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Barb asks, "who is tonight's guest?" Sparhawk points to himself. "Sparhawk tonight", smiles Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk bows. Sparhawk would prefer to go by Spar, just to mention it. :) Sparhawk 'ports himself a Root Beer from his fridge on Bah. Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool and clears her throat "Hello and welcome to Meet & Greet where each week we meet another exciting personality", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight my guest is Sparhawk, new Thane of Bah" Sparhawk bows. Korath applauds and whistles for his friend Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly "Spar, why don't you tell us a bit about your history and how you came to be around these parts", says Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk smiles, "Hello everyone." Chiefsgirl smiles warmly Sparhawk smiles, "Well, I've been playing fed for a LONG time." Sparhawk says, "I started back in 1993 or so, back before fed even made it to AOL." Chiefsgirl asks, "Really Spar?" Korath knew that Chiefsgirl didn't know that Sparhawk nods. :) Barb asks, "what was your old Fed name?" "I was Freak i think originally but then changed it after DDing a couple times to Sparrowhawk I think.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk can't remember, 'cause it's been awhile. Chiefsgirl thinks back "you were Sparrowhawk?", asks Barb. Sparhawk thinks it might have been 1994 also, but can't remember for sure. Barb is stunned and amused "I think so.", smiles Sparhawk. Korath smirks at Spar Sparhawk wishes he could remember. Chiefsgirl smiles at Barb "if you were...I have a pile of old logs and stories", smiles Barb. Chiefsgirl giggles "worse...Icedrake has a pile of old stuff", says Barb. Korath winks and says, "I'd love to hear those" Barb smiles blandly "I wrote a story about Fed in Latin once and had it posted on GEnie.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk laughs. "yes, you are Sparrowhawk", smiles Barb. Sparhawk grins. "In Latin?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk nods. :) "I still have your story from the Fed news, "Sparrowhawks Good Day"", says Barb. "you were one of the very few children who played GEnie Fed", says Barb. Sparhawk smiles, "Really? Could you e-mail me a copy, I don't have it anymore." "sure..send me an email to remind me and I'd be happy to", says Barb. Chiefsgirl asks, "Children? how old were you Spar?" "I was 14 or so back then.", smiles Sparhawk. Sparhawk happens to only be 18 now. :) Chiefsgirl smiles "I spent $500 in one week playing Fed back in GEnie.", smiles Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl asks, "What attracted you to this universe?" Korath will have to get Spar drunk some night then Sparhawk laughs. Barb smiles, "welcome back indeed" Sparhawk says, "Um, I was young and looking for something interesting. I had just gotten GEnie and was looking for games to play. I really like space type stuff so when I saw federation, I started to play." Chiefsgirl wonders why Spar isn't a duke after all these years Sparhawk says, "I never made it past Merchant back in GEnie, 'cause I kept DDing for odd reasons." "odd reasons?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk smiles, "Yeah, being young, I had an... odd mentality back then." Sparhawk still has an odd mentality but it's a bit better. :) "So you DD'd on purpose or was just careless in your travels?", asks Chiefsgirl. Barb says, "lots of practical jokes were played on him" "DD'd on purpose. Kinda hard to DD carelessly back then.", smiles Sparhawk. Canadian says, "Yeah, most 14 year olds have odd mentalities" Sparhawk grins. Laurianaa would never dd on purpose :P Sparhawk says, "I spent roughly two months doing a lot in Fed, then kinda disappeared." Sparhawk smiles, "The disappearance was due to spending 500 dollars in roughly a week that I didn't have and didn't know I was spending." Barb nods Chiefsgirl nods "did your parental units offer to kill you?", asks Barb. "That would do it", says Chiefsgirl. Canadian says, "Yeah, that'll do that to ya" Sparhawk smiles, "Parent's didn't offer to kill me, but I had to work off my debt." Barb smiles, "sounds like good parents" Canadian says, "Yeeeesh" Sparhawk nods. :) "I think I would prefer death", says Canadian with a wink. Korath winks and says, "At least they didn't offer ya a trip to see Jimmie Hoffa" Laurianaa asks, "Spar, I missed it... what was your name then?" Sparhawk says, "Sparrowhawk." Chiefsgirl knows she would have been dead Barb says, "i'm pretty sure your stories are still in the old Fed News archives" Canadian shudders to think what woulda happened to him Sparhawk smiles, "Um, I started visiting again after a year or so, but didn't have a lot of time since I didn't have a job to pay for lots of fedding then." Sparhawk says, "I almost made it to JP, back when making JP involved solving the Snark puzzle." "Have you done the snark ever, Spar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk has never done the snark. :) Chiefsgirl hasn't either "But if I remember right, my computer died right before I did, and I didn't have online access for awhile.", smiles Sparhawk. "And when I got back online, I had lost my GEnie install disks, so I never really made it back into GEnie.", says Sparhawk. Canadian shudders at the thought of being cut off from Fed Sparhawk thinks about his history. Chiefsgirl asks, "You must know a lot of people then, Spar?" Sparhawk smiles, "Yep. :) Was a lot easier, as there was almost never more than 10 people on and lots of times I was the only one on." Sparhawk kinda misses being the only one in Fed at times. :) Laurianaa is proud to call Spar her friend, considers herself lucky to know him Chiefsgirl wouldn't know what to do alone around here Korath winks and says, "Bet that made finding the puzzle pieces a lot easier" Canadian kinda misses having 700 people on at one time Sparhawk says, "Probably my two best friends from GEnie were Budwarp and Dierdre. They helped me out lots and I'd do hauling for 'em every so often." Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you come to choose the name of your planet?" Korath says, "Cause he didn't wanna call it Smirk..." Chiefsgirl laughs "Well, back in GEnie fed, i never really was sure 'bout my planet name if i got a planet.", smiles Sparhawk. Sparhawk smiles, "ANd here, well, I go 'bah' a lot, so I decided to name my planet that. And Korath's reason is decent enough too." "I started playing webfed back in January or February of this year.", says Sparhawk. "Twas January, I believe, Spar", smiles Korath. Chiefsgirl asks, "And do you have plans for the future? would you like to be Duke eventually?" Sparhawk smiles, "Well, I'd love to be a Duke someday, though at the moment I'd just like to make it to the next rank." Chiefsgirl asks, "What kind of duchy would you have? any rules and regulations?" "Um, well, no death locations.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk shudders at death locations. "Otherwise, I think I'd just say have fun and haul.", smiles Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl shudders at hauling Imoon wonders where all the haulers have gone "I'd make all PO's in my duchy have to haul out at least 5k of one commod each week from their planet.", smiles Sparhawk. Patrick says, "why? Hauling can be fun" "I don't mind having folks haul for me though", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Sparhawk grins. Sparhawk laughs. "Would you have restrictions on selling to duchymates?", asks Laurianaa. "Nah, they could go where ever they want to make a profit, but they'd have to HAUL!", exclaims Sparhawk. Sparhawk grins. Sparhawk smiles, "I'd have no duchy taxes either." "How do you spend your time here now, Spar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sjw asks, "who whould you make haul?" Sparhawk would make the PO's of his future duchy haul. :) Sparhawk smiles, "These days I mainly just sit around and talk to people and every so often haul in commods and do a build." "Does anyone have any questions for Spar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk can always just mention random facts if there are no questions. :) Chiefsgirl laughs "Let's hear some Spar", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl loves random facts Laurianaa does too Grace listens intently to the interesting Sparhawk Sparhawk smiles, "Well, one is that I always buy a round of Green Cherry when I buy rounds." Sparhawk smiles, "And no, it's not what it sounds like." Laurianaa giggles n blushes "What is it?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk smiles, "Well, I'd tell ya, 'cept that the file I have containing the description is on another computer." Sparhawk grins sheepishly. Chiefsgirl laughs Korath asks, "Why is that the drink you always buy though?" "You can't remember?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk can't remember neither. :) Sparhawk smiles, "Well, I think i first created it back in GEnie fed and i just thought it a neat sounding drink, so it's what I buy. :) And it's unique." Laurianaa winks and says, "well, they must be good to affect your memory that way" Sparhawk smiles, "Actually, another randome fact, I never actually partake of alcohol here in Fed. :) So I buy the round, but I always drink root beer." Laurianaa has bought you a root beer! Sparhawk fishes himself out his favorite mug and sips on root beer. "Another wonderful fact is that I still have all my hand-drawn maps from old GEnie, including the entire solar system, 'cept for martian ruins, and a few of the old planets.", says Sparhawk. "Those must be something to see", says Chiefsgirl. "Yep.", smiles Sparhawk. Grace wonders if Spar had a different name on Genie Fed Sparhawk nods, "Sparrowhawk." Sparhawk grins. "why did you change it Spar?", asks Grace. Chiefsgirl was wondering that too "'Cause when I started playing here, I couldn't for the life of me remember what my old name was in Fed.", smiles Sparhawk. "Spar..you sound like me now...terminal forgetfulness", says Grace. "Spar, do ya have any current alts in Fed?", asks Laurianaa. Sparhawk smiles, "I have never had an alt in Fed. :) Back in GEnie fed, I don't think it was possible, here in webfed, I just never bothered." Laurianaa smiles, "You never did? gee, coulda sworn somebody I once knew was you" Sparhawk shakes his head. :) "dang, had me fooled, lol", says Laurianaa. "Ah, 'nother fact 'bout me, right before p2p started and I was 'bout to make JP i think, i ended up DDed.", smiles Sparhawk. "how'd that happen?", asks Laurianaa. "I was visiting... Deerhaven I think it was, was using a macro to trade, ended up getting killed trying to get back to my ship then killed again leaving the hospital.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk sighs. Grace sighs too...dd..is awful "I think I remember that, Spar... just a momentary memory lapse", says Laurianaa. Korath says, "I remember that, too...was kinda shocked weeing you as a lower rank again" "But I came back and my wonderful friends got me back to merchie by the time p2p started and then I started paying so I could play and now I've finally made it past my perpetual low rank to Thane.", smiles Sparhawk. Korath says, "ahh..seeing" Sparhawk grins. Korath thwaps his lousey keyboard Sparhawk has another wonderful fact 'bout himself too. :) "you have done well Spar!", exclaims Grace. Chiefsgirl can't wait for this Sparhawk nods his head. Korath loves hearing Spar's stories :) Laurianaa smiles, does too Sparhawk says, "But I couldn't have done it without my good friends. :) Korath, Laurianaa, Grace and others who aren't here tonite." Kao smiles and listens to Spar Korath blushes Grace blushes profusely Sparhawk grins. "Awww...ya know we're all like family, Spar", says Korath. Sparhawk nods. "yeah, we help each other... gladly", smiles Laurianaa. "Most of Mba, Lothlorien and others are family.", says Sparhawk. Grace has a fact about Spar that HE may not share Sparhawk wonders what that is. Laurianaa smiles, "mmm, do tell, Grace" Chiefsgirl looks at Grace Sparhawk nods too. :) Korath would like to know <g> "in the beginning...he told everyone to please not hug him..he didn't care for hugging", says Grace. Laurianaa giggles Chiefsgirl smiles Grace exclaims, "but now...he has grown to accept hugs..and even gives them!" Grace has given Sparhawk a passionate hug! Sparhawk grins. Sparhawk has given Grace a passionate hug! "I remember that...took a long time before he would let us hug him", says Korath. Grace smiles at her friend Chiefsgirl has given Sparhawk a nice hug! Laurianaa grins, hugged him anyway Sparhawk has given Chiefsgirl a hot hug! "...even over the comms", says Korath with a wink. Korath has given Sparhawk a sloppy hug! Sparhawk has given Korath a tender hug! Sparhawk has given Laurianaa a sloppy hug! Laurianaa has given Sparhawk a sloppy hug! Grace says, "also...Spar is most likely THE most polite player in this game...is and always will be a gentlemen to the core" "interesting, that's a very GEnie Fed thing, not hugging", says Barb. "Barb..hiya..didn't even see you there..:::Hugs:: ungenie like", smiles Grace. "So is politeness and respect", smiles Laurianaa. Sparhawk nods. Korath smiles at Spr "absolutely. People didn't hug unless it was very close personal friends", says Barb. "I also pride myself on being one of the fastest typers in fed and making very few typos.", smiles Sparhawk. Sparhawk grins. "it was a much more reserved and different sort of Fed", says Barb. "And now there's hugging all over the place", says Chiefsgirl. Laurianaa asks, "Spar, have you worked on your webpage lately?" Sparhawk asks, "My homepage?" Laurianaa smiles, "yuppers" Grace smiles, "very interesting Barb...must have been a whole different ballgame" Sparhawk has been lazy lately, so no. :) "very t\different indeed", says Barb. "awww, I did enjoy reading it, hope ya get some time to add to it", smiles Laurianaa. Sparhawk nods. Pooch stands a waves a paw "Well, in closing type of stuff, I've always loved playing Fed, always will. :) It's a great game with some wonderful people.", smiles Sparhawk. Laurianaa knows the people always bring her back... each n every time she tries to leave :P Chiefsgirl stands up, "I'd like to thank Sparhawk for being my guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "And thank you all for coming" Sparhawk feels honored to be invited. :) Chiefsgirl says, "Next week my guest will be Duke Dilvish at the special time of 11pm EST" Grace frowns at the time Sparhawk wishes the first person to help him out coulda been here so he could thank her. Korath asks, "Who was that?" Sparhawk says, "Artopia." Laurianaa says, "She helped me at one time, also..." "I have never met her", says Korath. "She helped me out when i first started to get through captain.", says Sparhawk. "she grew up in Flying, Kor", says Laurianaa. "Ahhh...ok", smiles Korath. Cgee packs up the video equipment and heads home to Bohemian Sparhawk bows. |