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"Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl says, "This event is held every Sunday night at 9pm EDT right here in CDs" Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight my guest is duke of Fed's best duchy (or so they say), Gallery" "Duke Soarintom will tell us a bit about himself and Gallery.... feel free to ask questions", Chiefsgirl smiles. Soarintom says, "Howdy! Thank you all for coming. I'm Tom, and I come from Gallery." Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds for Tom "I wasn't always from Gallery, of course.", says Soarintom. "In the early days, what I call 'the past', I lived in Sol and hauled things.", says Soarintom. Chiefsgirl shudders at the thought of hauling Heatherjn grins, she still likes to haul, sometimes. Soarintom says, "The hauling wasn't so bad, but back then we had to load our own ships." "So I worked hard, with my trusty cat, made a lot of mistakes (mostly involving the cat), and next thing ya know, I was a duke.", says Soarintom. "How fast was that rise, Tom?", Chiefsgirl asks. Soarintom says, "Well, I think it was a little over a year." Chiefsgirl thinks that was quick Soarintom says, "Things were a lot different back then. Had to solve the puzzle and so forth." Gallery's evil HR director Tomspetcat has just arrived. Chiefsgirl was wondering if the cat was coming tonight "Stop! Is he talking behind my back!", exclaims Tomspetcat. "Oh my goodness...", says Soarintom.
"I didn't know Suljack back then, but he probably was. I think he was born that way.", says Soarintom. "Who is Suljack?", Chiefsgirl asks. Tomspetcat asks, "Has he told you all about how cruel he is? Has he told you how he's still be hauling alloys to Venus if it weren't for me?" Chiefsgirl giggles and wonders who's really in charge of Gallery "Never mind the cat. He's a bit eccentric.", says Soarintom. "He's not as evil as you think, Cat.", says Ibindy. "Suljack is a Gallerite. He's quite a guy. Enjoys hauling above all things.", says Soarintom. Tomspetcat says, "He's vicious and cruel. Not only that, he thinks he knows everything." Spcmechii smiles, "Yes he is. He's helped my ex a lot." Ibindy asks, "Might you be a little jealous, Cat?" Tomspetcat says, "Tom, that is. Not Suljack. Sully gives me belly rubs." "Anyway, after the usual setbacks, I built Gallery. I was going to call it 'Grob', after a kind of sailplane, but became interested in velvet paintings of dogs playing poker.", says Soarintom. "Tom has quite a collection of velvet paintings. Do you have Elvis? If so, how much is it worth in today's groats?", asks Ibindy. "Gallery has one of the greatest collections of velvet paintings anywhere. Plus, the usual Dalis, Pollacks, and other ordinary stuff.", says Soarintom. Soarintom says, "Yes, we have an entire section devoted to velvet Elvis paintings. For a while, they represented most of Gallery's net worth." Chiefsgirl hopes there are guards posted Soarintom says, "I don't know the current value, I would estimate many gig. So much that no one even asks to buy any." "Are all the paintings available for viewing by the general public?", Chiefsgirl asks. Ibindy Nods. "Yes they are. The Gallery Gallery of Art is still open and relatively safe.", says Soarintom. "Relatively safe?", Chiefsgirl asks. "I had to remove some events due to inexplicable reasons. They should just make it easier to get around.", says Soarintom. Soarintom says, "Really, the only effect is that the puzzle isn't quite so challenging." Soarintom says, "The main danger on Gallery is starvation." Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any rules and regulations for the duchy?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Starvation? there's no food?" Soarintom says, "There's food on Gallery. There are cookies in my house, and there are several restaurants, pubs, and so forth." "Then why the danger of starvation?", Chiefsgirl asks. "You'd have to be pretty silly to starve there. But you could, if you really lost your concentration for a week or so.", says Soarintom. "Now, how did Gallery get the title of best duchy in Fed?", Chiefsgirl asks. Chiefsgirl remembers some sort of duchy challenge that took place Blaze wants a rematch ;) Soarintom says, "The FED people had this event, 'Duchy Games', or something like that." "Duchymania", says Ibindy. Chiefsgirl nods Soarintom says, "I didn't pay much attention, but Richiepoo did." "What did you have to do to win?", Chiefsgirl asks. "We had to get the highest score from some events. There was a battle event, a trading event, and a duke/duchess race.", says Soarintom. Soarintom says, "We won two, and I came in third in the race. That gave us the most points." Soarintom says, "Ever since, we've been FED's finest duchy." Blaze wants a rematch ;) "It would be interesting to see it all happen again", Chiefsgirl says. Soarintom exclaims, "It was a pretty good day. Everybody came by Gallery and we won the TTTT too!" "What kind of duchy is Gallery?", Chiefsgirl asks. Soarintom says, "We could do a rematch. I'm sure everyone would want to." Blaze whispers to CG to advise her boss Soarintom says, "Gallery is a sort of 'laissez-faire', live and let live sort of place." Chiefsgirl nods to Blaze "Any rules in Gallery?", Chiefsgirl asks. Soarintom says, "Two rules: No Dumping and No More than Four Weeks Offline." "Rules? :P", says Ibindy. "There are exceptions to both.", says Soarintom. "What kind of PO's live in Gallery?", Chiefsgirl asks. Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd Nanashel clears her throat "You all jump in", Chiefsgirl smiles. "You can dump on Catland. That rule is just his way of oppressing us!", exclaims Tomspetcat. Abnermal ducks Ibindy says, "Handsome ones. Beautiful ones. Short, fat & ugly ones... and a cat." Soarintom says, "We have several here tonight..." Cptmartin says, "Wow...hit the jackpot..." Nanashel holds her breath and looks away Suljack shows his Gallery PO for a day Suljack certificate Chiefsgirl asks, "Did a lot stay with you when the move to pay came, or is it a whole new crowd?" Cptmartin stayed...sort of... Soarintom says, "There was some turmoil. We lost some old members in the move." Starjunki turns red at the thought of what Nana and Wilde might say or do Chiefsgirl nods "Lots of 'em...", says Cptmartin. Soarintom says, "But, the ones that have stayed are really great. They all read my newsletter and take an active hand in the duchy." Tomspetcat says, "They mainly read my column. He doesn't know how to write." Starjunki smiles, "You said it Cat!" "Indeed...", says Soarintom. Abnermal has SUljack read it to him Ibindy says, "The cat has a unique perspective on life in general." "Yes he does indeed", says Nanashel. Spcmechii winks and says, "VERY unique" Chiefsgirl asks, "How often does the newsletter come out?" "I have the correct perspective on life - the feline one.", says Tomspetcat. Soarintom says, "Pretty much every week, barring external factors." Chiefsgirl is impressed Nanashel pulls a special treat out of her bag for the Cat.... a fresh Maine lobster tail! "Ming was a former Gallerite?", asks Ibindy. Suljack thinks new format is way kewl "It would come out EVERY week, but Tom messes everything up all the time...", says Tomspetcat. Starjunki nods in agreement with Sul Soarintom says, "Wow, you must have done your homework. Yes, it's true" Suljack knew Ming when he was a GH ;) "What I'm trying to say is, Ming was the PO of planet in Gallery.", says Soarintom. "When was that?", asks Ibindy. Chiefsgirl asks, "What planet?" Soarintom says, "That happened quite some time ago. One of the POs was having a big party..." "Ming was a PO in Gallery???", asks Barb. Ibindy looks around for Imperial bugging devices... Barb looks utterly dubious Blaze was waiting fer Barb ta notice that lol "Yeah Indy... and don't miss a spot!", exclaims Starjunki. Soarintom says, "Then, someone else (I'm not sure who anymore) angered him and he DD's." Barb says, "I was waiting for some sort of explanation" Patch tapes this to take it to Ming Barb says, "since Ming is a persona not a mobile" Barb shrugs vaguely Soarintom says, "I'm surprised you don't remember. Barb. I pointed it out to you." "no I don't remember. I only know MING", says Barb. Blaze perches her chin on her hands to listen to this. "Anyway, the PO was DD and there were people on the planet. If you did a di (whatever the planet name was), the PO was listed as Ming the Merciless.", says Soarintom. "that doesn't mean He was the PO", says Barb. Barb makes a noise Soarintom says, "Perhaps not, but it certainly looked that way for a while." Chiefsgirl smiles Barb says, "it means His Imperial guardianship was extended for a brief time to cover a game code problem" Blaze says, "Ahh that happened when Whospink DD'ed himself with Passion...was a weird thing...you'd DI PASSION and it said overlord Ming" Patch thinks its an old Dukes tail "man that WAS a long time ago", says Nanashel. Ibindy asks, "You never met him personally?" Cptmartin says, "Whospink! Wow, now that brings back memories..." "it was a coping mechanism of the game code...that's all", says Barb. Soarintom says, "Anyway, it makes for a good story." Blaze smiles at Martin Barb smiles, "if it was me, I wouldn't be amused" Barb shrugs vaguely Chiefsgirl asks, "What are your hopes for the future of Gallery, Tom?" "He bought me my first Imperial class ship...", says Cptmartin. "I'm not really sure. I guess I've been so overwhelmed that anything else would just be icing on the cake.", says Soarintom. Chiefsgirl smiles and wonders if the cat has any plans "I plan on taking a nap.", says Tomspetcat. Chiefsgirl asks, "Are there any questions or comments for Tom?" "You need to stick with what you're good at.", says Tomspetcat. Nanashel steps forward, I have a question for the Duke? "Yes Nana?", Chiefsgirl smiles. "Are the next planets in line for homeship in Gallery agri planets?", asks Nanashel. "'Let me check...", says Soarintom. Soarintom says, "The next one is an agri - Seuss." "That's wonderful Tom!", exclaims Nanashel. Blaze produces her Underground press pass and smiles, "I have a question!" Blaze smiles, "Richiepoo presents the impression of being the leadership-figure of Gallery....do you consider yerself to be a passive duke or are you just shy?" "Yes.", says Soarintom. "He's just a figurehead!", exclaims Tomspetcat. Chiefsgirl wonders yes to which part Blaze wonders which option Tom agrees with. Blaze winks at CG "He has no moral or actual authority!", exclaims Tomspetcat. "Well yes that's true Cat, but he is a bit more accessible", says Nanashel. "I'm pretty shy. Richiepoo is very influential in the community.", says Soarintom. Spcmechii wonders if the cat plans to overthrow the duke Nanashel says, "and certainly knows Gallery and Fed better than most...." Blaze asks, "Do you anticipate the duchy following the leadership or the duke?" Ibindy says, "Richiepoo's very loyal to Duke SoarinTom" "Which is fine. When I need to make a decision, I make it.", says Soarintom. Wildestar asks, "What do you mean by that Blaze?" Blaze asks, "When the duke puzzle returns...will Gallery remain intact or will Ultimate duchy strongly resemble it?" "I think Gallery goes where it needs to as a cohesive community, we work together.", says Soarintom. "There isnt going to be a duchy of Ultimate", says Wildestar. Wildestar says, "Richiepoo is happy in Gallery, or so he has told us and doesn't plan on becoming a Duke" Blaze smiles and sits. Soarintom says, "I don't really know. No one has brought up the subject for any length of time." Chiefsgirl smiles "Any other questions or comments?", Chiefsgirl asks. Ibindy says, "All ex-Gallerites are treated with friendship and respect... no grudges." "Yes... a comment.", says Spcmechii. "Okie", Chiefsgirl smiles. "However, if the duchy members choose to follow a duke who emerges from Gallery, they will still be Gallerites in my opinion.", says Soarintom. Abnermal holds up hand "LONG LIVE DUKE SOARINTOM!!!", shouts Spcmechii. "sorry had to get that out", smiles Spcmechii. Abnermal waves hand a bit "Question Abnermal?", Chiefsgirl asks. "comment", says Abnermal. Chiefsgirl says, "okie" "I think the very nicest thing about Gallery is it's more of a community than a fiefdom", says Abnermal. Abnermal says, "Tom is very laid back as long as folks treat each other with respect" "It is nice when that happens", Chiefsgirl smiles. "The main rule in Gallery is, Do unto others...", says Spcmechii. "thats my comment", says Abnermal. "Some of us just do it unto more than others", smiles Ibindy. Chiefsgirl stands, "I want to thank Duke Soarintom for being my guest tonight" Chiefsgirl smiles, "And thank all of you from Gallery that turned out" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Join me next week when my guest will be Duke Ruff of Socal" Starjunki says, "Thank you for having our Duke as your guest for all to come and see and learn Chiefsgirl" "Well, I appreciate everyone dropping by. If anyone wants to receive the Gallery News, email me at tmbruner@cts.com.", says Soarintom. Blaze exclaims, "Ack...I have a question now!" Blaze asks, "Why would you want Gallery New to be open publication?" "err News", says Blaze. Soarintom says, "It contains no privileged information. Most of the readers are not Gallery members." "Is it duchy news or general news?", asks Blaze. Tomspetcat exclaims, "Because everyone should read my column!" Nanashel says, "It just lets friends of Gallery know what's happening within the duchy" "I'm tired.", says Tomspetcat. |