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Cressida whispers, "me either ;)" Onyxgod smiles, "just wear your war-monging hat Karis, and things will be alright" Kariscat smiles, "Welcome all to Meet and Greet" Kariscats grins Kariscat asks, "war mongering?? me??" Kariscats shakes her head and smiles Onyxgod smiles "hehehehehe war? Cress is all about beauty and love. Lets forget about war for a few", says Jaws with a wink. Kariscat smiles, "Chiefsgirl asked me to fill in for her tonight so here I am" Kariscat smiles, "Tonight's guest is Cressida" "Would you like to talk a little about yourself and how you came to be in Fed and then y'all can ask questions", Kariscat smiles. Cressida squiggles Cressida winks and says, "Okay, works for me" Cressida takes a drink then begins..."Ya'll ready?" "I originally came into Fed in March of 97 as a different character.", says Cressida. Cressida grins, "There was this guy on AOL who IM'd me because we shared the same birthday. He introduced me to FED then crucified me" ;) "my goodness he crucified you?", asks Unomee. Cressida says, "So... I dd'd my original character and came back in April of 97 as Cressida." Cressida whispers to Unomee, "He ripped my heart out and threatened me if I didn't leave" ;) Kariscat says, "ohhhh" "what a slime ball, who was it? i will rip his eyes out", says Unomee with a wink. Onyxgod nods ,"yes indeed I did..;)" Cressida says, "Needless to say, I choose the name Cressida because of THE Bard's Cressida... I became a master sophist." "You were later OG", says Cressida with a wink. Onyxgod gasps in surprise, "oh.. " "Ya know, you can go blind being a master sophist...", says Singapore. Cressida smiles, "My intention was to come back purely for revenge, make the lout fall for me, then return the favor... fate had a different plan." Cressida winks and says, "Only if you are really bad at it" "heheheheh see we have something in comman. I am a master Baiter", says Jaws. Cressida grins Jaws smiles, "its a fishing thing ya know" Unomee playfully thwapps jaws and tells him that maybe he can teach diesel a few things Cressida says, "Anyway, I returned to FED, met with Gaminglady, who was the -only- person who knew who I was, and retrieved the money she was holding for me during my dd" Cressida says, "I went to work immediately and when it was time, went to CD's to fortify my courage to endure the great GM hunt" Cressida says, "It was then that I made my first mistake..." "uh oh", says Unomee. Onyxgod wonders what mistake was that Cressida winks and says, "I recognized TeranSolo, who I had met previously as my original personna, and before I thought, I yelled out to him. I was just excited to see a friendly face" "i always reveal my alts that way", says Unomee. Cressida winks and says, "Needless to say, I had to play on TeranSolo's, errr... shall we say colorful (?) past to convince him that he had met CRESSIDA before" Cressida grins at Unomee, "I know" ;) Unomee turns red and wonders what other alts Cress has now Cressida laughs, "After he led me around Sol for two hours, I came clean and told him who I really was and what my intentions were..." "He agreed to keep my secret with me, but encouraged me to try FED out for the fun of the game, and not just to get someone back. He took me under his wing and became my Fed Mentor.", says Cressida. "Eventually, he made me Vice President of Solace... I was so excited!! Little did I know what that -really- meant...", says Cressida. Cressida sips her drink... Unomee asks, "and what did it mean ?" Cressida grins, "I'm so glad Kariscat asksed!" Jaws thinks Cress could be VP of Holmatro anytime "too bad Jaws, she's VP of the OG videos", says Onyxgod with a wink. Cressida winks and says, "It meant that -I- got to haul in his defs -every- day so he could continue to do what TeranSolo did..." "good grief", says Unomee. Cressida chuckles... "So I did... and he taught me about planet economics, planet design and the politics of the game.", says Cressida. Jaws asks, "hehehehe is that something like what OG does?" "i would have tied him down in my dungeoun and shown him who was boss! what did you do to get even?", says Unomee with a wink. Cressida grins at Unomee Singapore says, "Custard pies in the face works for me, Uno." Unomee thinks it is appropriate to mention that she no longer has a dungeon Cressida says, "Because TeranSolo was part of FreeRain, that became my home..." Singapore hefts a custard pie hopefully... Jaws kinda like Uno's idea Breezie says, "Teran was my big bro when I played before.." Singapore looks at Uno innocently..."Wanna borrow mine?" ;) Cressida says, "VEN was a gracious if not INTERESTING duke..." Unomee takes the custard pie and smooshes it into sing's face to make him happy "Ooof!", exclaims Singapore. Onyxgod strains himself from making a comment about Ven Singapore snaps his fingers, causing another pie to appear, which he lobs at Uno!! Magesmiley remembers what Cress is referring to Cressida smiles, "I decided to explore Freedom once because I had...:::gives OG -that- look::: heard such good things about the puzzle..." Unomee ducks just in time Cressida grins at Mages :) Singapore says, "Oops! Sorry, OG." Cressida winks and says, "Well, I was shot at and died on Freedom so I traveled back to my home on Solace and proceeded to send VEN a bill for my expenses" Onyxgod is puzzled but licks off the cream, "hmm my dinner, thanks" Singapore has smacked a pie (gently, and in a friendly way) into Unomee's face! Unomee winks and says, "that had better be chocolate sing" Singapore exclaims, "Food fight!!!!" Unomee licks her lips Onyxgod laughs and admires Cressida's sharp business mind for making a duke do such a thing. Singapore says, "Apple." Kariscat smiles, "ummmmm food fight later please" "Oh. Sorry.", smiles Singapore. Unomee glares at sing and flings the apple goo at him Cressida grins, "It didn't go over too well to say the least. He told me that I was grounded on Solace until further notice... I didn't really listen ;) Unomee sits quietly Cressida gracefully dodges all the food ;) Kariscats wonders how he would ground you? Teran has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "And there is the colorful Teran now", says Cressida with a wink. Onyxgod chuckles at Teran, "Well speak of the devil". Unomee asks, "hello Teran.. did she ever get even with you?" Cressida winks and says, "Teran, I just told them what being your VP meant" Cressida chuckles Teran laughs Onyxgod winks and says, "a slave driver, you are cunning Teran to find such a good one only for a short while I am sure" "And... what did it mean?", asks Teran. Teran laughs again Cressida winks and says, "Hauling your Defs every day while you did what Teran's do" Teran winks and says, "Sometimes you find trouble OG, and sometimes it finds you" "Now I think that was meant as a compliment", says Cressida with a wink. Cressida winks and says, "Now... back to my story" Cressida says, "We had great fun in FreeRain until a certain someone ordered a war against us..." "yes back to Cressida's story", Kariscat smiles. Cressida glares at OnyxGod ;) Onyxgod ahems and is behaving, honest! "Hmmm... maybe I should backup a second...", says Cressida. "yeah.. go back to where jealousy, and all that soapdish occured before the war", says Onyxgod with a wink. Teran grins into his glass, "yeah, go back to that" Cressida winks and says, "I decided finally to get my own planet..." "Shaver, VEN and Gaminglady made me wait it out in Sol for a couple of days before allowing me to join Freedom", says Cressida with a wink. "I think you all should visit Stage sometime... I'm quite proud of it", smiles Cressida. Onyxgod chuckles and shakes his head... mind games. "Anyway, I promoted up the ranks and finally made Baroness....THAT's when OG comes into the picture...", says Cressida. Cressida winks and says, "Actually he was always there... lurking after his unfortunate teleporting accident" "I took pity on him and arranged for Teran to interview him for the Underground", says Cressida with a wink. "After that encounter, I could never quite shake Onyx", says Cressida with a wink. Onyxgod chuckles and shakes his head, "so it was you! the master wizard behind the curtains that made my year ;)" Cressida says, "I'm sure most of you've heard of the Shaver/Onyx wars..." Cressida says, "Here we had two -very- opinionated dukes arguing about everything... and eventually, well... everyone became involved" Onyxgod waves the victory flag, "but of course Cressy" Jaws says, "was that before or after the BD/ onyx wars" Cressida grins at Jaws..."was there ever a end to the other?" Cressida says, "As members of FreeRain, we decided to take offensive to the macro dumping. One of our targets was NWO..." Cressida says, "We were all dumping on Nwo one Saturday afternoon and I was on a borrowed laptop because my PC was down. I followed the same route I had taken, but lag overtook me and I dropped a command..." "I was the first casualty... I was dd'd before I could react", says Cressida. Jaws says, "doh! that hurts" Onyxgod frowns Unomee says, "eww" Teran remembers getting a call at RL work with the news :p "from my brother..", says Teran. Onyxgod is glad she's back to the top thou Cressida says, "I immediately signed back into the game to war the others, but as a groundhog." "I was crushed really... it's kind of a helpless feeling to make a dumb mistake like that and find out about it too late...", says Cressida. Cressida says, "The next day, VEN dd'd on the same planet and Freedom was gone." Cressida says, "Shaver worked out a deal with Unicorn, and most of the Freedom planets joined Fantasy, but things weren't the same for a very long time" Kosh winks and says, "dont you guys know how to call a damn cab??" Teran exclaims, "Onyx was running the cabs back then!" "wouldn't work then Kosh", says Magesmiley. "death locs off of the hospital", says Magesmiley. "and in space", says Magesmiley. Onyxgod chuckles, "hey! at least the cabs broke and you guys got it back with the kicking me out of Fantasy :)" Cressida says, "We rebounded quickly and I rewrote Stage, joined Fantasy and decided to make my way back up the ladder. VEN wasn't so lucky. Someone took the name Freedom so he is now Baron of Freeedom..." Onyxgod thinks that was a low blow... Honor among enemies is always a must.. taking names is wrong Cressida says, "Can I say now, that I think that's a horrible thing to do? Take someones name, their personna, just for meaness..." "You know how that feels OG...", says Cressida. Teran nods, "quite so: Magesmiley says, "I've always felt that way" Onyxgod winks and says, "you sure can, one thing I respect about Shaver.. and freerain pos, they were honorable enemies, still are" Cressida says, "Regardless, I think most of us lost the heart for the game after that..." Cressida says, "After that, Shaver didn't play much..." "FreeRain PO's became more scattered and Shaver decided to close down Rainbow.", says Cressida. "He warned all of his PO's that he was closing it down and told everyone to leave if they wanted...", says Cressida. "I might also add that this coincides with the move to the web...", says Cressida. Onyxgod nods "I rejoined Rainbow right before Shaver closed it down. I was content to play occasionally and stay in Rainbow.", says Cressida. "However, after a free weekend I signed on and to my horror discovered that Shaver had expelled me. To this day, I'm still not sure why.", says Cressida. Cressida says, "I contacted Onyxgod and made duchess that night" Cressida winks at Onyxgod Onyxgod smiles and winks at the lady of the hour Cressida winks and says, "Now, most would find this very amusing... me going to a sworn enemy for my partner in pumping the bellows, but I thought it was quite fitting" Cressida winks and says, "I've skipped a lot... the ducal council that we tried to form to revive the game and all of the romances..." Jaws smiles, "well when it comes to Martians, we all have to stick together" "but I didn't want to bore you all any longer", says Cressida with a wink. Onyxgod grins... "Were there any motives behind it thou, there's always one in everything we do.." Teran says, "Duchess, pardon me if you've covered this, as I did come late..." Teran winks and says, "Have you had an opportunity to share any *current* Stage policies? <g>" Onyxgod oohs at the question, "Good one" "no, I have not", says Cressida with a wink. Jaws smiles, "Whose side are you on in the current war that is being waged?" Cressida winks and says, "Currently my policy for my duchy is to have a good time... and eliminate 69's as rewards" Onyxgod took Cressida's policy as his own in eliminating Zimaleye's 69 reward Kosh looks around ... "Stage Policies?" Cressida grins at onyxgod "The current war?", asks Cressida. Cressida acts innocent... ;) Onyxgod acts innocent too , after all we're on "national" TV. ;) "Whose side are you on, Jaws?", says Cressida with a wink. Jaws asks, "ummmmm Onyx's?" "anymore?", asks Cressida. Onyxgod slips a hand Cressida apologizes for no real antics such as killing herself or solving the duchesse puzzle ;) "Onyx?", asks Cressida. "Should Shaver ever returns.. and instigates another war.. what would you do?", asks Onyxgod. Cressida grins... Magesmiley says, "an interesting hypothetical" Cressida winks and says, "I think he should answer to why he kicked me out of his duchy. But I also believe that when he finds out who financed his arch enemy to Dukedom I won't have to answer that question at all" Onyxgod grins and smiles, "Brilliant responce" Kosh says, "hmm ... nice dodge ..." Cressida winks and says, "is it?" "a dodge that is...", says Cressida with a wink. Jaws says, "Seemed pretty point blank to me" Magesmiley says, "something I didn't know anyway" "you must work for the government ...", says Kosh. Onyxgod laughs... "A brilliant mind like Cressy work for the malfunctioning govt?" Cressida winks at Magesmile, "Something that most people didn't ;)" Cressida tosses up a "y" ;) Cressida looks around... Teran raises his hand again Cressida asks, "Teran?" "To what single factor do you most attribute to the decline of Federation as we knew it", says Teran. "we have to pay!", exclaims Kosh. Teran can hear the keys tapping.. hehe "Im trying to talk with hazed to get a lifetime or yearly access here ...", says Kosh. "The move to the web. Suddenly we went from playing virtually free to paying. It wasn't just that tho. The way the move was handled was atrocious. We were down for so long, then our planets wouldn't load, servers down, puzzles broken... people lost int", says Cressida. Cressida says, "people lost interest..." Cressida says, "They went to find other games..." "as I did ...", says Kosh. "I just came back ...", says Kosh. Onyxgod nods, "hear hear Cressy, Well said :)" Teran nods and makes another hash mark next to "staff" Kariscats is curious.. you didn't mention romances.. is there/was there anyone special after you came back? "During this time of Fed being down, I also think that people found that they COULD live without Fed... which most might not have believed before...", says Cressida. Cressida smiles at Kariscats... "I was Fedengaged to a wonderful man named MrFantisy. Because of RL commitments, he disappeared one day.", says Cressida. Onyxgod is learning something new now.. wow Cressida says, "I was FedMarried to C4JL/Caribbean but RL once again came thru in spades..." Onyxgod smiles at the master of colorful communication, Cressy, "in spades... love that" Cressida smiles, "I was romanced by many great fedders... Budwarp among them" Kosh asks, "can I ask a question?" Cressida smiles, "I also fell for another very special guy, but to perserve our RL friendship we decided instead to remain close comrades and confidants in Fed as well" "Of course Kosh", smiles Cressida. Onyxgod sighs cuz he had his hopes high up! Kosh asks, "Why is it ... that most people think Fedmarrages dont last long?" Cressida smiles "In all honesty...", says Cressida. Kosh says, "I mean ... I mentioned it to a certain someone and she said they never last ..." "dodge that", says Kosh with a wink. "I think that a lot of times people take fantasy and make it their reality. If they are RL married or meet someone in RL, one or the other party, their pseudo real life suffers...", says Cressida. Cressida says, "In my opinion, it takes a unique individual to keep things seperate..." "most cant", says Jaws. Onyxgod nods... "it's a game... it's not real. Some people meet here and go on to meet IRL and get married. But that's very unusual... and how healthy is it?", asks Cressida. "why is that do you think? And what if both parties are not married?", asks Kosh. Cressida says, "We are who we want to be in this game... not who we truly are." Teran nods, "That's right" Kosh asks, "isnt that the same in life though?" "but I am sure you are a sweetheart on the other side as well, so there's some exceptions", says Onyxgod with a wink. "Kosh, sooner or latter real life responsibilities will cause the fantasy to tarnish... It's an intersting study in psychology actually...", says Cressida. "in life, we lie to make ourselves seem better ...", says Kosh. Cressida winks and says, "I do... and he's here right now" "But he also knows that I don't have a "sweetheart" in Fed. He understands that it's a game... entertainment", smiles Cressida. "Kosh, in real life it's hard to maintain the lie... especially when people can -see- you talk...", says Cressida. Cressida blushes... Cressida winks and says, "I misread Onyxgod" "you think so ?", asks Kosh. Cressida winks and says, "And I'm sometimes a real pain IRL as well" Onyxgod ponders, "Hmm?" Cressida nods, "I know so..." Teran looks shocked... shocked!! Cressida winks and says, "As Teran -well- knows" Cressida asks, "Anyone else?" Kosh says, "sure ... there are no tones ..." "but a lie is a lie ...", says Kosh. "is a lie is a lie...", says Cressida. "you just have to find a way to see through it ...", says Kosh. Kosh asks, "what else would a lie be?" "Lie. Cheat. Steal. All in a day's work eh?", asks Onyxgod. Cressida grins... "but of course" ;) "I dont lie in RL though", says Jaws. "Depends which day, OG.. I don't work weekends", says Teran with a wink. Cressida looks around the room... Onyxgod chuckles, "touche Teran" Onyxgod asks, "Cressida.. what do you think Fed will be like should it ever resorts to a flat rate?" Cressida winks and says, "I hope it will be like it was when I first found Fed. However, I think we'll see a extremes then a settling out. I'm willing to make it exciting again" Onyxgod smiles.. "Good! welcome aboard to the extreme clan;)" "how many people do you think we lost during the move?", asks Kosh. Cressida says, "Over 700" Cressida laughs..."That's the first number that popped into my head" ;) "lossing that many ... do you think fed would go back to AOL?", asks Kosh. "Nope", says Ringo. Cressida says, "No I don't Kosh" Teran laughs, "AOL doesn't want them" Kosh asks, "or creat an "unlimited access" deal?" Cressida grins at Kariscats..."If there is nothing else...." Teran has one more ? Kariscats would like to thank all of y'all for coming tonight:) "Kosh, I believe that IBGames will have something in place...", says Cressida. Cressida nods at Teran..."One more!" ;) Teran smiles and bows gratefully for his Duchess' indulgence Teran says, "Do you think the current deflationary economic trend and top-heavy social trend can ever be reversed? Do you ever again forsee a day of low level intrigue, trader guilds, cantina scroll?;" "well, they just drained about $2 from my pocket ...", says Kosh. "I've heard rumblins of an unlimited access plan on the horizon", says Ringo. Cressida winks and says, "Only if you and OnyxGod grace us with your continued presence" Kariscat says, "if anyone is interested in being a guest please contact Chiefsgirl she'd be happy to hear from you" Teran thinks even such as he and OG would have a hard time generating Cantina scroll like it was back in the day <g> "Thanks everyone... I hope you all enjoyed yourselves", smiles Cressida. "Thank you Cressida for coming and sharing with us", Kariscat smiles. Cressida smiles, "Thanks for having me" Cressida smiles, "Now if you all will excuse me" |