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Unicorn asks, "Like the beginning of time or just the important stuff... me?" Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat "Welcome to the Meet & Greet", Chiefsgirl says. Mootdroid says, "about rainbow and the like... all the dirt" Chiefsgirl smiles, "I am honored to have Duchess Unicorn as our guest tonight" Unicorn winks and says, "I only deal in the clean sand Moot" Bearlysain pounces on his Duchess and gives her a tremendous lick, bear drool sliding down her face. Chiefsgirl says, "She'll tell us a bit about herself and her history and her duchy." Unicorn takes a bow and sits back down "is this a new fed event?", asks Mootdroid. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Please feel free to ask questions" "It's been a fed event since march Moot", Chiefsgirl smiles. Unicorn wipes the drool of her cheek "Bearly, I thought you were a bib now" "Never!", exclaims Bearlysain. Chiefsgirl plops back down on her barstool and applauds for Unicorn "Where did you want me to start?", asks Unicorn. Pintomike screams, "I love you Uni!" and faints dead on the floor.... "uni if this is an honor... why do you deserve it?", asks Mootdroid. "First where you been :P", says Bearlysain. "I was born a poor little alien...", says Unicorn. "At the beginning is good", Chiefsgirl smiles. Chiefsgirl hopes all the men in the room will recover Bearlysain thinks dis might turn into sumptin like a Michael Jackson book signing in the 80's Windy tries to revive Mike.. "Well.. let's see. I entered this universe Earthtime, hmmm... 95 I think", says Unicorn. Unicorn wonders if she should have looked at a calendar before coming. Chiefsgirl giggles "We'll go with 95", Chiefsgirl says. "DA year AOL got fed?", asks Bearlysain. Unicorn says, "Started as a GH... cheated and made my way to emporess in no time" "Bearly I played Beta Fed there", says Unicorn. "Once I made emporess it was found out I didn't know what I was doing and the crown was taken from me", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "So I worked my way up the ranks the old fashion way..." "I bribed everyone", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "And to add to all this, I do have to admit I was the cleanest merchant this universe had ever seen" Mootdroid asks, "did you make a habit of selling out early in fed?" "Selling out to who?", asks Unicorn. Unicorn peers at Moot to see if he's man enough to stand his ground. Mootdroid says, "such a short memory" Chiefsgirl wonders what Moot is talking about Unicorn says, "I wonder too Chief... let's see if he's willing to explain" "Obviously it's big enough he thinks he needs to make a scene about it", says Unicorn. "i came to put you on the spot... you left fed and came back.. but never really left", says Mootdroid. Kariscats is confused Chiefsgirl wonders if that means she never really left Unicorn asks, "Want to explain that a little more?" "Aahhhh...I get it", says Bearlysain. "I'm getting so confused... I never know if I'm coming or going... now I understand why", says Unicorn. Chuck says, "I came here to chew bubble gum, and confuse the hell out of people, and I'm all out of bubble gum" Unicorn says, "but you're very confusing Chuck" "I finally attend an event and walk into a brain-teaser ..", says Foamfollower with a wink. "So Moot, did you want to address this or shall we have a good time?", asks Unicorn. Unicorn sits back and crosses her legs, very lady-like "i don't want to go to far at a few event... you can enjoy now.. i was noticed", says Mootdroid. Bearlysain points out nobody can look all that lady like with bear drool all over their face. "Just like I would notice a fly on the wall Moot", says Unicorn with a wink. Unicorn asks, "Anyway... where were we?" Chuck exclaims, "cheating!" Chiefsgirl shakes her head Njrudeboy hands Uni a fly swatter Unicorn asks, "on who?" "Oh...", says Unicorn. Chiefsgirl says, "Cleanest merchant in Fed" Unicorn blushes "on Ming, I think", says Chuck. Unicorn says, "To gain my rank... just takes greasing the palms of a few good people" "ohhhh well no wonder you needed to shower so often", says Kariscats with a wink. Bearlysain lets it be known for da record he has a question when there's a chance. "and a few other parts of their anato... err, nevermind", says Chuck. Unicorn grins Unicorn says, "but you notice I never tell about WHO I showered with" Mootdroid knows Bearlysain snickers. "Uni, I have a question fer ya...", smiles Pintomike. "Bearly ask away", smiles Unicorn. Pintomike asks, "Am I Bearly?" Pintomike looks confuzzled. Unicorn says, "no... you are Pinot" Bearlysain says, "No yer not Bearly, I'm Bearly." "Pinto even", says Unicorn. Chuck exclaims, "no! I'm Peanut!" "Thanks a lot bozo, you just added to the suspicion of everyone else bout more alts :P", says Bearlysain. "LoL, you wish you were my alt...", says Pintomike with a wink. "Bearly did you have a question?", asks Unicorn. Bearlysain stands and pulls out a piece of paper, putting on his classes. Bearlysain says, "Aye, I do." Mootdroid says, "dd and she'll give ya her duchy..." Unicorn gets nervous on this one Bearlysain winks and says, "And take no offense, it's just curiosity" Bearlysain let's that one slide. Unicorn nods "no offense will be taken" Bearlysain says, "When I joined Fantasy I was under the impression you wanted the duchy to become active once again, however I've hardly seen most duchymates NOR yourself since then." Unicorn gasps "I'm so offended now" Bearlysain asks, "What ye got planned fer Fantasy in da future?" Foamfollower laughs Unicorn has given Bearlysain a friendly tickle! Bearlysain winks and says, "I coulda put it a lot worse" act chuckles Belleinva hands Unicorn a dagger Chiefsgirl chuckles Pintomike could of too...:P Mootdroid says, "i will help uni to make her duchy more active..." Bearlysain says, "But wiff present company I decided not to <G>" Njrudeboy types the word EXPELL for Uni Bearlysain sits. Mootdroid looks at the company "You're right... and I'm sorry about that. Do to things in the other world I have not been able to hold up the plans I had for Fantasy. I am still hoping that it will happen though", says Unicorn. Bearlysain nods. Chiefsgirl asks, "What were those plans?" "but like the Duke puzzle... I'll have it going soon", says Unicorn with a wink. Chuck asks, "two weeks? right?" Foamfollower thinks with pay-2-play in place, "active"is a tough target to obtain "i'm sure you will", says Mootdroid. Unicorn grins at Chuck "right" "The plans for Fantasy? Wow... if I give them out everyone would be doing them... but here goes", says Unicorn. Chiefsgirl giggles and gets ready to take notes "I don't want to be the most active duchy in the game. What I would like to do is line up an hour or so a week that EVERYONE can come in and be together", says Unicorn. "offline for another few months... then lowned to another player...", says Mootdroid. Unicorn says, "Moot if you were worth my time I'd reply to you, but since you're not..." Unicorn shrugs Chiefsgirl glances at Moot "you just did", smiles Mootdroid. Unicorn says, "Actually maybe I will..." Mootdroid says, "go for it" "Moot grow up. Aren't you tired of being a sniffling little jerk?", asks Unicorn. Hellbug Laughs at Moot Mootdroid says, "uni i once i had great respect for you.. but that was sad" Pintomike sits down and waits for his turn. Pintomike yawns. "AND... buy a dictionary... it's LOANED... not LOWNED", says Unicorn. "typo", says Mootdroid. Unicorn says, "No, your behavior is what is sad Moot, and I truly feel sorry for you" "POPCORN .. PEANUTS .. HOT DOGS .. COLD BEER!", shouts Foamfollower. "But don't bring everyone else down to your level", says Unicorn. "Why do you care Moot?", asks Kariscats. "you're already down here with me", says Mootdroid with a wink. Unicorn turns back to Chiefsgirl "what next?" "Mike had a question", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl pokes Mike Pintomike says, "Well, I just wanted to know..." Unicorn says, "Chiefsgirl I hope you're paying attention to the que cuz I don't know who's next" Chiefsgirl nods "Pinto?", asks Unicorn. Pintomike asks, "Knowing the nature of Bearlysain and his/her/whatever's alts, that they are DD worlds, and intend merely to try and ruin the lives of other Fedders, why do you allow him to continue on in your duchy?" Bearlysain koffs. "Is it a lacksadaisical, "Who the hell cares?" attitude, or what?", asks Pintomike. "Objection your honor.", says Bearlysain. Unicorn peers and Bearly "is this true?" Bearlysain says, "To a point." Unicorn asks, "To a point?" Unicorn says, "explain" "LOL she doesn't even know.. what an active player", says Mootdroid. Foamfollower winks and says, "Has this event been renamed "Abuse the Guest" ?" "hush moot", says Elin. "i hope so foamy", says Mootdroid. Foamfollower laughs Bearlysain says, "Does the man behind the character own a few DD worlds, aye. Is there a substancial reason, aye. Does the character of Bearlysain advocate such behavior? Never." Chuck smiles, "Harrass the guest hour at Diesel's..." Pintomike smiles, "Apparently Uni does not know that Bearly is associated with the infamous Ratt pack, now does she?" Unicorn nods Unicorn says, "I'm satisfied" Foamfollower asks, "Moot .. your points seem more of a personal nature, don't you think they would be better handled one on one ..?" "I believe it's called roleplaying", says Bearlysain with a wink. Chiefsgirl looks at Bearlysain curiously Unicorn says, "Don't be silly Pinto.. Bears eat ratts" Mootdroid must agree with bearly Pintomike smiles. "so Bearly is like Ronald Reagan then? not actually in the pack but with mob ties?", asks Chuck. "Belleinva had a question too", Chiefsgirl says. Njrudeboy thinks it is cowardly to hide behind the actions by using RPing alts as an excuse Unicorn says, "Belle... lets hope you can turn this around" "belle where 2 for 2", says Mootdroid. "Chiefsgirl did someone bring the rope to hang me by or was I suppose to bring it myself?", asks Unicorn. Bearlysain thinks it's cowardly to run and hide instead of go one on one NJ :) Chiefsgirl giggles "I think they brought it", Chiefsgirl says with a wink. Pintomike has it right here..:) "There was a time, that all of fed had a respect for the duchesses and dukes of dataspace, now rudeness seems to prevail. I have seen it with Shaver, Tbar, and many others..Is this the "New fed" that everyone has built together?", asks Belleinva. Bearlysain sits in front of his Duchess an bars his teeth at any offenders. Unicorn says, "that's good... I'd hate to have to find one on such short notice" Chuck says, "the sign said to bring a rope... I thought we wouldn't be let in without one" Mootdroid asks, "respect, what shall we respect them for?" Unicorn sighs and lowers her head in silence for a moment to remember the way it use to be... "I feel the need to interject....I believe the respect once owed to Dukes and Duchesses was that they were so much more above the rest of society...", says Pintomike. Kariscats asks, "for knowing how to behave better in public than you Moot?" "And now Mike?", Chiefsgirl asks. Unicorn says, "Well Belle... yes.. this is what it's turned into. Why? Because of people who couldn't play the game... they had to see if they could ruin it for others" Mootdroid asks, "being useless? because they solved a puzzle first?" "They have still been a Duke/Duchess longer than you, or anyone else here", says Belleinva. Pintomike says, "But now, through the acts of various Dukes such as Tbar and Shaver, their childish, immature behavior....it has brought them down as mere humans, perhaps even less than that in the eyes of others..." "You're right Pinto... they have fallen", says Unicorn. Elin holds her tingue Mootdroid says, "respect is earned" Kariscats looks to see where CD's bouncer is "OK .. thats it, the end. Unicorn, I wish you and your Duchy the best, and appreciate your taking the time to come, but I cannot sit here for any more of this immature chatter, I bid you good luck and good evening ..", smiles Foamfollower. "And although it sucks to admit the fact, their actions reflect upon the others.", says Bearlysain. "Guys... let me say this right now. If you plan on pointing fingers I'll walk out...", says Unicorn. "Yes, I am quite appauled at the behavior being displayed tonight...", says Windy. "i started it", says Mootdroid. Unicorn says, "what has happened to Fed was done by the whole society of it" Windy says, "The Duchess is here to answer questions, not try to defend herself against accusations.." Pintomike says, "I'm sure, there are tons of good Dukes and Duchesses out there...it's just that the few who were here on a regular basis were far from a good prototype of the word..." Chiefsgirl nods "why are we asking uni about tbar's behavior?", asks Elin. Unicorn says, "and if you want to slam me that's fine, but don't bring others into it" "they r truths", says Mootdroid. Windy says, "Yes, I don't know how Bearly got involved in this.." "Aye, I came to hear bout Uni, not dis debate.", says Bearlysain. Chiefsgirl says, "Yes, let's keep this to Unicorn and her opinions" Bearlysain gives da duchess another lick. Kariscats came to hear Uni's stories too "I agree Bearly", says Unicorn. "they ARE moot, and it isnt uni", says Elin. Windy would like to remind you that this is Meet and Greet...not Accuse and Humiliate... Mootdroid says, "uni is right up there with the others just named" Windy asks, "Moot..who cares?" Windy says, "If you don't like her, then leave.." Unicorn asks, "Who's next Chiefsgirl?" Elin says, "we disagre moot now hush" "Kari", Chiefsgirl says. Kariscats grins Unicorn starts worrying about what Kari will ask. "well gee.. I hardly know that my question fits in.. I don't have anything to accuse you of", says Kariscats. Chiefsgirl says, "Yes Moot.. constructive comments or questions or silence please" Kariscats ponders Kariscats just wanted to know if you planned on having anymore showering classes Kariscats learned a lot Unicorn asks, "Want me to give you some ideas?" Mootdroid says, "as i said ealier... i respected uni.. till she joined those ranks.. i am here to find out why" Kariscats got an A+ on her homework too Windy asks, "Showering classes?" Kariscats nods Unicorn grins "It depends... did anyone learn anything from the last class?" Kariscats smiles, "yep Windy" Elin says, "it was great" Windy asks, "What is that?" Kariscats whispers ummmmm....well.. maybe you should ask Nj Elin says, "mmm see uni you have to have another" Chiefsgirl missed the last class "what class?", asks Danteaf. Kariscats really thinks you should Unicorn ponders turning this session into another class Kariscats had to add a shower to Catscradle after that class Njrudeboy thinks Kari is much more cleaner now Uni Kariscats nods "just a few quick tips, eh Uni?", asks Chuck. Windy asks, "What is this Showering Class?" "well.. you know... Cleanliness is next to...", says Kariscats. "Of course Nj... once I couldn't be watched anymore I stopped taking them", says Unicorn. "it was Spybeam Showers 101", says Unicorn. Tanya giggles "Tanya you were there weren't you?", asks Unicorn. Kariscats says, "that's right... showering for the spybeam" "no but sounds interesting", says Tanya. Kariscats learned a lot Mootdroid exclaims, "foamy yer back!" Unicorn says, "There was another one that was very good with her homework... can't remember who now" Chiefsgirl asks, "You want to share a few pointers, Uni?" Kariscats winks and says, "it was the first time I enjoyed homework" "yep .. seems more "in hand" ..", smiles Foamfollower. Jonathan looks at Foamy's back... Mootdroid says, "i can fix that..." Kariscats asks, "you need to learn how to shower?" "yes", says Mootdroid. Elin says, "there wasa guy that was pretty good" Unicorn asks, "hmm.... pointers?" Kariscats wasn't gonna say anything... but well she thought that was probably true "Let's see... like how to move suductivly to the beams?", asks Unicorn. Justadawg did that for table dances "I don't know... Kari ya gonna show us an explain this time too?", asks Unicorn. Mootdroid says, "i have cought and pasted many spyed shots over 9" Kariscats blushes "oops... show us an example", says Unicorn. "I just can't talk tonight at all", says Unicorn. Kariscats thinks you're sooooo much better at it Mootdroid says, "your doing a great job uni..." Justadawg thinks he was part of a Moot paste once Unicorn sits back in her chair and puts her feet on the table. Her skirt raises just a bit. "it's hard when you're the best" Nuwanda says, "Well then keeping at the topic at hand, namely Uni, why is it that you lent your duchy....your hard earned work to Shaver" "hmmm... no pun intended", says Unicorn with a wink. "In effect wrongfully usurping loyal Fantasy duchy members from their rightful spots, and replacing them with newly homeless Freedominians", says Nuwanda. Chiefsgirl raises an eyebrow at Nuwanda Kariscats says, "ummmmmmmm the topic at hand was moving seductively I believe" Unicorn says, "I'll answer this" "it was...", says Elin. Mootdroid says, "another swings to the side of anti-uni" Chuck drats, he wanted to hear more about moving seductively! ;) Elin thwaps mootdroid Unicorn says, "What I had in Fantasy at the time where mostly people coming up to me behind everyone elses back to report wrong doings" "that wasn't a family", says Unicorn. "or if it was, it was a cut throat family", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "I was asked to help a friend and house a family that was a true, work together family. I did it" Mootdroid asks, "so you helped anothers "family"?" "Moot that was not a family that was in there", says Unicorn. "they did pretty well for a random pick", says Mootdroid. "I had at least 3 people a day come up to me and report about how I should expel different people", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "and this was from POs IN Fantasy at the time" Mootdroid asks, "welcome to being a duchess?" Foamfollower thinks if she did not like somebody, she certainly wouldn't travel to see them, and certainly would not pay for their company Nuwanda nods. Chiefsgirl finds that interesting that they are telling the duchess what to do with her duchy "i dunno about that... but why does this matter to you moot? You bash her every time you see her", says Elin. Justadawg wonders who were expelled, those reported or those doing the reporting Mootdroid says, "all 20" Pintomike says, "Now, a question, in all seriousness....if OnyxGod, say, had asked you if he could use your duchy to house his former Onyxians, such as myself, would you have said yes? Because we were a closer family than Ven's Freedominians were...and in even more direr" "19 rather", says Mootdroid. "Chiefsgirl it wasn't so much that.. I could handle that. It was someone's best friend coming to tell me that person should be expelled then running to them and telling them how great they were", says Unicorn. "Oout of pure curiousity, that is..", says Pintomike with a wink. "no.. knight stayed.. a couple others i think", says Elin. Chiefsgirl nods "I understand Uni", Chiefsgirl says. "most weren't given a choice", says Mootdroid. "I'll repeat part of my earlier statement... I was asked by a "friend" to help and house them", says Unicorn. Chiefsgirl thinks that seems to be typical behavior these days Elin says, "and i for one was very grateful for the home" "So Moot, I didn't help the people I had to expell at all did I? Just through them out?", asks Unicorn. Pintomike ahhhhhs, I'm sorry, did not see that. Mootdroid says, "uni i know you gave them money" Unicorn says, "Let me ask you this Pinto..." "If you were asked be a great friend to help him... would you?", asks Unicorn. Mootdroid says, "when you opened fantasy i was there.. you offered anyone entrace to help out sol" Chuck says, "she threw in shower lessons for free!" trying to alter the atmosphere a bit... Elin says, "this si old" "That's true... I did", says Unicorn. "she has already answered this.. next question", says Elin. Njrudeboy respects the rule of the Duchess in her realm, and would not say this behind the offenders back, But do you know that one of you own is the same as Miasma of Diety, also Geiiga, Saintgrizz, and Bearometer "If it involved betraying others who depended on me, no....", says Pintomike. Elin not to be bossy or anything "yes... lets move on... if you want to torture me later, you're more than welcome", says Unicorn. "I think Uni has addressed your question adequately", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl is still curious about this shower thing Foamfollower smiles, "I have a qestion .." Elin says, "she showed you" Kariscats smiles Chuck asks, "does the torture tie in with the shower thing at all, hmmmm?" Unicorn grins at Chiefsgirl "you want the to story or the class story? Foamfollower winks and says, "Do you support "Tastes Great" or "Less Filling" .." "even fed has to be "pc" eh?", asks Mootdroid. Unicorn says, "No... torture ties in with room #3" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Oh, the best story, please" Unicorn laughs to herself Elin gets a glint in her eye and looks at chuck "well it all started as a Merchant...", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "Someone was spying me and let it slip that he was..." Chuck isn't sure if he should look frightened or happy... Chiefsgirl giggles "I pretended I didn't catch the slip and decided to play into it, so I went into my ships living quarters and took a very hot steamy shower", says Unicorn. "and after that... spankings?", asks Chuck. Unicorn winks and says, "After that it became a night thing... kinda to cleanse the soul" Unicorn says, "And it would never fail.. once I was in the shower, at least one person would slip and show they were spying" "bet all that steam played hell on a spybeam too .. ;", says Foamfollower. "Not at all... I kept the lens' wiped off... I didn't want them to miss anything", says Unicorn with a wink. Chuck now wonders why on Terra he never bought a spybeam.... ;) Elin asks, "so how many did you short out, uni?" Elin winks Unicorn says, "Spybeams are the greatest part of Fed, IF you know how to play with them" Unicorn says, "I lost track at around 34547347593" Mootdroid says, "you gotta be rude and brash" Elin cant imagine why Chiefsgirl definitely needs to attend this class and promises to do her homework "I think Fed would be a much better place if more took showers", says Unicorn. "were all barons/ess' we can't watch", says Mootdroid. "If I ever brought in an Alt, it would never go above adventeruse just for the play reasons", says Unicorn. "you mean you don't know about the two-sided mirror in ships moot?", asks Chuck. Kariscats knows its helped her that's for sure "Dangit Chuck.. you weren't suppose to tell anyone", says Unicorn. Chiefsgirl wonders if anyone else has a question "Actually I would like to do another class... don't know if it would be on showers or something else", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "Was there any other questions? I don't want to miss any" "Was there anything else anyone wanted to talk about?", asks Unicorn. Unicorn says, "I can get the noose ready if everyone is ready" "I think That Pinto had brought up a good point earlier and wanted to expand on it but feel this may not be the time or place", says Njrudeboy. Gerndog says, "I just wanted to see a real live duchess" Chiefsgirl smiles at Uni Pintomike asks, "Eh?" "I"m not alive... I died 2 months ago and no ones figured it out yet", says Unicorn. "Oh, yea, I've said it a million times before, if any of you listen to my mindless rantings and ravings before...", says Pintomike with a wink. "Well, since the "Official" event is just about over, I should give a witty closing", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "Like it or not folks, Fed is what you make of it... personally I liked a place to come and laugh and relax... now it seems it's more of a hurtful place where no one can let anyone live their life in peace" Unicorn says, "This is really sad, not only for Fed as a whole but as a show to what people have become." Justadawg sighs and nods in agreement Tanya sighs Pintomike mutters, that's almost exactly what I said time and time again. Karch says, "this doesn't sound good for someone new here" Gerndog must have missed the important part of the meeting "but until people start to hear you and do something about themselfs first, it will never change Pinto", says Unicorn. Unicorn says, "I would like to see everyone join together for even 30mins a week to have no fights and to get along with everyone" "What really gets me are people who continually bitch and bitch about Fed but never do anything to change it.", says Pintomike. "Pinto, they're the one's that normally are the trouble in the first place", says Unicorn with a frown. "spme people refuse to be lived with, uni", says Elin. Pintomike winks and says, "Well, Uni, opposite sides are needed to make anything go...." Elin says, "i agree with you in theory..." Unicorn says, "And some refuse to accept others short comings. We all have shortcomings" "And some feel the need to flaunt others shortcomings as if they had none of their own....not mentioning any names here...", says Pintomike. "Nobody is perfect, and it would be so much easier to either accept them for what they are or to stay away", says Unicorn. Chiefsgirl stands and smiles "if the shotcoming in question is the need to call people names, thats kinda hard uni", says Elin. "I want to thank Duchess Unicorn for spending the time tonight to be our guest", Chiefsgirl says. Njrudeboy thinks it is all fine and good until someone steps on a dd planet Elin says, "tho i agree with you in theory" Unicorn says, "No one is perfect Elin... including yourself and myself" "yes uni, thank you for coming", says Elin. "Pah, I reiterate...there is no such thing as a DD planet...", says Pintomike with a wink. "Please join me next week when my guest will be Duke Dilvish", Chiefsgirl says. "Thanks for having me Chiefsgirl... and I'm sorry for all the problems", says Unicorn. Elin never claimed to be perfect lord knows "Perhaps planets that are more dangerous than the rest, but no such thing as a DD planet...", says Pintomike with a wink. Kariscats thinks Unicorn needs a medal for surviving hostile fire "No, I'm sorry you had to be attacked", Chiefsgirl says. "I'll stay a while longer if anyone wants to nag about me", says Unicorn. Elin says, "talk about not getting over somethings..." Njrudeboy Accepts that, and changes his statement to a VERY dangerous planet designed to confuse and kill you Dead dead Pintomike winks and says, "Nah, I don't wanna nag, I have problems with people like Shaver, not you Uni..." "Even then, Nj, they make life interesting..", says Pintomike with a wink. "And you'll let it eat at you Pinto? Why waste your time?", asks Unicorn. Unicorn says, "That is what I don't understand... there are alot of people that I don't like. I just stay away from them and have fun" Pintomike asks, "What's the point of living, if there's no threat of death?" Elin is interested in this Elin asks, "but do they stay away from YOU, uni?" "Uni, I don't waste my time....or at least I try not to any more....", says Pintomike. "Does everyone rush home at night to come in here and fight?", asks Unicorn. Pintomike says, "But I have a very basic fundamental set of beliefs...." Justadawg never rushes anywhere Unicorn frowns and says, "yes you do Pinto... you haven't let it go because you still bring it up all the time" "And if anyone says I'm wrong, without proof, well, I get damn well offended and I feel the need to ramble incessantly...", saysPintomike with a wink. "There are so many ways to kill yourself in Fed, why try to do it to others", says Njrudeboy with a wink. Unicorn asks, "for 6 months Pinto? What's your blood pressure like?" Pintomike winks and says, "Unfortunately, Nj, some people find it fun..." Pintomike winks and says, "Actually, I have low blood pressure, a good argument does me good..." "And Elin, it just takes one person to be grown enough not to respond at all for everyone to tire and drop the subject", says Unicorn. "how can you argue with shaver? granted he was an ass but he is GONE...", says Elin. Unicorn asks, "Why does it matter anymore?" "i have tried thatuni... been trying that for months now", says Elin. Unicorn says, "Elin I won't get involved in this" Pintomike has not argued with Shaver any more. Elin says, "i am to the point where is it is like this,,, there are other games" Elin shrugs Pintomike asks, "As I see it, what is Fed if we all agree?" "Fun for once Pinto?", asks Unicorn. "but mike", says Elin. "Fedtopia", says Njrudeboy. Kariscats smiles Fine laughs at the thought of a utopia here in Fed Elin says, "there is disagreement and there is namecalling" Fine thinks it's about as impossible as a RL utopia "The in Fed fights wouldn't be so bad, but they are all personal attacks", says Unicorn. Elin says, "you and i have disagreeed so far..." Pintomike doesn't namecall....others may have called you names, Elin, I just merely stated that I do not agree with what you do. Njrudeboy Thinks Fed is as close to Utopia as it gets Chiefsgirl waves Unicorn says, "In that case Nj... I'm never going" |