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"Well, I guess the duke puzzle excitement is hurting attendance", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl thought more RAD folks would be here Singapore asks, "Greetings, Pan! You a Duke yet?" "Naaaaaah..... I may just have to settle for Perpetual Baron... my Workthingies are all pooped out", says Pan with a wink. "Any truth to the rumor that the Duke puz is up?", asks Singapore. Singapore winks and says, "Want me to lend ya some workthingies, Pan?" Pan smiles, "Sure Sure..... any port in a storm.. or sumthin like that" Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Hello everyone and welcome to Fed's Meet & Greet, which formerly was the duchy review on Tuesdays" Pan removes some of the duct tape restraining him on the stool Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight our guest is Pan, Baron of Hunners" Pan bows "He'll tell us a little about himself and his plans", Chiefsgirl says. Pan says, "Thank ya... Thank ya" Chiefsgirl says, "You all just jump in whenever the questions arise" Chiefsgirl applauds for Pan and plops down on her barstool Pan asks, "So I have a list of question for all of you.. and then a pop quiz... any question?" Pan says, "It all started just before the Binomial Explosion just after California's Gold Rush ended" Chiefsgirl wonders how far back Pan is going "Well actually just to the formation of Hunners and the inner sanctum known as Chopdalooey", says Pan. Pan says, "it was just before Abe met his untimely end at the end of the show.... fortuitously" "Any way.... shortening a rather large story", says Pan. "I AM Peter Pan... protector of the lil people", says Pan. "most under 4' 6''", says Pan. Dead raises his hand Pan points to Dead Dead asks, "how many faries you got?" Pan says, "none at the moment.. but I am overburdened with their dust.. I digress" "cool", says Dead. "Hunners got it's name from the nickname for me Tink", says Pan. Dead wants to see some of the dusty stuff :o) Pan hands Dead a 250 lb sack 'O dust Dead falls to the ground "its heavy", says Dead. "The story of Peter Pan is incorrect as you know it", says Pan. Chiefsgirl wonders how the story is incorrect Pan says, "Wendy was a bag of wind that didn't deserve the time of day... and it only took me slightly over 112 years to realize this" Fatfreddy says, "his name was paul Pan not Peter" "Yes.. that was before they canonized my towels and such", says Pan. "Well, at least you didn't lose much time", Chiefsgirl says. Pan says, "So when Tinkerbell... not currently in da realms.... at least on yer side a da screen agreed to become big... we united" "and the angel dust was a metaphor for hard drugs - no wonder they all thought they were in Neverland with Pirates and fairys", says Fatfreddy. Chiefsgirl thought this was Pan's tale "and Mario wasn't just a lil guy runnin around the Sega realms.. at all", smiles Pan. Pan smiles, "ohhhhh I encourage help all along the way" "So when the er ahhhh dust settled me an Tink hitched and become forever the dynamic duo of Hunners", says Pan. "In real time... Commander PPanHook... a duality in himself was born the day after Christmas 1996", says Pan. "i wonder who got a computer for christmas, or was it a modem?", asks Fatfreddy. Pan says, "No not at all.... I had just given up cyber porn and was lookin fer a new venue" "and you all do know... this is on the test... that I am the 2nd Baron of Hunners due to unfortunate circumstance", says Pan. Chiefsgirl wonders where the first is Pan says, "well actually he received a notice in May of this year.... let's see.. it read something like" Abiqu wonders what the unfortunate circumstance was "Farewell Stupid... Too Dang bad ya didn't have time nor sense to Re-insure", says Pan. "Pan telling war stories again? ;o)", says Zingaro. Chiefsgirl remembers this Pan says, "Yeah Zingy... I can babble and no ones' tellin me to go be quiet.. at least yet" Cristi wonders where she saw that before.. hmm "The Duchy of Hunners became part of the Dream when I joined the Duchy of Wired in early April of 97", says Pan. Chiefsgirl wonders what dream that was Fatfreddy asks, "do you remeber some of the old wired planets around that time?" "One Duchy... 14 planets and a lil Silver ball on patrol around the edges.... to paraphrase", says Pan. "i remember lespaul, spots etc", says Fatfreddy. "but then major events lead to an even bigger dream", says Pan. "One Duchy... 19 planets and a lil Silver ball on patrol around the edges.... to paraphrase", says Pan. Pan asks, "may I digress?" Chiefsgirl says, "Of course" Pan says, "I just recalled one of the more favorable things that sucked me into... errr hooked me into Fed.... a guy by the name of Jazz281.. bought out my ship contract" "I was astonished!", exclaims Pan. Pan says, "then I got work as a hauler for a not yet PO.. Thumb1214" Chiefsgirl remembers how that turned her head as well "she intro'd me to a GM by the name of Aruatha, and together they brought me into the Merchie realms", says Pan. Pan says, "I personally think that the removal of the ability to buy a haulers ship was not in a positive direction" "By the time, I made JP.... two wonderful Baroness's took me under their tutelage", says Pan. Pan says, "Tbear2" Chiefsgirl makes note of the use of tutelage Fatfreddy says, "i think it helped with the prolification of alts though" Pan says, "and Pockets55.... Great ladies... both of them" Pan says, "I began the Pan Def Fillers" "What's that?", Chiefsgirl asks. Fatfreddy asks, "what attracted you to Wired, Pan?" "I began filling defs for 3 planets in Mirror for commision", says Pan. Pan says, "Wired....... it was a duchy that always had high prices for the commods my facs produced... I never met any of the folks there at the time" Pan says, "the tutelage under the Baroness's ended due to a partner I took on that used some less than lets say fair practices" Pan says, "I then scurried to finished off me stats, build like and pop out Hunners..." "What practices were those?", Chiefsgirl asks. Pan says, "basically saying that he delivered goods to the assigned planets that never happened" Chiefsgirl shakes her head "this was not with my knowledge nor approval", says Pan. ----Federation crashed at this point---- Pan smiles, "Of course now..... it'll be a bit afore the 19 bodies accumulate for a healthy start of Duchy life.... I'm confident that Fed's gonna pull through" "I can't afford to put up 18 more alts, just to populate the dang thing", smiles Pan. "Ok..... ready for the Test?", asks Pan. an asks, "In what year did the Binomial whatever reach it's peak?" "is that in earth years?", asks Fatfreddy. "after the gold rush", says Jemia. Zingaro asks, "Umm, ahhh, 1926?" "part B..... was that a mining or an Industrial commod", says Pan. Pan asks, "part C.... Who is J Edgar Hoover?" Zingaro says, "Industrialmining" Chiefsgirl thinks that's a trick question "a mining--and he was the inventor of the vacuum cleaner", says Jemia. "well actually you'll need Bozoboyz to answer part C... but the rest ya'll should know", smiles Pan. Pan says, "Ok... Jemia gets the "A" for part B" Pan says, "1926 is incorrect...." "A for all noing?", asks Zingaro. Pianoamy winks and says, "J Edgar Hoover = Ming, does he not?" "who WAS J edgar? or is he still alive", says Fatfreddy. Pan says, "ahhhhhhh a Bozo contempory... that's keyrect.. Amy gets the "A" for part C" Fatfreddy says, "head of the FBI" Chiefsgirl wants a C for part A Zingaro says, "No No No, I get the C." "ok... let's review... in 1852.... a blue cloud.. a Pink Lincoln.. and a handgun", says Pan. "You've been a Wonderful Class... let's do this agin real soon", smiles Pan. Pan Hugs the Group:) Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Pan" Chiefsgirl knows she learned a lot Pan says, "My pleasure... Thanks for the Opportunity" Chiefsgirl smiles, "I hope you'll all join me next week when the guest will be Duke Lucas" Zingaro says, "Pan, it was such such a wounderful story. It was all I could do to hold back the tears. ;o)" Pan says, "I left out a lot... but I hope to return someday" Fatfreddy says, "i think you should make it into a movie" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Maybe as Duke Pan" Pan says, "Which brings me to my next thang...... Hunners, the Movie" |