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Fancy bursts out laughing at the thought! Russell says, "Note to self, quit giving yourself notes to self..." "Your communicator comes to life with a Public Service Announcement from the Galactic Bureau of Tourism: The planet Mars has been awarded the Tungsten Tourist Trap Trophy.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "Hello and welcome to the Meet and Greet Chiefsgirl says, "This is a weekly event that allows us to meet a different personality from around the galaxy" Chiefsgirl says, "I'm pleased to introduce tonight's guest, Cup, Duke of Pepperland" "Cup will tell us a bit about himself", says Chiefsgirl. "Feel free to ask questions, but allow Cup a chance to respond", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Cup, why don't you begin by telling us all how long you've been around and how you got started" Cup says, "Okay, First off, I'd like to point out that this was a complete surprize to me." "But of course, Cup! Everything's a surprise to you!", says Russell with a wink. "Posidian was suppose to be the guest", says Cup. "But I'll do my best!", exclaims Cup. Chiefsgirl thinks Cup will be wonderful Cup says, "Brief History...." "I started playing Fed in Febuary, 1996.", says Cup. Cup says, "It was an AOL game back then. I gave it a try, because I thought it had something to do with Star Trek." Cup exclaims, "AOL cost $2.99 an hour back then. I had $500.00 AOL bills!" Chiefsgirl chokes on her drink Russell shakes his head, thinking, "Man, I was never on that long!" Phiddie winks and says, "That's kind of hard to swallow isn't it?" "My first Mentor was a JP named Eldorf33. He Gave me the Groats to make Captain. Something today's Commanders can't take advantage of.", says Cup. "I remember Eldorf...only met once, though.", says Russell. "He was really nice, Russell. He had to leave Fed cause His wife got sick.", says Cup with a frown. Cup says, "He inlightened me to a group called the "Friends of Japresnick" There purpose was to help others in Fed." "I worked my way up the ranks and made Trader.", says Cup. Evileric exclaims, "you never had limited time on fed on AOL!" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you enjoy trader, Cup?" Phiddie says, "Sure did Evil. It was $2.99 an hour." "thought it was 2.95?", asks Dooeee. "yeah, during the last month of Federation on AOL", says Evileric. "that was AOL's policy though", says Evileric. "Fed went to unlimeted time in January, 1997, I think", says Cup. "Hmmm...$2.95 yes. It was ALOT anyways.", says Phiddie with a wink. Cup says, "Trader was a tough rank." "did IB games suddenly stop charging for Fed?", asks Evileric. "I joined a guild called the Grand Guild. It was a total waste of time.", says Cup. Chiefsgirl always asks because she hated trader Onyxgod loved trader.. it was the thrilling rank after all that hauling Satinsheets says, "Eric for a few months Fed was free on the Web cuz it was still in beta" Chiefsgirl says, "Evileric, there was no charge for fed right after the move to the web" Cup says, "Cept that I got to head a division of the guilde, called the Captain's guild." Evileric says, "i know that" Evileric says, "i was playing then too" "Ok, then let's listen to Cup", says Chiefsgirl. Evileric says, "i started in '95 or '96" Evileric says, "sorry" "The Captain's guild loaned groats to Commanders to help them promote.", says Cup. Cup says, "I actually loaned 300,000 to Heathergrl, who Later became the Duchess of Cloe." "Er, was it Chloe?", asks Cup. Fancy says, "I think it was Chloe..." "Chloe, yes", smiles Satinsheets. "Anyway...", says Cup. Dooeee smiles and remembers Cup says, "I eventually made Squire and Onlined Pepperland in November, 1996." "During my time as a JP, I was so frusterated by the Ineptness of Haulers, that I started a Hauling class.", says Cup. Cup smiles, "Hazed and Fundroid (Galinfenner) were so impressed, that they made it an official Fed Class!" Chiefsgirl asks, "The haulers were that bad?" Bababooie should of went to one of those classes Fancy whistles, impressed. Cup chuckles "Bart and I made Squire about the same time. We noticed that Pacifica was a dead Duchy, so we decided to join and give Dilvish a hand restoring His Duchy.", says Cup. "How many players back then Cup before Beta test days days ?", asks Bababooie. "We invited every PO in sol to a meeting, to recruit members for Pacifica.", says Cup. Grabfoot nudges Cup and whispers, "About 10... "It was a Total Flop.", says Cup. "A week Later, Bart Left Pacifica, and I went off and Joined Neverland.", says Cup. Chiefsgirl asks, "You only gave it a week?" "After a week, CG, it was obvous that are work was to no avail!", exclaims Cup. Chiefsgirl nods Cup exclaims, "Neverland was great though! It musta been the most active Duchy in Fed back then!" "Look around this room! Dooeee, Grabby, Blaze, Me, we were all there!", exclaims Cup. "And just how active was it?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Yes we was and had a blast", says Dooeee. Grabfoot nods emphatically "You could COM {{{{Neverland}}}} and get six responces, anytime. Try doing that in a Duchy now!", says Cup with a wink. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "You can do that in Maine now" Steve agrees Satinsheets smiles, "We made many good friends in Neverland" Fancy nods affirmatively. Grabfoot smiles, "Dat's cause Phiddie is gooooooooooooood Duchess" Cup says, "I left Neverland after Bart and Blaze's wedding, Not to spite Tbar, but to remain Neutral." "The Duke doesn't make a great duchy", says Dooeee. "the PO's and lower levels do", says Dooeee. Cup says, "I spent some time in Deceit before finally doing the Puzzle." "Did you always want to be a duke, Cup?", asks Chiefsgirl. Cup winks and says, "It's Ironic, I didn't want to do the Puzzle, because I didn't want an empty Duchy. Today, I had to move an alt PO out, to make room for someone who wanted to join!" Cup says, "Yes, I always wanted to be a Duke, CG. But I was affraid. Cause So many New Dukes had empty Duchies." Annavia smiles, "I know what you mean Cup" Chiefsgirl says, "That's why I'm not a duchess" "My Advise to Barons and Baroness's, is that if you're an active player, do the Puzzle. You'll get your planets!", smiles Cup. "You think so Cup?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Im not so sure about that Cup", smiles Annavia. Fancy asks, "How long did it take before you got your planets?" Cup winks and says, "I know, CG! I'm living proof!" "Cup, my man, you're an ol school player with ol school Fed morals...you were destined to become a winner.", says Grabfoot. "CG I never ask anyone to join Butterfinger and they still want in", says Dooeee. Cup smiles, "I did the puzzle in June, Fancy. Today, Pepperland is full" Cup High fives Grabby Grabfoot low fives Cup, and gets change "Does anyone have any questions for Cup?", asks Chiefsgirl. Cup asks, "Any Questions?" "Cup...how cold does it get in Burnsville MN?", asks Steve. Cup winks and says, "Alot colder then Burnsville NC" Steve says, "I see..." Cup lives in Burnsville MN "Cup, are you going to stay at duke or try to promote again?", asks Pathologicaliar. Satinsheets applauds the original question. Cup winks and says, "Yeah Path, I'm going for Senator!" Grabfoot boggles "Drinland, you had a question?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Naw , just seeing if it still worked", says Drinland. Cup laughs Chiefsgirl says, "Ah" Chiefsgirl has a question "Do you have any rules in your duchy, Cup?", asks Chiefsgirl. Cup smiles, "Only No Death Traps, Taxes set to 0, and Stockpiles set to 5000. and to have Fun." Dooeee likes those rules Pathologicaliar asks, "How they supposed to have fun when you set up all those rules Cup?" Cup smiles, "We have Fun, Path" Grabfoot says, "lookit who lives there; we have a ball" "A few months ago, a big theme of these interviews was how fed was dead or dying -- what are your thoughts on that Cup?", asks Chiefsgirl. Cup says, "I see Fed making a come back. Lots of new players on who are not alts." Fancy says, "Sounds as if the word is getting out, though slowly, to new players." Chiefsgirl smiles and nods Fancy says, "...about Fed existing..."" Araldor says, "but look at all of the closed planets. It's certainly declining, right now." Cup exclaims, "The most active players right now are new players. It's very Healthy!" "no, the decline was about 6 months ago", says Grabfoot. "I wish more new players would join though", smiles Annavia. "most of the closed planets are alts that no one wants anymore", says Dooeee. Grabfoot nods at Dooeee Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any other questions for Cup?" "Sadly, alot of the old players are gone. But there's a whole new breed of people out there. All you need to do is imbrace them!", smiles Cup. Have you embraced a newbod today? Satinsheets has just gone north. Have you embraced a newbod today? Satinsheets has just arrived. Dooeee got n trouble imbracing a new player Grabfoot gave a Capt a meg today, he about died Phiddie smiles and agrees with Cup. Chiefsgirl asks, "I noticed you are active in the different events throughout the week, Cup, from fighting to Fedpardy. Do you make an effort to attend the different events and participate?" "Yes, CG. I enjoy most of the events. Though I'm terrible at fighting events. :: Looks at Satin for Help::", says Cup. Satinsheets grins at Cup. "I think you do well in the fighting events", says Chiefsgirl. "And as long as you enjoy being blown to bits, that's all the matters", says Chiefsgirl. Bababooie Has had a Cup missile stuck in him a time or two Grabfoot points to her wreath pin... Cup smiles, "BTW, I'd like to introduce My RL wife, and Fed Fiance, Kitty" "Hello Kitty", smiles Chiefsgirl. Kitty Curtsies Kitty Hugs, and says "Hi" to everyone. "So that would make CG and Steve Cup's Mother- and Father-in-law...", says Fancy. Steve says, "err wrong kitten" Chiefsgirl says, "no Fancy... Kitten is our daughter" Chiefsgirl says, "This is Kitty" Fancy says, "Ah, got them confused..." "Any more questions?", asks Cup. "Yes, any more questions for Cup?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pathologicaliar asks, "One last question from me. What is the secret to life?" Grabfoot mutters , "....not to fight in lag...." Cup winks and says, "Live it Hard, and make it Count, Path!" Pathologicaliar says, "I have a follow up then..." Cup waits for Path's follow up.... Pathologicaliar asks, "What is the secret to an EASY life?" "Stay a Baron. You can make much more Money there, then Duke!", says Cup with a wink. Chiefsgirl writes down this conflicting information Chiefsgirl says, "First it's go duke, then it's stay baron" Cup laughs "Any other questions for Cup?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pathologicaliar understood completely. Annavia winks and says, "Im very proud of ya Path" "Thnx", says Pathologicaliar. Kitty says, "Yeah, I got one." Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes, Kitty?" Kitty smiles, "Tell us about all your love interests, Cup" Kitty has given Cup a tender tickle! Fancy says, "Thinks he knows who his #1 love interest must be..." "We don't want to go there, Kitty!", says Cup with a wink. Chiefsgirl thinks that might be a lively topic "My Love interst is Kitty.", smiles Cup. Chiefsgirl grins Kitty agrees with CG Bababooie says, "Hum Cup-O-Kitty" "very diplomatic answer, Cup", says Chiefsgirl. Cup sighs "Ooo ooo tell us about RuM", smiles Satinsheets. Cup smiles, "Thanks for bailing me out Satin!" Chiefsgirl smiles Cup says, "RuM. It's a group of Ten Duchies. Our Purpose is to have Fun. We have a lovely webpage at http://members.aol.com/ruminfed/rum.html" Donny raises his hand..m too Cup looks at Donny "ten", says Donny. "i want to make it eleven", says Donny. "more fun", says Donny. "You want to join RuM, Donny?", asks Cup. "yes", says Donny. "Meet me and Satinsheets after the Meet& Greet", smiles Cup. Donny says, "ok" "Do you have any warriors in RUM? I would like to declare war.", says Pathologicaliar. "It's a Pirate Thing, Path", smiles Cup. Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "And thank you to Cup for being my last-minute guest" Cup bows "Please join me next week when Kissy will be the guest", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Cup" "Anytime, CG", smiles Cup. Chiefsgirl makes note that Cup said anytime |