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"I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl says, "We are honored to have Njrudeboy as our special guest tonight" "hi ...", says Njrudeboy. "Everyone give a big hand for my baby brother, Njrudeboy, Baron of Skaworld", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl plops down on her stool and applauds wildly Pbr looks at his hand and decides to keep it Njrudeboy says, "Well when CG asked me to be a guest I only thought for a split second that I would have nothing to say ... then I realised I was completely wrong ...." Damien wonders why a sol planet owner is doing a duchy review "First of all about the name ... Njrudeboy ... it has nothing to do with being rude .... but sometimes I tend to live up to my name", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl whispers that the duchy review covers many guests Njrudeboy says, "I am only in Sol because my Duke requested another Agriplanet ... so I moved Castleskaworld into my position" Njrudeboy says, "OK ... lets get started ....." "I have been in Fed for about a year ... and have promoted to Baron twice now .... once out of hard work and toil ... the other times because I stopped working hard and made friends and help me restore my former self", says Njrudeboy. Njrudeboy says, "So I am a relative Newbie .... that has had quite a Fed adventure" "So, tell us about growing up Nj", Chiefsgirl smiles. Njrudeboy says, "I started in the terminus in Sol one day wondering what the heck is this all about ..." "I got a ship ... and started to work .... and I worked hard and played little .... I maxed my stats on day 18 of my merchant career .... quite an accomplishment", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl boggles Njrudeboy says, "I made all those groats in my favorite Duchy ... Backdraft" "How did you find Backdraft out of all the duchies out there?", Chiefsgirl asks. "I remember how I got to Backdraft .... an obnoxious PO who affected me as to the type of PO I decided to be, told me to go find a duchy and Backdraft was one of his short list", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl wonders if Nj will name names Kariscats hopes it wasn't her "I looked on the message baords on AOL and Backdraft had the most posts ... mostly form Ltjglotus though", says Njrudeboy with a wink. "so I set up shop there", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl wonders who could forget Lt Chiefsgirl thinks this is around the time she met Nj over the Backdraft comms Njrudeboy says, "The PO that will remain nameless ... was a rude obnoxious PO that threatened and terrorized all those on channel 5 and 6." "That really narrows it down!", exclaims Bigshell. Japresnik thinks it was WR Chiefsgirl thinks naming names would add some spice Chiefsgirl winks and says, "At least give us hints" Japresnik says, "yes i agree, name names please" Njrudeboy says, "I decided to never be that type of PO ... ok Thoralrand" Damien has not heard very much on 5 or lower since he has been here Dunavant thinks of MMoff39264 Speedyx winks and says, "Ive been a PO all of two weeks..wasn't me" "hey that is Dunavants old alt isnt it??", asks Japresnik. Japresnik says, "mmoff, what an odd name" Japresnik pities the old sapp with all them numbers in his name, but they are all correct too "well I felt once I was a PO I would help all those in need of help as long as they were not snerts", says Njrudeboy. Speedyx got no help from Nj ;) "So digress", says Njrudeboy. "I worked hard clearing the exchanges of all those in Backdraft .... the POs musta liked me cause they had nothng to do", says Njrudeboy with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "You always worked much harder than I did" Kariscats thinks lotsa people worked harder than CG did "I remember one morning at 4 AM looking for the voucher ... fighting off at least 3 others to grab that prize ... Fed was really hopping", says Njrudeboy. Japresnik wonders what has happened to fed since then Njrudeboy says, "then Fed went to the web" "I forgot about it for about a month and decided to try it again", says Njrudeboy. Japresnik thinks it is the Barb-Factor "I'm telling Barb", says Speedyx with a wink. Njrudeboy says, "Fed was a ghosttown and I was a GM with most of the planets closed and less that 10 or 15 on" "So I made my dolt alt Rudeboy .... to haul ya know .....", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl asks, "You didn't get your planet til after the move to the web, Nj?" Kariscats remembers how mean you are to poor Rude Njrudeboy says, "I got my planet the last week of October" Chiefsgirl didn't realize that Njrudeboy says, "And I was clueless" "I had the planet about a week and lost about 100 megs", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl understands the clueless feeling "then a FO ... my first FO ... of all people came to my rescue", says Njrudeboy. "onyxgod??", asks Japresnik. "Sweetangel brought a Baron to help me with my exchange", says Njrudeboy. "actually Onxygod did tell me how to online my link ...", says Njrudeboy. Japresnik remembers the name sweetangel, from somewhere Njrudeboy says, "I was hauling for days not knowing what to do" "Didn't think those manuals could help ya any, Nj?", Chiefsgirl says with a wink. "onyx was always very helpful"-)", says Japresnik. "then hauled in about 15 K of some commods fo Onxy and he told me how to do it", says Njrudeboy. Njrudeboy says, "so The Baron Shadowgod ... came to Skaworld and taught me planetary economics" "ah tical's overlord", says Japresnik. Njrudeboy says, "That was an eye awaking experience .... and I have learned much since than and shall be forever indebted to Sweetangel for hooking us up" Njrudeboy says, "So I hauled ..." Njrudeboy says, "and hauled" "and hauled", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl wonders what's changed about that Njrudeboy says, "then people started dying hauling ....." Njrudeboy says, "a war broke out" Njrudeboy says, "and us Squires were caught in the middle ... innocent pawns" "So I went back home to Backdraft and asked if I could trade there ... I was welcomed and have been there since...", says Njrudeboy. "But shortly after my homecoming a critical event occurred in the life of NJ", says Njrudeboy. "What was that Nj?", Chiefsgirl asks. "A friend of mine ... one of the few POs I really knew was dd'd while hauling within the duchy", says Njrudeboy. "A rift in Wonder space ... did not send you to the hospital after you died ... it kept you there", says Njrudeboy. Njrudeboy says, "Somehow Deathiscome found this spot and dd'd Burner" "I was incensed", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl remembers this time Njrudeboy says, "I gave old DIC a piece of my mind ... a very LARGE and UGLY piece" Njrudeboy says, "Needless to say Ole DIC wanted after me" Njrudeboy says, "So he caught me in the same wonder space .... The shot that would have dd'd a squire missed before I moved to safety" Njrudeboy says, "This changed how I approached the game ...." Kariscats ummmmm can't imagine Nj getting incensed or giving someone a piece of his mind Njrudeboy says, "Got my dolt alt a planet ...just in case and became part of the best group of Fedders, the Shade-Legacy-Backdraft Alliance" Chiefsgirl asks, "How did it change your approcach Nj?" Njrudeboy says, "I also became more social ... slowly at first on 12 .... and now ya can't shut me up" "Then there is Kariscats", smiles Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl settles down to listen to the juicy parts Njrudeboy says, "I met her as a lowly merchant .. in awe of her beauty and charm" "she doesn't remember", says Njrudeboy with a wink. Kariscats smiles sadly "nope I sure don't", says Kariscats with a frown. Chiefsgirl thinks everyone was in awe of Kari "Well once I had a planet and was an indy ... I felt worthy enough of meeting her ...", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl smiles, "I know I was too" Kariscats has a hard time believing anyone's in awe "So on a really bad day in Fed she came to my LP to ask what is wrong ... and I ended up marring her", says Njrudeboy. "ummmmmmmmm and marrying me too", says Kariscats with a wink. Myangel winks and says, "sounds like a really good day nj" Njrudeboy says, "now we have six children and a second mortgage toput them through Slarti's University" Njrudeboy says, "But life was not all happiness and Bliss" Kariscats would say they won't have more... but she's seen how that works for Myangel so she's keeping her mouth shut Myangel laughs at kari "Ole DIC came into my conscious again", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl knows we are getting to recent history now Njrudeboy says, "He insulted the name of Backdraft ... so I fought him .... and lost .... did not type <insure me> (left out the me) and fought and died again" "Well I was dead ... but everything I became ... helped me recover", says Njrudeboy. "I am now back with the help of many of you.", says Njrudeboy. Njrudeboy says, "That is my life" "well Fed life", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl looks around, "Questions anyone?" Dahzin raises her hand Pbr whonders about that split Njrudeboy asks, "Dah?" "what is the rude for and the ska?", asks Dahzin. Njrudeboy says, "Rude is for the Ska .... Ska is music ... and Jamacan Rudeboys are fans of Ska" Dahzin feels the light bulb go on over here head :) Dahzin smiles, "thanks" Dunavant raises his hand "Anyone else have questions for NJ?", Chiefsgirl asks. "I happen to be a fan if Ska music .... and it fit ... and I figured Skamusic needs a theme park .... and all my planets will have some sort of theme park one day", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Dunavant?" "what are your future plans for expansion of the Skaworld Empire", says Dunavant. Kariscats smiles, "I think you should tell them about Castleskaworld Sweetie" "I have a Rennaisance Fair on Castleskaworld ... will have a bankrupt themepark on Euroskaworld (Rudeboy is a dolt) a brothel on Brothelskawrld ... and coming soon Rudewrangler ... will have an offroad experience on his future world", says Njrudeboy. "But I do not plan to be a Duke", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl asks, "No duke, eh Nj?" "nope ... I plan to raise my kids in Backdraft ... hanging out on Castleskaworld with them", says Njrudeboy. "and my wife of course", says Njrudeboy. "well... I plan on helping a little", says Kariscats with a wink. "gee thanks sweetie", says Kariscats with a wink. Dahzin has another question. Bigshell raises his hand. Kariscats hopes she just wasn't around to help you get some kids "Dah?", asks Njrudeboy. "how long total, have you been playing fed?", asks Dahzin. Njrudeboy says, "by the way Abraham still cherishes the scale that you gave him off your back ... I started Fed in June 1997" Dahzin hasn't seen abraham since then :) Chiefsgirl asks, "You had a question Bigshell?" "When are you going to leave Kari so the rest of us... oh... nevermind... it'll never happen!", says Bigshell with a frown. "I can't answer taht question with out getting in the doghouse", says Njrudeboy. Chiefsgirl looks around for any last questions or comments "huh??????", asks Kariscats. "every possible response was edited and rejected", says Njrudeboy. "well what about Never????", asks Kariscats. "ohhh good answer Kari", says Njrudeboy. Kariscats wonders why that one was rejected "Never Bigshell", says Njrudeboy. Bigshell says, "that works..." Njrudeboy says, "Just want to find out what you wanted me to say" "Hmmmmmmmmm..... might have been better if you happened to think that on your own", says Kariscats with a wink. Bigshell smiles, "And is a smart answer!" "I'd like to thank you all again for coming to the duchy review tonight", Chiefsgirl smiles. "And thank you Nj for being my guest", Chiefsgirl says. Njrudeboy smiles, "OK that is all" "We are all moving to Backdraft now for a wonderful party", Chiefgirl smiles. "Come one come all", Chiefsgirl smiles. "this was a very good interview", smiles Dahzin. Kariscats winks and says, "well it was real good till that last answer" "He'll learn how to answer that after a few years marriage", says Killrwhale. "Hope to see you all on Backdraft", Chiefsgirl says. |