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"I've been meaning too .. I guess I'm important enough.", says Peggysus with a wink. "You are!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Poseidon snickers Peggysus will BRB, hold on "i need a drink.", says Peggysus. One Sorry Tigris has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Poseidon jumps ... "Us fish get nervous when the big cats come round", says Poseidon. "What about horses?", asks Peggysus. Peggysus winks. Poseidon says, "Horses dont eat fish ..." Peggysus asks, "Oh yeah?" Peggysus giggles. "Promises promises ... hehehe", says Poseidon. Peggysus has bought you a ... erm ... what could that be?! Poseidon takes his what could that be and gives it to the tiger Smicawber downs the erm ... what could that be?! in one gulp Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "I want to thank you all for coming to the Meet & Greet tonight" Chiefsgirl smiles, "And I'd like to thank Peggysus for filling in at the last minute." Pico winks and says, "I woulda done it again CG" "We meet every week at the Duff Modem pub to meet different personalities of fed", says Chiefsgirl. Peggysus is a .... well, I guess a personality. ;) Chiefsgirl says, "Peggy will tell us a bit about herself and her history" Peggysus winks and says, "Uh oh, I fergot." "Feel free to ask questions, but give Peggy a chance to answer", says Chiefsgirl. "So, without further ado, here's Peggysus!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Peggysus says, "Hello." Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Peggysus says, "What a tame start for me." "Well, I started here in 1995, I think.", says Peggysus with a wink. Pico says, "Yeah silly you did" Peggysus says, "I was just waiting around with everyone for a while. I never promorted past Captian for a few years." "Finally, after a few marriages, I finally met RMurphy", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "Who quit shortly after feds move to Web." Pico grins, 'I was one of em!' Peggysus says, "He helped me promo to JP before he left and our marriage was over." "or was I after", says Pico with a wink. "No no, you were after Murphy.;p", says Peggysus. Pico says, "yeah yeah ok ok i remember now" "Soon after that, I had been chasing a few people.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "A few? Eh, whatever." Peggysus says, "But I fell for Slicer, strangely enough." Poseidon knows a fish cant run effectively from a horse <g> Peggysus says, "Everyone still wonders about that one." "But I finally convinced him to marry me, and we were for quite a while.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "Fed went pay." "He was gone. Almsot everyone was gone.", says Peggysus. Pico darts his hand into the air "I'm still just hanging around. It's still fin for me.", smiles Peggysus. Deathiscome is still here "I'm still here too", says Pico. "It's kind of ironic. I found a few disks today with old logs on them. A lot of names that I have forgotten.", says Peggysus. Chiefsgirl smiles at Peggy Poseidon groans at the "fin for me" comment Peggysus says, "There's a lot of people that I miss a LOT." Peggysus says, "GrahamM, UwntMyKiss, Snipering, god, I could name a few million more." Pico says, "Kissy es still here an I saw Graham a few days ago" "I really miss the KISSING contest with Graham, Solarbabe, Cometeer... ect.", says Peggysus. "But i never see them, Pico. ;p", says Peggysus. "Ahh, solarbabe, havent seen that name in a while", says Poseidon. "It's been a fun ride. I've married everyone. Pico's a good one too.", says Peggysus with a wink. Peggysus says, "Well, I'm a vampire horse. And you all can talk now." Peggysus says, "Oh! and Shaver sucks." Peggysus says, "Sorry, had to ad it." Chiefsgirl asks, "You were married to Pico?" Poseidon says, "Hey i got one no one else can claim on shaver ..." Peggysus says, "Well, I'm not sure if we were ever officially married, but it was fun hanging out a lot. <g>" Pico says, "Yeah we were" "Cause remember I made that ring", says Pico. "Ah, OH!", exclaims Peggysus. "And then it got "deleted" and then you got all mad", says Pico. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl is glad someone remembers for sure Peggysus says, "Oh god, you redesigned KRYPT in its entirity." Poseidon was offered a job by him the minute he made JP, and rejected it <g> Cant haul fro a guy ya bought his first ship Peggysus says, "I was soooo annoying. I just read a lot." "LOL.", shouts Peggysus. Peggysus says, "Er.. read a log." "was?", asks Deathiscome. Deathiscome smiles Peggysus says, "Well, moreso, death." "Death loves me.", says Peggysus with a wink. "I love everyone", says Deathiscome with a wink. Peggysus says, "I still have that office somewhere on Bourbon, LOL." Peggysus winks and says, "I'm boring, it's alright." "Peggers, never boring sweetie", smiles Nyota. Poseidon has a question .. i can never remember, what started the spur thing ? "And we had some nice hottub parties, eh, Ny?", asks Peggysus. Peggysus shouts, "LOL!" Chiefsgirl asks, "Spurs?" "I remember that totally, it's in a bunch of this log I was reading.", says Peggysus. Nyota giggles.... Peggysus says, "I was being biting you and you decided to tie me up like a horsie." "Naturally, you needed spurs.", says Peggysus. "Sounds like me <g>", says Poseidon. Peggysus winks and says, "You were offering Peggy=rides." Poseidon laughs, ohhh yeah ... Poseidon asks, "Are those still available ?" Peggysus winks and says, "Of course." "I guess.", says Peggysus with a wink. Nyota snickers...."How did I miss that one?" Poseidon thinks a horsie was easier to ride as a crew chief "It was a LONG time ago, Ny.", smiles Peggysus. "When I was PeggyB9666, and Pico had a fe numbers too, eh? 1002.", says Peggysus. "hehe yep 1002", says Pico. Pico says, "Still got that SN too" Poseidon had a 5 but no other numbers ... anyone recall smuttpuppy ? Satinsheets exclaims, "Oooh I remember Smutpuppy!" Poseidon grins, i needa bring him back .. i miss him .. a fish is kinda .. well static Peggysus grins ...... heres nice info: 'Hey Uni... Pinkerz still has a photo of you and Satn table dancing in Sol onhis LP marked "A rather interesting photo of 2 of Droidium's POs"', saysPico1002. Poseidon was a Droidium type "Oh my...that was on Passion...", says Satinsheets. "Droidium was the best", says Pico. "The old ::Cough:: droidium", says Pico. Peggysus says, "I guess I'm not much for questions, but I can give answers." Peggysus asks, "I'm lagged. Really badly, right now. Anyone else?" Poseidon grins, wondering if its him who is in trouble Chiefsgirl is lagging too Peggysus asks, "I remember the lag! LOL, and being lagged with 400 people.... now 35 is lagging?" "Since a lot of your friends left when it went pay, what kept you around Peggy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Poseidon laughs, thats progress Peggysus says, "Well, I love Fed." Jaime says, "(addiction)" "I love talking, joking, I love Wired.", says Peggysus. "It's the only duchy I've ever been.", says Peggysus. Chiefsgirl smiles "Er... been in.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "But it's really dead, I've noticed." Poseidon wonders why peggy was never an Atlantian "You never invited me, Posie.", says Peggysus. Chiefsgirl remembers trading in Wired and it was active Poseidon thinks thats a valid excuse Peggysus says, "I met Kevin, when he was Kevin, I think." Smicawber also did a lot of trading in wired "And when he was Tbra, it was out of control active in there.", says Peggysus. Chiefsgirl remembers Wired Radio Poseidon remembers Kevin when he was one of his POs :) "I like Bozoboyz, he's the man.", smiles Peggysus. Poseidon thinks anyway Ldyemrald smiles at the talk of her sweetie and her son Satinsheets says, "Yep Posie, I think Kev was in Atlantis" "Now that Kev is Kev, it's kind of quiet, but we have so much fun sometimes.", says Peggysus. "I really like the way it works in Wired.", says Peggysus. "Yeah, now i cant even keep one or two planets in there <g> Used up all my good slots early on <g> Cept for the lizard of course", says Poseidon. "It's a nice duchy.", says Peggysus. Chiefsgirl asks, "how does it work, Peggy?" Peggysus says, "We make sure we trade some, we have to partially work." Peggysus says, "You have to be open or it's worthless." "nice stock piles.", says Peggysus. "Nice PEOPLE>", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "Sorry about those typos." "Anyone have any questions for Peggy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Peggysus says, "I'm open for any question.<g>" Casanova says, "What motivates you to ocontinue playing fed after almost 4 years" Satinsheets asks, "Do ya ever see Slicer anymore?" "do you belive in monkey mating?", asks Chilichese. Poseidon asks, "Yeah, how do spurs feel ?" Chiefsgirl has some if not "Woah.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "Okay, one by one." Chiefsgirl giggles and will hold hers Pico says, "I got one too" Nyota perks at the spurs question.... Peggysus says, "I love the people." "Honestly, the reason I still play is for them.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "We have so much fun." "Last friday, there were a bunch of us on grand.", says Peggysus. Poseidon was there <g> Peggysus says, "We laughed about old times, old jokes, old meetings." Poseidon hands Pico the silver spurs, wanna try em ? Peggysus says, "I don't see Slicer at all anymore." Smicawber wonders how many fedders have gray hairs Peggysus says, "There's a million meetings that I remember of all of them." Nyota grins and eyes those spurs.... Poseidon hands the spurs to Nyota .. not sure it'll be the same tho Nyota says, "Oh no...you can give them to Pico...he might know what to do with them." "You had a question Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. Poseidon laughs, are ya insinuatin i dont ... hehehehe Pico says, "Yeah" Pico asks, "Peggy, would you ever marry uhhh someone that you have already uh married?" Pico grins. Nyota grins wickedly at Posei...."Well then maybe you could show me?" Poseidon laughs, ohh sure, no pressure there ... [At this point a slapping snert disrupted the event...] Coolguy has slapped Casanova in the face! [and so on...] "Are we having fun yet?", asks Chilichese. Poseidon says, "Well isnt this lovely .." "What the hell?", asks Nyota. Poseidon laughs, AOL flashback "Well, that sure is one cool guy, I gotta tell you", says Jaime. "MORE!!", shouts Pico. Pico shouts, "YEAH!!!" Jaime says, "Real winner, I must say" "Love those slaps", says Pico. "Ya know what the problem is, too many people know about that CTRL C thing", says Poseidon. "Depends on where the slaps are...", says Nyota with a wink. Coolguy exclaims, "Beware of Wiggin!" Poseidon laughs, more like beware of caffeine and 12 year olds Pico says, "I'm guessing a poor AOLFedder who just found IB's website and got two free hours to take revenge on" Jaden says, "Hey I'm an AOLFedder" "Don't insult us", says Jaden. "I don't remember what question I was on.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "<g>" Chiefsgirl forgets too "Smething about Slicer?", asks Peggysus. Poseidon is proud to say he weas there when Peggy blew a fuse Peggysus winks and says, "Ah, alrighty, I'll talk again." Peggysus says, "Oh, I remember. I was saying how I really miss two people the most." Chiefsgirl nods "Yes, that's it Peggy", says Chiefsgirl. "Slicer and Graham. Kind of strange, I guess.", says Peggysus. "They both kind of ... ran me over.", says Peggysus with a wink. Peggysus asks, "There was some question about monkey mating?" "Why do you miss them the most Peggy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Casanova says, "two vitally opposing people being your best missed individuals, interesting" Nyota says, "I'd like to revisit the spurs questions...." Peggysus says, "Well, Graham and I were inseperable for a long time, I guess." Peggysus says, "And I really did love Slicer. He was a great guy, even tho everyone else thought otherwise." Poseidon liked Slicer, even tho i hadda hate him too Peggysus says, "And I like Monkey mating, as long as it's not with me." Peggysus grins. "And I will isnore Pico fo-ever." Jaime says, "Oh, he was fine. Very amusing when you got him angry" Poseidon says, "Moneys dont have the dexterity for spurs" "Jaime, I know.<g>", says Peggysus. Pico cries.. Nyota rolls her eyes.... Poseidon asks, "Why is Pico cryin ?" Peggysus says, "Because I am ignoring him." Peggysus grins. Poseidon missed something.. not suprisingly Chiefsgirl hands Pico a tissue Poseidon laughs "too many dukes here, 1 is enough, where are all the Duchesses?", asks Jaden. "But I don't always ignore him. <g>", says Peggysus. "Yesh you do", says Pico. Pico whimpers "I can make that change for ya Jaden, for a fee", says Poseidon. "Aww.... sawwy, Pico.", says Peggysus. Peggysus asks, "Anymore questions?" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "I think he's getting ready to pop the question" Jaden says, "Ha" "I'm a duchess", smiles Nyota. "I could be a duchesse. It's got an 'e' on it. ;p", says Peggysus. "Doh, no more questions? Come on.", says Peggysus with a wink. Chiefsgirl has one "Are you planning to be a duchesse some day?", asks Chiefsgirl. Poseidon asks, "Who was yer first mentor sort ..as in greeter etc ?" "Hah!", exclaims Peggysus. "It took 2 years to trader, one more to PO. I'm an indu, and I'm done.", says Peggysus. "I have full money in planet and bank. I'm settled.", says Peggysus with a wink. "Not even going to baroness so you can shimmer around?", asks Chiefsgirl. Poseidon asks, "But who walked ya to the office block? Or didja do it yerself ?" "Unicorn walked me to the block. <g>", says Peggysus. "DarkSan, for anyone who remembers him, paid off my loan.", says Peggysus. Poseidon grins ..My mentee :) "DarkSan!", exclaims Pico. Pico says, "I remember him" Pico says, "He paid my loan off too" Peggysus smiles, "Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one." "I was a Cantina rat for SO long.", says Peggysus. Poseidon asks, "So you were part of the lounge lizard <crocodyle> scene ?" "YES! I remember me, Kinelle, Croc, Chasroll, there were a lot more of us too.", says Peggysus. Poseidon says, "Ahh Peggy, tis nice to talk to folks who know the oldie but goodies <g>" "We are all oldies.", says Peggysus with a wink. Peggysus winks and says, "Well, as old as me, Kiss." "I'm lookin' for more questions now.", says Peggysus with a wink. Kissy laughz, 'Peggy... how did ya start the bitin craze?' "More questions for Peggy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Oooooh!", exclaims Peggysus. Peggysus exclaims, "Oh god, I don't remember!!!" Nyota exclaims, "She even bit me once!" "Well, I started out being Peggysus, cuz I'm after the Pegasus....", says Peggysus. Nyota pouts, "But not twice...." "And I ended up being a horse.", says Peggysus. "Time after time, I had rabies.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "And I bit people." "So I'm a vampire horse -- my own creation.", says Peggysus. Poseidon wasnt responsible for the rabie, i used sanitized spurs "It's Vawie.", says Peggysus. "VAmpire WInged.", says Peggysus. Peggysus says, "Oh, and I have wings ... retractable." "Oh my god .... there was guild too.", says Peggysus. "Of biters? or vampire horses?", asks Chiefsgirl. Peggysus says, "um... ShanelleVe, Laser61, TomServo38 ...." Peggysus exclaims, "I don't remember our name, it's sooo old!" Kissy says, "The sun something" "Sure.", says Peggysus with a wink. Kissy was in it too. She thinks and thinks.... Peggysus says, "And NickDanger did a nice story about something and added me in there." Nyota says, "Acck! I remember that name." Peggysus is out of questions. ;) "Any further questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. "This whole thing has been a blast from the past.", says Peggysus with a wink. Peggysus asks, "Anyone wanna get married?" Pico raises his hand "Been there done that Peggy <g>", says Poseidon. Nyota frowns and says, "I don't do that anymore....they all run away from me" "I love this place.", says Peggysus. "You all are always so fun when I get on/", says Peggysus. Pico waves his hand in the air infront of Peggy's face. "It's a shame things aren't like they used to be.", says Peggysus. Kissy lookz at Pico, 'Who ya thinkz ya iz gonna marry?' "uhhh", says Pico. Pico puts his hand down Kissy winks and says, "Peggy? Havenae ya been married ta Pico already" "But who am I to kid, everything changes.", says Peggysus. "It's been fun, the 1st or 2nd is my 4 year anniversary of being on Fed!", exclaims Peggysus. Peggysus says, "or maybe it was last month. I don't know." Chiefsgirl thanks you all for attending tonight "And now, I think I'm going to marry Pico again.", says Peggysus. Peggysus grins. "No, thank you, CG, for puttin up wif uz", says Kissy with a wink. Pico says, "News to Pico" Pico chuckles. Peggysus says, "Here's the super short version: I do. He does." Peggysus has given Pico a tender snog! Peggysus exclaims, "Polygamy with the some person!!!!" Chiefsgirl smiles, "There will be no Meet & Greet next week, but join me July 11 when Lagkiller will be the guest" |