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"So, are you ready?", asks Chiefsgirl. "lagging, but yeah", says Kellbo. "You have a nice smile, Kellbo. And I love your chicken suit...", smiles Sycophant. Kellbo grins Kellbo kicks ye ole lag monster "if AOL punts me, i am gonna raise hell", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat "We're going to get started while we wait for folks to straggle in", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank you all for coming to tonight's Meet & Greet." "It's my pleasure to introduce tonight's guest, Kellbo", says Chiefsgirl. "He'll tell us a bit about himself and his history and you all feel free to jump in with questions or comments.", says Chiefsgirl. Kellbo says, "no one drop a pin, we might here it ;P" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly "more folks will straggle in... they usually do", says Chiefsgirl. Kellbo says, "allllllrighty" "well, i first got AOL January 97, and was a chat room junkie", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl nods "i was in a scrambler chat room, and people were mentioning keywords for games, and one was federation", says Kellbo. Kellbo says, "so i went there, went in, and was completely confused :P" Kellbo says, "after about an hour, i promoted to commander" Kellbo says, "i didn't know about goto at the time, so i downloaded the sol map and flew to the planets" Chiefsgirl giggles cause she did the same thing "when i wasn't hauling, i was in the cantina", says Kellbo. "i promoted to captain about a week later, and kept hauling in sol because i didn't know i could leave yet", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl smiles Kellbo says, "i was seeing these new jobs with planets i had never heard of, one of the routes was Newyork to Paris i think" "i was so confused, i was at Earth orbit typing in land newyork", says Kellbo. Kellbo says, "i caught on after a while though" "i continued to be a cantina junkie, and it took me about a month to promote to trader", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you read the guides at all or just try to struggle through and figure things out?" Kellbo says, "struggle through and figure things out" Chiefsgirl nods "Do you remember any folks you met that were helpful?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl loves naming names "well, at trader Onyxgod gave me PCs a lot", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl nods "i hauled like hell, improved my WPM up around the 70's, and promoted to merchant", says Kellbo. "i decided i should do something nice, and i was giving PCs to the traders", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl used to love doing that "a captain came onto that channel and said that he could kill any one of us in the arena, so i accepted the challenge and bought a ship with a mag gun", says Kellbo with a wink. Kellbo says, "i went to the planet that he told me to go to, and got trapped so i had to suicide" "Ack!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. "i didn't know that you could travel yet, so i explored the planet for an insurence office", says Kellbo. "you can probably see where this is going", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl nods "Ut oh.........", says Singapore. "i found the directions to it, went in, and it said, "You walk into the office and you are shot in the back of the head!"", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Ack!" Singapore says, "Nice planet." "oh, that's awful", says Chiefsgirl. Kellbo says, "i think it was Arcadia" Kellbo says, "i worked back up to merchant, and this time i lived long enough to buy a company" Andy giggles Kellbo says, "i accidently named it Kellbo's Sood Stuff (meant to name it Kellbo's Good Stuff)" Chiefsgirl laughs "i got a few factories, then saw the reward on pegasus so i bought a TL with a level 2 computer and went after him", says Kellbo. "forgot to reinsure again and i flew into the sun..", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl says, "oh my" Kellbo says, "i got back to merchant AGAIN, and then i found the duchy of Heresy" Kellbo exclaims, "there were so many people talking on the comms there, i loved it!" Chiefsgirl thinks comms talk is good "i became a regular there, and got 12 factories, and promoted to JP", says Kellbo. "by this time, there was a rumor going around that fed was moving to the web, and people were making DD planets", says Kellbo. "oh boy", says Chiefsgirl. Andy ahs... Kellbo says, "i did a PC in sol (it wasn't deadly at the time) and saw a great price on the planet Macro (i shoulda noticed the name)" "i went there and it looked like a candy planet", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl thinks this sounds ominous Kellbo says, "so i typed land o o o and DDed again" Singapore shakes his head... "i was paranoid for the next year :P", says Kellbo. "but this time, i made it to squire", says Kellbo. Singapore winks and says, "<----paranoid all the time. Occupation: spy." Kellbo says, "named my planet Tualatin because that's the city i live in and i like the name" "all my friends were getting mad at me because i hauled too much and didn't talk enough", says Kellbo with a wink. Kellbo says, "i was taught how to walk up the EX, how to set it for maximum profit, etc" Chiefsgirl nods "i hauled my way to industrialist, and it was amazing how much money i made", says Kellbo. Kellbo says, "i could make 400-700 megs a day hauling" "Wow!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl might have hauled a bit if she had known that "i had the best EX ever", says Kellbo. Kellbo says, "everything produced except one, which was furs, and i kept that filled with facs" Chiefsgirl says, "Excellent" "i was dumb, and promoted to tech within the week, and profits went way down", says Kellbo. Kellbo says, "i still got to baron quickly, but i liked indy better" Chiefsgirl nods "at baron, i had a heart attack looking at the goods and money needed for the builds", says Kellbo. "Was there a reason why you promoted through those ranks so quickly?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kellbo says, "i just like rising to the top quickly" Chiefsgirl grins Kellbo says, "anyway, i got my porter, and i loved it" "the tickle n runs", says Kellbo with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl asks, "You do those?" Kellbo says, "used to, haven't in a while" "anyway, the duke puzzle was still out and had been for a very long time", says Kellbo. "right as i got my baron builds done, fed started to charge", says Kellbo. "i bought hours, and gradually, i floated away", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl nods Kellbo says, "first it was an hour a day, then it was 5 hours a week, then it was 1 hour a week, and then 1 minute a week" "Wow...you did drift", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has given Kellbo a warm tickle! Kellbo says, "most of my friends had stopped playing, so i didn't have much to do" "i had also found some other games which i played", says Kellbo. Kellbo says, "whenever i had a surplus of money, i gave it away" Chiefsgirl nods Andy is still here, Kell:) Kellbo says, "this went on until a few weeks before the duke puzzle came back" Kellbo says, "i said most :P" Kellbo says, "i was drifting back, and needed to buy hours" Chiefsgirl asks, "What made you start coming back more often?" "i timewarped and was trying the duke puzzle, not having a clue", says Kellbo. "duke puzzle and i was bored of the other games", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl nods Kellbo says, "after a while, i solved it, and got pissed because i didn't make money any more :P" Chiefsgirl laughs Kellbo says, "so i made Endymion, and worked on Isaynee" "now they're my money makers", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl asks, "What are your plans for your duchy?" "and that's about it", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl wonders if you're thinking of ways to make money Kellbo winks and says, "you have to be a heretic to join" Andy exclaims, "Endymion is YOUR char?!?!" Kellbo says, "yeeeeees :P" Andy grabs Kell by the hair and throttles him Chiefsgirl laughs Phiddie asks, "Hehe..you didn't know that Andy?" "News to you, Andy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has given Andy a hot tickle! "well he has so many alts;p", says Andy. Andy squirms and giggles! Kellbo says, ":P" Andy sits beside Tbar and leans on him, ahhh comfy and warm Kellbo says, "well, not many people know how i got my name, so i'll explain that" Tbar smiles Andy says, "its backwards" Andy says, "for Obllek" "my real name is Kellen, and i got nick named Kell", says Kellbo. Phiddie asks, "Huh?" Kellbo says, "then my dad started calling me Kellbo" Phiddie asks, "Obllek?" Andy made it up, Phiddie;) "word of the day!", exclaims Kellbo. Kellbo grins The UG's only topic, Evil Duke Tbar has just vanished. Phiddie says, "Well, that's Kellbo backwards." Andy falls onto the booth seat "yes, it is", smiles Andy. "any questions?", asks Kellbo. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl asks, "What are your duchy plans?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any?" Chiefsgirl notices you have one planet in there now Kellbo says, "not really, i could careless who joins and who doesn't, i have no rules :P" "and i own that planet, CG", says Kellbo with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs "You will when your treasury plummets", says Phiddie with a wink. "So I take it you're not actively recruiting", says Chiefsgirl. Andy has some good planets... 2 left to get Phiddie has the best:) "dont brag:P", says Andy. "i gave up since there's about 500 people trying to get planets in their duchies, just not worth it", says Kellbo. Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl nods Andy never tried either, which makes it much more satisfying when you fill up "What do you see for the future? do you see yourself staying active?", asks Chiefsgirl. "well, i plan on getting Endymion and Isaynee to indy, maxing out all my accounts, and be the richest person in fed :P", says Kellbo. "and also, with the fed slot machine, i'll make another alt and leave them at explorer with factories", says Kellbo. Phiddie is itching to say something. "because i love having a company", says Kellbo. "What's that Phiddie?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kellbo asks, "what is it Phid?" "alright, go for it Phid", says Kellbo. "Kellbo...how to you plan to prosper as a Duke?", asks Phiddie. "...i don't :P", says Kellbo. "Okay...so what's the point?", asks Phiddie. Kellbo says, "i dunno, gone for it this long" Kellbo says, "i thought duke might be fun, i'd rather be a baron" Phiddie says, "There's a LOT of responsibilities..yes..that come with the ranks." "my favorite ranks would be FO and industrialist", says Kellbo. "So why are you a duke?", asks Phiddie. "best money making ranks IMO", says Kellbo. "already answered, thought it might be fun", says Kellbo. Kellbo is too lazy to DD and start over Phiddie chuckles Sycophant laughs. "and plus i can't suicide around you Phid", says Kellbo with a wink. Kellbo says, "alright, i really don't have anything left to explain" "any other questions?", asks Kellbo. "How to you view the current state of the game? and what would you suggest would make it better?", asks Chiefsgirl. "so, Kellbo... Duke not what you expected or wished?", asks Redrhino. Kellbo says, "right now, i think the game is corrupt and there are too many high ranking players giving free things to the lower players" Kellbo says, "and it would be better if they deleted all the persona's and made it so that there can be facs on the sol planets again and stuff" "lol.. agrees", says Redrhino. "Interesting", says Phiddie. Chiefsgirl asks, "Make everyone start over?" "yep", says Kellbo. Phiddie laughs so hard she falls over Kellbo says, "no dukes and barons to give the traders money" Kellbo says, "so people might acually have to W-O-R-K :P" Chiefsgirl shudders at the thought of being a trader again Andy smirks at Kellbo Redrhino says, "I agree that it too easy to get to the higher ranks" "Oh c'mond Kellbo. You went right through the ranks on whose money?", asks Phiddie. Deadhead agess that there is too many groats available in the game "his alts;p", says Andy. Kellbo bonks Andy Andy ows Andy exclaims, "hey, but its true!" "Awwww", says Phiddie. Kellbo says, "mainly my own" Andy got thru trader by Begarstomb :) Kellbo traded through trader :P "he gave me 30 megs once, just cause he was nice, that did a lot of good", says Andy. Kellbo asks, "alright, that it?" Chiefsgirl worked through those lower ranks too Andy did the rest himself "Can I say something?", asks Phiddie. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any more questions?" Andy says, "no" Chiefsgirl says, "Sure Phid" "I worked through them a few times", smiles Redrhino. "Although there are a LOT of alts running around right now..there are some true new players.", says Phiddie. Phiddie says, "They're not so hard to pick out." Kellbo says, "and also some old ones coming back" Chiefsgirl nods Sycophant is an alt. :) Phiddie says, "I would ask that we all try to make them as welcome as we can." Chiefsgirl agrees with Phiddie Phiddie says, "And Kellbo..." "That's a great idea, Ms. Phiddie.", smiles Sycophant. Redrhino smiles, "no doubt about the name Syco" Phiddie says, "As a Duke..it's your responsibility to do that." "responsibility?! NOOOOOOOOOOO!", exclaims Kellbo. Phiddie winks and says, "That's how you build duchies in case ya haven't figured it out." "i do help out newbies sometimes", smiles Kellbo. "mine's fine the way it is", says Kellbo with a wink. "Duchies don't just comprise planets. They thrive on trade and player interaction.", says Phiddie. Chiefsgirl laughs Phiddie asks, "Hehe..1 planet?" Sycophant smiles, "2, if you count his." Kellbo says, "it's nice having the comms to yourself" Phiddie laughs and laughs and laughs Kellbo says, "hold conversations with your alt, ya know" Phiddie exclaims, "LoL!" Chiefsgirl giggles Redrhino rolls over Phiddie winks and says, "Hehe..I always thought you were strange." Andy makes funny faces! "hello i, how am i? i'm fine, how about i?", asks Kellbo. Chiefsgirl laughs Phiddie exclaims, "Oh Gosh!" "My tummy hurts from laughing so much.", says Phiddie. Andy smiles "Gotta love ya Kellbo", says Phiddie with a wink. Andy says, "laughing is healthy" "Any other questions or comments?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Yah...one more.", says Phiddie. Kellbo says, "i heard that laughing 100 times a day is equal to 15 minutes of excersize" Kellbo says, "or something" Chiefsgirl heard that too Sycophant asks, "When I have a planet, can it be in your duchy?" Phiddie calms down and has to say that although Kellbo has been a thorn in her side at times...he's alright. "i think i answered that before, i don't have any rules :P", says Kellbo. Kellbo nods at Phid :P "Hehe...and you make me laugh", says Phiddie. "Well, Kel, I aspired to Duke to be a leader...it was always the goal... I am one now and I love it", says Redrhino. "I can't see tossing all that work away", says Redrhino. "i liked having Tualatin in Maine, Portland, Oregon, Portland, Maine, Tualatin, Oregon, Tualatin, Maine", says Kellbo with a wink. Redrhino says, "3+ yrs is a long time" "You're a travelling man", says Phiddie with a wink. "never been to any states off the west coast", says Kellbo with a wink. Redrhino asks, "I have one question.... does this mean the end of your character?" Kellbo says, "nahh, i'm gonna stick around" "maybe i'll win a fighting event for once?", asks Kellbo. "Try showing up on time Kell", says Phiddie with a wink. "lol", says Redrhino. "Sorry..had to say that.", says Phiddie. Kellbo says, ":P" "Hehe..you know I love ya Kell.", says Phiddie. Redrhino shakes his head Kellbo says, "i was 20 minutes late for G&G, 15 minutes late for BZ, and just in time for free 4 all" Chiefsgirl laughs "LoL!", exclaims Phiddie. Redrhino says, "heheh" "any other questions?", asks Kellbo. Phiddie says, "One in three ain't bad...err...hmmm..." "Yes, one more.", says Phiddie. "third times a charm huh Phid? :P", says Kellbo. "Where does your name come from?", asks Phiddie. Phiddie says, "Is there a meaning behind it" Kellbo asks, "Kellbo or my real name?" "Kellbo", says Phiddie. "Hehe..I don't know your real name.", says Phiddie with a wink. Kellbo says, "i explained that, but you showed up a little late, so i'll explain it again" "Oh..sorry.", says Phiddie. Redrhino says, "and I have one also... waits" "my real name is Kellen, and i was nicknamed Kell, my dad started calling me Kellbo and it just sorta stuck", says Kellbo. Phiddie smiles Phiddie smiles, "Thanks Kell" Redrhino winks Kellbo puts duct tape over Phiddie's mouth, "any more questions?" Phiddie winks and says, "I'm out of questions then...for now" Phiddie exclaims, "LoL!" "okie, my question... please sum up what it felt like the day you started Fed", says Redrhino. "Hehe..you asked for it Kell", says Phiddie. "errm, i can't really remember, it was kinda strange but i liked it", says Kellbo. Redrhino asks, "the social or the advancing in rank?" Redrhino winks and says, "or both" Kellbo says, "both" Chiefsgirl smiles "Any other questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl looks at Phiddie "she still has the duct tape over her mouth", says Kellbo. Redrhino asks, "Then why stop? Why not recuite those planets?" Chiefsgirl laughs "Oh, I forgot", says Chiefsgirl. Phiddie mumbles Kellbo asks, "have you seen how ugly it is when someone comes onto channel 9 and asks to be in a duchy?" Phiddie rolls! Phiddie says, "Who would do that/" "I've been ask and rejected a few", says Redrhino. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl never knows what's going on on 9 Redrhino winks and says, "well, stay out of those hot tubs CG" Redrhino olls Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Me!" Chiefsgirl laughs Redrhino rolls Phiddie blushes "yah, right Phid", says Redrhino with a wink. "as a prize for doing this, can i be demoted to baron? :P", says Kellbo. "LoL!", exclaims Phiddie. Chiefsgirl giggles Chiefsgirl says, "I can check into that with Hazed for ya, Kellbo" Phiddie asks, "Kellbo?" Chiefsgirl laughs Kellbo asks, "yes?" "do only prize you get for doing this is never having to do it again", says Redrhino. Kellbo ooohs "Hehe...I have to say you are a REAL character. I love ya.", says Phiddie. Kellbo winks and says, "shoulda seen my Bill Gates impression in drama class at school" Chiefsgirl smiles Phiddie wonders about that and then wonders if she should.;) Kellbo was paranoid about his money then went on a killing spree Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions?" Kellbo pulls out a shotgun, "no more questions? good :P" Phiddie has a million but will keep em to herself or torment Kell with them later;) Kellbo says, "note to self: pull out Phiddie's tongue" Phiddie says, "Hehe..just try it" Chiefsgirl says, "Well, if there are no other questions, I'd like to thank Duke Kellbo for being our guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "And I invite you all to join me next week when Duke Hof will be the guest" "it's over? good---errm, i mean, aww, too bad", says Kellbo. |