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"Im finally here lol!", exclaims Annavia. Unomee smiles, "finally" "oooh we need Sangria!!", exclaims Unomee. Unomee has bought you a sangria! Breezie has bought you a Breezie StingEr!! Annavia needs lots of those so keep them coming ;) Annavia Drinks! Breezie whispers..."drink when necessary"!... Breezie giggles.. Annavia keeps drinking ;) Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "I'd like to thank you all for coming out tonight to meet Annavia, Duchess of Zaphire", says Chiefsgirl. Annavia smiles and tries not to show how nervous she is ;) "I hope you'll all join me next week at the same time when my guest will be Canadian", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Annavia will tell us a bit about herself and her history" Annavia clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Feel free to ask questions, however, give Anna a chance to respond" "Ok!", exclaims Annavia. "Ok I started when FEd was still Beta in AOL", smiles Annavia. "Anna what other names have you played under?", asks Unomee. Annavia smiles, "This was long ago... I had to read the whole manual to know what to do" >ex annavia Annavia smiles, "AnNavia most of the time now I have an alt which is Ana" "Anyway, The first person I actually had a conversation with was Opsan now Ops", smiles Annavia. Annavia smiles, "We were both Merchants back then and he helped me lots in different things" "ooh the first person you met was that scoundral?", says Unomee with a wink. "Well the first I talked to for a long while", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia says, "I had to leave fed though..." Annavia frowns and says, "We were paying the $2.99 per hour" "I was going broke lol!", exclaims Annavia. Chiefsgirl reminds the audience that the Ops then is not the Ops that is now "Is not?", asks Annavia. "no Anna", says Chiefsgirl. Lookout asks, "oh?" Annavia says, "ack lol" Annavia winks and says, "Oops" Unomee asks, "oh you mean the original ops wasnt a scoundral?" Sabrina smiles Ops is my Duke now "Anyway, I had to leave fed but then when AOL went flat I came back", smiles Annavia. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "I never met the original, so I wouldn't know that" "I was a little bored and came back as the AnNavia of now", smiles Annavia. Annavia says, "I was lost on earth and kept passing by ALdva and Mistikdawn.." Annavia says, "I think I passed by them like 5 times lol" Annavia frowns and says, "I didnt remember where to get my permit" "dummie me", says Annavia. Annavia exclaims, "So he finally stopped me and asked me if I needed help and then adopted me!" Chiefsgirl asks, "Who?" "I think that is what made me stay because I wasnt planning on doing that", smiles Annavia. Annavia smiles, "Aldva" Chiefsgirl says, "Ah... I missed that" "I was adopted by the Realms and made Princess of Backdraft", smiles Annavia. Annavia smiles, "That was the happiest moment in my fed life" Chiefsgirl says, "Didn't know you were moving on to Backdraft now" Annavia winks and says, "yep going as fast as I can" Chiefsgirl says, "And that's when I met you Anna" "yes!", smiles Annavia. "Don't go fast! We have all night", says Chiefsgirl. Unomee only recently got to know anna unless she knows her under other alts as well? Annavia smiles, "Anyway... I took care of backdraft and part of realms I was very happy" Annavia winks and says, "Well that's because I left... but getting there soon" Annavia says, "This was what like 2 years and a half ago.." Annavia says, "Fed was very different back then.." "I think a lot of newer players today don't realize how fun it was then and what a community Backdraft was", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Would you like to tell a little about how it was, Anna?" "I used to have t least like 10 people on my planet... the game was always crowded lol", says Annavia. Phillipmartin remembers how fun it was Annavia smiles, "Wow The realms was the thing back then... it was so much fun" Breezie smiles nostagically.. Lookout says, "agrees with phillip" "I think Im fed related to almost everyone", says Annavia with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Annavia exclaims, "seriously!" Phillipmartin smiles, "Including me" Annavia smiles, "Anyway... then I started dating OnyxGod" Chiefsgirl remembers that Annavia says, "He was a very charming person who came looking for trouble lol" Lookout laughs "Yes I was a girl who wouldnt date but he won me over", smiles Annavia. Unomee didnt know you dated OG Annavia nods "Yeah and for quite a long time Uno", smiles Annavia. Unomee thinks wow Annavia says, "This was before all the Onyx wars.." Unomee is gonna have to whip og for holding out on her;) Annavia asks, "We dated I dont know.. 6 months?" Annavia says, "Even more" "Too long to remember", says Annavia with a wink. "It was a long time Anna", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl remembers all the boys in Backdraft wanted to date Annavia "Yes we have a lot of fun.. but all good things have to come to an end..", says Annavia. Annavia grins. "hehe that was long ago", says Annavia with a wink. "OG and I broke up for err... different ideals... and RL problems..", says Annavia. "I wasnt online much since RL got very busy..", says Annavia. "Anyway, when we broke up the whole dumping thing started...", says Annavia. Annavia says, "All his POs were great friends of mine but the Realms was my home.." Annavia says, "It was very difficult times back then" "yes it was", says Lookout. "Well Fed moved to the Web and I decided it was time for me to take my leave...", says Annavia. Chiefsgirl remembers those times too "Therefore I left for about 2 years", says Annavia with a wink. "I got back to fed in the end of July", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia winks and says, "That is why most of you dont remember me" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "And we were so happy to have you back!" "Ok ok.. hehe what else you guys want me to say?", says Annavia with a wink. Panam cracks out his complied list of questions! "What made you come back, Anna?", asks Chiefsgirl. Annavia says, "the people.." "Well I came in and out a couple of times..", says Annavia. Annavia says, "But I really missed my family.. mostly Aldva and Mistikdawn" Annavia says, "they were like real life parents to me" Annavia says, "One day I was bored and decided to read the news.." Annavia says, "I read an article by Myangel who I knew was my sister and felt nostalgic.." "Fed played a big part of my life in the early years so I wanted to say hi!", exclaims Annavia. "I came on and got hooked lol!", exclaims Annavia. Annavia winks and says, "I think Im making up for those 2 years I was away" Lookout laughs it does seem to keep pulling you back Annavia smiles, "And of course I met Pan so that was good too" Phillipmartin thinks most people get hooked Breezie is hardcore hooked.. "Ok ok what else?", says Annavia with a wink. Dooeee knows all about da getting hooked part "Any one have any questions for Anna?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I think everyone here is", says Annavia with a wink. "Anna...chicklet..", says Breezie. "Can I have a turn..", says Breezie. Panam grins "sure", says Annavia with a wink. "May I be so persumptuous as to ask who you are seeing right now?... ;)\", says Breezie. Annavia says, "lol" Chiefsgirl giggles Annavia has given Breezie a tender tickle! Annavia winks and says, "Someone very special" "He's gotta be..", says Breezie. "If you're seeing him", says Breezie with a wink. Panam starts to blush...even through his tan Annavia grins Unomee thinks that whoever anna is seeing better treat her right or she will have something to say about it;) Annavia smiles, "Yes of course Im seeing Panam" Annavia winks and says, "Ok ok what else?" "Did you always want to be a duchess, Anna?", asks Chiefsgirl. Annavia nods. "Yes since my Fed old days I wanted to", smiles Annavia. Chiefsgirl smiles Annavia smiles, "Even though I didnt want to leave Backdraft" Chiefsgirl asks, "And now that you are, what kind of duchy do you have?" "It was hard for me to choose to leave Backdraft but I decided it was time for me to make duchess", smiles Annavia. "Well the duchy I have it is a little funny because it includes a lot of old time friends", smiles Annavia. Parrfish asks, "do you like to play fed Ana?" Panam raises his hand "I got a question", says Panam. Parrfish asks, "Ana Do you make any IG as a duchess?" Annavia smiles, "So some of them are the ones that were in my original list" "Who is your fav fed girlie", says Panam with a wink. Annavia winks and says, "LOL yes I like to play fed and well I made 30 megs in a week" Annavia says, "lol" Annavia asks, "My fave girlie?!?" Annavia winks and says, "Hmm that is a hard one" "Breezie!!", exclaims Annavia. "ack", says Annavia. "lag", says Annavia. "Anything else anything else?", says Annavia with a wink. "I have a question", says Killrwhale. "What's your question Killr?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Do you remember the first duchies and dukes?", asks Killrwhale. "ack!", exclaims Annavia. Annavia exclaims, "No way!" Annavia says, "I wasnt there back then lol" Phiddie bets she does. Chiefsgirl laughs "Anna, you just said you were here in Beta Fed", says Chiefsgirl. Annavia winks and says, "I thought I was good by knowing Ops as a MErchie but CG already corrected that" Annavia winks and says, "Ok anything else?" Chiefsgirl says, "Well you did know him as a merchie" Chiefsgirl winks "Any future dukes want to ask anything?", asks Annavia. Phillipmartin remembers that anna also left for a while Jemia has a question Annavia giggles and nods at CG Annavia winks and says, "thanks" Annavia smiles, "Yes Auntie?" Annavia smiles, "Yep 2 years exactly Pm" Jemia winks and says, "do you find that knights in the realms are a bit stinky and have no sense of dragon beauty" "LOL I was an eternal Baroness", says Annavia with a wink. Jemia grins Annavia laughs Annavia nods at her auntie. "Yep they dont appreciate real beauty", says Annavia with a wink. "Hehe maybe we can teach them a lesson", says Annavia with a wink. Phillipmartin giggles "Hey I am a knight in training!!" Annavia winks and says, "You still in training" "Just a little stinky then", smiles Jemia. Annavia gets close to Pm. Jemia grins a toothy grin "Yep getting closer to knight though", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia smiles, "Ok anything else people?" Phillipmartin smells himself "I don't smell bad!!" "Yeah ana..", says Breezie. Phillipmartin giggles Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any rules or regulations in your duchy?" Breezie winks and says, "Can you do a Hand stand?" Annavia can do a hand stand ;) "How does being Duchess interfere with your Princess duties?", asks Panam. Chiefsgirl laughs "Well not really CG..", says Annavia. Annavia smiles, "I just want people to be happy" "I dont like dumping though..", says Annavia. Annavia smiles, "I guess you can call that a rule" "good rule", smiles Killrwhale. Chiefsgirl nods Phiddie smiles and agrees. "I try to stay neutral in all these wars..", says Annavia. Phillipmartin thinks that most duchies have that rule Breezie blasts the dumping.. Annavia giggles Annavia smiles, "Yep that's true" "I dont mind free trading but there is a point for everything", smiles Annavia. Annavia smiles, "To stop that is" Onyxgod has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Annavia looks around nervously.. "Hi", smiles Onyxgod. "Hehe you missed your part", says Annavia with a wink. "What part?", asks Onyxgod. "When you were the boyfriend", says Chiefsgirl. Annavia winks and says, "LOL The part that you played in my long story" "err not that long", says Annavia with a wink. "Yeah the whole Onyx wars and Realms thing back in my days", says Annavia with a wink. Breezie raises her hand!! Breezie shakes it.. Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Breezie?" "Yes Girlie?", smiles Annavia. "Anna, who did you date through all of fed?...", smiles Breezie. Breezie sits curiously... Chiefsgirl laughs Annavia giggles "Breezie likes hearing about your romances, Anna", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Annavia winks and says, "Well as I said before I would run from dating" Phillipmartin winks and says, "This is going to be good" Panam reminds Breezie taht curiousity kills the cat ;) Killrwhale grins and listens "I liked to have many friends", says Annavia with a wink. Breezie falls over.. "So I dated only 3 people in fed lol", says Annavia. Breezie remembers she's not a cat and sits back up... Annavia smiles, "First was OG of course.. then my long time friend Fine Duke of Fineland and Now of course Pan" Panam beams "WEll you are hyper like one", says Annavia with a wink. Jemia winks and says, "we want names and dates, diaries the whole works" Annavia smiles, "anything else?" "LOL", says Annavia. Panam laughs Annavia winks and says, "Ok auntie" Panam winks and says, "She signed a Confidentiallity agreement with me though" "Well OG was like... in 95 or something lol I dont quite remember.. we lasted pretty long", smiles Annavia. Onyxgod has just disappeared. "Then Fine was as soon as I entered fed in July", smiles Annavia. "He was my fed sweetie so hey why not", says Annavia with a wink. "But RL got in the way so we went our separate ways keeping our friendship number one", smiles Annavia. Annavia winks and says, "Then Panam won me over at the beginning of last month and still going strong" Annavia winks at her cutie. Panam smiles back Panam thinks we both on though hon Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "ANy more questions?" "Yes...", says Panam. Phiddie raises her hand. Breezie says, "Umm.." Panam wonders what Ana's plans are in the future? "go ahead", smiles Annavia. "Where'd you learn to fight so well Annavia?", asks Phiddie. "In what sense Dear?", smiles Annavia. "She's good eh?", asks Panam. Panam winks and says, "Answers my questions with a question" "Ok I'll answer Phids question and then Pan can answer mine", says Annavia with a wink. Chiefsgirl smiles Panam laughs Annavia smiles, "Hehe well I found that some of the best times in fed are when the fighting events" Can't touch this ! Bababooie has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Bababooie Bows "You rang Ana", smiles Bababooie. Annavia grins "Hehe yep going to talk about ya", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia exclaims, "Anyway I would go there and cheer a lot but then I wanted to fight!" "Hehe but I was awful", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia smiles, "so Once I was at sis planet (the meeting place) and I asked for help from one of the knights" "And hoffie said he would give me some classes", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia winks and says, "So he did and helped me lots! But I still needed some work and the teacher here did that for me" Annavia winks at Baba. "Baba and Hof were my teachers and the best fighters!", smiles Annavia. Bababooie sits on his sisters tail and waits for ANa to tell the world how she killed him Panam thinks Annavia is a good catch.. Defend hers and my territory ;) Annavia winks and says, "WEll Phiddie really good too" Phiddie wonders why they never taught her. Annavia winks and says, "Hehe sure honey... just dont make me mad" "LOL yeah right baba!", exclaims Annavia. Panam is the lover not the fighter ;) "Heeh I think I fought both baba and hof like 100 times and beat them twice", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia is a combination. Annavia winks ;) Phiddie smiles, "Well, you're a tough adversary in the arena Annavia." "2 out of a hundred ain't so bad", says Killrwhale with a wink. "One to be respected and VERY careful of.", says Phiddie with a wink. "Thanks Phids you too!!", exclaims Annavia. Annavia winks and says, "Nah not at all killr" "You are very good Anna.... as good as any of these boys", says Chiefsgirl. Annavia winks and says, "Hehe hopefully soon CG" Chiefsgirl says, "Annavia almost won the Cup this past week" Annavia exclaims, "Yep Im always second or third lol too close but can seem to do it ack!" "err cant", says Annavia. "Anything else?", smiles Annavia. Hof says, "she almost won g & g yesterday too and she has one em all before anyway" Bababooie almost won COF once Annavia winks and says, "Sure sure Baba" "Yah, but yer daughter beat ya.", says Phiddie with a wink. "Any other questions for Annavia?", asks Chiefsgirl. Breezie waves.. Panam smiles and thinks about one Annavia winks and says, "Oh by the way! Call me Anna please lol before my name looked pretty but now with no Capital N in the second one it's ugly" "Did you answer Anna's question Panam?", asks Chiefsgirl. Panam asks, "Oh about her future?" "What was it again honey?", smiles Annavia. Annavia smiles, "that's right" "She'll be living happily ever after", smiles Panam. Killrwhale raises a flipper "Yes?", smiles Annavia. "How did you get yer name?", asks Killrwhale. "My fed name?", smiles Annavia. Annavia grins Killrwhale smiles, "Yes" Annavia smiles, "Well actually it is my real name An for Ana and Navia for my last name" Killrwhale asks, "and yer planet?" Annavia exclaims, "lol well that was actually a typo!" Panam laughs aloud Chiefsgirl giggles Phiddie chuckles "Yer kiddin", says Panam. Killrwhale grins "I wanted to call my planet Olympus but someone took it ::Grumbles::", says Annavia. "Therefore when I was building I needed a theme!", exclaims Annavia. Annavia smiles, "Well I thought a planet made out of jewels would be really pretty" Panam winks and says, "Something to match its owner" "Therefore I named it after my fave jewel which I thought was spelled that way lol", says Annavia. "Instead of Zaphire should have been Saffire", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia was dummie ;) "But oh well!", exclaims Annavia. Chiefsgirl says, "I think Zaphire is a great name" Annavia winks and says, "It came out ok no one knows that until now" Annavia smiles, "Anything else?" Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd "what is your secret to fighting??", asks Phillipmartin. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions?" Annavia winks and says, "ACk I wanted to run from that question" Annavia winks and says, "Hehe ask Baba here he taught me" "I think it is practice", smiles Annavia. Phillipmartin is tired of getting shot down by ana Annavia smiles, "I knew what I know now back then but you get to know your opponent and that makes you better" "You need to know who to duck is all !", smiles Bababooie. Annavia grins. Hof winks and says, "her secret to fighting is tbing the hell out of her teachers" Jemia answer to fighting is to run like heck Annavia winks and says, "YOu know who to go fast with.. or slow.. etc" Bababooie Laffs Annavia says, "LOL" Chiefsgirl laughs "Hehe Im still an apprentice", says Annavia with a wink. "Wow Anna, you're skilled if you can TB and fight", says Chiefsgirl. Annavia winks and says, "Who better to TB?" "Plus the teacher lets the student win from time to time to build the ego", says Bababooie with a wink. Panam laughs Panam says, "Good cover Baba" Phillipmartin lauhs "LOL I do it in emergencies CG", says Annavia with a wink. Annavia exclaims, "Ack!" Annavia winks and says, "LOL There goes my 2 times that I won" Annavia :P Annavia smiles, "Ok anything else?" Phiddie says, "Baba's awful hard to beat." Annavia exclaims, "Too hard!" Panam raises his hand and smiles "Yes Pan?", asks Chiefsgirl. Phiddie winks and says, "You gotta catch him when he's lagged." "Dime querido?", smiles Annavia. Panam asks, "How much of yourself do you put into your character?" Annavia grins at Phid. Annavia winks and says, "Shhhhhhh that's the secret" Panam smiles and asks deep questions ;) "A lot... this is just me in RL in all ways", smiles Annavia. Bababooie says, "Hey Hof tought me pick on HIM" Annavia winks and says, "Hehe yep" Bababooie Winks Annavia says, "I dont role play much" "LoL!", exclaims Phiddie. Jemia is a dragon IRL too ;) Annavia says, "Im not good at that lol I tried with Ana by being an Egyptian but I failed lol" Annavia grins at her auntie. Jemia smiles, "really I am" Panam saw the pic "What pic!?!?", asks Annavia. Jemia nods at Pan Panam knows Jemia is.. if she is the one on the dashboard ;) "Ok I want to thank you all for coming! You guys are what make this game worth it and remember fed is what you make out of it", smiles Annavia. Chiefsgirl smiles and applauds wildly for Anna "Yes, thank you all for coming tonight.", says Chiefsgirl. Annavia smiles and isnt that nervous anymore ;) Annavia exclaims, "Yes thank you!" Chiefsgirl says, "Join me next week when I hope Canadian will be here to be my guest" "Thanks for everything Cg you are the best", smiles Annavia. Chiefsgirl says, "thank you Anna" "You were great", says Chiefsgirl. Annavia smiles ! "bye bye!", smiles Annavia. The New Duchess Annavia has just vanished. |