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Apollogold asks, "what's going on with this here?" "Where's ChiefsGirl ?", asks Ferreri. Phiddie smiles, "She'll be here." Phiddie walks up to the podium and tests the microphone. Phiddie says, "Testing...1, 2, 3." "That right?", asks Phiddie. "louder....", says Shiek. The one and only, Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Chilichese says, "I think 4 comes first..." Chiefsgirl waves at everyone Phiddie taps the mike and finds it's working. Phiddie clears her throat as asks for your attention. Chiefsgirl takes a seat on her usual barstool and crosses her legs Phiddie says, "Welcome everyone. I'm very pleased and proud to say that tonight's guest is Chiefsgirl." Phiddie says, "CG will give you a little background as to her history here in our Fed community and then will be open for questions." Chiefsgirl pretends she's not nervous Phiddie smiles and gives the floor to Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank you all for coming tonight" "Even though I do this every week, I have no clue what I'm doing tonight, so... bare with me", says Chiefsgirl. "I hope you'll all ask questions", says Chiefsgirl. "They will", says Phiddie with a wink. Chiefsgirl thinks about her history Phiddie asks, "Can you give us a little background on your early history CG?" Chiefsgirl says, "Let's see... where to start" Chilichese says, "The beginning" Chiefsgirl says, "I wandered around lost in sol for quite a while" "I think I managed to purchase my first ship and then I tried to figure out how to work", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I kept accepting jobs I couldn't get to" Phiddie giggles and remembers making the same mistakes. Chiefsgirl flushes with embarassment Chiefsgirl says, "Then Jaws found me and taught me how to work" Chiefsgirl looks around and sees Jaws isn't here so she can talk about him freely Chiefsgirl says, "I thought he was god or something... he knew everything I was doing" Shiek leans forward, eager for the dirt...... "Jaws was your mentor, if you will?", asks Phiddie. "I didn't know he could spy me", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl nods to Phiddie Chiefsgirl says, "He was my teacher and soon became my very best friend" Chiefsgirl says, "He still is" Kshandria remembers the first time she found out about beams too "So, he taught you to haul and about companies?", asks Phiddie. "He paid off my loan, bought me my first decent ship, and then worked me", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I hauled my butt off for him" Chiefsgirl says, "And not easy runs... lots of runs between duchies" Chiefsgirl could kill him now Phiddie laughs "literally?", asks Shiek. Chiefsgirl laughs "Not literally", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "So, he introduced me to the duchy of Backdraft and that's where I grew up" "Tell us a bit about your planet CG.", says Phiddie. "I hauled there for all the POs and then had all my facs there", says Chiefsgirl. Shiek asks, "What facs?" "What facs?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has these written down if you'd like to hear "yes...what type? Arts? Unis?", asks Shiek. Chiefsgirl says, "Let's see... Jaws let me have sens and libs on Holmatro" Chiefsgirl can't imagine selling anyone sens facs Chiefsgirl says, "I had these awful maser facs on Oilslick" Chiefsgirl had to work those hard "My first time out, some one sold me a nickel fac.....", says Shiek. "Synths on Elysium, Studios and furs on Casino, and arts and libs on Firebird", says Chiefsgirl. Ron remembers some cyrs facs "They all said these were good", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl rolls her eyes Kshandria grins "good for them.. not you"" Chilichese isn't surpirsed it was backdraft Tonight's emcee, Phiddie has just disappeared. Chiefsgirl says, "Oooops...there goes Phid" "But she asked me about my planet", says Chiefsgirl. Shiek blinks at the spot that Phiddie was just in...... Chiefsgirl says, "Rhapsody is a planet that has never quite been completed" "I keep changing things", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I do have an ultimate plan though and someday I will get it in" "It's all original though", says Chiefsgirl. Jamel asks, "does your ultimate plan include taking over fed ?" Chiefsgirl says, "Has a beach, a Hard Rude Cafe, office bungalows, a park" "Will it take longer than 10 seconds to put in?", asks Chilichese. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "oh sure Jam... I'm on my way to take over now" Chiefsgirl says, "Much longer Chili" Chiefsgirl says, "Anyway, it took me about seven months after I started until I got Rhapsody" "I got Rhapsody about a month before Fed moved off AOL and to the web", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "July 25, 1997" "heh...special day?", asks Shiek. Chiefsgirl says, "Jaws and Cwoo and Matthew all helped me a lot that night" "Only a woman would remeber that", says Chilichese. Satinsheets winks and says, "Hey now" Tonight's emcee, Phiddie has just appeared. Shiek says, "must be....doan 'amember the first time I onlined a planet" Chilichese can't even remeber what year he got his Chiefsgirl says, "I wrote it down" Phiddie apologizes profusely. "I write down some of my special days or I'd forget", says Chiefsgirl. "It's ok Phid... I told them about Rhapsody", says Chiefsgirl. Phiddie winks and says, "Dang..the part I wanted to hear." "And after I got my planet, I spent maybe 2 weeks in sol and then I moved into Shade", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I was in Shade for about 3 or 4 months and then I got to go home to Backdraft" Chiefsgirl says, "Then I was happily in Backdraft until I was expelled in late July 1998" Chiefsgirl smiles sweetly and folds her hands in her lap "Why were you expelled?", asks Shiek. Chiefsgirl smiles at Shiek "Having a personality", says Chilichese. "Can't have any of that in backdraft", says Chilichese. Chiefsgirl says, "Well, the duke of Backdraft never really spoke to me and spelled it out, but..." Shiek shrugs.....he never had much truck, with Backdraft "I was expelled for having friends not approved of by the realms and for having sex", says Chiefsgirl. Shiek faints Ron gasps in suprise that CG had sex Shiek asks, "you mean...you actually had...SEX?!?!?" Chiefsgirl pokes Ron Satinsheets feels faint! Shiek exclaims, "god forbid!!" "I know... who would believe it", says Chiefsgirl. "OH NO what is Fed comming to???", asks Kshandria. Ron looks innocent Shiek is ROFL Jamel says, "well cg that criteria hasnt hurt me none" Phiddie chuckles and looks on all the innocents. "I paved the way, Jam", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "So...let's see... I was in sol for a while and then I moved into Connor, which is a most rockin duchy" Chiefsgirl says, "Once the duke puzzle came back, Jaws and I worked on it and he went duke at the end of January and I moved into Holmatro" "And now I'm in Rhino to be nearer to Zeusgod", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles at Zeus Phiddie asks, "Do you have any plans to promote Rhapsody to Duchy CG?" Chiefsgirl says, "No plans at this time, Phid" "Does anyone have a question for CG?", asks Phiddie. Phiddie winks and says, "If not, I do." Ore asks, "Will there ever be a Duchy of Rhapsody!!!!????" Chiefsgirl says, "Oh, maybe someday Ore" Chiefsgirl says, "But I'm not planning on it now" Jamel raises hand Ron asks, "how would you run a duchy if did get one?" Chiefsgirl says, "Oh, it would have to be a really fun place" Chiefsgirl says, "And active" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "And most probably full of men" Phiddie laughs Chilichese chuckles Ron grins Phiddie asks, "Can I join?" Satinsheets high fives CG "Sure Phid", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Speaking of fighting...", says Phiddie. Phiddie says, "That was part of my question CG." Zeusgod winks and says, "now that would go against the full of men thing" "Well, a girl might need help", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Phiddie says, "I recall when you first entered fighting events. You are a gamer...stuck with it and got very good." Phiddie asks, "Any pointers you want to pass along?" Chiefsgirl says, "Thanks Phiddie" Phiddie smiles at CG. Zeusgod covers CGs mouth "Participating in the fighting events really helped me through my most difficult time in Fed", says Chiefsgirl. "My only advice would be for all those that never tried it to give it a whirl and stick with it", says Chiefsgirl. "it's fun and the fighters are some of the best folks around", says Chiefsgirl. Aliana says, "but all of us old people have left =)" "I'll fight ya anytime Aliana", smiles Chiefsgirl. Aliana exclaims, "woo!" Jamel hands aliana a cane Aliana winks and says, "hey satin u still fight?" Satinsheets smiles, "I haven't fought since the JP puzzle" Satinsheets issa wuss. Chilichese says, "At least not in ships" Phiddie asks, "Any other questions for Chiefsgirl?" "yes", says Jamel. Phiddie asks, "Yes Jamel?" "have you been horsell ?", asks Jamel. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "I've been to Horsell many times" Jamel says, "i mean on your own warp" Phiddie remembers when parties were the thing on Horsell. "oh my goodness... no", says Chiefsgirl. Zeusgod asks, "I always want to know if you had something to do over in Fed... what would it be?" Chiefsgirl says, "I've not made any attempts at the puzzle myself" Shiek asks, "Do you intend to go for Duchess?" Chiefsgirl says, "I don't know Shiek... maybe" Chiefsgirl says, "Things to do over... oh, Zeus... we'd be here all night" Chiefsgirl says, "But mostly I'm pretty happy right now" Chiefsgirl says, "Doing something over would change where I am right now" Chiefsgirl says, "Everything happens for a reason" "So, you're saying you wouldn't change anything?", asks Phiddie. Chiefsgirl says, "I have regrets and made mistakes, but...." Chiefsgirl says, "it's hard to say yes, that's the thing I would change" "And I think I have too many things that would have to change", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Chiefsgirl has been naughty Phiddie chuckles "Haven't we all?", asks Phiddie. Chiefsgirl smiles, "I guess so" "ok, tell us your brightess moment in Fed...", says Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl says, "I've had a lot of bright moments" "When you meet me?", asks Chilichese. Chiefsgirl says, "Getting Rhapsody was one" Chilichese perks "Meeting Chili", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has given Chilichese a sloppy tickle! "First time I won Guts and Glory", says Chiefsgirl. Chilichese preens Phiddie smiles and remembers Chiefsgirl says, "Promoting to JP" Bababooie Thinks Chili gave CG the fuel she now uses to win events Chiefsgirl says, "Just good times being with friends" "I've had so many of those", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I think the fighting events have become some of my brightest moments lately" Chiefsgirl knows its because she met someone special there Phiddie laughs Chilichese thinks Cg needs to stay in more ;) Jamel thinks everyone should target cg Chiefsgirl smiles, "Stay in? I'm always in" Zeusgod pulls his stool close to CG "No shooting CG..that's one of the fighting rules", says Chiefsgirl. "Uh oh", says Phiddie with a frown. Chiefsgirl leans closer to Zeus Phiddie asks, "Any other questions for CG?" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Cause we all know Phid has some" Phiddie blushes and nods "CG show us your bounce !", exclaims Bababooie. Chiefsgirl laughs and bounces on her barstool Chiefsgirl bounces some more "I started doing that when I found the GM... I was so excited", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl bounce bounce bounces Satinsheets smiles, "And thus went down in bouncing history" "CG has an incredible knack for bouncing her spaceship in arena too.", says Phiddie with a wink. "It seems so", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "If I'm bouncing, I'm happy so it's a good thing", smiles Chiefsgirl. Zeusgod laughs hysterically "Well, if there are no other questions, I have a couple.", says Phiddie. "I do, I do!!!!", exclaims Zeusgod. "Fire away Zeus.", smiles Phiddie. Chilichese if he asks her to marry him I'm leaveing Zeusgod asks, "CG, what keeps you in fed when many are leaving?" "Me", says Chilichese. Chilichese nods "Well, I've considered leaving a few times", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "But now that Chili is back" "right Chili", says Zeusgod with a wink. Bababooie Killing folks in arenas keeps her here Chiefsgirl says, "Yes, Baba is right partially... the fighting events do keep me around" "The Meet & Greet every week keeps me around", says Chiefsgirl. Phiddie giggles Chiefsgirl says, "And all my friends that are still here, keep me around" "I would miss them all", says Chiefsgirl. "So it's the fighting events that keep you around, not the SEX you metioned before?", asks Ron. "We have some fun times", says Chiefsgirl. Bababooie exclaims, "And where else can she do all that bouncin !" "Well, that comes under fun times Ron", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Chilichese ponders how often we can bring sex up Phiddie looks at Ron "tell us about the SEX", says Jamel. "As long as my friends are still here, then I'll be here too", says Chiefsgirl. "seven times a day Chili", says Zeusgod with a wink. Chiefsgirl likes it around here Chiefsgirl blushes and pokes Zeus "Jam, you'd have to be more specific", says Chiefsgirl. "Hmmm...maybe not.", says Phiddie. Jamel smiles, "specific i can do that" Kshandria says, "hey Jamel specific NOT graphic" "Keep it clean Jam", says Phiddie with a wink. Chiefsgirl can't imagine what Jam wants to know Bababooie sits back this should be funny Satinsheets passes around popcorn. Phiddie munches popcorn and searches for her beer. Chiefsgirl thanks Satin and munches on some popcorn "ok whats wildest thing you ever did ?", asks Jamel. "oh goodness Jam", says Chiefsgirl. Jamel turns on log file Phiddie thwaps Jam Chiefsgirl clears her throat and blushes Chiefsgirl says, "I've done some wild things" "I've seen some jello in my time", says Chiefsgirl. Zeusgod tosses popcorn up in the air catching it in his throat Bababooie covers Phiddies Ears Phiddie reads lips Chiefsgirl says, "I think some of my times have been too wild to relay to an audience, Jam" "Those are just the ones we want to hear", says Chilichese. Bababooie Agrees Chiefsgirl asks, "Naming names?" "oh but this mature audeince", smiles Jamel. Phiddie says, "No wait...this is being recorded." "Carefull Jamel only 14", says Bababooie. Chiefsgirl says, "I'm sure my reputation has preceeded me this evening" Chiefsgirl will leave it at that Bababooie has to remember to get CG drunk one night "but we all know the rumors are not true", says Aiki. Chilichese says, "Bring a big wallet" Chiefsgirl says, "oh right... the rumors are not true" "LOL no kidin she drinks them typed drinks like no tommorow", says Bababooie. "CG...I have a question.", says Phiddie. Chiefsgirl says, "Ok Phid" "You said that you wern't finished with Rhapsody... and hints as to what you want to do with it?", asks Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl wonders if Zeus just became Phiddie Phiddie takes a back seat "lol.. sorry Phid", smiles Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl says, "I have no definite plan at the moment for a design, just a few general ideas" "Nothing concrete", says Chiefsgirl. "Haven't started working on it at all", says Chiefsgirl. "But it would be musical and deal with music", says Chiefsgirl. Jamel gets cg some concrete a few boards nails ....... "Ah thanks Jam... deliver those to the Rhapsody LP", says Chiefsgirl. Jamel says, "i dont haul im a baron" "I have a few locations now that won't change because I like them", says Chiefsgirl. Jamel looks indignant Chiefsgirl says, "Get one of your workthingies to bring them then" Bababooie rolls his eyes and hopes no one steps on em Phiddie asks, "Are you thinking of a partial rewrite or additions to Rhapsody?" "Oh, a rewrite", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Rhapsody is just sort of a mismash now and I'd like it to have a theme" "Does anyone else have a question for CG before we close tonight's session?", asks Phiddie. Bababooie asks, "I have one more ?" Andy winks and says, "Wow, CG is the guest? thats.... original" Chiefsgirl whispers to Andy that Hazed and Galin forced me to be the guest Bababooie asks, "Cg any truth to the rumor that you next Battle ship will be HOT PINK ?" "Ack!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. "I was on time, I knew if I was late CG would have my head.", says Ron. Andy whispers back ohhhh... I was just thinking wow... what would it be like if Oprah interviewed Oprah;) Chiefsgirl giggles Satinsheets whispers ta Andy that its also not original. "I think I will stick with red, Baba", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl scraps her secret hot pink plans Andy whispers to Satin that he doesnt want to whisper anymore... and that he was being sarcastic "Any other questions?", asks Phiddie. "Looks like we're formally done with interview and you've drawn quite a party crowd CG.", smiles Phiddie. Chiefsgirl says, "Well, I do love to have fun" Phiddie says, "I'd like to thank CG for being tonights guest." "Thank you Phiddie", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "And thank you all for coming tonight" "Beer's on me!!!", exclaims Phiddie. Phiddie has bought you a bunch of kegs! |