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Chiefsgirl says, "not here yet" "But I'm sure he's coming", says Chiefsgirl. Nah...Jdawad ain't no Baron. Antimatter has just appeared. "hold on, must change mood", says Antimatter. "this is, after all, going down in history", says Antimatter. Rated "Better Than Sex," Antimatter has just vanished. Rated "Better Than Sex," Antimatter has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Antimatter says, "There we go" Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "Welcome everyone" Chiefsgirl checks her watch Antimatter says, "You all will have to pardon my typos. Have a new lap top and am still getting used to it" Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool and clears her throat "Hello and I'd like to welcome you all to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Every Sunday evening we are able to meet another Fed personality" "Feel free to ask questions and make comments, but please give our guest a chance to respond and answer", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "I'm proud to introduce tonight's guest, my son Antimatter" Chiefsgirl plops down and applauds wildly "I suppose the beginning is the best place to begin.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "I found Fed several times, 2 times actually, before moving beyond groundhog." "It was always this game with a really cool graphic at its keyword", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "and a mysterious voice that told me what to do when I entered the meeting place" "BUt one day, a friend named Druid convinced me to stay", says Antimatter. "Fed was on the web by this time and there were upwards of 600 people in the game", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl remembers those days "GroundHog was easy with the help of a Nav, Rich, I believe.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "Commander and Captain were quite a lot of fun" Antimatter says, "And that is when I met Redspice" Antimatter says, "My bestest friend in Fed" "She taught me how to work factories, got me a big ship, and everything else I needed to get off to a successful start in Fed.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "Adventurer took a while because I didn't read the manual until I was a trader." Antimatter says, "I found the GM in the Mansion and got lost on the way out :X" "I must say that trader was awful", says Antimatter. Satinsheets nods, "Here here!" Chiefsgirl agrees Chilichese says, "I like traders" Antimatter says, "No price checks and it took forever to make those 48 megs you needed to promote" "With a little salt there not that bad", says Chilichese. "Merchant was ok, but JP is quite possibly my favorite rank in the game.", says Antimatter. "Why is that Anti?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I'm not quite sure. It was the freedom of not being connected to a planet but being well enough off that I wouldn't mind staying there forever.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "Snark wasn't a promotional requirement. I was a bit upset about that." Antimatter says, "I might be one of the few people in Fed who actually advanced through 4 ranks in one night." "It must have come as a shock to realize the puzzle had been removed 18 months beforehand.", says Photon. "I went from JP to GM to Explorer to Squire in about 3 hours.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "Photon, I truly wasn't all that social until PO" Chiefsgirl knew Anti before PO Satinsheets still hasn't figured out that social thing. "I had no idea of Fed's history, etc.", says Antimatter. Photon says, "neither was I. When I finally found out about the puzzle. I discovered it had been gone a year and a half." Antimatter says, "Oh, I did forget something..." Kitten winks and says, "there is a puzzle" "My factories were on Brazila, Rhapsody, Catscradle, and Northstar.", says Antimatter. "3 of which were part of the Realms at the time.", says Antimatter. "So, I got my stock-mini planet and off to squire I went", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl was a proud mama "And I truely had no idea what I was supposed to do with this exchange that I had", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl says, "And I surely didn't help him any with that" Chiefsgirl laughs "Trader, JP, and Merchant hadn't taught me anything about exchanges.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "I promoted mainly with money from people who were DDing." "I hadn't asked...it was all those lottos", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "and yes, even I was a slave once" "Welcome to Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Antimatter says, "I muddled through about 2 months of squire before Pay 2 Play came about" "And all of a sudden I was gone for 2 or so months", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl asks, "And what brought you back Anti?" Antimatter winks and says, "I got off my butt and sent in a check" Chiefsgirl giggles Satinsheets giggles. "That would work", says Chiefsgirl. Pvtberserk laughes. "When I came back I saw a Fed that was much emptier but still alive.", says Antimatter. "The rest of squire didn't take long. Thane, Industrialist, and Technocrat were so much fun and went rather quickly", says Antimatter. "It was as a squire that I joined Shade, a duchy of the Realms.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "about a month after I came back I was accepted and was there until I promoted to Duke this past February" Antimatter says, "Baron." "I should have stayed at baron for so much longer", says Antimatter. "Why do you say that, Anti?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Not because duking is boring...", says Antimatter. Zeusgod stills doesn't know what the heck is a useful alliance Antimatter says, "But because it was a good social position in the game. You weren't "done" with the game and the exchange rocked" "So, what do you do now that you're a duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I make sure that my planet owners are happy and that I continue towards my goal (will explain later", says Antimatter. Chilichese thinks the same thing ever other duke does, gets a spybeam Satinsheets pats her spybeam. Chiefsgirl never finds anything good to spy "I was able to port a couple of days after promoting to Baron", says Antimatter. "thanks to some friends of mine", says Antimatter. Chilichese grins and thinks Cg's not looking hard enough Chiefsgirl laughs, "You're probably right Chili" Antimatter says, "THe Duke Puzzle" "Antimatter, Who taught you to fight?", asks Kayla. "What to say about it", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "No one taught me how fight" Kayla asks, "you did it on your own?" Zeusgod smiles, "I notice that Anti" Antimatter says, "Yes, I did the duke puzzle on my own." Satinsheets grins at Zeus. "But I felt it could have been longer", says Antimatter. "Snark was hard even if you had the solution", says Antimatter. "Not the same with the Duke Puzzle.", says Antimatter. "Snark was hard, even if you played Fed while Snark was around to make such a claim.", says Photon. "Anyway, I promoted to Duke in time for Valentine's Day", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl smiles Antimatter says, "and I opened the duchy up to anyone who wanted to get in" Antimatter says, "which, I will admit, was a mistake" "I invited people that I didn't know", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl asks, "Why was that a mistake?" "just random SOL people", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "Their planets were never open along with some other things" "You can look at Risa today", says Antimatter. "And see only friends in there", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "I have a tight-knit duchy" "Do you have duchy rules and regulations?", asks Chiefsgirl. Antimatter says, "Not a clique, but a group of friends who trade in cooperation with each other and the Realms" Antimatter says, "Duchy Rules...All planets must be modified within 3 months of moving in." "number 2, don't lie to me", says Antimatter. "Do the planets have to be modified in any special way?", asks Photon. "Modified? How so?", asks Phish. "number 3, what they do in private is there own business", says Antimatter. Chilichese thinks theres too many rules "ohh geez.. realms??? why join?", asks Zeusgod. Antimatter says, "Modified meaning they have been into the workbench and have shown just a smidgin of creativity" "Seeing a stock-mini capital planet is absolutely horrifying to me", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl agrees with Anti on that "I have a question Anti...", says Kayla. "Currently I'm a member of the realms.", says Antimatter. "Just a sec Kayla ;", says Antimatter. "Sometime you'll hafta visit Deerland...its modified...there's a deer on the stock water LP", smiles Satinsheets. Chiefsgirl laughs Satinsheets giggles. "K, when your done", says Kayla. Chilichese snickers Phish rolls "Yes, Kayla?", asks Chiefsgirl. Antimatter says, "My main goal as a Duke is to keep my duchy happy" "My other goal is to have the lowest treasury of all time", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "I am currently at -680 megs" "Case in point, DON'T allocate social security", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "And that is all I have to say about that" Kayla laughs "you had a question Kayla?", asks Chiefsgirl. "yes i was wondering if Anti felt that there was nothing left to do now that he has reached Duke, and if he felt that there was more for him here", says Kayla. Antimatter says, "I feel that the available oppurtunities at Duke are a bit less than other ranks." Antimatter says, "However" Antimatter says, "I am not here for money or promotional. Fed is a social game and is dependent on the players" Kayla nods Phish raises his hand. Antimatter says, "so, I have plenty to do, just not rank wise really" "And, yes, Kayla, I thought Duke would be a little more fun", says Antimatter with a wink. Phish asks, "As a Duke, how do you view the different alliances popping up in the game?" "I don't mind alliances and am, myself, a part of a one.", says Antimatter. "I do, however, object to the stuff that happens on the boards.", says Antimatter. "okie.. stock question", says Zeusgod. "DHL might be good", says Antimatter. "MOOWAT might be better", says Antimatter. Phish listens intently Antimatter says, "Etheria might be the best." "or maybe the Realms is", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "Frankly I don't care and feel that everyone has taken it too far." "you regret anything you've done in FED ?", asks Zeusgod. "It's like everyone is in kindergarten", says Antimatter. Phish nods. Kayla nods Satinsheets looks up from her fingerpainting Ibunyc nods too Kayla laughs "Perhaps staying the closet until now, Zeus.", says Antimatter. Satinsheets pouts. Chilichese winks and says, "Poor baby" Chiefsgirl tries not to choke on her drink and looks at her son "you're coming out of the closet now, Anti?", asks Chiefsgirl. Zeusgod smiles, "heheh Anti" Antimatter says, "Have for about a month" "at least in Fed", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl promises that she didn't lock him in closets as a child Chiefsgirl asks, "Now, what does that mean exactly?" Antimatter says, "My only other one would not be spending enough time at each rank" Antimatter says, "I promoted too fast" Kayla says, "yeah, I promoted pretty fast too." "I never explored Fed's social aspects until Kao's big party", says Antimatter. "I know what you mean Anti", says Kayla. Antimatter says, "couple of month's ago" Kitten looks at her slow exchange and dreams of promoting too fast :) Chiefsgirl laughs and imagines what social activities her son discovered Chilichese always savored each rank.. mostly becuse he was lazy Antimatter says, "I saw what could happen and decided not to be in the corner" Antimatter says, "If someone wants to insult me for who I am, they can do so but I've got friends who will support me" Chiefsgirl asks, "So, you're now out to be a social animal, Anti?" Zeusgod backs up Anti Chiefsgirl doesn't think anyone would insult someone for having fun Antimatter says, "Subtle social animal. I'm still relatively private in any relations I have." Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Anti?" "Any other questions?", says Antimatter with a wink. "So ya never found me attractive?", asks Satinsheets. Chiefsgirl reminds everyone to please direct all social invitations to Duke Antimatter after the Meet & Greet is over Antimatter says, "Everyone is beautiful in their own way" "Satin just happens to be flaunting her way..", says Chilichese. "I have one", smiles Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Zeus?" "one what Zeus?", smiles Antichrist. "question", says Zeusgod. "thought ya ment beer left", says Antichrist with a wink. Satinsheets says, "Err...oh you know" Antimatter says, "Boy oh boy can I kill a room or what" "I do better", says Antichrist. Chiefsgirl knows Zeus is forming his question "In all the time you played.. what is the thing that brings you back?", asks Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl says, "Give him a sec" "that you do antichist", says Ibunyc. Antimatter says, "My friends" "Ranks and promotion mean nothing to me now.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "If my friends left, I'd go too" Chilichese thinks thats a good thing.. since there arn't anymore.. Antichrist asks, "why?" "Because Fed is really a totally social game for me now", says Antimatter. "some one has to keep the light on so to speak?", asks Antichrist. Antimatter says, "SOme might say this is a cent a minute chat room" Chiefsgirl asks, "Are you planning any big social events yourself?" Antichrist says, "true but fed needs people who have a clue as you do" "but it isn't. THis is a great medium unique in the universe.", says Antimatter. "Big social events...hmm", says Antimatter. Bababooie misses the old days of wheelin and dealin and beggin fer factorys Antimatter says, "If I thought anyone would come, sure" "facs? ya mean Jobs", says Antichrist. "As it is, I'd have to fix Risa up.", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl reminds her son she needs plenty of warning to shop for a mother-of-the-groom gown Chiefsgirl says, "I'm sure folks would come to any social event you planned Anti" Chilichese thinks Cg looks great in what ever she wears Antichrist asks, "free drinks?" Antimatter says, "Risa is 3 public locations and no bar - it's more of a testing ground than anything else" Antichrist smiles, "I'll show" Chiefsgirl blushes and bounces on Zeus's lap Chiefsgirl says, "Thanks Chili" "Risa doesn't even have a hospital.", says Photon. Antimatter says, "A testing ground for my other planets...tricky things with events, etc." "Do you have a plan yet for Risa?", asks Chiefsgirl. Antimatter says, "There is no death there." Antimatter says, "I have tried and tried and tried to come up with a theme for Risa" Antichrist asks, "I thought all planets HAD to have hospital?" Antimatter says, "BUt nothing works." "Nope Anti...if ya die there ya go to hospital on earth", says Satinsheets. Antimatter says, "I won't succumb to requests to make it a pleasure planet like from Star Trek" Antimatter asks, "I'm original, why shouldn't my planet be?" "On a related note,", says Antimatter. "As my only alt, Deuterium has a planet, Rebellion, for which he won the Walrus.", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl vouches that Rebellion is a very cool planet "Who the heck named it the Walrus anyway?!", exclaims Chilichese. Antimatter says, "Risa won't ever be anything huge" "Has Deuterium mastered planetary fission?", asks Photon. Antimatter says, "I don't think so, Photon." Antimatter says, "He's a cold isotope of hydrogen I think" "I just wondered who owned the other planets you said belonged to you.", says Photon. "You've spoken of "other planets" in the plural twice so far.", says Photon. "Rebellion is one", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "The other is private" Caribbean asks, "Private or private?" Chiefsgirl laughs "and who really cares? let em be", says Antichrist. "private", says Antimatter with a wink. "A private matter... not the planet Private", says Chiefsgirl. "ahh, so then you do have more than one alt?", asks Photon. "Private is run by ron", says Chilichese with a wink. Satinsheets laughs "I know.", says Caribbean with a wink. "Was about ta say...", says Caribbean. Caribbean smirks. "run by Ron?", asks Zeusgod. "Yes, but only one of them is publicly associated with me", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl says, "Photon, we're not here to discuss Anti's possible alts" Antimatter says, "Thanks CG" Chilichese were not?... Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone else have questions for Anti?" "ahh, okay, so you lied to us. That's understandable.", says Photon. Antimatter says, "There is one thing I wanted to add." Antichrist says, "yes we all "could"be his alts :P" Zeusgod says, "get lost Photon" Pvtberserk says, "I am his alt er i am my alt or hmmm" Antimatter says, "Do take the time to learn exchanges." "I learned at DUKE of all ranks", says Antimatter. Antichrist asks, "duke class?" "You learned at duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. Caribbean says, "Commerce is overrated." Antimatter says, "And Deuterium is having one hell of time with his exchange...it's really quite fun once you know what you are doing." "Did you actually solve the duke puzzle, or were you given the answer "privately"?", asks Photon. Antimatter says, "I solved the puzzle by myself, Photon." "And please watch your tone", says Antimatter. "Anti, what do you think makes Rebellion a Walrus winner? What extra did you put into it that other planets don't have?", asks Satinsheets. "He don't have enough bars.", says Caribbean. "Time. I spent 4 months making Rebellion. It was honestly a work of love.", says Antimatter. "Every planet should have at least 1 every 5 locs.", says Caribbean. Chilichese was going to say 1 for every 3 Antimatter says, "And I highly recommend NOT writing it out" Antimatter says, "Rebellion is 4 months of improvisation in front of the computer" "1 of 5 is the minimum.", says Caribbean. Caribbean smiles, "1 of 3 is to be admired though." Chilichese has 1 for every 2, becuse you can't put a bar in space Satinsheets asks, "Did you work on it only when inspired?" "I also didn't design it around exchanges and traders.", says Antimatter. "Yes, I was actually inspired for 4 whole months", says Antimatter. "It was true to the story I wanted.", says Antimatter. Photon asks, "Anti, did Icedrake review Deuterium?" Antimatter says, "I must also admit something that I've seen of Icedrake's reviews..." "got lots of room I see, any reason for that?", asks Antichrist. "He likes puzzles a lotg", says Antimatter. "especially action ones", says Antimatter. Chiefsgirl smiles "that's true. I just wondered if you knew if he reviewed it.", says Photon. Satinsheets asks, "So were you aiming for the Walrus when you wrote it?" Antimatter says, "A planet that immediately immerses you in the planet" "Kinda, sorta, Satin.", says Antimatter. "Only planet that I ever perked my ears was Nyota's.", says Caribbean. "Photon, I was not there, so no, I can't be sure.", says Antimatter. "But I sent it to his email address and it showed up in his news column", says Antimatter. "Then again, can you prove that man really landed on the moon if you believe that we did?", asks Antimatter. "Well the flag being there is a pretty good clue, but..", says Caribbean. Caribbean shrugs "you can prove man landed on the moon, yes", says Antichrist. "Photo enhancement", says Satinsheets with a wink. "Satin, one thing.", says Antimatter. Satinsheets listens. "Play around with the workbench - don't settle with Genesis", says Antimatter. "There are all sorts of perks with events", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "that genesis doesn't let you do" Satinsheets only likes Genesis for the fact that it saves a nice log in case ya DD Antimatter asks, "Questions? Comments? Death threats?" Kitten shudders at the "DD" word "now, now Satin... me the only one that can DD that much", says Zeusgod. "Anyone else have any questions for Anti?", asks Chiefsgirl. Zeusgod says, "ya one" "I know why I'm here.. do you really know why you are?", asks Zeusgod. Antimatter asks, "Define here. Fed? The bar? THis interview? Life?" Zeusgod says, "lol, :::points at his planet Reallife::: no here in fed" "To be honest I don't know why I'm in Fed.", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "Somethings are better left unknown" "aww, you would miss us", smiles Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any last questions for Anti?" "Yes, I would", says Antimatter. "wouldn't miss me I'd bet", says Antichrist. Chilichese says, "But with practice your aim would improve" Antimatter says, "I have some final words if we're all done" "missiles 80% chance to hit", smiles Antichrist. "Where is that quote...", says Antimatter. "oh bugger...anyway", says Antimatter. "Every once in a while..", says Antimatter. Antimatter says, "stop and smell the roses" Antimatter says, "poke your head up from those exchange calculation" Antimatter says, "Have fun with Fed" Satinsheets always says "Stop and smell the chili" Antimatter says, "But don't go too far." "For as a famous clown once said...", says Antimatter. Chilichese sniffs to make sure he took a shower "When your only reality is an illusion, then illusion is a reality", says Antimatter. "Thank you and Good night", says Antimatter. "I want to thank you all for coming", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Join me next week when my guest will" Ryno asks, "Ok... is this the part where we all get free beer?" "be Duke Pico", says Chiefsgirl. Antimatter has bought you a non-alcoholic beer! "yes, Pico", says Chiefsgirl. Antichrist asks, "Pico where?" Kitten smiles, "Thank you Anto and CG for the great greet time" Satinsheets winks and says, "Dat'll be good" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "He begged me" Caribbean wants Poco more den Pico. Chiefsgirl says, "Pico is the guest next week" Caribbean smiles, "That would be more fun." Chiefsgirl says, "Poco was one of my first guests" "oh my god I shall have to be here next week then", says Antichrist. Antimatter is off to spy people and fiddle with his laptop Antimatter says, "Thank you so much for letting me tell my story" |