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Kao stumbles around with her pumkin Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Hiya Kao!" Kao 's jack o lantern snogs Kitten Kitten snogs the jack olantern and then spits out the seeds Kao 's jack o lantern leers at CG..... A werewolf that kinda looks like Dalman has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Kitten says, "But you made it Mom, that is the important thing" Kao sits on the bar....her jack o lantern by her side...laughing hysterically Kao 's headless form waves to Killr Kao 's jack o lantern cackles Kao sits her headless form on the bar...her jack o lantern beside her Your comm unit comes to life with a Public Service announcement from Barb, ""**Join Chiefsgirl at 11.00 pm Eastern for tonight's MEET & GREET with Kao, Baroness of Babe at The Duff Modem Pub on Mars**" Chiefsgirl smiles, "oh boy, guess we're advertised now" Kao 's jack o lantern winks and leers at CG "No need for either of us to advertise again Kao", Cgee says with a wink. Kao holds up her jack o lantern so it can nod at Cgee Kao 's headless form lights a cigarette and sticks it in the jack o lantern's mouth Kao 's jack o lantern blows smoke at Kat Kitten eyes the jack o lantern and hears a rumbling in her dead unfed tummy Barr says, "Thinks o pumpkin pie" Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Happy Halloween!" Kao 's jack o lantern blows kisses at CG Chiefsgirl says, "tonight's guest is Kao and since it's Halloween, we're going to have some ghost stories and fun tonight" Chiefsgirl smiles, "I hope you all wore your costumes" Chiefsgirl says, "We'll let Kao get us started with a spooky tale" Kao 's jack o lantern puffs on the smoke and leers at the women "then anyone else that has one, feel free to share", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "And of course, as at any Meet & Greet, Kao will tell us a bit about her history and answer questions" Kao sits on the bar...jack o lantern in her lap Chiefsgirl dims and lights and passes out witches' brew Kao 's jack o'lantern tells you all to shut up and listen to the story "now, let's settle back and listen to Kao's ghost story....", says Chiefsgirl. Kao 's jack o lantern spits out the cig and clears its throat Kao says, "It was late afternoon on a cold, wintry New Year's Day when Jack Morgan finally awoke, head throbbing, eyes red and puffy." Kao 's jack o lantern looks around for dramatic effect "Morgan sat up in bed, wincing at the pain, and tried to recall where he was and what hadhappened the night before.", says Kao. Chiefsgirl listens closely to Kao's ghost tale Kao 's jack o lantern barks at the newcomers to sit down and shut up "The late afternoon sun shined through a window, illuminating the cheap hotel room. Morgan sat on the edge of the bed, feet on the frayed carpet, and lit a cigarette.", says Kao. Killrwhale whispers...mean ole pumpkin Kao 's jack o lantern smokes....leers at Naiad...and continues the story "The smoke helped clear the alcohol induced cobwebs from Morgan's brain and he smiled as memories of the night before flitted across his consciousness.", says Kao. Singapore leers at Kao to even things up... Kao says, "Patsy and Louise....wow.... two of the hottest chicks he had ever seen. Pale skin, full red lips. Tall, stacked, gorgeous...and alone in a dive of a bar on New Year's Eve." Kao 's jack o lantern cackles.... Kao thwaps the jack o lantern....but it keeps talking Kao says, "It had been so easy. The bartender told him that the two girls were in his place every night and never left alone. Morgan didn't have to work very hard to try to pick them up. They were all over him." Frik & Frak & Hof has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Oy Vey Bababooie has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Bababooie Bows Singapore stares at the jack o lantern, and says "Pie, pie, pie" over and over... Chiefsgirl has given Hof a nice hug! Chiefsgirl has given Bababooie a sloppy hug! Hof sits Kitten listens to the scary tale intently Bababooie has given Chiefsgirl a sloppy hug! Hof has given Chiefsgirl a warm hug! Chiefsgirl tries not to giggle at Sing Naiad can't take him anywhere.. The lights begin to flicker because Phish has just disappeared. Kao 's jack o lantern continues Kao says, "Patsy, the blonde, slithered up against Morgan and licked his ear. "How would you like to bring in the new year with my friend and me?" Morgan swore that she actually purred the words. He nodded yes." "They left the bar and Morgan stopped at a liquor store to buy a couple of bottles of whiskey. Then he drove to a nearby motel, the two girls making out with each other in the back seat. Morgan was amazed at his luck.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o lantern cackles.....lucky.... "Once inside the girls pounced on him, almost tearing his clothes from his body. They were all over him, hands and mouths everywhere.... Almost consuming him. It was the wildest night Morgan had ever had.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o lantern puffs on a cig..... "Now fully awake, Morgan realized that his memories of the previous evening were incomplete. When had the girls left? He couldn't remember.", says Kao. Chiefsgirl waits in suspense for the frightening part Singapore wonders if Morgan still has his kidneys.... Kao 's jack o lantern blows smoke rings at CG.....just wait sweetcakes "I can think of other parts he might miss, Sing...", says Barr. Kao says, "Morgan staggered to the bathroom, feeling exhausted and drained by the effort. He looked at his naked body in the full length mirror and gasped. He looked as if he had been through a war." "Has he been aged, or just savaged?", asks Barr. Kao 's jack o lantern rotates 360 like the exorcist...looking at everyone before continuing Kao says, "Morgan's body was covered with bruises and bite marks and he was gaunt and pale. He winced as he remembered how rough the girls had been. He splashed some water on his face and turned to go back into the bedroom." Kao says, "Morgan took two steps into the bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks, transfixed by what he saw. He saw a hand under the bed. A woman's hand just visible at the edge. "What the hell?" he muttered." Kao 's jack o lantern cackles Chiefsgirl says, "oooooo"" Kao says, "Still naked Morgan got down on all fours and peered under the bed. "Oh my God" He could make out the shapes of both women, Patsy and Louise, lying under the bed. It was Patsy's hand that he had seen." Unomee listens intensly.. this is one hell of a good story Kao 's headless form shivers Kao says, "He touched the hand. It was ice cold. He ran his hand up Patsy's arm. The skin was smooth, and very very cold. Morgan fought the panic that was welling up inside him." "His fingers found their way to Patsy's throat and felt for a pulse. Nothing. No breathing....No pulse.... No nothing. "Oh God" He quickly crawled around to the other side of the bed and checked Louise. Nothing.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o lantern blows smoke rings and cackles Kao asks, "He got off the floor and sat on the bed, still naked, and tried to recall what had happened. Had he killed them? How? There was no blood. Pieces of the night before were still a blank....what the hell had happened?" Singapore sits back down and nods..."I've had mornings like that too" Kao says, "Unable to recall anything other than the crazy sex, Morgan got back down on the floor and retrieved the girls' purses, which were under the bed, also." Kao says, "Each purse contained a wad of cash but nothing else. No driver's license. No credit cards. Nothing that identified who these girls were. Morgan got back down on the floor and checked the girls again, hoping he had been mistaken. He hadn't been." "Morgan staggered back into the bathroom and threw up, still unable to recall what had happened. He washed his face, retrieved his clothes and got dressed. Then he went to the phone to call the police. The setting sun cast long shadows into the room", says Kao. Kao 's jack o lantern laughs hysterically.... ""I think I may have killed 2 women," Morgan told the dispatcher. "You think?" "Well, they're in my room and they appear to be dead." Morgan felt sick again... but managed to give the motel's location before hanging up.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o lantern pauses in the story long enough to leer at Naiad Naiad jumps and hides! Kao 's jack o lantern pauses....... ""Well, we're ready to leave now." Morgan whirled around and gasped. Patsy and Louise were standing in the middle of the room, smoothing their dresses and smiling at him. Morgan was speechless... eyes open wide, staring.", says Kao. Naiad exclaims, "But..they were dead!!!" Kao 's jack o lantern cackles Kao says, "Patsy smiled at him and licked her full lips. Morgan noticed that she looked very pale. "You were just yummy, honey," she said. "But now we must be off. New blood, you know." And she winked." "Morgan was still in shock. He stammered "Wh... wh... what's happening?" He suddenly felt very cold.", says Kao. "Patsy and Louise exchanged glances, and giggled. Patsy walked up to Morgan and softly kissed his lips. Morgan recoiled in terror. Patsy laughed.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o lantern cackles..... "'I thought you knew, sugar," Patsy told him. "We're vampires of course." She smiled again, a wicked, evil smile. "And now you will be, too." Patsy laughed again, joined now by Louise. They were still laughing when they left.", says Kao. "Morgan slumped into a chair, head in his hands. Outside he could hear the sirens of approaching police cars.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o lantern bows........THE END Chiefsgirl cheers wildly "excellent, Kao's Jack o' lantern", smiles Barr. Kao 's headless body bows and waves to the audience Fancy asks, "So then what happened when the police got there?" Chiefsgirl has bought you a witches' brew, bubbling and steaming! Kao 's jack o lantern announces we can do the meet and greet Q & A thing if you want to "I have a question!", exclaims Naiad. "Yes, anyone have any questions for Kao?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kao puts her head back on Kitten raises her arm stiffly "What did you do with Kao's head? Are you responsible..oh! There it is! Hi Kao!", exclaims Naiad. Chiefsgirl smiles Unomee wants to know if morgan turned the cops into vampires too:) Kao waves to naiad Naiad wants to know if Morgan takes requests.. Kao says, "I don't know what morgan did.....I haven't written any farther LOL" Kitten asks, "Baroness Kao, what brought you orginally to Federation and what keeps you here ?" Kao stuffs a sock in her jack o lantern's mouth Barr says, "Reluctant vampires make good subjects for stories..." Kao responds to Kiteen's question Kao says, "I came to fed originally because of an ad...believe it or not" Kitten says, "Oh, I never even knew they did ads" "in 1995.....I saw an ad somewhere from someone and i checked it out", says Kao. "I stay because I have some great friends", says Kao. Chiefsgirl smiles at Kao "Friends are good and they are lucky to be with you", says Kitten. Kao smiles and sips her beer...waiting for any more questions "Kao, so have you always been pretty much the same personna, or have you progressed over time?", asks Barr. Kao says, "Pretty much the same, barr...Fed's party animal" Unomee remembers when she first met Kao.. in cd's when her and Marv were toying with cadet311.. hehehehe Unomee has given Kao a warm grope! Barr smiles, "I just don't remember you being quite so prominent early on" "I love fed cuz the possibilities are endless", says Kao. "Kao, is there any truth to the rumor that you and Barb are alts? Or that you had Tbar's love child?", asks Singapore. Kao says, "good question sing" Naiad ducks Unomee chokes Chiefsgirl laughs "I would like to answer those finally", says Kao. Singapore looks at Barr..."Now that's how you stir things up, kiddo" Kao says, "Barb and i talked about being alts...but we couldn't get the contract signed...." Chiefsgirl giggles "And I tried to have Tbar's love child but he kept shooting blanks", says Kao. Kao says, "so, no...i didn't" "That answer your question?", asks Kao. Singapore smiles, "Why yes. Yes you did." Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Kao?" Kao says, "This is your chance....." Barr Raises hand "Yes Barr?", asks Chiefsgirl. Unomee has a question;) "so is Babe named after like "a babe" or the movie of the same name?", asks Barr. Singapore settles back, his work done.... Fancy thinks it's the former... "Babe is named after FABULOUS BABE..which was my company", says Kao. Barr smiles, "OK, just never had that straight" "My company was named for me by an old boyfriend", says Kao. "Kao, what inspired your spooky costume ? and can I take the jack o lantern home with me after the Meet & Greet ?", smiles Kitten. Unomee raises her hand.. desperate to ask her question Kao tosses the jack o lantern to kitten Kao says, "Go, Uno" "yes Uno?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kitten giggles and clutches the pumpkin Unomee asks, "Kao... When is your next beach party?" Singapore remembers Kao's last beach party, and blushes! Kao says, "Soon.....I promise....I gotta refill the jello tub" Naiad asks, "Ohh..Sing..you were at the last party?" Barr says, "Last good party I remember was in a broom closet I think...." Naiad loved that one!! Unomee cheers and bites kao's neck "I think so...", says Singapore. "yeah...broom closets are cool too.....", says Kao. "oh barr you havent partied in a LONG time", says Unomee. "First time I exercised the genetically enhanced Spy-Tongue....", says Singapore. Naiad growls.. "Er...", says Singapore. "I was doing pull ups with it...", says Singapore. Singapore looks innocent "Any more questions?", asks Kao. Barr says, "Unomee, I haven't lived in Fed for ages..." Unomee winks and says, "don't worry, Naiad, i was at that party.. at least for awhile.. and i dont remember Sing doing anything particularly shocking" Naiad grins. "Wow Barr, you have been missing out", says Unomee with a wink. Singapore looks relieved...briefly... "Hey!", exclaims Singapore. Naiad smiles, "What?" Barr frowns and says, "I know" Singapore grumbles at Uno... Unomee thinks sing just realized she insulted him;) "Well....I hope you all enjoyed the story and Happy Halloween!", exclaims Kao. Kitten exclaims, "Thank you for the story Kao, it was great !" Barr says, "But I can't imagine Sing shocking Unomee, least not really" Naiad winks and says, "Uno is unshockable, sweety.." Barr says, "I did enjoy, Kao" Unomee is not easily shocked;) Barr smiles, "Umm, yes, come to think of it I don't think of anyone who could shock you dear Unomee" Unomee winks and says, "well one person has.. and does regularly" Singapore remembers the first time he met Uno...and got skinned alive! "That's because you saw him doing push-ups with his tongue..if you had seen what I have seen, you would be shocked too.", says Naiad with a wink. Singapore shivers! "Does anyone else have a ghost story to tell?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kao hops onto a barstool and sips her beer Kitten had a ghost story, but she forgot it when the lightning brought her to life in the lab on Rhapsody "I have one from my college days...it's an RL story...", says Singapore. "a small part of me thought i was dying this weekend.. wanna hear that story? I can ham it up real good", says Unomee with a wink. Chiefsgirl scans the audience for potential harvesting "Just some scary thugs who tried to trick or treat here tonight... I was out in the garden taking cuttings with a big knife, they thought I was bloody nuts and went away", says Barr with a wink. Kao laughs Fancy snickers Chiefsgirl asks, "Taking cuttings, Barr?" Singapore looks at Barr..."Were you holding bloody nuts at the time?" Fancy looks Barr over carefully... "eek...bloody nuts?", asks Kao. Fancy asks, "What KIND of bloody nuts? Or do we WANT to know that?" "actually to be fair they were just a cluster of kids, not really scary, but they had that "attitude". But I was taking cuttings of stuff I wanted to save before frost", says Barr. Kao holds up her beer and pours it down her neck where her head is supposed to be Chiefsgirl waves her scalpel around and looks around to see what cuttings she could take Unomee uses her teeth for her cutting;) Barr says, "I need to get a scyth, or at least a sickle" Kitten whispers to the jack o lantern and begins to have a conversation Chiefsgirl looks around and wonders if anyone else has any questions for Kao Barr smiles, "Unomee, I am shockable, but maybe not surprisable" "sorry bart.. there is only one person that had the potential to solve all my mysteries", says Unomee with a wink. "umm.. i mean Barr.. hehe", says Unomee. Unomee blushes Unomee slaps her keyboard "Don't want to solve the mysteries... Just get a smattering of the main theme, Unomee", says Barr. Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank you all for coming tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "And thank Kao for being the perfect Halloween guest" Kao bows "And for sharing that scary tale", says Chiefsgirl. Kao says, "My pleasure, sweetie" "I hope you'll all join me next week when Risadeacomonia will be my guest", says Chiefsgirl. "And we'll be at our regular time of 9.00 pm Eastern", says Chiefsgirl. "As far as I know", says Chiefsgirl. Kao exclaims, "And.....let's have a thanksgiving beach and jello party!!!!" "Woo hoooo!!", exclaims Unomee. Kao says, "turkeys on parade" "oooo...sounds like fun Kao", says Chiefsgirl. Barr asks, "Umm, doesn't the sand ruin the jello, Kao?" "i will be there if i can.. can i pluck a turkey?", says Unomee with a wink. Kitten smiles and likes that idea Chiefsgirl asks, "Can we make floats for a parade?" Fancy thinks that could be fun... Kao says, "nope" "awww", says Unomee. Unomee asks, "can i dress em?" Chiefsgirl is thinking rootbeer float would be perfect "Oooooo...a parade...like macy's....possibilities here", says Kao. "Can I stuff them?", asks Naiad. "can i eat em?", says Unomee with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles Barr asks, "Er, you bring the turkey, I figure you can do with it what you will, eh?" Unomee high fives Cg Kao says, "who says FED is dead? Not as long as I am here and horny" Chiefsgirl has given Unomee a warm tickle! Fancy perks up his ears... Unomee cheers and smooches kao Kao smiles and sips her beer |