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Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Hello, good evening and welcome to our show" "Tonight's guest at the Meet & Greet is Duke Imhotep", says Chiefsgirl. Imhotep bows respectfully. "Greetings", says Imhotep. Jamel bows "He'll tell us a bit about himself and you all feel free to ask questions", says Chiefsgirl. Lookout says, "greetings great lord hawk of plagairism/egypt" Chiefsgirl says, "But please give Imhotep a chance to answer before shouting out other questions" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and sips her drink Imhotep winks and says, "And keep in mind that questions may be answered arbitrarily." Imhotep says, "Myself?...... Now there is a subject that could take hours in and of itself....." Chiefsgirl says, "Tell us how you came to be in this universe, Imhotep" Imhotep winks and says, "but we shall just limit it to the major points." "so was ya a Pharo or the architect ?", asks Deathiscome. "I came into the body well over 5,000 years ago, the mind of an architect.....", says Imhotep. Imhotep says, "I was able to manage a position as designer of one of the first pyramids in Egypt....." Deathiscome says, "I thought as much, nice work, I can't do that n this day and age sir" Lookout says, "cast my dad athe pharoah a lot of money for that first pyramid" Imhotep says, "For that I achieved many other benefits and have since become, or have been Vizier to the Pharoah, Physician, Holy Man, and God" Deathiscome asks, "and it fell apart eh?" Lookout says, "yep" Imhotep says, "perhaps worshipped as a God would be a better way to put it" Kayla whispers, "no the pyramids are still standing..." "wel first one he built the sides fell off", says Deathiscome. Imhotep says, "Since then, I have come across the universe known as Federation and liking the people so much, decided to stay." Deathiscome says, "had to start over" "of which we are pleased", says Littleangel. Imhotep says, "I know reside in the Duchy of Egypt with my trusted and respected friends Tiye and Amenophis." "Tiye being Littleangel, and Amenophis being Lookout to everyone else.", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl wants a special Egyptian name "or maybe I can try climbing this obelisk", says Chiefsgirl. Imhotep says, "I do hope that Tiye left the obelisk on Xanadu" Imhotep says, "My goal in Federation is to increase the public awareness of Egyptian history as I know it" Chiefsgirl thinks Kao will teach her how to climb it Lookout says, "i hope so too its so smooth now you can not read the writing on it" "And how are you doing that Imhotep?", asks Chiefsgirl. "For that reason, Only planets having an Egyptian theme are allowed, with exceptions.", says Imhotep. Imhotep says, "Exceptions being made for any planets having an Ancient Culture theme." "question Kayla?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kayla nods Imhotep says, "the best example being Centuria" Kayla exclaims, "I just wanted to know when you were going to reinstate story time Imho....I really liked storytime!!!" "There shall be no set time for storytime, we shall hav to do it on the spur of the moment.", says Imhotep. ";)", says Imhotep with a wink. Kao perks...stories???? Pathologicaliar asks, "How do you answer the charge that the pyramids you made are an exact duplicate of the ones on my planet?" Chiefsgirl bounces happily "and may i say...that for 5,000 years old ...You look great! seriously...Not a day over 2000", says Kayla. Imhotep nods to Kao Kayla grins Lookout says, "what kind of stories" "Oh he tells great stories Lookout!!!", exclaims Kayla. Kayla says, "I used to sit and listen for hours a long time ago" Imhotep asks, "Have you not heard a story Amenophis?" "and as for charges against me, as yet, I havre heard none", says Imhotep. "I was just making one", says Pathologicaliar. Kayla says, "but then again....Hes a pathologicaliar too....:::Tickles Patho:::" "ah a side of my pharoah i do not know Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm", says Lookout. Pathologicaliar says, "I am not. That's just a rumor" Imhotep says, "Ah, this being the first I have heard of it, I shall have to research the accusation and have my people call your people at a later date" "On to matters of Egypt not previously thought important, most people do not realize that ancient Egyptians were resonsible for beer and marshmallows.", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl asks, "marshmellows?" "Marshmallows, of course, being a key ingredient in several peoples favorite snacks... Schmores", says Imhotep. "i knew beer...I didnt know marshmellows...wow", says Kayla. Kao is happy someone came up with beer "Yes, first made from the mallow plant found in the marshy areas of the Nile near the delta", says Imhotep. Zeusgod holds out a tankard for Kao Kayla asks, "how long have you been in federation Imho?" Kao thanks Zeus and downs the tankard "We take great pride in having made the only remaining Ancient Wonder of the World", says Imhotep. Lookout opens a 5000 year old bottle of beer and pours it into a two glasses and offers one glass to tiye. "thank you Amenophis", says Littleangel. Imhotep says, "I have been playing Federation for near on three years now. This summer, it shall be." Kayla whispers, "the hanging gardens are still there...arent they? Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you aspire to be a duke from the first?" Imhotep says, "Alas no Kayla, their beauty is never to be seen again" Lookout says, "its a low rent district now Kayla" Pathologicaliar asks, "Im, were you there when the ancient Egyptians defeated the Mongols at the Battle of the Little Bighorn?" Kayla thwaps Patho....That was custer silly! Imhotep says, "No, at first I had no aspirations to become a Duke" "and the indians....", says Kayla. "What changed your mind Im?", asks Chiefsgirl. Imhotep winks and says, "Had I aspired to become a Duke I would have more aptly named the planet." "At first, the idea was to create a planet where all the locations on it were stolen from other planets.....", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Oh, I love that!" Lookout says, "thats a great idea" "I thought the beach looked familiar", says Kao. "hence the name plagerism i have always wondered about that", says Kayla. Kao hands a cookie to kayla....very good Imhotep says, "Things changed,...... Federation moved to the web, the idea for a theme duchy was born" "So you have locations that are borrowed from other planets?", asks Chiefsgirl. "thanks kao", says Kayla. Kayla munches happily on her cookie "No, not exactly Chiefsgirl", says Imhotep. "Sadly, I am Federations worst procrastinator", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl smiles "dont worry Imho...You can think about it tomorrow...", says Kayla. Imhotep winks and says, "My planet is all original, just small." Kayla pats Imho's hand Kayla winks n grins at Imho "I signed up for PA meetings once, but kept putting them off", says Imhotep. Imhotep peers at Zeusgod "Dost thou rock me?", asks Imhotep. Chiefsgirl laughs "Whats PA parymid Associations", says Lookout. Kao has a question for IM "Feel free Kao", says Chiefsgirl. Imhotep says, "PA- Procrastinators Anonymous" Imhotep laughs at the idea of someone telling Kao to be free. ;) "Pathologicaliar's Anonymous I'm the president", says Pathologicaliar. Zeusgod rocks Imhotep to the walls Kao asks, "Other than the ancient culture rule....what other rules do you enforce in your duchy?" "Not many really, actually, I think that is about it.", says Imhotep. "we have to bow to him every day", says Lookout. Littleangel laughs Kao grins at Look "There are many things I would not allow, such as Dead-dead planets and the like, but I take those as they come.", says Imhotep. Imhotep shushes Amenophis and places the iron fist on top of him Kao asks, "Do you belong to any of the duchy groups such as Realms, DHL or Moowat?" Kayla laughs Lookout sulks "Do not mind him, he speaks without thinking, they pay no such tribute.", says Imhotep with a wink. Littleangel smiles "No Kao, to my knowledge they serve no purpose whatsoever", says Imhotep. Kao says, "Ok....one more question" Imhotep says, "I do not see the point in making an alliance and then restricting your Planet Owners to rules within that alliance" Chiefsgirl nods "How did you get such a hard, smooth Obelisk?", asks Kao. "I sit closer to Onyxgod on issues involving trading and the like", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl giggles Imhotep stifles a giggle and gives Kao a stern look Kao smiles innocently Kayla asks, "Imho...do you see your duchy enlarging over time or do you want a small duchy?" "oh man that was bad wording....", says Kayla. Kayla winks and says, "specially with Kao here" Chiefsgirl wonders if Kayla meant obelisk or duchy Lookout laughs yes it was Littleangel winks and says, "especially that it followed Kao's" Imhotep mustering all his Imperial mein answers, "It was a gift from Tiye, an expression to honor myself" Chiefsgirl has to see this obelisk for herself "As for a small vs. large,...... It is not the size of the duchy that matters, but the people in it?", asks Imhotep. Chiefsgirl cheers for Imhotep "So size doesn't count? Hmmm", says Kao. Imhotep says, "Seriously, I would like to see my duchy grow slowly over time, if I can muster twenty planets one day all interested in Ancient Egypt... so be it...." Imhotep says, "If only about four or five of us, that is just as well" "Just so long as we have fun along the way", says Imhotep. "Well....big or small, IM, you can bring your obelisk to my beach any time", smiles Kao. Zeusgod thinks 20 planets are way too much now adays ".... and honor and respect one another", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl thinks fun is important "and we do have a lot of fun boss", says Lookout. Littleangel says, "yes we do" Imhotep says, "Gladly, there is not much controversy in Egypt...." "I would like to know if you have to keep the planets historically correct or if you improvise a bit...", says Kayla. "Other than the occasional alt-basher, we do not see much of that", says Imhotep. Littleangel (Tiye) orders her fan-bearers over to Imho to serve him Imhotep says, "being a game in a fictional universe, I wouldn't see changing the facts a bit too out of place." "Just so long as they weren't represented as facts", says Imhotep. Kayla asks, "and have you ever been married Imho?" Imhotep says, "many times, in many universes, but not in this one we call Federation Kayla" Kayla winks and says, "ok i have one last question....Since you know alot about ancient egypt...Have you heard about the man that claimed that there will be a secret room found under the sphynx? and do you know anything about that being 5000 years old" Chiefsgirl looks at Kayla Imhotep says, "Edgar Cayce I believe" Kayla exclaims, "i think he said in the year 1999...YES thats him!!!" Littleangel says, "yes Imho" "what do you think of that?", asks Kayla. Imhotep says, "he has said in the latter years of this century" Chiefsgirl asks, "What are your plans for the future Imhotep?" Imhotep says, "If people would only look past their own personal pride and more into what would truly perpetuate the expansion of knowledge about my race, then perhaps the chamber shall one day be found" "It is my hope that it shall", says Imhotep. "your talking about that guy that owns the pyramid rights? The heavy set Egyptian man?", asks Kayla. "or are you talking about the entire human race?", asks Kayla. Imhotep says, "I speak of the Egyptian race" Lookout says, "hell i know where it is, we put the stuff in ther imhotep don't you remember" Imhotep says, "Amenophis, remember... this is a test of our progenies progeny.... they must seek on their own" "Plans for the future include a multi-million dollar waterpark, with Roller Coasters, Broadway-type shows and fun for children of all ages", says Imhotep. Lookout says, "ahhhh as usual you are right oh great one, lord of the son, child of the hawk, child of Ra and lord of the day" Imhotep asks, "Or did you mean my future?" "oh, yours too", says Chiefsgirl. "I am begining this week to take a much more active role in duchy, making myself more available and looking for new Planet Owners interested in Egypt", says Imhotep. "yes we are a small duchy right now but very active a lot of trading happens in plagairism", says Lookout. Imhotep says, "Up till now, RL and other demands upon me have made it difficult to spend more time in the game" Kao looks forward to seeing more of IMs Obelisk "This will all be rectified shortly and proper attention will begin to be paid to the management of a duchy.", says Imhotep with a wink. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any more questions?" Imhotep winks at Kao Imhotep snickers Kao grins at IM, climbs on the bar and ::::walks like an Egyptian::::: Imhotep cheers for Kao! Kao hops off the bar and hugs IM "Up till now Egypt has been somewhat quiet, expect that to change", says Imhotep. Littleangel (Tiye) realizes, to please Kao, she must giver her a picture of Imho Obelisk Chiefsgirl asks, "You're going to get noisy?" "not noisy, just much more active", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "oh cool!" Chiefsgirl bounces happily Imhotep says, "We are not a duchy to seek out trouble, nor make it....." Imhotep says, "good, clean, Egyptian fun for all" Kayla cheers and raises her beer in a toast! "Is he not the best Duke", says Littleangel. Kayla gasps "and if someone wants to get a little dirty, that is there perogative to do so.", says Imhotep with a wink. Chiefsgirl thinks her duke will be receiving this transcript Chiefsgirl loves making mudpies! Kayla says, "ohhh i misunderstood that...I read he is not the best duke...Whew" Chiefsgirl bounces happily and gets her shovel out "The denizens of Egypt do speak a little odd, do we not?", asks Imhotep. "dont worry folks its just my dyslexia kickin in", says Kayla with a wink. "Yes you do", says Kao. Littleangel winks and says, "let me clarify that then, he IS the best Duke" Kao asks, "do you not?" "Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!!!! :PpPpPpP", says Kayla. "So to all who may have an interest in Ancient Egypt, or any Ancient Culture for that matter, there is a place for you in Egypt", says Imhotep. Kao bows to Duke IM.... Kayla bows to Imhotep, greatest story teller of all time.... Kao straightens up and bangs her head on IMs Obelisk Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank you all for coming tonight" "And thank you Imhotep", says Chiefsgirl. Imhotep says, "and I would like to thank two of my planet owners for coming out tonight, the two most treasured Planet Owners in Fed" "i dont think your allowed to touch his obelisk kao!", exclaims Kayla. Kao applauds the Duke of Egypt "Amenophis and Tiye.....", says Imhotep. Imhotep raises his beer in toast Chiefsgirl says, "I don't have my notes or I'd tell you who would be the guest next week" Imhotep says, "May Ra always shine on their house and Set stay clear of their dreams" "And may your obelisk be hard when it counts", says Kao with a wink. "Hmm, I have heard of that Kao.", says Imhotep. "well we do have an ancient herb for that kao", says Lookout. Imhotep says, "the hour grows late, and with the hour of missed rest this morning, I fear the time to make up has come" Imhotep bows respectfully. "thank you all for coming", says Imhotep. Chiefsgirl says, "Thanks again Im" |