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Danny says, "Basically." Danny smiles, "Although I haven't been online much since you got me here." Chiefsgirl laughs Danny says, "Hey look, Cen's here." "dont make me come over there danny", says Cen. "You have a usual booth in here?", asks Danny. "I have a usual booth everywhere", says Cen. Danny runs to CDs, swipes his usual table from there, puts it in here, and sits at it. Cen polishes his plaque "I kill anybody who sits there", says Cen. Cen asks, "So wha goes on at these meet and greets?" Chiefsgirl says, "Well, Danny is our guest tonight and he'll tell us a bit about himself" "And you all are welcome to ask questions", says Chiefsgirl. "soooo does it matter the questions I ask?", asks Cen. Cen grins an evil little grin Chiefsgirl says, "No, you can ask any question" "Hello", smiles Kao. "And we have a heckler.", smiles Danny. "BUt lets try to make it related to Danny and his life", says Chiefsgirl. Cen 's grin gets a little eviler "We'll begin in a few minutes", says Chiefsgirl. "Who's a heckler? Fine way to greet someone", says Kao. Cen says, "Dunno....I havent seen him all weekend" "I came here for the free beer", says Kao. Danny says, "Cen's a heckler." Chiefsgirl passes Kao a beer Kao says, "Naaah...Cen is a sweetie" Cen says, "We all have our hobbies ;p" "Sorry Danny I cant ask the hair raising questions like Andy I just dont have it in me", says Cen. Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and thank you all for coming to tonight's Meet & Greet at this special time of 8" Chiefsgirl says, "Please join me every Sunday evening at 9 eastern" Chiefsgirl says, "Next week my scheduled guest is Windy, Baroness of Windemere" Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight we have the pleasure of having Danny as our guest" Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us a bit about himself and feel free to ask questions" Hera winks and says, "Pleasure??" "However, give Danny the chance to answer", says Chiefsgirl. Danny glares. "define pleasure", says Cen. "how long have you played fed", says Unisgod. Chiefsgirl takes a seat and applauds for Danny Chiefsgirl says, "Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be around here, Danny" Chiefsgirl thanks Unis for his first question Unisgod beams Cen says, "and if it invovles naked sexual charisma all the better" "I came to be here because, anyone with AOL can agree with me on this, AOL is boring.", smiles Danny. Cen agrees but doesnt think that there is anything better Chiefsgirl asks, "So you've been playing since it was on AOL?" Danny smiles, "I started here years and years and years ago, back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the Beta notice still warned you about bugs when you tried to get on Fed. I figure just under five years, but I haven't kept track." Chiefsgirl nods and listens "I figured this was better than a chat room...but what isn't?", asks Danny. Danny smiles, "Of course even if you were here then you don't remember me, nobody does, I was one of the commanders in the Cantina." Chiefsgirl asks, "You never promoted beyond commander?" Cen spent many long hours in that worn out tina Danny winks and says, "Sure I did, but it took me forever. I'm not really the 'work' type, ya know." Chiefsgirl isn't the work type either so she understands "What kept you around if you weren't into promoting?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I'm probably one of the slowest promoters in the game. I've had the same character since I started all those years ago and look at my rank.", smiles Danny. Hera was given the groats so she could skip commander when that was allowed... "I kept hanging around here because, like I said, it was either this or a chat room.", says Danny. Cen pinches Hera "I had to actually WORK the first time" ;p "owww", says Hera. Hera thwaps Cen Danny smiles, "Hey, I worked too. Just very slowly. I got Raptorian three days before Fed shut their AOL doors." Cen asks, "What kept you comin back Danny?" "Well the people kept me coming back. Even back on AOL the Fedders were exponentially less stupid than the chat room people.", says Danny with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles "SO TRUE", shouts Unisgod. Cen says, "barely" Unisgod says, "whoops" "Except all the people who kept trying to slap me to death for my 12k reward.", says Danny with a wink. "LOL", says Cen. "There are some stupid fedders though...", says Hera. "How did you get such a reward placed on your head?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I asked for it. Literally. I had a competition with some friends.", smiles Danny. Hera rewards on Danny Danny says, "At the peak it was 400k, but I still lost to Jade I think." Hera asks, "DId you have fun Danny?" "Did you leave when Fed went rogue and onto the web?", asks Cen. Danny asks, "Of course I did. If I wasn't having fun why would I have stayed around?" Hera winks and says, "Cause your stupid" "I notice Raptorian is still an agri planet ... are you not interested in promoting?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danny says, "Leave Fed? Of course not. Of course I had to keep away until I could put down some money, but then Uni gave me my Chronicle writing thing, that kinda paid my way." Chiefsgirl nods "No, why promote? Other than stopping some people from spying me, what does it really do?", says Danny with a wink. Phillipmartin points out his porter Chiefsgirl asks, "I've read your Chronicle pieces ... you seem to stir things up at times. Do you try to?" Cen says, "Gives CERTAIN people big egos" Danny winks and says, "Well officially of course I don't try to stir people up." Chiefsgirl laughs "What about unofficially?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danny smiles, "I just write what I think...like Andy Rooney but I'm not on TV." Chiefsgirl nods Danny should be on TV...any executives out there give me a call. ;) Chiefsgirl laughs "Any questions for Danny?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danny looks nervously at Cen. Cen says, "I wasnt even paying attention ;p" "Well thanks.", says Danny with a wink. "I notice you're involved in several different fed events ... what does that add to the game for you?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Well you've gotta do something other than sit in CDs, and if you don't work what else is there?", smiles Danny. Chiefsgirl smiles Cen says, "Suicide" "but then that gets old too", says Cen. Chiefsgirl laughs Phillipmartin winks and says, "it empties the bank too" Danny smiles, "I'll give everyone here my philosophy that everyone's heard a million times before: why pay to work in Fed when you can work IRL and get paid for it?" Chiefsgirl agrees with that Chiefsgirl asks, "How has the atmosphere of the game changed since you first began and now?" Kao says, "gotten thicker" "Not much really. It's similar now in some ways to what it was on the early AOL days.", says Danny. "oh thats the atomosphere ?", asks Ashie. Chiefsgirl asks, "A lot of people left after the move to the web, why didn't you?" Danny says, "It was kinda empty at first on AOL, then it got overcrowded and hectic and annoying, and now it's back. Of course there's quite a bit more discontent now." Danny says, "I still don't understand how someone could leave Fed. It's addictive." "did you like overcrowded ?", asks Ashie. "Ungh no. Too many people, too much scroll, too much lag.", says Danny. "I like it like this. Small. Like Cheers: everybody knows your name.", smiles Danny. "What's the discontent now and do you see any solutions for it?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danny says, "Well far be it from me to cause an uproar, but people like disagreeing and see that there are fewer consequences here than RL." Chiefsgirl says, "That's an interesting statement, Danny" Chiefsgirl ponders this Danny smiles, "So instead of trying to save the environment or free Tibet they fight Barb." IDanny smiles, "So anyway, yeah, I write, scorekeep, hate brackets, and promote very slowly." "Where did this hate of brackets come from", says Chiefsgirl. Danny says, "I dunno, general annoyance." Kariscats winks and says, "to be a general annoyance?" "If you wanna hug someone go to them and type the command.", says Danny. Chiefsgirl asks, "What if they aren't here to hug?" "And it was ok when people just used four or five brackets, but when there're like 30 or 40...", says Danny. Chiefsgirl posts lots of brackets for her hubby Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl has given Danny a sloppy hug! Danny smiles, "Like Hazed said, brackets are every heavy characters, and each one you post puts a strain on the boards. One of these days they're just gonna up and collapse." Kariscats winks and says, "then your problem will be solved Danny" Kariscats says, "so I say let them post away:p" Danny hands everyone "I Support the Bracket Tax" buttons and bumper stickers. ;) Chiefsgirl giggles "What is the bracket tax?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Yeah...just use better glue", says Kao. "groat a bracket", says Unisgod. Ashie asks, "are you married in fed Danny ?" Indigo asks, "whats with that bracket business anyway?" "Married? No. I was for about a week, though. Don't ask.", says Danny with a wink. Unisgod says, "{{{{brakets}}}}" Chiefsgirl says, "oh wow" "You were married for a week?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Groat a bracket? Oh it was more than that.", smiles Danny. Chiefsgirl thinks this sounds interesting "When were you married?", asks Chiefsgirl. "who were you married to?", asks Indigo. "are you rich Danny ?", asks Ashie. Danny says, "Jade. Way back on AOL. We were divorced within a week becase she ran away with Albansire." "And I'm rich...", says Danny with a wink. "oh my", says Chiefsgirl. Danny sneezes and uses 100 meg as a tissue. ;) "no plans to get married again?", asks Chiefsgirl. Fordpefect leaps at danny's tissue "Oh no...maybe if I got something out of the divorce. All I got was this:", says Danny. Danny raises an eyebrow. Kariscats thinks you must not have used enough brackets.... women love brackets;) Chiefsgirl admires the eyebrow Danny got as divorce settlement Indigo leaps on ford to get danny's tissue off him Danny winks and says, "But I really can't complain about her running off with Albansire. She ran off with someone or other to marry me. Maybe Haromaster, who really keeps track." Fordpefect laughs and hands the wet dripping tissue to Indigo "Were you in another duchy before you joined Redwall?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danny says, "I think so...but it was one of those closed ones, so I got in Andy's because it's open." "Were you in a duchy before this influx of new dukes & duchesses?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danny says, "Not before the Duke puzzle opened up, no." Danny winks and says, "But how could another duchy compete with Redwall?" Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd, "Any questions for Danny?" "ummmmmm where does the white go when the snow melts?", asks Jaws. "To the magical Fairy of Snow Whiteness.", says Danny. Danny is suprised he hasn't gotten the standard 'Where do babies come from?' question. ;) Fordpefect asks, "why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?" "You wrote about comms on 9....what bugs ya about that?", asks Kao. Jaws smiles, "heheheheh storks, we all know that one" "What about comms?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl missed this article Danny smiles, "Well the conversations bug me. They make no sence most of the time." "On 9?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Well it didn't when I wrote the article.", says Danny. "Now it's gotten better...somewhat...", says Danny. Kao asks, "Why don't you just tune off instead of telling people what to say or not to say?" "What do you want folks on 9 to talk about?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danny says, "I was getting annoyed about all the conversation on nine being basically hellos, goodbyes, and informing about started or complete builds, which isn't really conversation." "But that could be a conversation starter", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl likes that better than silence Danny smiles, "And why just tune off when I can tell people what to say? I'm not the submit and agree type." Kao asks, "It annoys you that people say hello to each other?" Danny says, "No, it annoys me when all that goes on is people saying hello." Kariscats says, "but then.. if you can say what you want... so can they Danny.. it works both ways" Danny says, "Someone would come on, everyone would say hi, there would be a flood of brackets, then silence." Chiefsgirl laughs Kao agrees with Karis Chiefsgirl says, "I think the annoyance was the flood of brackets" Fordpefect says, "but why 9 isnt 1 for help" Chiefsgirl has given Danny a passionate tickle! "Well I'm not really telling them what to say, I'm suggesting.", says Danny. Danny smiles, "And apparently people followed them, because people have real convesations on nine again." "Any plans to be a duke someday, Danny?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl thinks Danny might be in training for being a tyrannical duke "Like I always say, if someone hands me a duchy on a silver platter I'd take it. Maybe someday I", says Danny. "I'll even get bored enough to do the work involved.", says Danny. Danny smiles, "But I have no plans." Chiefsgirl nods "You enjoy being in Redwall you said. Is it an active duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "can we ask hostess a question ?", asks Ashie. Danny smiles, "I dunno, I'm rarely there. I try to stay away from Raptorian, being that it has the worse design in the galaxy." "But it's a good place to park a planet.", smiles Danny. Chiefsgirl laughs "Sure Ashie", says Chiefsgirl. "why does steve need a backup wife ?", asks Ashie. Danny switches chairs with CG for the moment. Chiefsgirl laughs Danny winks and says, "Yes, why does he?" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "So she can take care of him when I'm not here" Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions for Danny?" Chiefsgirl asks, "What's your favorite fed event, Danny?" "Well Scramble of course.", says Danny with a wink. Chiefsgirl grins Ashie asks, "do you fight ?" "I did for a while, but then I realized I was no good at it.", says Danny with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "Well, you're welcome to come back and try again" Kao never fights in fed.....would surely forget to reinsure Chiefsgirl knows she's in a decline "I only had to get killed what, 20 or 30 times before I realized my skill.", says Danny with a wink. Ashie says, "practice practice practice" "And that was back when I had a 33.6...and that was standard. Now I have a 28.8 and everyone else has 56k+", says Danny. Chiefsgirl says, "Don't let Dawg fool ya, he's good" "I figure if there was no way I could win before.", smiles Danny. "is he better then chiefsgirl ?", asks Ashie. Chiefsgirl peers at da Pooch "I think anyone is better than me currently", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl is doing poorly "Fight me, it'll bring your self-confidence back in no time.", smiles Danny. Chiefsgirl says, "I'd love to any time Danny... you should come over to the Rhapsody arena sometime" "can i try u chiefsgirl ?", asks Ashie. Chiefsgirl says, "Sure Ashie" "Everyone is welcome on Rhapsody", says Chiefsgirl. Kao has tried CG....definitely not in decline Justadawg smirks and bites his lip "in arena kao ?", asks Ashie. "anywhere", says Kao. "It would be nice to see some new faces in the arenas", says Chiefsgirl. Danny should try sometime. "You all should get a fighting ship and try it", says Chiefsgirl. Danny smiles, "That way if I lose I could say it was because my opponent was good and not because I'm horible." Chiefsgirl smiles, "There ya go" "do you take it easy on beginers ?", asks Ashie. "How about people who aren't beginners, but fight like they are?", smiles Danny. "I generally take it easy", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Danny?" Danny remembers, back in the day when bounty hunting was the in thing, trying to shoot people down. Chiefsgirl wonders how we got onto this fighting talk Danny says, "Hey look, it's Path." Danny smiles, "Path must have a good question." "Whoaaaaa Danny....when did you make duke?", asks Pathologicaliar. "Three years ago, don't you remember?", asks Danny. Pathologicaliar says, "It seems like only yesterday that you were a baron." Danny shrugs, "Time flies when you have a porter Chiefsgirl thinks Path would make a good Meet & Greet guest "Any more questions for Danny?", asks Chiefsgirl. Justadawg shakes his head Moria gives danny a {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}. Danny glares at Moria. Danny sits in front of a artistic background and says, "Now for my final thought..." Kao pours another beer Pathologicaliar waits for a profound statement he can live the rest of his life by. "Cut back on the brackets, cut back on the protest, and people should start giving me more money...that doesn't happen enough...", says Danny. Danny says, "So until next time, take care of yourself, and each other." Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "I thought you were rich, Danny" "I am, but one can never be too rich.", smiles Danny. Danny falls backwards as people actually give him money. "all i can afford", says Fordpefect. Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank you all for coming tonight" Kao tosses a groat at Danny Chiefsgirl says, "Next week my guest will be Windy, baroness of Windemere" Danny makes a note to come so he can ask, "Where do babies come from?" "i think we need a Kao meet and greet", says Ashie. Danny smiles, "I think we need a Path meet and greet." Kao winks "Kao is scheduled for October 31, unless she's busy", says Chiefsgirl. "Halloween...", says Danny. "Yeah....the Halloween interview", says Kao. "My next 3 guests are Windy, Cressida, and Kao", says Chiefsgirl. Kao smiles, "Gotta check the party schedule, CG" Steve asks, "How is everyone? i missed danny huh?" Danny smiles, "You can still ask a question." "WEll, Danny is still here", says Chiefsgirl. Steve smiles, "oh hey there" Chiefsgirl asks, "ANd did you have a question Talimee?" "Actually you can walk into CDs at any time and ask Danny a question.", says Danny with a wink. "Ohh sorry on the phone", says Talimee. Chiefsgirl laughs Talimee smiles, "No for now is the Guest leaving?" "Well, Danny is still here", says Chiefsgirl. "Of course you'll have to wait until I regain consiousness...who ever walks into CDs and asks me to say something?", says Danny with a wink. Justadawg says, "think i did once.....once.." Talimee asks, "Danny do you have a fed significant other?" Danny winks and says, "Maybe I will someday, when I find someone who can stand me for long periods of time." |