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"We are waiting for him", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl prepares to strap down Jam as the substitute guest Jamel smiles, "ohhhhhhhh straps kinky stuff" Chiefsgirl looks around for her whips and chains Pvtberserk asks, "so its supposed to be Hof tonight right?" "I think", says Dvader. "yup", says Jamel. "we could do something different interview the hostess", says Jamel. "that sounds interesting", says Pvtberserk. "yes i thought great idea", says Jamel. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "My turn is coming" "Hof is on his way", says Chiefsgirl. "Hazed tells me I will be the guest in May...", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl shuffles some papers and looks at her calendar Chiefsgirl says, "May 23 to be exact" Pvtberserk asks, "so who is going to interview you then?" Chiefsgirl says, "Rikkytikki will host" "thats kewl", says Pvtberserk. Evils Cure, Hof has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Hello Sir Duke Hof!", exclaims Pvtberserk. Hof winks and says, "Evening !! lil aol trouble CG" "it's ok Hof", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "we'll give you a few moments to catch your breath" Hof says, "thanks" Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to welcome you all to tonight's Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl says, "My guest tonight is Hof, Duke of Fizbin" Chiefsgirl says, "Hof will tell us a little about his history and then field any questions or comments you might have" Chiefsgirl takes a seat and applauds wildly Hof exclaims, "Thanks Cg ... I am honored ya'll are here !!" "So, tell us of your humble beginnings Hof", says Chiefsgirl. "You've died too mant times on my team to let this go by Hof", smiles Zeusgod. Hof says, "I started Fed somewhere in 96 , i don't have the date pined down like others do." "But I was immediately drawn to the game, even though i had no clue as how to play, i didn't know there was a manual til a few weeks in", smiles Hof. "I only knew it was April 96 for me cause of my Visa bill. LoL!", exclaims Phiddie. "I worked hard to get out of sol, I was and I still am a manula player ( presently being debated it seems ) , so it took me months to get out of sol .", says Hof. "manual", says Hof. Chiefsgirl giggles Chiefsgirl winks and says, "And quite a debate it was" Derekj asks, "manual = no macros?" Jamel thwacks typo monster Pvtberserk cheers for all the manual players Hof nods "My first duchy experience was Legacy, i found everyone there very helpful, and eventually it became my home , thnaks to many of my friends that are here now", says Hof. "Hof, when did you first venture out of Sol?", asks Phiddie. Hof says, "I ventured out of sol about 3 months into my fed experience Phids, I tried Goto everywhere and could not get out of sol, I almost quit Then i found the manual again" Hof chuckles "Hehe..me too. When i found the jump command in the manual, was too scared to try it. LoL!", exclaims Phiddie. Hof winks and says, "actually my first jump out of sol was the arena" "I was suckered in", says Hof. "You started fighting right away, Hof?", asks Chiefsgirl. Hof says, "I was happy to get out of sol and WHAM I got killed by Pugmarley" Britanny says, "Ouch..." Jamel says, "pug he was in guild" Derekj remembers pug... "Pug was good fighter", smiles Zeusgod. Phiddie says, "LoL! I remember Pug. Mean fighter." Jamel says, "oops" "I was pissed, i couldn't believe i was dead , and I wanted to know how he/she did it", says Hof. "he definatley he", says Jamel. Jamel says, "po of lobsteria" Phiddie says, "He turned into a she later though." "Pug wouldn't tell me, so i hounded him /her for 2 months til he/she cracked", says Hof. Bababooie Recalls the same thing happ'in to him when he first met Hof "What rank were you then Hof?", asks Chiefsgirl. Phiddie asks, "Hof, when did you become active in fighting events?" Bababooie says, "as a ground Hog I bet" Hof says, "Captain" Phiddie asks, "It would seem that Pug got yer dander up...but did you start fighting right after that?" "I tried Phids", says Hof. Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you figure out how to fight?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did Pug tell you?" "I was getting killed in events as a merchant", says Hof. "But i wouldn't quit", says Hof. "And that didn't quite cut it huh?", asks Phiddie. "I remember a player telling me that i stunk and should quit, that fired me up to keep at it", says Hof. Bababooie Laughs at Hof Defiant says, "SOunds like Death" Chiefsgirl grins "Hof...", says Phiddie. "yes Phids ?", asks Hof. Phiddie says, "You are obviously an accomplished fighter, but you have also accomplished so many other things." Grandpa asks, "were you fighting manually?" Hof laughs yes Gramps always have "And you are a Duke now..one of the most popular.", says Phiddie. "Phiddie is the MOST popular though", says Defiant. Barsrus says, "Shh defiant" Jamel says, "and dpuzz with no help" "Thanks Phids I appreciate the kind words, I think I started to get real good at fighting cause all the nice people in fed were gettin shot down", says Hof. "Could you tell us a little about what you see ahead for your duchy?", asks Phiddie. "LoL! I am NOT going to count the times you killed me.", says Phiddie with a wink. "yeah but that was at events", says Hof with a wink. Chiefsgirl loves when Phiddie comes to Meet & Greet Britanny smiles, "Hey Hof, when you became a PO, how long did it take for you to figure it out?" Hof laughs well I became a PO just before web fed and I still have not figured it out "C'mon Hof.", says Phiddie. "How long did you play on AOLFFED for Hof?", asks Defiant. "Seriously..you're a very successful Duke. Can't you give us a little insight into your philosphy?", asks Phiddie. Hof says, "i think a year not really sure" Bababooie asks, "Where did your Call sign come from " Horgie " ?" "Horgie??", asks Britanny. "Hof tell us about the spudders", says Sjw. Derekj asks, "spudders?" "My philosphy in here is same as in life, I care about the people around me, and I try to be helpful, it usually works there are a few that don't seem to like my methods though", says Hof with a wink. Chiefsgirl settles down to listen since this should be good Phiddie smooches Hof. "That's why I love ya.", says Phiddie. "What methods would those be?", asks Derekj. Hof smiles "Shoot first ask later ??", asks Bababooie. Hof laughs "Hof, was it a big shock to go from making alot of mula as a Baron, to mking near nothing as a Duke?", asks Britanny. "Good question Britanny", smiles Phiddie. Hof says, "LOL No Brit I knew there would be no exchange , i was prepared to go to Duke" "I know. I've been wondering what it's like.", smiles Britanny. Chiefsgirl asks, "Was that always your plan, Hof?" "To be a duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. "you do make some right ?", asks Jamel. "Still trying to decide if I ever want to be a Duchess. I hear the rewards are few and far between.", smiles Britanny. Hof says, "No not at all CG I never thought of being a duke til a few events took place" "What events were those?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I have another question for you Hof, please.", says Phiddie. Hof says, "sure Phids" Chiefsgirl is still waiting for the dirt on the events leading to the duchy of Fizbin "no dirt CG", says Sjw. "ok Cg right after Phids", says Hof with a wink. "no dirt in fiz that be mongoose", says Jamel. Chiefsgirl says, "See Sj... plenty of dirt" "Hof is a good friend and earned every rank", smiles Sjw. "big pile o dirt there", says Jamel. "Some duchies are involved in or organizing factions...the ultimate goal/outcome, I'm not sure. Where do you stand on that?", asks Phiddie. Bababooie exclaims, "And if he didnt earn it he killed it !" Sjw grins at baba "Good ques, Phiddie.", smiles Britanny. "I have aligned Fizbin with the Realms ( most people know it as the alliance ) Our goal is to enjoy this pay2 play game ......", says Hof. "Thanks Hof", smiles Phiddie. "Do you see these factions as becoming an intregal part of the future Fed? I mean...with so many duchies about and all.", says Phiddie. Hof says, "The realms has been my home for all of fed, and i believe in there philosphies" "I do Phids", says Hof. Bababooie Agrees with Hof Phiddie says, "Thank you again." Bababooie asks, "Hof ?" "yes", says Hof. "what is the realms and what is its philosophies?", asks Grandpa. "To be honest, I've been out in left field somewhere..not informed and I find the whole concept fascinating.", says Phiddie. Bajabum knows its safe to trade and play in any of the realms duchies Bababooie says, "Some say it gets a bit boring as a Duke do you still see any challanges to help keep it fun for you" "Hof, do you and your POs keep in character, even outside of Fed, but online?", asks Britanny. Chiefsgirl thinks we should all give Hof a chance to answer now Hof has lots of fun being Duke, I have an active duchy with great friends Sjw notices many realms members who are not here in support of the Duke Jamel says, "not online" "lol sj I didn't ell any of em about this interview", says Hof. "I did though Hof", smiles Sjw. "posted it", says Sjw. "excuse me but what is the realms?", asks Grandpa. Chiefsgirl says, "Grandpa wants an explanation of the alliance and their philosophies of fun" Sjw says, "doesnt matter though" "pleae Hof take control and go on", says Sjw. "Okie, a question.... Is there anything you would want to change if you could go back in time Hof?", asks Zeusgod. "Realms is a large group of family and friends , we help and protect each other", says Hof. "If i could go back in time I would change promo requirements i think too many people move thru the ranks now and don't learn the game for the game", says Hof. Hof says, "I spent many a night on angelas lp clueless except for the pO there that helped me alot" Zeusgod says, "the hurt to fed is that it too easy to get a planet... they need to bring back the 20 days" "Your a The First Knight of the Realms have you ever explaned that to others outside the realms ?", asks Bababooie. "Yeah, I think if players budgeted time, and timed their attempt to promo through merchie and JP, I think they could bring the 20 hour cycles back...", says Britanny. "I guess i have tried baba, i let em know that we try and let people be themselves first and role play second First Knight is a great honor for me, as alot of you know Phill was the First First knight", says Hof. "It would make it more of a challenge...", says Britanny. Hof says, "Phill got me to control my anger towards fighters that were beating me he taught me alot too" Bajabum says, "what has been your most memorable occasion in fed?? And your saddest occasion?? And why did you DD me heheh :PPPP" "Okie, now that we have the past and IBs wrong doings discussed... what would you like to see in the future?", asks Zeusgod. Hof chuckles Zeusgod smiles, "answer mine after that one Hof" "Hof talk to us about your family a bit", smiles Sjw. Hof smiles, "most memorable ??? there are 2 Making Duke cause it was a huge surprise that it would actually work and Shooting down my first baron when i was a merchie" "You all let him have a chance to answer", says Chiefsgirl. Bajabum asks, "who was the baron?" Hof smiles Niteghost "You shot down a Baron? Who?", asks Britanny. Chiefsgirl giggles Sjw says, "wasnt me" "Ouch.", smiles Britanny. Bajabum claps Deathiscome winks and says, "good ol Nite, he always was easy" "LOL", says Hof. "It's a case of My Rank Is Bigger Than Yours - NOT.", smiles Britanny. Bajabum asks, "saddest??" Sjw smiles, "and yea you were wondering who else did that a day or so agio" "saddest hmmmm", says Hof. Hof winks and says, "when fed went to pay" Zeusgod smiles, "LOL, my saddest was my first DD... but now I'm used to it" Bajabum exclaims, "whats your stance on macros?!?!?!" Hof laughs and shakes his finger at BB "I hate macros !!!!!", exclaims Hof. "really....", says Bajabum. Sjw says, "glad I joined Fizbin and not the alliance" Britanny asks, "Never used a macro? At all?" Jamel asks, "all macros ?" "Ok, Zeus asked what you see for the future of Fed?", asks Chiefsgirl. "ya, been waiting", smiles Zeusgod. Hof says, "I hope everyone that made duke or duchess sees themselves as leaders and helpers for feds revival, we need to make it work or it stops" "Hof would you like to see player-vsplayer killing in sil once again ?", asks Deathiscome. "and how would that be Hof.. in your opinoin?", asks Zeusgod. "errr sol", says Deathiscome. "yes Death I would I hate things getting twaken away from us", says Hof. "Hand to hand combat?", asks Britanny. "Hof my Duke, and my firend where do you see Fiz going?", asks Sjw. Jamel says, "i would like to see that" Britanny smiles, "Yea, being able to buy all different types of personal weapons and defenses would be cool." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Ack! Not hand to hand combat!" "I am not the killer fighter all the time , i try to talk and work things out but it does not always work out that way", says Hof. Chiefsgirl would die for sure then Bababooie Thinks he might trade the Duke a year of free missiles in exchange for his daughter "that is good Hof", says Sjw. "remember what I always said", says Sjw. Jamel says, "ill throw in tls too baba" "I hope to see Fizbin as active as it is I want to share the daily trials and tribulations with everyone... and move forward wherever that takes us", says Hof. "What did you say Sj?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone else have any questions for Hof?" Hof has a great group of friends trusted friends and hopes to keep that "well I see lots of Relams folks on and meeting aside I think they could be here", says Sjw. "if they were really friends", says Sjw. "so what is a friend Sjw?", asks Deathiscome. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions or comments for Hof?" Hof says, "That meeting was supposed to be last week sickness prevented it, and I told none of the duke /duchess about this..... I do not feel sligted by them not here" Chiefsgirl wonders what meeting you all keep talking about Hof says, "meeting of the realms is going on now CG" "oh", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Sorry I kept you from it Hof... you'd better go" Hof says, "No prob CG they don't do a thing without me ;) lol j/k" Chiefsgirl says, "Just don't make a mistake Hof" Bababooie makes a note to hold open both doors so His head will fit Hof asks, "anything else from anyone ?" Moonwisp asks, "Yeah - can I have a raise in my allowance?" Hof laughs yes Moon ....someday Sjw smiles, "still want your take on the spudders my friend" "Thank you", says Moonwisp with a wink. "plz splain Hall of fame aka HOF", says Bajabum. "There's two short questions for ya, Hof", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Jamel says, "i heard fiz is giving 10 gig to its bestest indy planet hof" "The spudders is very special to me as you know sj great old times in fed", says Hof. Sjw says, "I can explain the fame thing" Hof says, "HOf very simply is short for hall of fame" Bajabum asks, "how you pick taht??" Sjw nods and agrees Bajabum asks, "err why??" Jamel says, "yes" Hof says, "Not the jimmy hoffa thing that krytsall wrote about , but was very amusing" Bababooie Smils cuz he knows the story Hof says, "My dad made it to the hall of fame in baseball in 1995" Sjw listens "It was in his honor that i used that name Hof I was originally hof95 in aol fed", says Hof. Chiefsgirl grew up listening to Hof's dad announce her Phillies games Britanny asks, "Major Leagues?" "major leagues Britanny", says Chiefsgirl. Hof says, "My dad played for the Phillies from 1948-1959 cubs in 60-61 and mets in 62" Chiefsgirl smiles Britanny smiles, "VERY cool beans." Bajabum says, "wow very cool" Hof says, "he broadcast games in 1963 til the day he died in NY broadcasting for the phillies mets game" "wow...", says Bajabum. "Very small worlds here.", smiles Britanny. Hof says, "he passed away in 1997 was a terrific guy" "There is a Field on Fizbin you all should see its a very nice Loc that tells the story", says Bababooie. Moonwisp winks and says, "It really is Baba - as long as you are not there throwing balls" "yes my bar and field at Fizbin are in his honor", says Hof. "I remember it Hof, was in NE part of the state when he passed on", says Sjw. Chiefsgirl asks, "I want to know how you chose Fizbin as a planet name?" Hof laughs "He must be a Trekker.", smiles Britanny. Chiefsgirl remembers too... was a sad day in Philly Hof says, "I was a kid watching startrek in the 60's & 70's and I got the name from a card game on one of the episodes" Chiefsgirl laughs "if ya remember fed was down and going thrur transition", says Sjw. Chiefsgirl says, "I must have blocked that episode from my mind" Britanny smiles..."And a kewl card game it is, to. :) Moonwisp thinks most of Fed are Trekkers. Mtall says, "that would have been the espisode "a piece of the action'" Hof says, "Its a classic episode too" Hof says, "yes" Chiefsgirl was forced to watch Star Trek in the 60s/70s "I mailed evryone I knew to send ya words of condolensece", says Sjw. Britanny says, "With....Red......Red-something..." Chiefsgirl is not a Trekkers or a Trekkie "yeah can't play it on tuesday or something too", says Hof. Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness" Britanny winks and says, "Trekkie is past. Trekker is present. And aside from fizbin, WHY are we discussing Trek?" Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "Well, that's why" Hof laughs too Chiefsgirl asks, "Ok, any other questions for Hof?" "Hof care to dicuss the ealrier times?", asks Sjw. "you into baseball Hof??", asks Bajabum. Sjw smiles, "as Merch or JP" Bajabum says, "or captn" Bababooie Laughs at what all them Dukes doing to Hofs Bar bill while he here Sjw says, "well captain is before me" "I love baseball I signed a minor league contract with helena phillies only to get hurt", says Hof. "Ouch...", says Britanny. "that end your baseball dreams??", asks Bajabum. "Hof mind if I offer my take on ya?", asks Sjw. "I play in a 30 and over league i still enjoy it", says Hof. Britanny winks and says, "That's when he musta started playin Fed." "hardball?", asks Bajabum. Hof says, "yes" "Gee Hof, what happen, Baba nail you with a fast ball too?", asks Moonwisp. "position?", asks Bajabum. Hof says, "i play 3rd and outfield and pitch once in a while" Bajabum asks, "real name??" "How fast were your pitches?", asks Britanny. "Real name, Baja?", asks Chiefsgirl. "here is a good trivai question for ya all Who was the mets first batter in History of Mets", says Hof with a wink. Sjw asks, "so who wants to hear about Hof the merch?" Hof winks and says, "I was a maniac they don't wanna hear that" Bajabum says, "i was there heheh" Moonwisp asks, "You not a maniac now, hof?" "heheh I was thinkin same thing moon", says Bababooie. Sjw says, "well thing that sticks out most in my mind is when he was gonna quit fed" Chiefsgirl says, "Not Hof" Sjw asks, "remember that Hof?" Chiefsgirl is shocked Hof says, "sure" Britanny smiles, "I think every IN Fed wanted to quit at one time or another..." "we talked a lot about that", says Sjw. "But were too addicted to Fed to pull it off.", says Britanny with a wink. Jamel cant remember wanting to quit "second thing was how long it took him to make Jp", smiles Sjw. Chiefsgirl has thought about quitting twice Sjw says, "he did it back when there were cycles" Chiefsgirl asks, "How long did it take?" Hof was a merchie for a year at least Jamel says, "me too" Bajabum grew up in legacy with hof and is proud to see him a duke "A year?", asks Chiefsgirl. "no", says Jamel. Hof nods "A year?? Ouch!", exclaims Britanny. "Whoa", says Chiefsgirl. "then the Jp to Gm was a nightmare", smiles Sjw. Chiefsgirl was merchie for two cycles Hof says, "I could not get the time needed for those stupid cycles" Sjw asks, "that was when yo uthought of quitting right?" "Was merchie and JP for 1 cycle each.", smiles Britanny. "was still AOl then", says Sjw. "so I logged on and made sure he promoted", says Sjw. "i became squire like a week before webfed", says Hof. Chiefsgirl strains her brain trying to think back Chiefsgirl asks, "Really Hof?" "was gonna kill all alts cause could not afford em", says Hof. Sjw smiles, "how long yo want a guy as a fo anyway" Chiefsgirl didn't realize she was a PO before Hof Britanny can't believe pay-to-play started a little over a year ago... Bajabum says, "you were squire longer than that..." Hof says, "nope" "well in honesty", says Sjw. "Hof and a couple others were my first group of FO's. so we all learned ogether", says Sjw. "tis why I hold the spudders in such high regard", says Sjw. Bajabum says, "sure ya were we became POs at about the same timwe and i was at thane before p2p (i think)" Bababooie Made PO day before P@P "you were a PO before baba came along", says Bajabum. Sjw was a thane ready to go Indy when p2p happened "I think you were a PO before I was Hof", says Chiefsgirl. Hof says, "I am telling ya it was just before fedpay cause i was trying hard to get to PO then" "I agree", says Sjw. "Hopf you were a po", says Sjw. Sjw says, "but kinda new when we wnet pay" Hof says, "yes" Bajabum says, "hof plz splain yer fed familty tree" Sjw blinks Chiefsgirl got Rhapsody on July 25, 1997 Sjw got angelas on Dec 12 1996 "Baja, Hof would need a whole other meeting to explain this family.", says Moonwisp. Hof agrees Njrudeboy got his in the middle of Oct 97 "I appreciate this Interview CG i hope it was good for you and everyone", says Hof. Bajabum dosnt know how these people can remember the date they became POs ...me thinks i got baja on 1998 err 97 err ::i dunno:: "Thank you Hof for being the guest", smiles Chiefsgirl. Kariscats got hers with lots of others when they fixed the onlining planets.. the end of May 97 I believe "Next week my guest will be Almandot", says Chiefsgirl. "Great job Hof", says Bababooie. Bababooie winks and says, "Not Al !!!" Chiefsgirl says, "Yes, the duchess herself" Hof will be here asking al some questions ;) "i hope you'll all come and pepper Al with lots of questions", says Chiefsgirl. |