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Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet" "Tonight we're here at a special time to accommodate our guest, Bizcarp", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles at Biz "Bizcarp will tell us a bit about herself, her history, her duchy", says Chiefsgirl. Bizcarp smiles. Chiefsgirl says, "Feel free to ask questions or comment, but please give her the opportunity to respond" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly for Bizcarp Bizcarp smiles, "Thanks all" "Anyone wonder why I called myself Bizcarp?", asks Bizcarp. Bizcarp giggles. Chiefsgirl wondered Fancy nods. Grace asks, "me....meeeeee!!! why?" "The question crossed my mind from time to time.", smiles Dgallagher. Thor didn't wanna ask Bizcarp will tell you now;) Bozowl smiles Chiefsgirl bounces happily at the thought of learning secrets Gollum waits in anticipation "The name Bizcarp is an rl nickname of mine. My friends call me Biz because I am always busy - fidgeting in my chair, swinging my leg, drumming my fingers, running around - you get the picture", says Bizcarp with a wink. "The Carp part was added one night when a bunch of friends got..er...inebriated..and they all knew I like fish, pictures of fish, fish t-shirts, that kind of stuff. They added every fish name you can think of to Biz.", says Bizcarp. Bizcarp exclaims, "Carp just....stuck!" Bizcarp giggles. Chiefsgirl imagines Biztrout or Bizmackrel Randolph get out his rod and reel Thor nods, sounds better than Biztuna Grace wonders if Bizshark would work "That sounds good.", smiles Dgallagher. "bizangle", says Aiki. Fancy says, "Thinks it would have..." "I like it Aiki", smiles Grace. Bizcarp giggles. Bizcarp likes it a LOT better than Biztuna...ROFL Randolph casts a line into the riples Bizcarp says, "so, I was on AOL one night...surfing and I found this game.." Thor says, "Bizsmelt" "I started Fed when AOL when unlimited, in December 1996. GallinFennr was still sending welcome letters to new players then", smiles Bizcarp. Dgallagher remembers those times. Snuggs remembers that Aiki nods Grace had one of those too!!! "I have mine somewhere...", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl thinks she got one too Fancy remembers getting a welcome letter as well. Randolph didnt get one of them:( Magesmiley says, "hmmm I think I got one too" Grace whispers to Biz..did you get one that said congrats..you are now trader? Fancy also remembers getting a congratulatory letter upon making Trader. "I did.", smiles Dgallagher. Bizcarp nods at Grace! Snuggs nods "Yup, I sure did, Gallin again", says Bizcarp. Grace smiles at Fancy Bizcarp exclaims, "I was sooooo excited!" Bizcarp says, "anyway" Chiefsgirl smiles Bizcarp smiles, "I was a hauler a long time, and JVEC74A gave me money for my first big ship. He is Scottric now, and resides in Riverrun with me" Fancy says, "Now you can turn JOBS OFF for good..." Grace did it instantly..and never turned in on again! Bizcarp says, "I liked hauling a lot and I had 5500 tcs when I finally found the GM..LOL! I was a trader a long time too and I made Merchie about a month after I started Fed. I was a merchie two cycles, they were still 10 days then, and a JP one cycle." Bizcarp says, "I had sooo much fun in those days." Snuggs thinks back to thoes days Grace smiles and Biz and remembers too Fancy remembers those days as well. Aiki is amazed Biz can remember those days "I used to work and then reward myself with Cantina time..LOL", says Bizcarp. Grace raises her hand Bizcarp smiles, "Yes Grace" Grace asks, "do you still enjoy hauling Biz..even tho you have no exchange?" Bizcarp laughs! Chiefsgirl giggles Bizcarp exclaims, "I miss my exch! LOL!" "Did you try Snark at JP, even though it wasn't required?", asks Fancy. Grace nods to Biz..that's why I asked..so do I "I helped with Snark when I was a trader...I thought it was sooo neat", says Bizcarp. "that with Scott?", asks Magesmiley. "I tried it, but I didnt get too far...and it was with a Badass alt that I tried..LOL", says Bizcarp. "thought I didnt know that at the time..LOL", says Bizcarp. "I got Riverrun the first week in April 1997 and moved into Rainbow that week too. Rainbow was so much fun back then. Shaver was married to Gaminglady and the comms were wild and fun.", says Bizcarp. Chiefsgirl has heard that before Bizcarp smiles, "I have several former Rainbow planets in RR now, including Shiver, Requiem, Discworld, Vaking, and Dragonsquest. I had Nemesis and Precious before Seb and Mike duked" "I remember going to that", says Magesmiley. Bizcarp says, "We all kinda grew up there together, and those friendships have lasted" "My favorite story about my earliest days as a PO is this one: One day I was hauling wildly off the board and we were all joking on the comms.", says Bizcarp. "I said something like, "Wow I love hauling off the board, that bonus for early delivery is great!"", says Bizcarp. "And Krimhurg, the great jello thrower and my dear friend says, "Oh, you girls get a bonus for early delivery?? Us guys get docked...."", says Bizcarp. Bizcarp giggles remembering that. Gollum says, "ah the days of jello fights" Dgallagher remembers those. Bizcarp remembers when her ship was always red and sticky. Gollum says, "sure made a mess of the lps back then" Dgallagher usually got caught in a cross-fire... Bizcarp says, "Most folks thought it was a really BAD paint job...LOL" Bizcarp says, "That group of PO's in Rainbow were so great and we had so much fun together. We had a blast during the dumping wars, and I never made more money than then...LOL" Bizcarp says, "I remember Usafmike and his "Do the Math", it was sooo funny." Bizcarp says, "Just before Fed went to the web, I made Thane, and Indy, Tech and Leisure soon after that. I made it to Baroness just before Fed went to pay and got my porter." Chiefsgirl smiles, "Good planning there, Biz" Dgallagher sniffs; he's a member of the walking class... :( Shiek grumbles at still not have gotten his river rafting trip....after being promised first ride..... "I was married to JHitch6 when I was a Squire and then to Wynsummore just before we went to pay Fed.", says Bizcarp. Grace reminds DG..it takes work Dgallagher says, "Oh yeah." Bizcarp comforts Shiek. Bizcarp smiles, "I will still take you Shiek" "It's a date", smiles Shiek. Grace takes notes Chiefsgirl thinks we should all go Grace agrees with CG Dgallagher says, "Speaking of which, you still owe me one, too, Biz." Gollum desperately looks for his oar Grace hands life jackets to everyone Chiefsgirl proposes a field trip at the end of the Meet & Greet Bizcarp has given Krimhurg a warm hug! Chiefsgirl hopes you all remember to show up next week when it's her turn Grace asks, "ooo..they are turning the tables on you CG?" Chiefsgirl nods and feels her knees knocking Bizcarp wonders, "where was I?" Shiek considers asking Magesmiley what that chicken thing was all about, in Fed news.......then thinks better of it....... Magesmiley grins Chiefsgirl says, "We were at you getting your porter right before pay fed" "you'll ahve to wait and see", says Magesmiley. Shiek winks and says, "hey....what you do with your free time, is your affair" Aiki pokes Magesmiley Bizcarp says, "Ok...Fed goes to pay" "Maybe Krimhurg remembers the exact time better than me...and Gollum but Shaver was playing Fed less and less", says Bizcarp. "oh no.. not me.. okay.. what now?", asks Krimhurg. "it turned out I was kind of running the duchy unofficially for him. I must have talked Mike and Krim out of leaving Rainbow a dozen times and then, after a few political events and some other stuff happened, one night, four of us left Rainbow for Zar.", says Bizcarp. Chiefsgirl remembers that Bizcarp says, "Krim, Usafmike, Chevy and me" "heh...I remember that well....", says Shiek. Krimhurg asks, "ahh.. that was.. umm.. well.. March?" Gollum says, "quite the scandal that one was" "I'll say!", exclaims Bizcarp. "...at least the stink it caused", smiles Shiek. "as I remember.. Shaver quit over that..", says Krimhurg. Bizcarp says, "Zargot was great about everything, and then Shaver closed Rainbow , took his toys, and went home." Shiek smiles, "Heh....Shaver didn't quit" Krimhurg says, "no comments.." "I stayed in Zar until I made Duchess on Jan. 25, 1999.", says Bizcarp. Magesmiley says, "think it was the last straw in a string of things if I remember" Bizcarp nods at Mage. "fears a rekindling", says Gollum. Krimhurg says, "yah.. Shaver considered Bizzy his mainstay.. his collumn of support.." Krimhurg says, "when she left.. well.." Bizcarp wishes he would have told HER that...LOL Grace remembers Jan 25th..as if it were yesterday! "I started writing for the news in Sept of 1997, just before we went to the web. I was assigned the Duchy report section by Uni, because it was kind of what was left as an assignment and no one else wanted it. I started slow and then got the idea to i", says Bizcarp. "Psst...Grace...it was yesterday.", says Dgallagher. Bizcarp says, "interview a Duke a week." Bizcarp says, "I have enjoyed it so very much and have met some really wonderful people and learned a lot of Fed history." Chiefsgirl was wondering how Biz started that column "Several of my interviews have been very memorable and many have resulted in making friends that I still have.", says Bizcarp. "I can never ever forget the night I interviewed Evilzoot on Aaargh - he told me his life story and we even discussed people who DD themselves. He said there was no excuse for dding, because as soon as you die, you should reinsure.", says Bizcarp. Chiefsgirl remembers reading that one "heh....then he DD'd", says Shiek. "After the interview, he said, would you like to see my puzzle? And I said sure. He told me to be careful, because he had death locs in it. He showed me some of it and I didnt realize that he had died once.", says Bizcarp. Fancy remembers THAT interview... Chiefsgirl shudders "Then there was a Black Knight. You had to have some item to get by him. Zoot had given the item to me.", says Bizcarp. Bizcarp says, "I didnt even see him port to the location I was standing in, because there was an event attached to it. All I saw was this horrible little message about the mortician droid taking away the mortal remains of Evilzoot." Chiefsgirl says, "That had to be horrible" "wow that sucks", says Chevyfixr. Bizcarp says, "Then the message about the Aaargh system closing started to appear. I just stood there a few minutes, in shock." Bizcarp says, "Then a groundhog named EvilZoot started tbing me, and saying You will never guess what! I was just sick. But Zoot was a total gentleman about the whole thing. He spent a lot of time reassuring me that he was ok." "I'll bet. But he's now become the first to solve both Duke puzzles, I believe.", says Fancy. "I wrote that article as a tribute to him", says Bizcarp. "Zoot told me he had been bored as a Duke and this would give him something to do. Needless to say, I think very highly of him to this day, and he did come back rapidly just as he said he would.", says Bizcarp. Bizcarp exclaims, "Another memorable interview was Longstrider and the duchy of Lorry. What a fun group! That was for SURE my 3rd best interview ever!" Grace bounces and jumps...that was fun!! Chiefsgirl asks, "third best?" Bizcarp says, "Longstrider, Lucy, Grace, and some other PO's from Lorry were there, all wearing the official see-through Lorry uniform and Long even sang the Duchy anthem for me, with everyone holding their hands over their ears." Chiefsgirl wonders if we missed one and two Krimhurg smiles at the Bizzy one.. Chiefsgirl remembers that interview too Bizcarp says, "Long always says he's the 3rd best Duke...er...Dupe" Fancy reminds Chiefsgirl that Longstrider wanted to be the third best duchy. Bizcarp giggles. Fancy says, "And let others fight over which two were better." Grace smiles warmly at the mention of Longstrider Chiefsgirl laughs Shiek chuckles "I interviewed Unicorn and she told me all about her famous showers, and Mnpowers told me about his planet of Arctic and bought me Artic Freezes to drink. Kissy told me all about Gigglez and bought me her famous lollypops", says Bizcarp. Dgallagher is confused, but that's never stopped him before. Shiek winks and says, "Man after my own heart" "what ever happened to Longstrider anyways?", asks Unomee. Chiefsgirl says, "Longstrider was one of my favorite Meet & Greet's too" Bizcarp smiles, "I have had the most fun doing that column" Grace says, "he is about Unomee..Lothlorien thrives" "I usually see Longstrider Navigating weekend mornings.", says Fancy. "After I made Duchess, I was still accompanying friends from the big group of us that worked on the puzzle together to Horsell. My dear dear best friend Grace and I went to Horsell with Wingdman, and that sweet man made us both cry up there.", says Bizcarp. Unomee hasnt seen him in a long time Grace remembers that night oh so well "good cry, or bad cry?", asks Shiek. "Grace dusted the belfry out while we waited and I used up all the kleenex I had in my spacesuit pocket. Wing was singing us a song, and we both knew he was singing about Kazi, and it broke us right up.", says Bizcarp. Unomee giggles.. going to horsell with biz and wing was fun "good, but sad", says Bizcarp. Grace nods...very sad Shiek says, "ahhh...." Fancy remembers seeing the mention of that in the Chronicle while he was on vacation in Hawaii. "After Wing duked, we formed the organization of duchies now known as the Moowats!", exclaims Bizcarp. "If you want to know more about the Moowats, Wing maintains our web page at http://www.nvo.com/ghuesmann and there is a photo album there, you can see what Bizcarp and several other Moowats look like!", exclaims Bizcarp. Shiek exclaims, "Ohhh....so you were in, on that!" Shiek says, "I just have one question......" Unomee mentions that Biz's pic on the web site is really HOT;) Bizcarp smiles, "go ahead Shiek" Snuggs smiles because one of her pic's is gonna be in there soon Bizcarp blushes! "What the sam-hell is a moowatt????", asks Shiek. "Moowat is an old MBA joke", says Bizcarp. Aiki points at Biz "men obligingly ogling women al thet time", says Kao with a wink. Sparhawk smirks. "The wild women of MBA took off their clothes..", says Bizcarp. "so the men....Moowat!", exclaims Bizcarp. Unomee asks, "it started with Tawoom tho didnt it?" "I heard it was "Men Obligingly Ogling Women at All Times", being the reverse of TAWOOM, which also stood for something.", says Fancy. Snuggs says, "WoooooooHooooooo" Bizcarp says, "The Awesome Wild Women of MBA" Snuggs grins Fancy says, "Ah, that was probably it." Grace wonders what the great Duke of Mba thought of that! Shiek nods sagely, pretending he understands perfectly and hoping no one will notice otherwise.... "At first, I thought Moowat could have been some kind of bovine-generated power.", says Fancy with a wink. "Basically the Moowats exist to support each other and more importantly, to have FUN. We don't insist that others do as we do, or believe as we do.", says Bizcarp. "Everyone is free to play Fed as they choose to, remembering , as Wingy so eloquently puts it, that Fed is a GAME, but the people are real.", says Bizcarp. Sparhawk nods in wise agreement with Biz. :) "nicely said my friend", smiles Grace. "I love you guys", smiles Bizcarp. "that's my story, the good parts anyway", says Bizcarp with a wink. Fancy doesn't think he could abide by a rule against love (and possibly sex). "Biz?", asks Grace. "Yes Grace?", asks Bizcarp. "tell us about poker..huh?", asks Grace. "Ohhhhh!", exclaims Bizcarp. "oh yes...do!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. "Ok....one night, Marble was visiting me, and he Krimhurg often did", says Bizcarp. "He asked me if could play poker", says Bizcarp. Bizcarp says, "Natch, I said yes..LOL" "He introduced me to a great group of people who play Poker in Fed, Kardmaster, Idickath, Teddysea, Zorra, Raphael, Lenny, Dez and Aneriff.", says Bizcarp. "I started playing with them and brought Krimhurg with me", smiles Bizcarp. "Teddysea had Lil the bear with her and of course Krim brought Pixel, my favorite kitten", says Bizcarp. Bizcarp exclaims, "We had soooo much fun!" Fancy looks around for a pack of cards to deal a hand... Idickath smiles, "Of course we all tried to work at the same time" Bizcarp says, "Sure, we all did builds during poker..LOL" The cleaner has just arrived. Thor whacks the cleaner. Magesmiley whacks the cleaner. Dgallagher exclaims, "Keep that thing away from me!" Grace stares at the cleaner Shiek smiles, "sorry....what was that about poker? Was looking at Bizzy's pic" The cleaner has just left. Magesmiley mumbles something about stupid cleaner. Thor mumbles something about stupid cleaner. Bizcarp thinks the cleaner should defend itself. Shiek smiles, "....got somewhat distracted" "hehe.. hey Mages.. still have that macro floating around?", asks Krimhurg. Sparhawk sighs, wanted to kiss the cleaner. Grace asks, "hey Biz..can I ask another question please?" Bizcarp asks, "Kath and Zorra, what else should I say about Poker?" Fancy finds a pack and shuffles the cards, wondering how many hands to deal out. "sure Grace", smiles Bizcarp. Magesmiley says, "hmmm yes I do Krim" Idickath says, "many groats were won & lost" "would you tell us ONE thing..nobody knows about you?", smiles Grace. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Great question, Grace" Grace hopes her friend doesn't murder her later Bizcarp says, "Any questions? or you all at the website? LOL" Shiek says, "I have a question.....kinda off the wall, but curious...." Grace asked a question! Fancy will catch the website later, and probably have more photos of more Fedizens to display after July 25... Sparhawk ponders a question to ask. Unomee has a question for biz.. gives Biz her phone number with a suggestive wink Bizcarp laughs. "Has anyone here (besides me) actually fallen asleep at the keyboard, while playing Fed?", asks Shiek. Chiefsgirl thinks Biz is ignoring Grace's question Bizcarp says, "ok.." Sparhawk grins, knowing Fancy ain't got his pics. :) Bizcarp says, "I'm not sure if you know this about me" Bizcarp says, "But when I was a commander" Fancy admits occasionally having conked out on occasion late at night. "I thought that the planets rotated around the sun", says Bizcarp. "So, I never DREAMED there was a map!", exclaims Bizcarp. Grace giggles...didn't we all think that? Dgallagher smiles, "Arrrghhh..." Fancy always promptly regained consciousness, though. Bizcarp says, "So, I flew into the Sun" Bizcarp says, "and died." Zorra never maps Bizcarp says, "I thought my ship was toast too" "I looked all over for my old Mars map tonight", says Idickath. "Burnout!", smiles Dgallagher. Grace rubs Biz and smiles "i just did that trying to find dumb old mars today", says Unomee. Zorra is sure Raphael will vouch that she never maps Shiek says, "I remember thinking that every planet in Fed was in Sol" Thor never maps either Bizcarp says, "So I was like..on channel one, with how do I get a new ship? I still have loan for my old one...ROFL" "ROFL Biz...can you or did you have to ss?", asks Grace. Bizcarp says, "I was in the hospital on Earth..totally lost" "ugh i hate earth", says Unomee. Bizcarp says, "Two players saved me" "who?", asks Raphael. Shiek frowns and says, "I hate dying in Sol..." "Oh man, I cant have forgot his name", says Bizcarp. Fancy hates dying, period... Dgallagher says, "Dying can be fun, though." Raphael asks, "been in fed slow long your memory faded?" Unomee smiles, "the most fun dying in fed i think is sacrificing yourself to the marian gods" "He no longer plays, was a PO...he and Eilatan walked me to the LP", says Bizcarp. "Can you remember a planet name?", asks Fancy. "If they hadnt, I dont know if I'd be here..LOL", says Bizcarp. Zorra says, "Naw, giving the voucher to Diesel when your stamina is low is the most fun way to die" Shiek says, "act laughs, and agrees with Zorra" Raphael roars laughing, never tried that one Sparhawk made that one of the 101 ways to die in Sol. "Did that with an alt..", says Paccino. Fancy remembers checking his stamina after doing Diesel, and noticing it was 1... "Any more questions?", asks Bizcarp. "yes biz... i got a question", says Unomee. "Yes Uno?", asks Bizcarp. Fancy asks, "Are you and others up for a game of poker here, I'll deal, but not play the hand?" Unomee winks and says, "what are you doing tonight baby?" "I'm in", smiles Shiek. Bizcarp giggles and snogs Uno! Raphael winks and says, "ahh the infamous poker club" Dgallagher gets out his Arix knife. "No DG!", exclaims Bizcarp. Dgallagher rummages further... Chiefsgirl exclaims, "put that away Dgallagher!" Bizcarp takes the knife away from DG:) "Everybody relax, please...", says Dgallagher. Kao asks, "Hmmm....another surprise ending, CG?" Sparhawk *wonders if he should empty the bag he's carrying.....* Chiefsgirl will be permanently traumatized Bizcarp cant relax yet...LOL Shiek wonders what all the fuss over a simple knife is about.... Dgallagher gets out a small chunk of wood, presumable a whittling project, and resumes his work on it, still listening. Fancy refers Shiek to last week's Meet & Greet, now in the Chronicle. "Last week my guest DD'd during Meet & Greet, Shiek", says Chiefsgirl. "ewww.....", says Shiek. Sparhawk wonders who that was..... Bizcarp promises NOT to do that. "How tramatic", says Idickath with a frown. Zorra nods. Was here. Still angry about it. Sparhawk ain't gonna even type commands close to that. Dgallagher says, "Everybody gets so damn panicky over one little penknife just because it's the single most preferred tool of suicide in the universe...sheesh..." Shiek will spank Biz personally, if she does that Chiefsgirl is not cleaning up any more blood "I thought the cleaners took care of that?", asks Idickath. "Any other questions for Biz?", asks Chiefsgirl. Shiek smacks his head, and finally puts two and two together Shiek says, "Now I finally know why Onyx no longer exits" Dgallagher puts his work away, deciding he's too tired for sharp objects. Bizcarp smiles, "I would like to thank you all for coming, its so good to see you all" Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Biz for being our guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "next week the guest will be.... well, me" Bizcarp smiles, "thank YOU CG" "So everybody bring eggs.", smiles Dgallagher. Zorra asks, "Who's going to interview you CG?" "And now if you are all willing, we'd like to take a field trip over to Riverrun", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Rikkytikki will be here to host" Cgee packs up the video equipment |