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Fancy smiles and nervously says, "I guess this is the place." Chiefsgirl tries to remember how to conduct a Meet & Greet "This is it Fancy", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank you all for coming to the Meet & Greet, especially after our hiatus" "it's my pleasure to have Fancy, Baron of Toontown as my first guest for our new season", says Chiefsgirl. "Fancy will tell us a bit about himself and then we'll open the floor to questions", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Please feel free to jump in with comments and questions, but give Fancy a chance to respond" Snuggs whispers you can do it Fancy Chiefsgirl applauds and plops down on her barstool next to Steve Fancy straightens his scarf and stands up... "Well, I first found Federation on AOL in either the last few days of November or the first few days of December 1996", says Fancy. "I read the Guide first so that I'd have an idea on what I was doing, then tried it out. It so happened that that was right as AOL was going unlimited time for a flat rate.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl nods, remembering that Fancy says, "Therefore, I got to play it pretty much as much as I wanted to, which was a lot." Chiefsgirl smiles "I ascended through the first few ranks, and made it to Trader. It took me a few tries before I finally figured out the CORRECT solution to the dexterity puzzle.", says Fancy. "While at Trader, I also remember a player who went by the name of RIOLOBOX who owned a planet at that time, and called for "Private Traders" over channel 4, guaranteeing a minimum payment per unit time of work.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "It sounded interesting, so I answered the call." Fancy says, "Well, I made a few million that way, enough to buy some stat points toward making Merchant." "And I remember he was kind enough to lend me 800,000 IG when I found out that with 39 dexterity, and 6.7 megs, I didn't have the dexterity to do one of the stat puzzles, and the piece to do it, it enabled me to get it done.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "I made sure to pay him back that same night." Chiefsgirl smiles "What do you remember most about being a merchant?", asks Chiefsgirl. Fancy says, "I made Merchant and got factories on Wuhu, Mercy, Roissy, and another planet that I can't remember at the moment." Fancy says, "The factories on Roissy inspired me for when I became a planet owner myself. When I bought them, they had 7 infrastructure builds helping out, and they really helped me make profit fast." Chiefsgirl says, "Wow, that's wonderful" Fancy says, "I finally had enough profit in a 10-day accounting cycle to make Journeyman around Christmas 1996." "I then went about trying to do the Snark puzzle while JP, and earning profit for that promotion.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl asks, "So you had only been here a month or two?" "But first I found that I had to get quite a bit more in stats, and every time I tried to do the puzzle, something always went wrong, and I couldn't get it done.", says Fancy. "Right, that was all in my first month.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "Included in making GM was an all-nighter session in which I was on AOL for over 9 hours straight." Chiefsgirl giggles and remembers those days too Fancy says, "I had both Saturday Night Live AND Top Cat on TV during that session." Snuggs sighs and remembers the all niters Pathologicaliar understands. He has been playing 24/7 for the past 6 months. Fancy says, "I made one final attempt at the Snark puzzle on the morning of Day #10, and would make GM at GMT that day. One of my helpers ended up getting punted with the piece I needed him to hold." Chiefsgirl laughs "When I came back that night, I was a GM. I tried to do Snark once more, but ended up getting hanged in the Godfather's office.", says Fancy. "oooo Fancy... too much puzzle talk", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Don't tell me the answers" Fancy exclaims, "You really think we'd fall for that trick again after the Snark affair? [even though I hadn't done it, and there was no "Snark affair" with me] You must think that because we live on the moon, we're stupid!" "Anyway, that was the last of that.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl laughs "I got a hauler to haul my 50,000 ton requirement, then maxed my stats, and became an Explorer.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl asks, "did you know what you wanted to name your planet?" Fancy says, "I had been thinking of what I wanted my planet to be like even before I made Explorer. Once I made Explorer and had the money to buy my planet, I bought it and immediately started writing my planet." "I had Toontown in mind for my planet all along.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "I got the whole planet written up as I wanted it before putting it online (something that seems to be scarce these days), and put Toontown online for the first time on Groundhog Day, 1997" "I stayed independent in Sol for several weeks, before deciding to join a duchy. The first duchy I joined was Socal, with JRuffalo (now Ruff) as the Duke.", says Fancy. Unomee grins hello at Fancy and whispers... "Didja tell em about the fed meet yet?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did Ruff recruit you or did you have to ask?" Fancy says, "Mmm, I just remembered something I wanted to mention about my JP days, but forgot to..." Chiefsgirl asks, "what's that Fancy?" "One day while I was doing some trading at the Mars exchange, I suddenly saw a Trader by the name of Phiddie enter. I examined her, as I did with just about everyone back then, and she promptly gave me a good hug.", says Fancy. "Well, to say the least, my heart was happy, and I promptly reciprocated.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "I got to talk with her in Chez Diesel for a while." Fancy winks and says, "I also mentioned to her how Mars seemed to give pretty good prices for libraries, and suggested that trade route." Fancy says, "We've been good friends since first sight." Chiefsgirl loves Phiddie Fancy says, "Anyway, back to Squire, when I decided to look for a duchy, I looked for those that did not charge import duties." Chiefsgirl nods Fancy says, "Socal was one of them, I E-mailed JRuffalo asking if I had permission to join, it was granted, and I did." Chiefsgirl asks, "You hadn't spent any time trading in certain duchies then?" Chiefsgirl asks, "During your lower ranks?" "Correct, I just pretty much traded where I heard price checks over channel 4.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl nods "When I got factories at Merchant, I found some trading routes on my own in the duchies where I had my factories.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl smiles "Did you enjoy being in Socal?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I enjoyed being in Socal, yes.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "I met several players while there." "They included, Schrecc, RJaholic, Azonarose, and even RIOLOBOX later joined.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "Pianoman was also in there, too, as a Technocrat, I believe, when I joined." hot jazz burns my keys Pianoman has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "well, speak of the devil" Pianoman grins "That was good timing", smiles Kitten. "how's everyone tonight?", asks Pianoman. "We're dandy... learning all about Fancy's past", says Chiefsgirl. Unomee grins.. fancy has a wicked past:) "What other duchies were you in Fancy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Well, there was one particularly bad 24-hour period in June 1997 which really tested my emotions. To begin the period, I heard over the radio that AOL planned to charge for their games. To end it, I suddenly found my planet in Sol to make room for another planet.", says Fancy. "yuck", says Chiefsgirl with a frown. "I do wish I had been given some notice ahead of time, so I could have made a smooth transition, but I found Cometeer that night, and joined Biotek.", says Fancy. "I then continued my climb up the ranks, making Industrialist in July 1997, Technocrat in August, and Baron the day after Thanksgiving.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl can tell you were a hard worker "Are you planning to become a duke someday?", asks Chiefsgirl. Fancy nods and says, "But in the transition to the web, it was tough having my planet closed against my will, and no way to make it compliant with the checker without the workbench functional." Chiefsgirl nods "I do intend to, yes.", says Fancy. "In fact, that someday could even be today.", says Fancy. Wsbsteven wonders why fancy isn't duke now Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Today!" "I think I have an idea on how to do the puzzle, and all the commodities ready to go.", says Fancy. Steve asks, "really!?" "what?", asks Wsbsteven. Pianoman smiles, "good luck Fancy" "Cool Fancy", smiles Chiefsgirl. "If everyone would like to, maybe we could go to Horsell and continue the interview over the comms?", asks Fancy. Pathologicaliar asks, "Can you help me with the puzzle when I decide to try it?" Chiefsgirl laughs "Wow!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Another Meet & Greet first" Steve says, "that sounds cool" Fancy says, "Let's do this the democratic way. All in favor of going to Horsell now, and continuing the interview over the comms, say "Aye"." "aye", says Wsbsteven. Pathologicaliar says, "Nay" Chiefsgirl marks down two ayes Wsbsteven laughes "nay", says Pianoman. "I need to pass, I need to be on Cute in about 15 minutes", says Kitten. Unomee says sure why not, she loves horsell Fancy asks, "All opposed, "Nay"?" Unomee says aye Chiefsgirl says, "I'm open to either... majority decide" Steve exclaims, "aye!" Wsbsteven has never been to horsell Chiefsgirl exclaims, "it's fun!" "I'm counting 4 ayes to 1 nay.", says Fancy. Unomee gets first dibs on the bar tho "Me either Ws", says Pathologicaliar. Chiefsgirl looks around Fancy says, "Looks like the ayes have it. Anyone who doesn't want to come along can step out of the room to avoid being warped to Horsell." Wsbsteven asks, "how do we get back?" Snuggs winks and says, "the bar is mine" "You'll come back automatically after about 20 minutes", says Chiefsgirl. "I take it everyone still here wants to go. Anyone who doesn't want to come along may exit, and see the transcript in the news.", says Fancy. "your time runs out", says Chiefsgirl. "I will not go, but I will listen here until you guys leave", says Kitten. Chiefsgirl says, "Kitten, if you're here, you will go" "We need to leave if we do not want to go ?", asks Kitten. Chiefsgirl says, "Everyone in this location will be whisked away" Pathologicaliar says, "Just make sure you don't get punted down there. You'll be trapped there forever." Fancy says, "Right, anyone in the same room when I timewarp comes along." Fancy says, "OK, if everyone here is really and willing to go, here we go..." There is a build up of time tension in your area... and... the tension is suddenly released and you are catapulted through time... Chiefsgirl says, "ok Fancy... this is your show, so tell us where you want us" "Feel free to roam around town, but avoid the crater, please.", says Fancy. Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "How are we all doing?" Your comm unit crackles with a message from Pathologicaliar, "I think we're on the verge of solving it. Hang on to your hats." Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "This is so much fun Fancy :)" Your comm unit relays a message from Snuggs, "woooooohooooooooo dances around." Your comm unit relays a message from Fancy, "And like Tom Petty sang, "The waiting is the hardest part"" Your comm unit relays a message from Pathologicaliar, "What have ya done so far?" Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "Go Fancy!" Your comm unit crackles with a message from Fancy, "OK, now to see if my idea is right..." Your comm unit crackles with a message from Fancy, "Well, let's see if this is right. If so, then..." Your comm unit crackles with a message from Fancy, "Ooooooh, if I dood it, I did an awful big whipping..." There is a build up of time tension in your area... and... the tension is suddenly released and you are catapulted through time... Earth landing area Fancy smiles impishly, and with bright, wide-open eyes, says, "I do'ed it." Your comm unit relays a message from Annavia, "Wow!!! Fancy made it to Duke!!" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Weeeee!" Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "WTG Fancy!!!!" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Another Meet & Greet first!" Chiefsgirl bounces Fancy exclaims, "Wow, I did it!" Your comm unit relays a message from Fancy, "You can call me the most tip-top Top Cat in Fed. ;)" Your comm unit relays a message from Pathologicaliar, "Dang Fancy. How'd you get 19 planets in your duchy already?" Your comm unit relays a message from Fancy, "I must be really popular, Path. ;)" Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "Let's tune 9 and finish up Meet & Greet." "OK, meet everyone back at Duffs, and the floor is open for questions.", says Fancy. >teleport sol 251 Pub Fancy beams. Steve hands you a Black & Tan. Fancy says, "Well, those who I know, and who care enough about their planets to make them original and interesting (and safe, of course) will have first priority." "need some planets Fancy", says Steve. Fancy says, "Other than that, I'll have few rules." Steve thinks Maine's shot at a duchy olympics title just took a blow :) "What rules?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Duchy Olymipcs? When?", asks Canadian. Chiefsgirl says, "Coming soon Canadian" Steve says, "someone always asks that." Fancy says, "Well, I'll give top priority to joining and top priority to staying to original, interesting, and safe planets, especially people I know." "If you need some rules for your duchy, you can copy mine. ::sets down 6" thick manual::", says Pathologicaliar. Chiefsgirl nods "Awesome", smiles Canadian. "Only 6 inches, path?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I hope to have active players in the duchy. That always makes it fun.", says Fancy. "I condensed it a little", says Pathologicaliar. Chiefsgirl says, "yes, that would make it fun, Fancy" "And I know all about running exchanges to help anyone who wants to join run an exchange most profitably.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness, maybe I should join then" Chiefsgirl is still figuring out her exchange Pathologicaliar wishes to be the first to join the new duchy. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any questions for Fancy?" "If for some reason I find that I would have to make an opening for a planet to join, I'd seek to give the owner of the planet 24 or 48 hours notice so that he or she could find a new duchy first.", says Fancy. Steve says, "Your comm unit comes to life with a Public Service announcement: "Fancy has saved the galaxy from A Fate Worse Than Death!"" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any final thoughts Fancy?" Chiefsgirl thinks this has been a most fabulous Meet & Greet Fancy says, "Well, I've gotten plenty of fun out of participating in the events Fed holds." "And I play Fed to have fun.", says Fancy. "not to mention free time", says Steve. "The fighting events ought to be safe from me, though. That will likely stay a bastion for others to win.", says Fancy with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you get so good at Fedpardy and Scramble?" "A lot of practice, a good memory, and quick typing fingers.", says Fancy. Chiefsgirl laughs Canadian grins "Fast typing + fast thinking, most probably ; "you must be the fastest typer ever", says Chiefsgirl. Fancy nods in agreement. "You beat me every time", says Chiefsgirl. "Probably one of the fastest to play Fed.", says Fancy. "of course, my brain stutters", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone else have questions for Fancy?" Steve smiles, "not me ... congrats Fancy" "congrats fancy", smiles Wsbsteven. Fancy says, "Thanks, Steve, and everyone else who sent me congratulations." Fancy says, "It's still sinking in." Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank Fancy for being my guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "And thank you Fancy for letting us all share in the excitement of your becoming duke" Fancy says, "You're welcome, Chiefsgirl. It was a pleasure." "Join me next week when my guest will be Poseidon", says Chiefsgirl. Wsbsteven asks, "he's still around?" Chiefsgirl nods |