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"Ah, just a bit", Chiefsgirl says. "don't it suck?", asks Madman. Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "There's much to do over on Mars....meet Duke Tbar, have a drink and a chat :) " Your comm unit relays a message from Japresnik, "is that where that sorry sack of bones is at??". Tbar does -The- legendary :::bows::: Tbar takes the mike "testing ... testing, Can you hear me back there Grabbie?" Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "Come one come all and meet Duke Tbar :) free drinks and conversation. Chez Diesel on Mars :) " Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool and waves to the crowd Chiefsgirl says, "hello everyone and welcome to Fed's first every Duke chat" Tbar points to the MC Chiefsgirl Asmiller asks, "..is the legendary Duke buying the drinks?" Chiefsgirl says, "err...and ever" Chiefsgirl giggles Unsung asks, "...or whippy cream?" Tbar has bought you a Never-Neverz! Tbar puts out chilled sliced peaches and whip cream for everyone Grabfoot tries to rememeber if Never-Neverz are blue... Tbar puts out the brand new ... Peach Beer "Every Tuesday evening at 9pm EST you will have the opportunity to meet different Dukes & Duchesses of Fed and ask them questions, learn their history, and all that", Chiefsgirl smiles. Grabfoot 's eyes get big "Never-Neverz are the color that you see ;']", says Tbar. Grabfoot intones, '...whipped cream....' Chiefsgirl smiles, "We are lucky tonight to be graced with the presence of the illustrious Duke of Neverland, Tbar" Tbar stands and :::bows::: Chiefsgirl smiles, "Future guests will be Longstrider, Mnpowers, Tbar smiles at the mob .. err crowd "but TBar IS Kevin Wired", says Pitfairy. Tbar is TBar Dakota laughs, "He is?" Pitfairy says, "even a lowly captain knows that" Chiefsgirl smiles, "If you have any questions or comments for Duke Tbar, please let me know through a TB and I will call on you in order" Grabfoot says, "No, Tbar has enough trouble being Tbar" Grabfoot falls behind the bar.. Chiefsgirl smiles, "So, without further ado, we'll let Duke Tbar have the floor" Tbar laughs at Grabbie Unsung looks behind the bar at Grabby Pitfairy says, "he plays Kevin....ask Spicy" Chiefsgirl collapses on her barstool and sips her drink Grabfoot peeks up.. Japresnik takes a number Tbar stands Pitfairy decides to fall quiet "why is it so quiet in here?", asks Madman. Chiefsgirl glances at Tbar Tbar says, "hello ... I'm Tbar .. Duke of Neverland ... I suppose that is no secret ;']" Japresnik places the number in Tbar's G-String Chiefsgirl holds up a sign calling for applause Tbar says, "Now ... I started with Data Space exploration ... not all that long ago .." Madman applauds Asmiller cheers! Tbar says, "around Dec of 95 ...." "I was run off for a month ... will the 'friendly' off the comms ;']", says Tbar. Tbar says, "but then I ventured back ... and slowly started my way up .. pretty much a worker .. not a not os socializing..." Tbar says, "Then one day I was a JP ...." Chiefsgirl thinks the tale will get really interesting now Tbar says, "I quickly discovered ... I was not going any further without friends..." Asmiller smiles ...sips from flask :) >ex tbar He is dressed in cute Royal Blue silk jammies with little Hazed and Ming prints all over them. "So ... the bars etc, you know the routine...", says Tbar. Tbar says, "I made PO in April...." "As a PO ... I was not well known .. and very quiet ... a hard working...", says Tbar. Crocodyle says, "hiya Bud ;)~" Grabfoot shushes Croco, 'I told ya, he's pontificating Japresnik shusshes the might Croc, so that the Legendary Tbar can go on Raesene asks, "Just out thought....are you accepting any more planets Tbar?" "It was not untill I became a Baron .. that the few friends I had .. decided I needed to come out of my shell ... and meet the REAL FED ....", says Tbar. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Please hold all questions til the Duke is finished. Then we will field questions and comments" "NO.. I would accept or discuss that at this time...", says Tbar. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Oh goodie" "I'm having .. "burts' processing here ... very bad lag.. I very sorry.", says Tbar. "burst .. that is", says Tbar. "Any way ....... I really had no aspiration of being a Duke ... I was content as Baron ...", says Tbar. Chiefsgirl wonders what brought on Duke fever "so ... for family reason ..... I went duchy .. so the people of the duchy we WERE in .. could have a real one ... one that was Alive!", exclaims Tbar. Tbar says, "Well... from day one ... Neverland was alive and never stopped... and here we are today..." Chiefsgirl nods, "So are you accepting new planets at this time?" Chiefsgirl says, "Any questions for Duke Tbar? one at a time please" "how often is garbage picked up ?", asks Budwarp. "Every day Bud ... and some garbage we don't even allow in the duchy.", says Tbar. "Sir Tbar, have you thought about changing your restrictions as to taking alt planets?", asks Harm. "good hygene is important for a happy duchy", says Budwarp. Tbar says, "Yes Harm .. I have. Right now no decision has been mad .. I need to see how FED is going ... but I lean toward making Neverland always a no Alt duchy.. very elite" Pitfairy asks, "do you except monsters in any of the three duchies you have?" "Tbar! You don't belive in alts!", exclaims Grabfoot. Grabfoot looks agast Cressida winks and says, "This is something I never thought I'd see..." Madman says, "good for you tbar" Grabfoot feels faint... Crocodyle has never had an alt Crocodyle smiles Tbar says, "for this group .. a little ooc is needed ... sorry" Budwarp thought alts and snerts were left behind in the old fed Asmiller was an alt ... "nice ain't it?", asks Madman. Grabfoot has had her world rocked.. Asmiller went to therapy ... Asmiller is Asmiller now Cressida is envious of Grab... ;) Grabfoot 's alt is Asmiller Budwarp grins at Asmiller "The Way Neverland is now ... one cannot enter unless they are the highest persona in Rank ...", says Tbar. Tbar says, "...also .. macro's are limited....," Cyto says, "Awww dang..." Grabfoot says, "That's what makes Neverland what it IS Tbar.." Chiefsgirl nods in agreement "sounds good to me", says Madman. Tbar says, "...I won't except a 'canned' planet....." Japresnik does that Neverland Dance "canned?", asks Madman. "What do you mean by "highest persona in Rank"?", asks Raesene. Grabfoot whispers, 'Off the rack..premade Chiefsgirl says, "He wants the planet customized, Madman" "I encourage the use of the comms .... and one must be on activivly 4 hours per week ... active is not macro time...", says Tbar. Madman asks, "aahhhh.....does it have to be done?" Grabfoot scampers alot, does that count? Tbar says, "Canned planet is a prefab from the workbence .. the planet must show some originality ... and owner care and character" Chiefsgirl wonders if they are ever done Tbar says, "I want my PO's to advance naturally ... but I want the 'experiance' of Neverland to be fun and interesting as well..." Raesene says, "Ohhh.....I made my own planet....only one in Fed World to have Virtual Reality Trading Option" Madman says, "i'm having trouble with the bench, but my descriptions are good." "bench is easy - get someone else to do for you", smiles Budwarp. "If you want a decently active Squire....I'm ready to join", smiles Raesene. "Neverland is not accepting any planet now at all. We are currently full ... and our wainting list is out of control.", says Tbar. Raesene says, "Ack...too bad" "I would love to take on another 20 planets! But Ming has his rules", says Tbar with a frown. Chiefsgirl asks, "What is the trading like in Neverland right now? Are you top heavy/bottom heavy?" "so many good players ... and an Active Duke is so important...", says Tbar. Budwarp likes top heavy Tbar says, "neverland is very balanced ......." Budwarp thought we were dicussing females Budwarp looks innocent Tbar says, "what Neverland has is RAD .. which is unique in amny repsect within FED .. so even if Neverland were top heavy .. it would make no difference .. we have two other duchys to trade with .. to tax.. no restrictions." Chiefsgirl smiles, "I noticed that Neverland has a web page...maybe you could tell us about that Tbar" "I could not speak for Kevinwire .. or any other Duke ... its kinda a rule ;']", says Tbar. Tbar says, "Neverland does have a very good site ..." Tbar says, "what this site does is expand upon the duchy and the game .. in a non-pay internet environment ..." "what's the address?", asks Madman. "Yes, Tbar, I too was impressed with your web site", says Harm. "Each planet contributes ... 'They make their own Planet Flag .. and Planet images ...", says Tbar. "Http://home.earthlink.net/~tbarranch", says Tbar. Tbar says, "If the planet/owner has their own page .. then a like is made from their planet image on the Neverland pages..." Cressida smiles, "A lot of duchies have web pages now" Asmiller had the best planet on da page at one time Chiefsgirl asks, "And what is the point of RAD, for those that don't know?" Grabfoot says, "Don't forget Tbar, Neverland is the duchy of honor and love" "In addtion ... the Neverland site host the RAD site wich also features the Oz and Wired pages ( undercontrution) ... there is also a message posting board .. and a shopping mall", says Tbar. Tbar says, "RAd may be too long and complicated to expaline here.. but I will try..." Harm wonders why noone wants this alt planet to join their duchy? My highest persona is on so little, nothing to do. I play this one 80% of the time. Tbar says, "The point of RAD was to place planets.. when Neverland or one of the member duchies had a graduate ... so that the Fo's that were loyal would have a pre-made home ..." Tbar says, "The second point of RAD was a trading co-op ... we trade within RAD" "With out the Dukes puzz ... we got full .", says Tbar with a frown. "Harm why should someone have more than one planet in a duchy, when some dont have ANY in one?", asks Dakota. Chiefsgirl thinks the idea sounds great Tbar says, "RAD will expand to about 7 or 11 duchies .. we share a lot of resources..." Cressida asks, "How would you know that it was an alt planet if the people play them differently?" Harm says, "I want to be in a duchy, not 2 in the same one." "and therein lies da rub...", says Grabfoot. "alts only exist if owner makes it known", says Budwarp. Harm says, "Because we are honest" Cressida asks, "I mean, say I have another planet...Why should I have to tell my Duke I have an alt if I play them equally?" Chiefsgirl thinks Cressida makes a good point "Agreed Bud...", says Cressida. "Well, it's sort of a moot point, because Neverland is full...", says Cyto. "Each duchy ahs a little different policy ... one Duchy in RAD like to talk in Sol po's ... to give them a chance in a duchy they prolly would never have gotten..", says Tbar. "I don't wish to be in Neverland...", says Cressida with a wink. Cyto says, "As far as other duchies go, well, I don't think most are quite as strict..." "Most are", says Harm. "To each what suits their taste", says Grabfoot. Cressida is quite happy where she is... thank you very much :) Cressida says, "True, but most Dukes that I know require full disclosure on their alts..." Chiefsgirl smiles, "Remember, you'll get the opportunity to meet other Dukes & Duchesses every Tuesday at 9pm EST." Jakar is happy too :) Harm says, "And the ones that will take anyone, well they are not good duchys, usually" Tbar says, "Neverland is not for eveyone Cressida .. one had to find the right place for their planet ..." Budwarp is never sure where he is but is usually happy wherever he is "err one has to find the right one for them", says Tbar. "I was just presenting another side of the argument...", smiles Cressida. "Well, the point of those sorts of rules is to keep ItzdaAlt, Squire of Altplanet out of the duchy...", says Cyto with a wink. Cressida smiles, "I am associated with Shaver, who has the same policy" Jakar laughs at what Bud says Harm says, "I would think that alts, more experienced players, would only help the duchy" Dakota would rather shop for a duchy, instead of going just anywhere jus' cuz they have an opening. Tbar says, "I don't think its an argument ... Neverland is just for originals of the highest RANK .. we have po's that have so called Alts .. no problem .. I just want the highest RANK a persona has .... the first love planet ... the main planet." "What type of participation in the duchy do you look for from your PO's?", Chiefsgirl asks. -The- Legendary Duke Tbar has just disappeared. Chiefsgirl says, "ooops" Chiefsgirl giggles "where did he go?", asks Madman. Cyto says, "Look what ya went and did... :P" "Damn puntmonster!", exclaims Harm. "Okay who punted Tbar?", asks Asmiller. Grabfoot feels a cold blast from the punt-monster Madman shivers Budwarp slides the punt machine under the bar -The- Legendary Duke Tbar has just appeared. Tbar says, "Very sorry" Jakar didn't do it Cressida winks at Bud... Cyto exclaims, "And that's what Tbar said!" Grabfoot looks innocent Madman moves from behind the bar Budwarp grins at Cressida "Pretty kinky-- Oh... hi...", smiles Cyto. Chiefsgirl holds up her applause sign again "FedTerm Exception Error .. Failed to inset Line", says Tbar. Tbar shrugs Tbar laughs "hmm Grabfoot thats my line !", exclaims Budwarp. Asmiller looks under bar ....wonders what builds he missed Grabfoot shows Asm what's -behind- the bar.. "So, what type of participation do you look for from your PO's?", Chiefsgirl asks. Tbar says, "I'm not here to tell you waht is right ... just about Neverland and TBar" Harm asks, "Tbar, where did you "grow up" as it were?" "participation ..... i like for interaction on the comms .. and the team thing... isolationist don't make it in Neverland", says Tbar. "OK ... I started out is Rossiey ... a very dead duchy ...", says Tbar. "then I want to Shaner and spent most of my time ...... I made the coms in Shiner come alive!", exclaims Tbar. Madman says, "what does "grow up" mean...i've heard it alot lately" "i liked Steve and Shainer very much ...", says Tbar. "Then I went to Wired ... to be with Kev .......", says Tbar. Chiefsgirl whispers to Madman, "It's where you do most of your trading and socializing as a lower rank" Dakota says, "What duchy ya hung yer hat in, Madman" Tbar says, "Kev was my 'fater' type figure in FED ... as a FO .. that is where my fac's were..." "sol?", asks Madman. "To grow up means where did you climb the ladder and promote", says Harm. Tbar says, "The Kev had a problem ... and was gone for a very long time .. and the duchy was dying ... then I went Duke. I spent most of my Po ranks in Shaner." "err Shiner", says Tbar. Tbar says, "Grow up .. meaning as a PO .. it was Shiner .. as a FO .. it was Roissy" "I had all my Fac's on the planet Wired ... and Cows", says Tbar. "I knew the planet Roissy, when it was in Bourbon", says Harm. Chiefsgirl would like to see the planet Cows "Roissy was a Duchy at one time.", says Tbar. "Wrong Roissy, Harm", says Dakota. Budwarp asks, "Roissy was a faux duchy yes ?" Cyto says, "Correct." Harm says, "Oh, sorry, my bad." Budwarp says, "see some one took the name again - Roissy" Grabfoot says, "Desire, Deceit, Atlantis, Arabia, Amora, Malibu..." "Any more questions or comments for Duke Tbar?", Chiefsgirl asks. Madman wonders how many had his name before Tbar smiles "Heliopolis", says Cyto. "Well Sir Tbar, if you, or any of your duchys ever does accept alt planets, ones that are VERY active, please let me know.", says Harm. "Nirvana, Pride, Riverwalk", says Grabfoot. "Oh... I thought we was listing duchies :P", says Cyto. "Riverwalk and Droidium .. were like the first duchies I ventured out of sol to", says Tbar. Grabfoot was rememebering Roissy palnets Grabfoot rememebers embargos "i think it was the arena for me....came out into a firefight....didn't go to good", says Madman. Budwarp smiles, "embargos , smuggling - all wonderful tools of duchy's" "We still have embargos .. but they don't really hurt anything now .... they should stop all trading .. even the WB .. IMHO", says Tbar. "Who should stop all trading?", Chiefsgirl asks. Tbar says, "BTW .. Neverland has a great puzz ... every location is used .. and it is not a hard puzz.. but a Fun one.." Madman wonders how much a smuggler makes "Neverland has a lot of 'pictures'", says Tbar. Chiefsgirl is terrible at puzzles and wonders how she ever promoted Tbar says, "very hard to do... very hard." "same here", says Madman with a wink. Grabfoot is a puzzle Cyto likes puzzles. Tbar says, "So far .. anyone that has competed the nevy puzz has said it was fun .... and gratifying at the end" Tbar says, "compleated" Chiefsgirl makes a mental note to visit Neverland Tbar will never be able to use this typie-thingie Tbar :)~~~ Grabfoot smiles and nods Madman asks, "this thing with the buttons?" Tbar nods at Grabbie .. "there is a application on the Neveland page" "the only problem i would have is the comms......i work too much to use them alot", says Madman. Grabfoot feels there's a few navigation beacons with her name on them... Chiefsgirl brushes the punt dust off Grabfoot says, "If ya work wif your duchy family, ya can't help but use the comms" "again chiefsgirl?", asks Madman. "madman ... if you were in Neverland ... you would use them .. trust me ;']", says Tbar. "Join us next week", Chiefsgirl smiles. "so how many planets are you actually looking for tbar?", asks Madman. "wonder what all this is? ( the lag)", says Tbar. Tbar says, "Neverland is not looking for planets at all .. we are full.." Madman says, "aaawwwww......nuts" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Thank you Duke Tbar for being our first guest" |