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Chiefsgirl giggles "How long's it been since you hosted this?", asks Blaze. Chiefsgirl thinks back and checks her calendar Chiefsgirl says, "Since August 12" "Like riding a bike", says Blaze with a wink. Chiefsgirl didn't realize it was so long ago Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool and clears her throat "Hello and welcome to Fed's Meet & Greet", Chiefsgirl smiles. "This is our new night...Sunday's at 9pm EDT", Chiefsgirl says. Barb whispers to Arro, "can we start heckling Steve yet?" "I do hope so", smiles Arrogant. Barb looks hopeful Stevec snickers. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Each week we have a guest that will tell us a bit about themselves and their history and just generally let us have fun" "Tonight our guest is Duke of Shiner, Stevec", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly Stevec smiles, "Howdy" Stevec winks and says, "Chiefs said something about telling about themself... Wish I'd have had a warning of that." Chiefsgirl smiles and knows she put that in the email Stevec chuckles. "You can start as far back as you'd like", Chiefsgirl smiles. Arrogant winks and says, "the smuttier the better Steve" Stevec says, "Well, started in this incarnation of Fed back in AOL Beta in August 95..." Stevec says, "Made many mistakes before getting beyond that dastardly Snark puzzle. around Thanksgiving that year...." Suddenly, there is a feeling like a rip in the fabric of reality. Around you the colors go pale and fade, and you realize that you can see dimly through solid objects. Then as fast as it happened things are restored to normal, and you are left wondering about your sanity. "Speak of the devil! LOL", says Blaze. "Speaking of snark", Chiefsgirl says with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Stevec exclaims, "Speaking of that... Perfect timing!!" "Hey, Elvis left the building.", says Stevec with a wink. "cheap EU reality fabric again", says Barb. Mephisto asks, "EU?" Blaze recalls Steve even got a hit put out on him that Thanksgiving weekend while puzzling ;) "european union", says Bartholomew. Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you always aspire to be duke, Steve?" Stevec laughs "Everybody was a bit put out at everybody that weekend, Blaze." Stevec says, "Not at all, Chief. Really didn't care about doing that..." Stevec winks and says, "Had too many "friends" push to do dat. Of course, they all are gone now." Chiefsgirl nods "Took several months and then several attempts at getting that Duke puzzle solved, in May 96. Got a t-shirt from Cym to prove it, too.", says Stevec with a wink. Stevec smiles, "So, now my time is spent just doing odd jobs for Diesel, like picking up after the cleaner and such as that." "And what's the duchy of Shiner like?", Chiefsgirl asks. Stevec smiles, "Well, we still have some of the very first planets, including one of the first Walrus of Merit winners. They aren't as active as they should be, though fun to be with when here." "And, dastardly as usual, one planet noone can get to, see or expel.", says Stevec with a wink. Blaze asks, "Any word on when ya can get rid of that planet named Fed?" "No, Blaze. I'm trying to hack his password all the time, though.", says Stevec with a wink. Stevec grins devilishly. Barb grins and pokes Arro "Any rules in Shiner?", Chiefsgirl asks. Stevec smiles, "Mephisto, when you have good POs, it's fun to watch them grow their planets. Well-planned economies are great for all the planets in a Duchy." Stevec says, "Of course, Chiefs." "Number one rule: Have fun....", says Stevec. Chiefsgirl loves to hear rules and regulations Stevec says, "Number two rule: Have fun..." Chiefsgirl likes the number one rule Stevec winks and says, "That's all the rules." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Weee!" Chiefsgirl thinks that's great Stevec winks and says, "WEE! is an old tradition." Chiefsgirl laughs Stevec winks and says, "We WEE! on everything and everyone." Bartholomew says, "yeah...but the butler is a real spoilsport" "No butlers allowed.", says Stevec with a wink. "Maids?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Only in those little French outfits.", smiles Stevec. Chiefsgirl giggles "I just knew that was coming", Chiefsgirl smiles. "Well, or out of them.", says Stevec with a wink. Arrogant says, "ah good. Smut" "what about the rumours that you've been known to wear that sort of outfit yourself, Steve?", asks Barb. Stevec pleads insanity. Stevec says, "That, Barb, was a misplaced rumor that will never be corroborated." "oh, do tell Steve....this should make for interesting question and answer", Chiefsgirl says. Barb glances at a photograph Barb says, "hmmmmmmm" Chiefsgirl laughs Stevec mumbles something about silly rumormongers... Stevec fumbles for his lighter... Chiefsgirl says, "What keeps it interesting around here for you now Steve? You've been a duke a long time" Stevec smiles, "Oh, that's simple. Diesel..." Barb leans close and whispers to Aro, "can Steve tell about those late night parties?" Stevec glares at Barb. Barb smiles blandly "Parties? He's too pure for that", says Arrogant. "sowwy", says Barb. Chiefsgirl thinks we'd all like to hear about the parties "but I do recall he did like putting on your clothes, Barb", says Arrogant. "Truth is, Chiefs, just talking to old friends and trying to divert silly rumors away from me.", says Stevec with a wink. "no, that was Cymb's clothes", says Barb. Arrogant asks, "oh was it?" Chiefsgirl laughs Barb says, "she was complaining he stretched her high heels" "you just can't trust men anymore", says Arrogant. Stevec pleads the 5th.... "it's not a 5th, it's a full liter", says Barb. Chiefsgirl giggles Stevec pleads for the full liter. "We're perfectly and entirely trustworthy-sometimes.", says Mephisto. Mephisto has bought you a drink! Stevec winks and says, "It is true, though, that Cym dressed me last. That was over 2 years ago."
Cymbelyne winks and says, "So what juicy questions are Chiefsgirl asksing my duke?" Arrogant asks, "is he in touch with his feminine side?" Cymbelyne says, "Mais certainment, mes amis." "Yep, and there she is.", says Stevec with a wink. "seee....even Cymb confirms it about Steve", says Barb. Chiefsgirl asks, "What did she confirm?" Arrogant says, "no wonder she's always hobbling around in those heels" Chiefsgirl thinks she missed something Barb says, "that he's in touch with his femine side" Chiefsgirl laughs Cymbelyne tries to imagine Steve in a dress and fails miserably. Cymbelyne smiles, "Wouldn't go with the boots, y'see." "Cym, it's not that your feet are getting smaller..", says Arrogant. "Well, that's always good", Chiefsgirl smiles. Stevec grins. Barb says, "the wife is always the last to know" Barb sighs Cymbelyne eyes Steve warily. Stevec eyes Cym. "So how long have you been cross dressing, Steve?", Chiefsgirl asks. Arrogant grins Arrogant says, "better just confess" Cymbelyne thinks he better not touch that cute little pink number she just bought. Stevec chuckles "Never have, that I know of." Mephisto thinks that Steve will never volunteer for ANYTHING again. "his memory is terrible..", says Arrogant. Chiefsgirl wonders about these photos Barb is waving around "he didn't volunteer Mephisto, I pestered him til he said yes", Chiefsgirl smiles. Stevec says, "Those "photos" are very, very old...." Cymbelyne looks thoughtfully over at Arro hoping all his interest in Steve is purely academic. "ah, that explains it", smiles Mephisto. Arrogant 's interest is always academic Stevec has never "volunteered" for anything. Channel Stealth...The Way to Wealth Jonathan has just arrived. Mephisto says, "A wise policy." "Any bad memories Steve?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Yeah, sure are, Chiefs.", says Stevec. Chiefsgirl settles down to hear the bad memories "Always more interesting than the good ones", Chiefsgirl smiles. Stevec says, "Besides Arro here, there was a few times this certain "family" tried to rule here...." "What family was that?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Had a few run-ins with them... Funny part was when they kept trying to kill me by dropping the TDX here.", says Stevec with a wink. "Don't remember what they called themselves. Was one of the early guilds... Hence, my mobile GuildBasher.", says Stevec with a wink. "La Costra Nostra?", asks Mephisto. Cymbelyne winks at Diesel, the only other woman Steve has had in Fed. Chiefsgirl smiles Stevec chuckles. Jonathan looks for some TDX or C4 to make sure Steve feels comfortable...;) "C4JL? hmm...", says Stevec. Cymbelyne has bought you a Shiner Bock! Jonathan smiles, "No the explosive...we'll just have to settle for some lethal Shiner Bock" "Actually, that bit with the "family" was fun. Tickled me to watch them keep killing themselves. They finally went away.", smiles Stevec. "Do you have any plans for the future of Shiner?", Chiefsgirl asks. Stevec winks and says, "Stay alive." Chiefsgirl says, "That's always a good goal" Cymbelyne nudges Steve. Stevec says, "Actually, not much change planned. Will probably keep the core POs when the Duke puzzle goes back in." Cymbelyne whispers in Steve's ear about all those early morning clandestine meetings with Ming's minions. "Shiner is an experienced duchy...how is it changing?", asks Jonathan. Chiefsgirl asks, "No one's aspiring to be a duke?" Stevec says, "shhh..." Cymbelyne squirms and shuts up. "Only a couple, Chiefs. They all like me too much.", says Stevec with a wink. Chiefsgirl grins Chiefsgirl smiles, "Well, I think that's very flattering" Stevec says, "Not really. They know how hard it is to get in a Duchy right now. hehe.." "Does anyone have any questions for Steve?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Oh! An opportunity. What are you getting for my birthday?", asks Cymbelyne. Blaze smiles, "Steve...what was yer largest AOL bill?" Stevec winks and says, "A hard time, Cym-dear." "Tiffany's has great stuff, Steve", smiles Barb. "Hmmm.....how hard?", asks Cymbelyne. "Well, let me put it to you this way.... I'm still paying those bills....", says Stevec. Cymbelyne will pay Barb off later. Barb says, "or a lovely holiday in Bognor" Blaze says, "I got caught back up with my mortgage after AOL went flat rate lol" Stevec says, "I think the biggest was like $1200 for November 95." Cymbelyne smiles, "Was that for time spent with me, dearest?" Stevec winks and says, "Of course, hon." "Time with Hope and Care lol", says Blaze with a wink. Stevec smiles, "Actually, I was dating Hope and Care at the time." Cymbelyne laughs and agrees with Blaze. "They bonded lol", says Blaze. "oh god, he's into that group thing, too?", asks Barb. Cymbelyne asks, "....and bondage too!?" Cymbelyne gasps Stevec smiles, "Never bondage." "surely not something so interesting", says Arrogant. "is that what it is, Cymb?", asks Barb. Cymbelyne is so confused. Chiefsgirl giggles ----Federation crashed at this point---- "That was your doing?", Chiefsgirl asks. Stevec smiles, "That was a new command." "Posted first.", smiles Cymbelyne. Cymbelyne beams.
Chiefsgirl laughs "Very good post", Chiefsgirl smiles. Cymbelyne grins Cymbelyne asks, "So....where were we?" Chiefsgirl forgets already
Cymbelyne whispers to Blaze "He really needs to." Blaze figured that was a snide hint hehe Cymbelyne sits back and smiles. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Thanks so much for being the guest tonight Steve" Stevec winks and says, "Ah, okie. hehe... Thanks for volunteering me.... I think." Chiefsgirl says, "It was great fun.....there should be a write-up in next week's news" An amazing portal opens to reveal Stevec has just disappeared. |