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Chiefsgirl climbs up on her barstool and clears her throat "Good evening everyone and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "I'm thrilled to have the Duchesse of Gossamer as my guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Blaze grins cuz CG remembered the e. Chiefsgirl says, "Blaze will tell us a bit about herself and you all feel free to ask questions as we go along" Chiefsgirl says, "I just ask that you give Blaze a chance to answer them before you shout out more" "So, without further ado, I introduce the one and only, Blaze!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Blaze smiles and waves. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly Blaze fluffs her hair for the cameras. Quinral gits out a pen an paper ta take notes fer later blac... erm... "Gosh, there's not much ta know bout me", smiles Blaze. Chiefsgirl thinks that's an understatement "Lessee...I'm the goddess of all pirates", smiles Blaze. "Formerly a mermaid actually", smiles Blaze. "Dont forget yer a mistress.", says Montag with a wink. Quinral whispers ta Monty "pssst... great gams fer a mermaid eh?" Blaze nods at Janie, "I was born a mermaid, til a handsome pirate won my heart and made me mortal." Montag winks at Quin and nods Blaze smiles, "So I'm a mortal human pirate goddess now...or sumptin like that" Chiefsgirl asks, "mortal?" Zeusgod winks and says, "you a goodesse in my eyes" Chiefsgirl gasps in disbelief "Mortal yet a goddess?", asks Quinral. Janie imagines that title on Blaze's business card Blaze smiles, "Ooops I meant moral" Blaze giggles. "and one of them too", says Zeusgod. Truck asks, "Moral????" "Moral yet a mistress?", asks Quinral. Blaze winks and says, "I'm moral, yeah that's it" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Of course that's much more fitting" Montag asks, "Hmmmmm..... whose morals?" Blaze mutters sumptin bout trick questions. Cleptoid is thinking trick answers Cup says, "Morality is a Difficult concept." "You'll note that the smartasses in the audience are Gossamer PO's", says Blaze with a wink. Quinral hums innocently Chiefsgirl smiles "Yeah... if Quin and Bart get too rowdy, you can ask them to leave CG.", says Montag. Bartholomew says, "And the ones slammin drinks at the bar are from Boomtown" Janie looks at the peanut gallery Blaze grins. Cup Slams another Boomtown Ale "So like Gossamer and Boomtown are pirate duchies", smiles Blaze. Cleptoid tries not to act like the peanut gallery Bartholomew clinks mugs with Truck and Cup Chiefsgirl wonder what the requirements are for being a pirate Chiefsgirl asks, "And are you taking applications?" Blaze smiles, "Rude, crude and lewdness mostly" Montag goes back to quietly eating his peanuts... for now. ::wink:: Cleptoid shouts.....but with morals! Chiefsgirl thinks she might have the lewdness part down "I'm always open to looking at applications, but I admit that I turn down a lot", says Blaze. Janie mutters to herself, rude, crude and lewd, oh my! "Man, If I get booted every time we toast...", says Truck with a wink. "Moral of a pirate differ from them of a banker I guess", says Quinral. "in what way, Quin?", asks Janie. Blaze winks and says, "Pirate code is special" Bartholomew winks and says, "LOL!! I'll clink yers a little softer next time matey" Truck slams mug down on bar... "and what is that code Blaze.. if I may ask?", asks Zeusgod. "well lets see... between Quin and I, we've got Lewd and Crude covered nicely.... where's Caribbean when ya need him to round off with a Rude?", asks Montag. "Don't steal thy neighbor's rum, things of that sort", smiles Blaze. "Unless you kill him in his sleep first", says Montag. "unless ya sure ya kin git away with it anyways", says Quinral. Blaze winks and says, "Gossamer is an adult duchy...I try to keep the age level up there" "Why is it an adult duchy Blaze?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl wonders what is going on over in Gossamer Zeusgod says, "thought it had to do with sex" "Has nothing at all ta do with sex", smiles Blaze. "It hasta do with patience", says Blaze with a wink. Quinral says, "nope... Sex in Connor" "There is one member of Gossamer who is under 21 and he never once acted that young, so I keep him", smiles Blaze. "So It's more like an Oposite to the DHL? Family Values vs Maturity?", asks Cup. Quinral thought Fed Ex was the opposite of DHL "No bitchin about Jr High School on comms", says Bartholomew with a wink. "I wouldn't say opposite...just yeah what Bart said", smiles Blaze. Montag says, "Or high school for that matter" Blaze smiles, "The people have more in common and get along better that way, I feel" Quinral nods ta Blaze in total agreement Blaze winks and says, "And we don't hafta worry bout Montag corrupting the youth" "So before you became Duchesse, Blaze, did you have PO's lined up to join your duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Quinral says, "yeah... cause they already been cprrupted" Cup asks, "Most of the PO's in Gossamer and Boomtown have been Friends for a long time, So isn't it kinda a Moot Point?" "Oh yeah CG...for almost 2 years...Montag, Devoid, Caribbean were waiting", says Blaze. Blaze says, "Quinral couldn't decide tween Gossamer and Scampers =P" "Are there any requirements like being able to name at least five Beatles songs, two Doors songs, knowing at least half the lyrics to Shake, Shake, Shake?", asks Montag. "There were a LOT more, but they have left Fed or now dukes themselves", says Blaze. "Shake shake shake... that IS half the lyrics", says Quinral. Montag shakes his booty "This isn't your first time as a duchesse though, Blaze. Do you want to talk about that? the early days?", asks Chiefsgirl. Blaze shakeshakeshake! Montag winks and says, "good point Quin." Blaze smiles, "Yeah my first persona was a duchesse for about 4 months" "Actually, I was a duchesse two other times too, if ya wanna get technical", says Blaze with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Anything different about this time? better or worse?" "For a short time, the duke of Necis took a break from Fed and let me run his duchy", smiles Blaze. Chiefsgirl asks, "richer or poorer?" "Its a lot different this time, CG...I was much more involved the first time", says Blaze. Blaze grins at Janie and Zeus. Chiefsgirl nods "how did you die 1st time", says Jamel. Jamel asks, "i mean 1st duchesses die ?" "I'd rather not talk about that Jam", smiles Blaze. Jamel says, "oh ok" "i forgot to insure", says Jamel. Bartholomew says, "Let's just say she didn't dd and leave it at that" Blaze remembers it was a painful death. "Are you just not going to become more involved this time Blaze?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Is it a choice or just a circumstance?" Blaze smiles, "It can be very stressful to be too involved....people EXPECT 100% of yer time, and you have no time left to play for yerself" "that remeinds me.. need to talk to ya Blaze", says Quinral. Quinral ducks Blaze grins at Quin, "Next week mebbe" Cup asks, "Is that Why you quit the Underground?" Blaze says, "Kinda yeah, Cup...in that case, it was a job that had become a responsibility...no longer FUN" Janie thinks she should stop drinking Blaze needs ta start drinking. Zeusgod pours a rum for Blaze "you fight very good blaze who taught you ?", asks Jamel. Blaze smiles, "Thanks, Jamel...Niteghost taught me" "and so the student became the teacher", says Quinral with a wink. "I was the WORST fighter with my first persona...scared ta death of it", says Blaze with a wink. "I actually fought better when Fed had heavy lag when AOL turned free", says Blaze with a wink. Bartholomew says, "Me too" Chiefsgirl asks, "So are you just here to have fun now, Blaze? no more journalism, not too involved with the duchy?" Cup asks, "Hmmmm, A fighting mermaid Pirate Goddess?" Blaze smiles, "With heavy lag, you hafta depend on strategy, not connection rates" "pugmarley started teaching me then but i just didnt get it", says Jamel. Quinral says, "a MORAL fighting mermaid pirate goddess" Blaze winks and says, "Dat's me" "Ex mermaid", says Bartholomew with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs "Note the long slender legs sans scales and fins", says Bartholomew with a wink. "CG, pretty much so, yeah...I've basically done all that one can do in this game, so all I have left ta do is enjoy myself", smiles Blaze. "And what's your idea of fun?", asks Chiefsgirl. Blaze says, "Actually Jam, the first person to TRY to teach me to fight was NAMcD, but he wasn't a very good teacher" Jamel says, "dont remember him" Blaze smiles, "CG, sitting around cracking jokes with my friends, whether its on a planet or the comms" Jamel says, "i tried to take fighting class at merchie but got kilt" "Wow! There's a name from the past.", smiles Cup. Janie is going to miss Blaze's articles in the Underground. Chiefsgirl agrees with Janie Blaze smiles, "Janie, you were my bestest fan" Blaze almost mentioned Janie 'The Fan' in her last column lol Janie smiles, "They were great articles." Cup asks, "So, After your DD. That's when you became Blaze?" Cup asks, "When was that?" "I guess the now-standard left or right question wont work tonight..... gimme a minute.", says Montag. Blaze nods at Cup, "Satn poofed in Sept 96, I played EOD's persona for a month after that, then started Blaze in October 96:) Blaze smiles, "Only 3 people knew I was coming back" Chiefsgirl says, "wow" "That's a secret around here", says Chiefsgirl. "hehe", says Blaze. "I lotta people THOUGHT they knew, but I denied it", says Blaze with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles Bartholomew says, "Tell us about the very first time warp on aol" "Okay! I got it.....", says Montag. "Oooh...", says Blaze. Montag patiently waits his turn Chiefsgirl says, "oh yes Blaze, do tell us" Blaze smiles, "Yeah, I was part of the party that solved the first duke puzzle on AOL...with Shaver and Piratesse" "That must have been really exciting", says Chiefsgirl. "That was hell...very frustrating, but nobody else was even close to promoting so we got ta do it all ourselves", smiles Blaze. Chiefsgirl smiles Blaze was reading War of the Worlds at work even. Zeusgod says, "<--- still has Shaver's Planet economics guide" Montag says, "Okay Blaze... the question ~everyone's~ been talking about.... everyone wants to know.... Nay!! it's everyone's right to know........" Blaze peers at Montag. Montag grins innocently "Are those D or double-D?", asks Montag. Blaze chokes on her drink! "None ya damn biz", says Blaze with a wink. Chiefsgirl stiffles a giggle Montag looks around incredously, "Wha?" Montag looks incredulous even Cleptoid just looks Montag says, "I hope someone knows the Heimlich" Bsacarl raises his hand Quinral says, "yeah.. whole lotta chokin goin on" Bsacarl says, "I know the heimlich" Bartholomew wipes da rum offa his chin Montag slaps his forehead, "Course Carl'd know the heimlich, I'm sure he's got his First Aid merit badge. Bsacarl shows his badge "Oh...he was volunteering life saving tactics lol", says Blaze. "still didn't answer the question Blaze.", says Montag with a wink. "Yeah I said none ya damn biz", says Blaze with a wink. "onew thing I do want to know Blaze", says Zeusgod. "That's no answer", says Montag. "Sure, Zeus", smiles Blaze. Chiefsgirl suggests that Montag subtly rephrase the question Zeusgod asks, "what would you change if to could go back in time?" Montag says, "were it rephrased any, it would no longer exist" Blaze smiles, "I would not have taken so many things so seriously, Zeus" Blaze takes things in stride now. Zeusgod asks, "what do you mean by that Blaze?" "Well, Zeus...people can be idiots...and if you take their actions seriously, you can get hurt", smiles Blaze. Chiefsgirl knows exactly what Blaze means Quinral thinks he's been insulted Blaze laughs and consoles Quin. "How is it all the women agree so readily on that!??!", exclaims Montag. Blaze looks around for more questions. "What are your plans for the future?", asks Bartholomew. Chiefsgirl pokes Bart for stealing her question Quinral winks and says, "hehe course he stole it.. he a pirate" "Har!", exclaims Bartholomew. "hehe well...I'm hoping to take this duchy thing a LITTLE more seriously than I have so far, finally get my own PO Guide editted and published...", says Blaze. Bsacarl raises his hand Blaze smiles, "Start Team Gossamer rolling for the fighting events" Quinral glances at Monty "Thats a hint" Jamel asks, "team gossamer ?" Quinral winks and says, "aye.. da Privateers" "We have some awesome fighters in Gossie, Jam...only Quin and I actually participate in the events tho", says Blaze with a wink. "during your stay in the wonderful Duchy of Connor, what do you cherish most from your time there?", asks Bsacarl. Chiefsgirl misses her duchymates from Connor Blaze agrees with CG. "The people definitely...we've all kinda scattered out now", smiles Blaze. Montag winks and says, "I'm right here CG." Zeusgod asks, "That a big Task Blaze... are you really up for it?" Quinral still has his Visitors Pass from way back then Blaze asks, "What task, Zeus?" "yes, we will all be bound by a common thread, Connor was a wonderful experience", says Bsacarl. "writing your own manuel as it were", says Zeusgod. Zeusgod says, "manual" Blaze smiles, "Its already written, Zeus...gradually over the course of 3 years" "Did you move from Connor to Neverland to be With Bart?", asks Cup. Chiefsgirl knows it meant a lot to her to be in Connor Blaze smiles, "Just there's been changes over time and it needs to be editted to reflect current things" "Cup, Bart isn't WHY I moved to Nevy, but it was the natural place for me to go since I already spent so much time there", smiles Blaze. Bartholomew says, "We never felt that we HAD to be in the same Duchy" Blaze nods and smiles at Bart. Chiefsgirl smiles Blaze winks and says, "Bart went ta Zar when I moved back ta Connor" Quinral asks, "sure makes makin out easier when ya are tho, eh?" Quinral ponders questions Bartholomew asks, "What do you think of the overflow of new Duchies?" "Here's an interesting tidbit...", says Blaze. "Gossamer consists of all guys, cept for me and Kayla", says Blaze with a wink. Chiefsgirl pokes Bart again for stealing her question Quinral frowns and says, "yeah..." Blaze likes it that way =P Chiefsgirl smiles cause she's the only girl in her duchy Chiefsgirl says, "It's the only way to be" "Alla the duchies...well, the ones who promoted just for the heck of it will soon fade", smiles Blaze. "sorry CG", says Bartholomew with a wink. Quinral says, "already ar" Blaze grins, "Okie, so already are" "Who's faded?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl must have missed this "Do a di routes and see who you've never noticed around...", says Blaze. Blaze says, "Plenty of em..." Chiefsgirl can't do a di routes without getting punted "hehe half of em I neverheard of to begin with", says Quinral. Chiefsgirl agress with Quin Blaze winks and says, "They've placed their own alts and those of friends in their duchies and went back ta what they were doing before the puzzle came back" Chiefsgirl says, "There's so many I've never heard of and I'm a young'un" "not to mention the ones that have Duke alts as well", says Quinral. "Do a di toon", says Blaze with a wink. Blaze winks and says, "That one cracks me up...hehe and they all closed now" Janie laughs as she reads the names of the planets Bartholomew winks and says, "Faerierealm was always my favorite" "At least that one is open Bart", says Chiefsgirl. Quinral asks, "do ya think that the sudden influx of duchies actually helped Fed as a whole?" Chiefsgirl asks, "You think anything can bring back the excitement, Blaze?" "I dunno, CG...", says Blaze. "I tend ta think not.", says Blaze. Blaze says, "Without new players, it will all get stale" ".. get....?", asks Montag. "...will...?", asks Quinral. "I hang out here mostly cuz of these people in this room right now", smiles Blaze. Blaze pardons the mushiness ;) Blaze won't let it happen again! <g> "Any other questions for Blaze?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd Quinral ponders a mushy pirate Cup asks, "Isn't that What a Duchy should be. A group of Friends, rather than a bunch of alts?" "Mushy moral ex-mermaid fighting pirate goddess", smiles Blaze. "dont forget elitist", says Montag. Blaze smiles, "Elitist too" Quinral says, "hmmm mushy ex-moral mermaid fightin... weit... ta=hats not right" Chiefsgirl asks, "No other questions?" "I want to thank Duchesse Blaze for being the guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I hope you'll all join me next week when Imohotep will be the guest" Blaze shouts, "OMIGOD...IMHOTEP??" Blaze snickers. Blaze winks and says, "I'll be here fer THAT one" "oh cool", smiles Chiefsgirl. Montag says, "Damn, Can't ask him left or right either, I hear he wears a loin clothe" Chiefsgirl says, "But you can ask him about his oblesik Montag" Blaze has bought you a Burning Desire! A smooooth blend of rum and Gossamer nectar...guaranteed to light your fire!! Blaze winks and says, "Thanks, CG...this wasn't so bad" Chiefsgirl says, "now Blaze, people are going to think you didn't beg me to let you be a guest" Blaze looks down and shuffles her feet. |