NEW guides!!!", smiles Mnpowers. Evilexwife says, "Gerhilda had a big problem with sleeper macros in her duchy, and had to expel some POs for using them" Barb says, "Senator has not been a player option on either AOL or Web Fed" "OK ... Viviking, could I impose on you for that question again??", asks Mnpowers. Vaviking says, "Sure.." "Barb, it was listed as such in the initial guides ... that's why I mentioned it.", says Mnpowers. Cwoo asks, "Are you ready for Duke yet?" Barb shrugs and declines to argue it Vaviking asks, "i wondered how you, as a duke, would handle inter-duchy romances that go bad?" Mnpowers isn't ready for Duke yet ... Cwoo says, "oops, I was asking Dod" Cwoo says, "I really like Baron and I won't mind being a Baron for awhile" Dodeca smiles, "Yes, Al will make us Dukes tonight... right Al?" "Then stay a Baron Cwoo ... seriously!!", exclaims Mnpowers. "Vaviking asked how you handle duchy romances that go bad", Chiefsgirl says. Evilexwife exclaims, "give them a big spanking !" Mnpowers says, "I consider" Mnpowers says, "I consider such things to be personal problems ... I will work with the individuals to try to work things out, but one or the other will usually move on before things get too bad ..." Dodeca asks, "How many groats does a Duke make in aday?" Dodeca smiles, "AL won't tell me.." Mnpowers exclaims, "How many groats does a Duke make in a day??? Well, if the Duke doesn't log in, none!" "We only make groats when we're in the game ... and then a small percentage of our subject planet's profits (or losses!!!!!!)", says Mnpowers. "There are a couple of exceptions (such as Customs taxes), but pretty much, I gotta be here to make groats.", says Mnpowers. Aldva reminds, Mn that that only occurs if the Duchy has set a tax "the exception is when planets join the duchy. The entrance fee is added to the duke's treasury regardless of whether he's in the game or not", says Evilexwife. Mnpowers says, "Rp?? (notes that Evilexwife is correct ...)" Rpknight asks, "whats the best piece of advice you could give someone?" "buy low, sell high", says Evilexwife. "I think I heard that one before", says Cwoo. "Well, the main advice I'd offer to any player is to not forget the social aspect of this game ... friends can and are crucial to both being successful in federation and enjoying it!!", exclaims Mnpowers. Mnpowers waits for his answer to appear ... "Knock hard. Life is deaf", smiles Barb. Godzuki asks, "I've always wondered, does a Duke have any need for groats??" "Well, not much right now (expect for the drinks I keep buying ...) ... I needed some while re-building my population ...", says Mnpowers. "However, when those Alien Invasions start, I expect things will get busy (and costly) again ...", says Mnpowers. Dodeca asks, "Mn are you concerned about the martian invasion?" "Do dukes have any builds?", asks Vaviking. "The martian invasion didn't bother me ... I am concerned about the promised Alien Invasions ...", says Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "The folks that bring us Fed have been promising Alien Invasiosn for some time ... it's a fiarly low priority though ..." Catatonix asks, "Mitters would like to know, what does a Duke planet need a population for?" Mnpowers asks, "yes RP??" "the so called alien invasion is actually the Martian Invasion", says Barb. "What are your viewpoints on RP in fed?", asks Rpknight. Mnpowers isn't sure why a Duke's planet needs popultaion either... "RP, I reckon I oughta discuss that with only you (so we can figure out a way to get even with that dragon ...)", says Mnpowers. "What is the optimal duchy planet composite? What provides the best duchy balance in the galaxy right now?", smiles Jonathan. Mnpowers says, "I'm not sure what you mean Jon ..." "What mix of planets is the best?", asks Vaviking. Mnpowers says, "Ahhh ... ideally a Duchy will have a pyramid with Agri planets at the base and fewer as the seniority of the planets increases ..." Mnpowers says, "I don't know of many Duchys in particularly good balance now ..." Mnpowers notes that Arctic is currently top-heavy ... "Top Heavey in a good way tho", says Excalibre with a wink. Mnpowers looks at all the folks here and nearly faints ... Mnpowers asks, "Any questions I missed??" Mnpowers raises his hand ... "me me me", says Excalibre. Provostfunk raises his hand Gardog says, "Thank you Mn" "It's nice to see you all here", Chiefsgirl says. Evilexwife knows a top-heavy duchess. "What do you all like best about being in Arctic?", Chiefsgirl asks. "I see 4 Arctic POs here .. and 2 POs who are on the waiting list ...", says Mnpowers. "The Duke of course", says Excalibre with a wink. Mnpowers likes to be buttered up ... "i practically grew up in Arctic, loved meeting the Pos and making friends", says Godzuki. Provostfunk asks, "How many people here had facs on Arctic as an Agri planet?" Dahzin gets out the knife, to butter up the Duke Mistikdawn raises her hand Provostfunk raises his to join md's Excalibre exclaims, "I started in Profit then moved to Arctic..I have made many friends!!" Catatonix smiles, "Arctic has a nice family atmosphere. We are all very good friends and enjoy each others company." Mnpowers smiles ... points out that Arctic hasn't had factories for 15 months ... Provostfunk asks, "So, how much did Arctic lose when it topped out it's Treas a coupla summer ago?" "LOL!!! I estimate at least 800MG ...", says Mnpowers. Provostfunk smiles, "That DID make the news" Mnpowers exclaims, "yeah ... we were able to determine the exact maximum amount a treasury could hold ... the hard way!!" Provostfunk asks, "How effective is it too cooperate with other Dukes, MN, and how do you do that besides setting MFD status?" Evilexwife says, "truly it doesn't make a bit of difference" Mnpowers says, "Provost, it depends on what we're trying to do ..." "MFD?", shouts Excalibre. "Most Favored Duchy", says Provostfunk. Mnpowers says, "We can coordinate certain things, like the TTTT parties in Profit and Arctic we did for awhile ..." Mnpowers says, "We can set up trading cartels (the MFD thing ...)..." Mnpowers says, "But not much else ..." "We Dukes can try to influence things, but our only real enforcement method is the Expel command ...", says Mnpowers. Mnpowers says, "That can be way too much for some things ..." "I assume that planets within a duchy are typically about as active as their Duke?", asks Provostfunk. Provostfunk asks, "Caretaker Dukes get similar POs whilst active Dukes pretty much expect/require the same?" Mnpowers says, "Not necessarily ... again a Duke can influence that by selecting for it ... but I can remember very active Duchys early on with absentee Dukes ..." "What was that planet you expelled for being a Death Planet........Hmm aboout a year ago?", asks Excalibre. Mnpowers says, "Of course, all of the Dukes were really ibgames employees ..." Barb smiles, "mm no, you mean Fed Staff" Mnpowers says, "The planet I expelled was Mogglyboggly ... for continued violation of the "no D-D" rule ..." Mnpowers thanks barb ... couldn't think of the right term quickly enough ... "That's it....Didn't have FedNav and kept screwing up the spelling, which saved me from it!!", smiles Excalibre. Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank Duke Mnpowers for being our guest and thank all of you for coming" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Next week our gues will be Duke Kevinwire of Wired" |