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-The- Most Evil Duke in Fed, Pico has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Woman asks, "Pico what kinda dirty laundry you airing?" "It's stained with peanut butter and jelly.", says Pico. Chiefsgirl hopes you all have plenty of questions for Pico "You haven't have never Pico love? He is a real meanie.", says Ldyemrald. "COurse Pico and I go way back", smiles Kevinwire. "I used to beat kevin up on a daily basis", says Pico. Pico says, "I stole his lunch money" Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Kevinwire says, "Yeah if I had any that is" Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to welcome you all to tonight's Meet & Greet" "My guest tonight is Duke Pico", says Chiefsgirl. Pico claps. "He'll tells us a little about himself", says Chiefsgirl. "I will?", asks Pico. Pico winks. Chiefsgirl says, "You all feel free to ask questions and comment" "Mmmmmmmmmmkay", says Pico. "But give Pico a chance to respond", says Chiefsgirl. Ldyemrald waves her hand with a question, "Can I ask a question now?" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Yes you can Em" "I dunno, Can you?", asks Pico. Pico grins. "Pico, Why are you such a meanie?", asks Ldyemrald. "Hrm", says Pico. Woman looks shcoked Pico??? Mean???? Pico exclaims, "I refuse to answer that, now sit down and shut up so I can tell a story!" Pico winks at Em Ldyemrald giggles Pico says, "K.." "Once upon a time...", says Pico. Ldyemrald just knows this story is gonna be boring! "No no, not once upon a time..", says Pico. Ldyemrald says, "He is confusing himself again" "Picture it, if you will...", says Pico. Pico says, "Federation, 95" Unomee cant imagine Singapore shivers Pico says, "Nearing towards the end... a little groundhog named Pico1002 emerged from the depths of the solar system.." "end of the summer, that is.", says Pico. Ldyemrald wonders why nobody shot him then. Pico says, "Cause they knew they'd get their's..." Pico smirks. Woman hopes he gets to the juicy stuff soon Pico says, "Well anyway.." Unomee wonders if pico would like her to tape ldyemrald's mouth shut?;) Ldyemrald exclaims, "Unomee!" Pico says, "He made his way up the ranks, and got to Journeyman" Ldyemrald gasps in horor! Tiarra wonders if I can have Pico start over Chiefsgirl asks, "Nothing memorable in that?" Kevinwire chuckles Pico says, "You didn't miss nothin.." Pico says, "Nahh, just haulin for some old timers.." Pico says, "Makin some friends and enemies" Pico says, "Then one day, he DD'd" Tiarra says, "who dd'd" Pico winks and says, "Nobody, I was just trying to get a reaction" Chiefsgirl laughs "So anyways, I was an okay JP...", says Pico. "I'd give jobs out here and there, and then it was time for the puzzle", says Pico. "THE puzzle of all puzzles", says Pico. Singapore exclaims, "THE puzzle!" Singapore nods Pico says, "And it took me quite sometime to figure it out..." Tiarra says, "NOt ThE puzzle" "does anyone bychance have a certain explosive device?", asks Robear. "Around 5 months I believe...", says Pico. Pico says, "I do" "I'm carrying the TDX for a reason... if anyone gets out of line... I get to use their skull as my new wine decanter", says Pico. Pico grins. Robear smiles, "ah, so you do" Chiefsgirl is scared "Doing the puzzle was a blast though..", says Pico. Pico says, "I met all kinds of people, and made some great friends..." "Like Kev over there", says Pico. Pico pokes Kevin in the eye. Kevinwire smiles and bows to Pico Singapore winces. That had to hurt! Ldyemrald raises her hand Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Em?" Ldyemrald asks, "Was it hard to figure out the puzz, Pico?" Pico says, "Well, took me 5 months, so I'd say yeah, it was.." Pico grins, 'So finally I did the puzzle and blah blah blah gotta planet' Chiefsgirl asks, "Pico, did you always plan to promote all the way to Duke?" Pico says, "Well..." "You couldn't become a duke back then..", says Pico. "no?", asks Chiefsgirl. "You had to sit at baron and ponder what IB's next move would be", says Pico. Pico says, "Quite boring." "What did you do since it was so boring, Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Ohhhhh, heh, I did tons of stuff", says Pico. Chiefsgirl wants to hear about it "Hmmm I believe I was apart of some Capture the Flag team that won 10 times in a row...", says Pico. Pico says, "I remember blowing up the ruins for fun..." "Snerting the JP puzzle..", says Pico. Pico says, "Killing people in arena..." "Killing people in Sol", says Pico. Pico pokes Death. Pico grins. Deathiscome says, "lucky shot" "you liked to kill alot, huh Pico", says Tiarra. "You killed Death?", asks Chiefsgirl. "That I did..", says Pico. Pico says, "The first one." Unomee hmmmmms.. death died at pico's hands.. that sounds kinda funny Deathiscome says, "he was very first one to do so, turned me into what I am today" Pico says, "Aye.." Deathiscome smiles, "so ya all have Pico here for making me what I am today" Pico says, "Yeah" "What duchies were you in, Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Ahhh duchies..", says Pico. Pico says, "I was in a few actually..." Pico says, "I was in Assyria once I remember.." Pico says, "But for most of the time, I was in Sphynx" Pico says, "With the wonderful duchess Ajja" Chiefsgirl smiles Nyota exclaims, "Wow, that's a planet out of the past!" Deathiscome smiles, "I remember" "Yep...", says Pico. Pico says, "I was also in Droidium" Pico says, "With Exobot.." "He was a fun guy...", says Pico. "Gads, another blast from the past!", exclaims Nyota. Pico says, "The original Exobot that is.." Pico says, "None of that fake immitation FireImp crap." Pico grins. Deathiscome asks, "Shaver eh?" "Does anyone have any questions for Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico says, "hmmmm what else..." "Ohhh yeah, and I'm evil", says Pico. Nyota asks, "What's the topic?" Pico nods.. "you're evil?", asks Chiefsgirl. "question for Pico", says Deathiscome. Singapore nods. "Yup. Evil." "are you really 13?", asks Deathiscome. Unomee thinks Pico makes evil look sexy;) Ldyemrald says, "Pico meanie" "Pico sir?", asks Deathiscome. "No, 12", says Pico. Pico nods. Pico says, "Ummmmm what else..." "When did you decide to try to be a duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico says, "When all my friends decided doing it.." Pico says, "heh, I was the what.. 11th Duke in Fed.." "It was the "in" thing to do at the time", says Pico with a wink. "That's why Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico says, "Probably, I don't remember, it's been a while" Pico grins. Pico says, "I kinda liked Fed better back in the AOL 2.95 days" "Why is that Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico says, "Cause.." Chiefsgirl asks, "Cause why?" "It was better... you knew everyone... personaly", says Pico. Pico says, "What I didn't like was running up 650 dollar aol bills..." Chiefsgirl laughs "What do you think of fed now?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico says, "Fed was fun back in the day.." "got me beat, my worst was only550", says Raphael. "Fed definately needs some work..", says Pico. Unomee thinks pico knows everyone now personally;) Singapore grins. "Some more that others..." ;) "What do you think it needs?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico says, "I think Alan should get off his ass and finish this game.." Kevinwire has to lok in his spreadsheet to see what is cost him to be Fed 8th Duke "Or make it endless er something..", says Pico. Pico says, "Need more ranks." Deathiscome asks, "need more beers?" "errr ranks?", asks Deathiscome. Raphael nods and agrees with Pico "I remember campaigning to Hazed to make me a Senator", says Pico. "What would you have done as a senator?", asks Chiefsgirl. "why did you want to be senator?", asks Raphael. Deathiscome says, "got impeached" "Well, there was a sketchy rumor that senators made 10% of all income in FEd", says Pico. Pico says, "Which, I know, looking back was total bull, but..." Kevinwire winks and says, "Pico remember the Emperor rumors too" "Thats besides the point..", says Pico. Pico laughs, 'Yep yep, the emperor rumors..' Pico says, "gee what else.. it's been a while" Chiefsgirl asks, "You wanted to be emperor?" "he wanted to be god", says Deathiscome. Chiefsgirl laughs "I WAS Emperor", says Pico. "For a day I think.", says Pico. "You were?", asks Chiefsgirl. "And then the cheat command wore off", says Pico with a wink. Unomee is a goddess.. pico felt bad cause he wasnt higher up in the ranks than her;) "So there were some great times back in the day...", says Pico. "I remember the whole VLA incidents..", says Pico. "and alloy commerce...", says Pico. "What is your favorite memory?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl shouts, "VLA?" Singapore winces Deathiscome says, "as do I Sir Pico" "Venusian Liberation Army", says Pico. "oooo sorry", says Chiefsgirl. Kevinwire says, "Yes that was good stuff Good Ole VEN" Singapore nods at CG... "Yeah, the pseudo russian type VEN", says Pico. "LOL those were the days..", says Pico. Deathiscome says, "and shall be again" "You think it's coming again Death?", asks Chiefsgirl. "it would take some sort of finishing touch to FED to get Ven to come back", says Raphael. "He's in Serbia I think", says Pico. "What keeps you around now Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Frankly, I don't kow", says Pico. Pico laughs "know.", says Pico. Chiefsgirl laughs Deathiscome smiles, "I know" "You know Death?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Ohhh, it's gotta be to see Death's smiling face every day.", says Pico. "free beer", says Deathiscome. Pico exclaims, "and it's kissy!" Pico tackles Kissy to the ground and kisss all over her face Kissy grinz and fallz backwardz, 'Oh man.... "I think they missed you Kissy", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "Hah, I remember wearin an "IwntYRKiss" mood for about a week", says Pico. Kissy winkz, 'Chief... it iz *me* we are talking about. They should miss me.' Kissy laughz, 'I membah dat, Pico... I also remember. Kissy blushez and winkz, "That'z for another time and place.' Pico says, "ruh roh, what else do you remember..." "Uhhh, nahhhh, you can share it wit everyone", says Pico. "Pico is ashamed of nothing!", exclaims Pico. Pico cackles. Singapore admires the cackle. "It's evil, you know..", says Pico. Singapore nods Pico nods to Sing.. "Well done.", says Singapore. "Thank thee", says Pico. Singapore bows Kissy laughz, 'All I remember is something about toe licking out in my quiet place... or waz that Poco!?!? I get so confuzzled.' Singapore asks, "Poco?!?!?" Singapore asks, "Where?" Singapore looks around "It was probably the weasel", says Kevinwire. "Errr toe licking?", asks Pico. Singapore sits back, disappointed... "Okay, who's got da questions?", asks Pico. "question", says Deathiscome. Unomee has a question too, hehe Deathiscome asks, "do I owe ya groats still sir Pico ?" "Pico you married, and how many times", says Tiarra. "pico's married???", asks Unomee. Pico chuckles... Pico says, "Quite some time..." Pico says, "err times.." "Pico married me once [31~", says Deathiscome. Ldyemrald gasps! "someone said yes???" Deathiscome says, "err once" Kissy winks and says, "Pico tried to break up my wedding" "he's married???????", asks Woman. Pico grins.. "who did you marry me to Sir Pico?", asks Deathiscome. Pico exclaims, "I's said, Kissy can't get married, she be mine!" Pico says, "I got tossed out, but thats besides the point" Deathiscome asks, "remember that, you changed Krypt just for us?" Pico grins "Yeah Death", says Pico. Pico says, "I tried to add a whole new area" Zeusgod winks and says, "Death changes alot of things" "You were like, "Get it done by wednesday!" this was liek a year and a half ago... It's still not done..", says Pico. "thats ok, you got your hands full", smiles Tiarra. "she's gone now", says Deathiscome with a frown. Pico says, "She instant messaged me two weeks ago..." Kissy cringez, 'Pico, I have a question... if you could change one thing about your Fed life, what would it be/been?' Pico says, "Hmmmm" Kissy winkz, 'Sometimez I think of good onez.' Chiefsgirl thanks Kissy for the excellent question "I think it'd have to be...", says Pico. Pico says, "Hmmm" Pico says, "Toughy" Pico says, "Nothin really." Pico says, "I wouldn't change anything.." Tiarra asks, "Nothing??" "No wait..", says Pico. Kissy pondahz, 'If Istanbul waz Constantinople.... and Weasel waz Gigglez... what would Krypt be?' Unomee exclaims, "i got a question pico!!" Pico says, "I'd ask AOL for thousands of dollars I spent...." "pico, what happened between you and speedyx that makes you two hate each other so much?", asks Unomee. "If Weasel was Gigglez", says Pico. Pico says, "heh" Pico says, "Krypt would be..." Pico says, "Haunt" Pico smirks. Pico says, "No no, Krypt would be Snert.." Kissy leanz in whispahz into Singapore'z ear, 'Woah. Snorfy would have somethin ta say about that.' Woman meant she wanted to hear about you and Speedyx Ldyemrald asks, "You mean it isn't?" "Nope, I'm not Muskegon... I wish I could see him again though", says Pico. "We had some good times..", says Pico. Singapore looks curious about Snorfy... "Ohhh, Speedy?", asks Pico. Pico says, "heh" Deathiscome says, "I miss Haunt as well" "Well.... he used to be in my duchy..", says Pico. Tiarra says, "did a lot of hauling off of Haunt" Unomee listens intently Pico says, "errr" "Then I just booted him..", says Pico. Woman asks why? Pico says, "For the sake of booting him.." Chiefsgirl smiles "Just cause I didn't like how he was talkin to me..", says Pico. Pico says, "Then... I let him back in..." Chiefsgirl asks, "You boot a lot of folks, don't you Pico?" Pico exclaims, "and booted him again!" Pico says, "Just to steal his 20 megs" Pico laughs. "question for Pico", says Deathiscome. Woman thinks Pico wins the most evil title hands down "Sure you can join again! "Thanks!" ::expel:: "FOOLED YOU!! HAHAH"", says Pico. "Yes Death?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico says, "fire tl at deathiscome" Deathiscome asks, "take me back again Pico ?" Woman giggles or is that Hands up? "Err whats that Death?", asks Pico. "Pico is a meanie. He booted Emmy from Krypt after Blaze said she could join! Hmmmpft!", exclaims Ldyemrald. "Awhhh. sure death, bring that big ol planet back!", exclaims Pico. Zeusgod says, "geez, when I grow up I want to be just like Pico :::snickers:::" "Cause I missed how you always used to call me boss :P", says Pico. Singapore wonders if Pico's finger is poised above the 'expel' button... "you'll never grow up Zeus :P", says Deathiscome. Pico says, "lol" Unomee hmmmms.. can i call you boss pico? Deathiscome says, "Pico never booted me" Pico says, "Nahhh" "I don't boot death..", says Pico. "He's authentic.", says Pico. "What makes him Authentic Pico", says Tiarra. "Any more questions for Pico?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico grins. Unomee winks and says, "well than if i cant call you boss pico you can call me master" Pico says, "He's like me... in a way.." Woman raises her hand Pico says, "He does take **** from anyone..., pardon my language" Pico grins. Pico says, "err doesn't" Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Woman?" Pico shouts, "DOESNT" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "I think we got it, Pico" Woman asks, "what would it take to turn you from your evil ways into a good natured charmer?" Pico says, "Hmmm..." "I'd have to say.....", says Pico. "Nothing.", says Pico. Pico chuckles. Deathiscome smiles, "free beer" Kevinwire smiles this ought to be good Ldyemrald thought he was already a charmer..... Bozoboyz smiles, "commitment" Pico exclaims, "You can be both!" "But no I will answer that..", says Pico. Woman points out the word good "Everyone in Fed would have to simultaneously bow down to me and proclaim that I was the supreme ruler of the universe...", says Pico. Woman thinks a certain hot place would go cold first Ldyemrald wonders what the chances of that happening are.... "I can't see that happening Pico", says Tiarra. Bozoboyz thinks atleast.. 3 to 1 Pico shouts, "WELL THEN I GUESS YOU CANT SEE ME BECOMING A NICE SWEET GUY THEN CAN YOU!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Pico chuckles. Pico winks and says, "Wishful thinking" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Pico?" Unomee exclaims, "i do!" Chiefsgirl asks, "yes Uno?" "This'll be good...", says Pico. "pico.. will you marry me? and sing, and tiarra and chiefsgirl and death and ibunyc too?", asks Unomee. Chiefsgirl laughs, "all of us?" Unomee nods "hey I want in on this too!", exclaims Woman. Unomee grins hopefully "?? at once", says Tiarra. Pico says, "Well, first off, I don't think they appreciate you asking me for them..." "and woman too?", asks Unomee. Unomee knows they wanted her to ask this.. hehe Ldyemrald says, "Sure they do... I can tell. They are just thrilled" "Silence, Emrald!", exclaims Pico. Chiefsgirl bounces Pico grins. "Sure... why not..", says Pico. Pico nods to Uno Chiefsgirl laughs Unomee exclaims, "weeeeeeeee!!!" Woman looks for someone to do the honors Ldyemrald says, "Hey! don't yell at me.... I don't yell at you" Tiarra laughs "ldyemrald will you marry us all right now?", asks Unomee. "who wants to preform the ceromony?", asks Woman. Tiarra sneaks out of the room, remembers the last time she married "who's getting maried?", asks Deathiscome. Unomee kisses all her fiance's passionately Unomee smiles, "you are death" "everyone, it'll be fun", smiles Bozoboyz. Ldyemrald says, "You mean perform the ceremony... or be a bride? Cuz I don't think Kev will go for the later." Chiefsgirl laughs Unomee says, "perform the ceremony" "err to who?", asks Deathiscome. Ldyemrald has given Kevinwire a passionate kiss! "oh sure... he can get married too", says Chiefsgirl. "death we is all getting married to pico", smiles Unomee. Unomee smiles, "he said yes" "oh no thanks", says Deathiscome. "he's to young :P", says Deathiscome. Unomee handcuffs death to the bar and tells hi he HAS to "Pico... do you this is wise? They will prolly wanna join your duchy... horror of all horrors", says Ldyemrald. "no he will be our slave", smiles Unomee. Unomee grins Tiarra doesnt want to get married "can I get in on this?", says Bozoboyz with a wink. "I changed my mind", says Pico. Chiefsgirl laughs Unomee sighs "But...", says Pico. Unomee sulks Pico says, "I'd like to thank everyone for coming and meeting me" "I had a good time..", says Pico. "good to see ya Boss", says Deathiscome. "hehe I bet you did", says Tiarra. Pico asks, "Death you puttin that planet back in Krypt?" Chiefsgirl says, "And thank you all for coming tonight" Pico says, "Wait.." Ldyemrald was wondering how to perform that ceremony amyway.... Pico says, "I've got a question to ask Pico.." Chiefsgirl giggles "Pico...", says Pico. Chiefsgirl says, "Ok, Pico" "Yes?", asks Pico. Pico asks, "Why are so damn sexy?" Pico blushes... "a preformed ceremony takes alot of styrofoam", says Zeusgod with a wink. Pico says, "Awhhhh thats awful nice of you to say that..." Pico exclaims, "It's the truth you know!" "Yes, I know..", says Pico. Pico nods to himself. "Ok I'm done..", says Pico. Pico chuckles. Chiefsgirl wants you all to know that Pico begged her to be able to appear as a guest tonight Chiefsgirl giggles "Ohh I did not!", exclaims Pico. Bsacarl blinks "you did to!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Ldyemrald doesn't believe Pico "Farse! A lie! Falsehood in the name of CG!", exclaims Pico. Pico exclaims, "I beg of no one!" Chiefsgirl laughs "Okay... you all can leave now...", says Pico. Chiefsgirl says, "Thanks again, Pico" Pico grins, 'I'm granting permission..' Pico says, "Ohhhh btw" "is this meet and greet tax deductable?", smiles Bozoboyz. "Stop by next week when we'll meet and greet Duke Pico... again!", exclaims Pico. "Of course, Bozo... send your tax forms into Hazed", says Chiefsgirl. Zeusgod winks and says, "like a God would listen to you" Pico laughs. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Weeee!" "Wouldn't that be fun, Pico", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl bounces happily |