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"so, why are we meeting here?", asks Epicman. Chiefsgirl says, "It's the Meet & Greet at 9" "9 eastern", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl is waiting for her guest of honor Epicman asks, "what's the meet & greet?" Chiefsgirl says, "It's an informal question and answer session" Epicman says, "ok" Chiefsgirl says, "The guest tells a bit about themselves and the audience gets to ask questions and stuff" "who is the guest?", asks Epicman. "Tonight it's Implantguy", says Chiefsgirl. "Well, it seems like a quiet night here", says Chiefsgirl. LadyB's Pirate Duke of Jollyrodger, Implantguy has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "We'll give folks a chance to arrive", says Chiefsgirl. Implantguy has bought you a glass of Pirates Seaworthy Rum straight from the holds of the Jollyrodger! Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "I want to thank you all for coming", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "My guest tonight is Implantguy, Duke of Jollyrodger" Implantguy sits back in the over stuffed grilling chair Implantguy , ~The~ Duke of Jollyrodger, Bows "He'll tell us a bit about himself and his duchy", says Chiefsgirl. Bsacarl connects the electrodes Chiefsgirl says, "Feel free to ask questions, but give Imp a chance to respond" "I hope you'll all join me next week when Pathologicaliar will be my guest", says Chiefsgirl. "Wouldn't miss it for the world..", says Naiad with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "And now..... I'll give Imp the floor" Chiefsgirl sits and applauds wildly "Imp, why don't you tell us about when you started? How long ago was that?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "well, i have been on twice... same handle though" Chiefsgirl asks, "When was the first time?" Implantguy says, "about 5 years ago this month actually i stumbled onto Fed on accident" Implantguy says, "i had just gotten an AOL account through work and a lap top computer" "What about Fed caught your attention and kept you here?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "i was big on Doom in those days and was doing a search on games in AOL" Chiefsgirl says, "This is a bit different from Doom I'd say" Implantguy says, "i then got started with Implantguy as my charature because i thought my game name had to be the same as my aol name" Chiefsgirl nods "yes, quite a bit different", says Implantguy. "Did you make lots of friends right away? I remember it took me forever to sed..I mean, make some friends!", exclaims Naiad. "it was interesting because it was also the first time i chatted online", says Implantguy. "like hey look mom! i'm chattin'!", exclaims Implantguy. "a nav helped me out a bit", says Implantguy. "got me started", says Implantguy. "and in those days it was much more expensive to play", says Implantguy. Chiefsgirl nods "my aol bill after 5 months was over $700.00", says Implantguy. Bsacarl agsps Chiefsgirl says, "wow" "eeek!", exclaims Naiad. Chiefsgirl boggles Bsacarl and gasps Chiefsgirl asks, "how fast did you advance up the ranks, Imp?" Implantguy says, "i was hooked on FED but the company i worked for eventually folded and i sent my computer back" "ut oh", says Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "i had facs on Neverland at that point" "What was the company's name?", smiles Singapore. "about a year and a half after that i bought a computer that a friend had built for me", says Implantguy. Singapore looks innocent... "Minimatic Implant Technology", says Implantguy. "Was your character still here or did you start over?", asks Chiefsgirl. "out of florida", says Implantguy. Singapore says, "Hmmm." "no, my character was gone and i had to restart", says Implantguy. Implantguy says, "but Fed was the first place i went to when i got hooked up" Chiefsgirl smiles Naiad nods, understanding.. "this time going through was a little different and i had forgotten my old friends and how to play", says Implantguy. "so i was a babe in the woods so to speak", says Implantguy. Implantguy says, "i got some help from the po of cherokee in gallery" "How fast did you advance through the ranks?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "introduced me to all the gallerites and i sorta grew up over there" "this time i found fednav! man that helped alot", says Implantguy. "when i became a po, tom made room for me in gallery", says Implantguy. Implantguy says, "then i happened to notice tbar was on 9 all the time" Implantguy says, "and i remembered him as tbarranch" "owner of nevy where i had facs from the first time", says Implantguy. Chiefsgirl smiles "i got to talking with him and he introduced me to RAD", says Implantguy. Implantguy says, "don't ask, i can't remember, Carl knows" "ring of something", says Implantguy. "Ring of Associated Duchies", says Chiefsgirl. Bsacarl nods Singapore smiles, "I thought it was a radiation reading..." Implantguy says, "i liked the concept of having other duchies to trade with, so i joined up with Tbar" Chiefsgirl nods "Joined up meaning you left Gallery?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "yes" Chiefsgirl asks, "You joined Neverland?" Implantguy says, "the RAD gang was much more active than gallery" "i was in nevy until i DOed", says Implantguy. "DOed?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "Duchy Owner" Ah", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you always plan to be a duke?" "well, for the first three years, i really didn't understand what the ranks were! LOL i was just haulin'! having a ball", says Implantguy. Chiefsgirl wonders how anyone can have a ball hauling Chiefsgirl asks, "What made you decide to become a duke?" Implantguy says, "i loved hauling, had a sense of accomplishment" Implantguy says, "i think i decided to become a Duke because i had done everything else, i wanted to see if i could run a successful Duchy on my own" "And I see you have a full duchy... do you consider that successful?", asks Chiefsgirl. "if i didn't like it, i could start over", says Implantguy. "You'd start over?", asks Chiefsgirl. "sure, if i didn't like Duchy work, I have no alts", says Implantguy. "hmmmm", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl finds that interesting Chiefsgirl looks around the audience Implantguy says, "just me, i started one... Implanted" Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions?" Implantguy says, "but i let it go when it became pay for fed" Bsacarl raises his hand Risadeamoconia says, "He did a good job at telling about himself" "Yes Carl?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "thanks" "who in Fed do you consider to be your greatest influence?", asks Bsacarl. Implantguy says, "interesting question Carl, for the longest time it had to be Tbar" Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone since Tbar?" Implantguy says, "That's why i was so interested in starting something after he left, DUIT is great because we have very few rules" Chiefsgirl asks, "And what is DUIT?" Implantguy says, "Duchies United in Trade" Implantguy says, "basically, we are a group of Duchies that are tax free and free of death, trader friendly" "not to mention great Fedders", says Bsacarl with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "What duchies are in DUIT?" Implantguy says, "Camp, Shadowdonia, Voyage, Landofboz, Tauri and Jollyrodger" Chiefsgirl says, "Wow, that's a lot" Chiefsgirl asks, "You had a question, Naiad?" Naiad nods! "Well..I got only half an answer before..is your name taken from your company, or do you have some kind of implants?", smiles Naiad. Bsacarl chokes Implantguy exclaims, "hehehe!" Naiad is very curious! Implantguy says, "well," "it was taken from my company, i sold dental implants", says Implantguy. Naiad says, "Ohhhhh..." Naiad smiles, "Ok" Bsacarl snickers "hehehe", says Implantguy. Singapore giggles uncontrollably, for no apparent reason... "amazing that more people don't ask me that", smiles Implantguy. Chiefsgirl tries to discreetly check out Imp's teeth Implantguy exclaims, "nope, don't need them yet!" "Hi Impy, what hold your interest the most in federation, besides the fulfillment of hauling?", asks Kitten. "actually, i made some really great friends... one of the biggest reasons i keep coming back is when i sign on and say hello, everyone greets me with hugs and hello's, i really like that", says Implantguy. Chiefsgirl smiles Bsacarl agrees "Yes, friends and family are very important, I ageee", says Kitten. Risadeamoconia smiles, "who doesnt like hugs and hello" "it's a giant chat room with something to do", says Implantguy. Chiefsgirl smiles "Anyone else have a question for Imp?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy exclaims, "looking forward to that next build or promotion, getting congrats from everyone! it's really alot of fun!" "I have no more questions, your honour.", says Naiad. Implantguy says, "oh, and BTW I would like to thank everyone that took time to come to the Wedding of ladyb and myself" "When were you married, Imp?", asks Chiefsgirl. Implantguy says, "it was so nice to have everyone there" "It was a lovely wedding, Imp.", smiles Naiad. Implantguy exclaims, "15 days ago!" "nov 27?", asks Risadeamoconia. Implantguy says, "yeah, i think! LOL" "she'll kill me!", exclaims Implantguy. Implantguy says, "I love you sweetheart! LOL" Bsacarl measures Imp for his pine box Singapore grins at Imp...."You ain't seen nothing yet, brother." ;) Implantguy exclaims, "i bet!" Naiad asks, "What do you mean, Sing?" Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any other questions?" Naiad smiles sweetly.. Singapore smiles, "Gets better and better, of course!" Singapore looks innocent as a newborn babe! Naiad winks and says, "Narrow escape." Chiefsgirl asks, "What are your future plans for your duchy, Imp?" Singapore wipes a bead of sweat from his brow... Implantguy says, "i just want my PO's to know that they can count on me to provide them a safe place to trade, if they need help i will always be there for them" "and of course i would like to make sure everyone is always welcome to JR", says Implantguy. "come say hi when you see me", says Implantguy. Implantguy says, "i'll show you my implant" "Thanks Impy :) If we come to conquer your duchy, are we still welcome?", asks Pathologicaliar. "collection", says Implantguy. "hehehe", says Implantguy. Bsacarl snickers Naiad grins! Implantguy stands Naiad applauds! Pathologicaliar says, "....not that I had any plans like that or anything." Implantguy , ~The~ Duke of Jollyrodger, Bows Chiefsgirl applauds "thanks everyone", says Implantguy. "Thank you Imp", says Chiefsgirl. Singapore applauds! Kitten applauds Cutely Bsacarl applaudes his friend Imp "And I hope you'll all join me next week when Path is my guest", says Chiefsgirl. "thanks for having me CG", says Implantguy. Pathologicaliar prepares invasion plans. "Ohhhh, I need to come to that one, I want to see if we can get a truthful answer from him", says Kitten with a wink. "ya did good Imp", smiles Bsacarl. Pathologicaliar says, "I ALWAYS tell the truth." "thanks Carl", says Implantguy. Implantguy says, "i left out alot, but i heard some snoring" "Hmmm..the 6th? or the 7th?", smiles Naiad. Naiad smiles, "January.." Kitten winks and says, "Oh ! If the computers are still around, I will be here" |