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"Just walked in", says Tycho. Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool and clears her throat Chiefsgirl smiles, "Good evening everyone and welcome to Fed's Meet & Greet" Tycho hops up on the bar and clog dances naked in front of you ... and you love it!!! "This is held every Sunday night at 9pm EDT right here in CD's", Chiefsgirl says. "Tonight I'm thrilled to have Duke Tycho of Yawvin as my guest....", Chiefsgirl says. "He'll tell us a bit about himself but jump in with questions and comments", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly "Well first I better start with the Statement that the views and opinions I speak here tonight are my own and not necessarily those of IB Games", says Tycho. "In fact they probably aren't even close", says Tycho. "A little bit about myself", says Tycho. Chiefsgirl settles down to listen closely to Tycho Pilgrim wonders about tycho's connections to Monica Lewinsky Chiefsgirl asks, "When did you enter this solar system, Tycho?" "I personally started fed back in Late november of 95. I was familiar with the game because I had left it 2 months earlier in a different form", says Tycho. "I had made many friends back then but had to leave due to circumstances beyond my control", says Tycho with a wink. Tycho says, "So when Tycho entered this realm he was very business like at first" Chiefsgirl coughs a bit at that Tycho says, "I worked very hard the first month and a half climbing the ranks to trader and finally merchant before revealing my reincarnation" Chiefsgirl asks, "Then you got silly?" Tycho says, "I wanted toget back up to a rank that really didn't have to work to much and could play more before I made my presence known" Tycho says, "Yeah I got silly" Chiefsgirl smiles "All we ever did was party back then", says Tycho. Chiefsgirl has never worked too much Kao nods "Party" Tycho says, "Hot tubs here playing "I never" there" Tycho says, "You couldn't go anywhere without running into a party" "Well you could but nobody liked to hang out with those kinds of people", says Tycho. Kao giggles and agrees Chiefsgirl thinks we should get back to those days Pilgrim laughs understandingly Heatherjn chuckles Heatherjn nods at CG! Smicawber raises his EMPTY snifter to the good ole days Tycho says, "I got my first factories on Honalee from SatnSheets" Tycho says, "I was seen in the presence of LrdVengnce, TheCursed1, Lestat, SatnSheets, Kao and many others" "One of my earliest memories was trapsing all over sol with MrWiz and UWntMyKiss for 3 reasons.", says Tycho. Heatherjn listens for the reasons... "1 Kiss was looking for the GM. 2. She was the worst mapper in history and I was an excellent mapper. and 3 It was fun", says Tycho. Tycho says, "I can't really tell you when any of my promotions were because they weren't to important to me" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you always want to be Duke?" Tycho says, "I can tell you that when I made JP we had a party in my office on Honalee and won Honalee it's very first Tungsten Tourist Trap Trophy" "Duke I never really thought about it", says Tycho. "While Satn was sitting in CD's cuz his guests kept going into her office lol", says Blaze. Tycho says, "I finally made PO and was invited to join Droidium. I was helped again by SatnSheets. I was waiting for her to make Duchess" Tycho says, "I planned on spending the rest of my career in Honalee when She made Duchess" Johnjohn raises his hand. Pilgrim almost had satin as a Secretary...... Tycho says, "She finally made it and I joined the greatest Duchy ever" Chiefsgirl asks, "Question John?" Johnjohn asks, "Yeah whats Droidium?" Singapore never came close to having Satin except in certain dreams... Tycho says, "Droidium was a Duchy" "Who owned it?", asks Johnjohn. "Some Bot", says Tycho. "Some dweeb named Exobot", says Blaze with a wink. Ops says, "One of the first duchies..." "Honalee was an awesome duchy until it was wrongfully ripped from the fabric of the universe", says Tycho. "We held protests. Staged marches. yet the wrongful oppressors stuck to their hypocritical lies and innuendoes based on falsified information and half truths", says Tycho. "But that's a whole different story", says Tycho. Singapore has completely lost track of the conversation... Chiefsgirl says, "I think we were having a moment of silence for Honalee" "no you haven't s'pore, there is no track to lose", says Smicawber. Singapore winks and says, "Oh. Good thing, then." "When Crypto felt the need to block off access of the universe and rip Honalee's presence from it OpsAn promoted to Duke", says Tycho. Tycho says, "Most Honaleeans were givin refuge there except me" Tycho says, "Ops apparently forgot I even existed and filled his duchy within 8 hours" Blaze feels the guilt settle in again.. Chiefsgirl says, "Surely just an oversight" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did that give you incentive to be a duke yourself Tycho?" Tycho says, "I gradually ascended the ranks through Baronhood. Learning more and more about the in's and outs of planetary management until I got the idea for an all star wars duchy" "I started helping people with the Duke Puzzle. Way back when it worked", says Tycho. Tycho says, "Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Pilgrim, "so who have you had sex with? give us the juice" Pilgrim blushes "You want some of that juice, Pilgrim?", says Blaze with a wink. "The video tape will be released tomorrow morning at 9 am Pilgrim you can see it all then", says Tycho. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "I previewed the tape and it's got lots of juice, Pilgrim" Ops rewinds and plays the advance copy... "My Duchy was very small for a long time because I kept it strictly Star Wars", says Tycho. Fancy covers his ears, wondering if he should be hearing all this, even at his age... Hello says, "I hope you changed it to include Star Trek For the Trekkies out there" "It didn't fill till shortly before the Universe moved to the Web", says Tycho. Chiefsgirl notices there are lots of non-StarWars planets in there now Kao was the first Tycho says, "With the move a lot of personas moved on through the force" Singapore looks at Kao and can understand the exception! "And when the mistake of putting Kao into Sol was made I begged and pleaded and groveled for her to join", says Tycho. Blaze is sure there is a death star named BABE in one of those trilogies ;) Kao giggles Pilgrim nudges Singaporeand says: "now now, be polite" "And finally she agreed.", says Tycho. Tycho says, "The masses rejoiced" Kao says, "I was wooed" Smicawber says, "yeah, from one the masses" "I consider it my biggest coup", says Tycho. Tycho says, "I don't pressure my people to promote ... just to have fun and to treat everyone as fairly as possible until they prove themselves to be idiots" Kao says, "Which we do fairly often" Ray figures 5 minutes tops then... Pilgrim is great at that Tycho says, "Then they can slam them but give em the benefit of the doubt first" Blaze winks and says, "Or DD continuously" "and then you promote them, when they've proved themselves idots", says Smicawber. Tycho says, "Now I spend most of my time porting around the galaxy goosing, streaking, and spraying whipped cream and strawberries." Heatherjn perks at the mention of whipped cream and strawberries. ;) Blaze always has fresh baskets of strawberries now. Tantalia says, "Very presidential..." Chiefsgirl is serving goose eggs in the cafe on Rhapsody Tycho says, "I used to port around and clog dance. That was a tribute to my friend LrdVengnce. Another player wrongfully accused and excommunicated from the Galaxy" "how about nekkid Twister parties?", asks Pilgrim. "Nekkid twister?", Chiefsgirl asks. Fancy has bought you a strawberry milkshake! Singapore grins. "I'm ready!" Tycho says, "Let me repeat. I did not play nekkid twister with that woman.... Ms Lewinsky." "But you played with me", says Kao. "u gotta wag your finger to make it official denial!", exclaims Smicawber. Ops rewinds the videotape... Blaze has a strong suspicion that Tycho has a crush on Ms. Lewinsky. Tycho asks, "I was wagging something .... who said it had to be a finger?" Pilgrim covers eyes "You know, Wag the Dog", says Tycho with a wink. Tycho says, "Now I just freeload off the 19 planets in my Duchy" "we know", says Kao. Tycho says, "That's pretty much my story in a nutshell" Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone have questions?" Tantalia passes out tissues "Tycho, tell us about your passion for the Snark puzzle", smiles Blaze. Tycho passes out nutshells containing his story "I laughed...I cried...", says Tantalia. Singapore takes a nutshell gratefully. Heatherjn would tuck the nutshell away, but she doesn't have anywhere to put it. ;) "It's a story of courage!!", exclaims Tantalia. "Passion addiction", says Tycho. "How many times have you now successfully completed it?", asks Blaze. Ops winks and says, "Well stated" "I loved the snark puzzle took me 8 times before I finally solved it. Since then in one form or another I've done it approximately 8 times", says Tycho. "Successfuly", says Tycho. Chiefsgirl boggles Kao waves her hand for a question... "I even got MyNewDay hooked on it", says Tycho. Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Kao?" Fancy wonders if it's 8 times in a row successfully... Kao asks, "Tycho, tell us about Yawvin. Do believe a Duke should regulate what POs do on their planets??" Ray has a nasty tendency to forget to eat while doing that Ops hopes not ;) Tycho says, "She was content to be JP forever till I had helped accumulate most of the objects for her then she couldn't stop" Tycho says, "I feel a Duke can regulate the actions that take place in his duchy but that doesn't mean you have to stay" "I wouldn't stay if I felt the requests were stupid", says Tycho. Kao takes notes. "Does that mean my nude beach has to go?" Heatherjn hopes not... ;) "Have I put any regulations on you?", asks Tycho. "No...", says Kao. Johnjohn asks, "Ya can't get rid of sacred ground can you Tycho?" Stevec winks and says, "Naw, the Force is there. I saw it (and other things)" "When there are more duchies to choose from, people will see that there is a duchy which suits their Fed-style...and don't hafta settle for what exists now", says Blaze. Kao says, "Just checking" "I never told her to get rid of anything. Although she's forced me to strip naked and ......", says Tycho. Tycho :x "And?", asks Alia. Tantalia rolls the videotape... "Let's not criminalize my sex life!!!", exclaims Tycho. Ops twists Tycho's arm...not needed Kao winks and says, "Or mine" Tantalia winks and says, "I wanted it purely for profit. Honest" Tycho says, "Ultimately my legacy will be ordained by the company of those I have kept company with. And I am not ashamed of anything I've done in Fed" Tantalia smiles, "With the Clinton thing winding down, MSNBC needs SOMETHING new to cover" "Any other questions? comments?", Chiefsgirl asks. Chiefsgirl asks, "What do you hope for the future of Fed Tycho?" "Would Chiefsgirl says Fed has declined with the loss of the puzzles?", asks Tantalia. Blaze asks, "Any plans to re-inforce the Star Wars theme in Yawvin once the puzzle returns?" "Well If the puzzle returns I'll address that issue but it's not important", says Tycho. Tycho says, "I'd like to see Snark re established as a promotion requirement" Kao agrees, Snark for promo "The Duke puzzle re instated. and something for Dukes to do besides porting around and goosing people", says Tycho. Tycho says, "Just take the time and enjoy Fed" "Any other questions?", Chiefsgirl asks. Tantalia asks, "Have you sold the movie rights?" "Yeah I sold that and my soul to the Fabulous Babe", says Tycho. Kao nods...has the deed "I want to thank Duke Tycho for being my guest tonight. Transcript will be available on the Fed web page", Chiefsgirl says. Pilgrim mentally undresses Tycho before realizing he didnt want to Chiefsgirl smiles, "Join me next week when Duke Soarintom will be my guest" Chiefsgirl thinks the cat will be here too Tantalia releases the balloons Kao says, "They didn't lay a glove on ya" Tycho lifts his right arm. Tycho brings his left hand up to meet his right as his lightsaber leaps from his belt into his hands and activates. Tycho leaps high into the air, arms raised above his head, as he turns his lightsaber down towards the floor. Tycho meets the floor on one knee as his lightsaber strikes the ground. There is a rush of darkside energy. |