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Charade isn't surprised.;) Chiefsgirl says, "Not yet" Jamel says, "well interview ummmm charade" Jamel says, "or leiaa" Charade says, "ummm...errr..I can't.." "HOw about you, Jamel?", says Charade with a wink. Jamel says, "im boring" Willianna raises an eyebrow at Jamel "Uh huh", says Willianna. "Mike's not here?", asks Kariscats. Chiefsgirl says, "Not yet" Kariscats says, "I got mail from him today saying he's the guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "He is" Pintomike has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Pintomike bows. Willianna says, "There he is" "Sorry, my computer usage is now not so monopolistic in this household any more..", says Pintomike with a wink. Jamel wonders what would happen if he timewarped now Willianna looks at Jam. "Do you have the fuel? Chiefsgirl stands up on her barstool and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "We spend every Sunday night meeting a different personality", says Chiefsgirl. "Tonight's guest is Pintomike, Duke of Onyx", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us a bit about himself" Chiefsgirl says, "If you have questions or comments, please feel free to ask" "Oh, we will", says Windy with a wink. "If any of you really know me, you know I'll tell a lot about myself..", says Pintomike with a wink. "But please allow Mike the opportunity to answer", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops back on her barstool and applauds wildly "As many of you know, I'm one of the oldtimers around here...older den most of you...", says Pintomike with a wink. Chiefsgirl knows he's older than her Charade hands Mikey his cane.. Pintomike winks and says, "I started way back in 1995, because I was bored at a family BBQ during the July 4th weekend...so I tried my new fangled computer, with my new fangled modem, and found this new fangled multiplayer game called Federation..." Meemarvin encourages Mike to continue ;) Windy smiles, "He's a bit slow..with his age and all" Pintomike snickers. Pintomike is just a slow typer...;) "Oh, is that it..", says Windy. Pintomike is being inhibited by a new desk. Windy says, "What an excuse.." Chiefsgirl encourages Mike to continue Pintomike says, "Now, I'm really strange when it comes to games...when I decide to play a game, I want to dominate it...perhaps a large ego that does it, I dunno..." "I never would have guessed that about you..", says Windy. Pintomike says, "So I read all the manuals first, came in, and boom, I was hooked." Charade puts her hand over Windy's mouth Pintomike winks and says, "Loudest critic, quietest friend, eh..." Chiefsgirl is shocked to hear Mike has a large ego "See, I'm not the only shocked one!", says Windy with a wink. Chiefsgirl makes note of this new fact Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces on her barstool Hof hands CG the bucket to get out of the thick stuff ;) Chiefsgirl asks, "So you came in looking to dominate, Mike?" Windy glances at her watch and estimates there is still 10 minutes left until Mike responds.. "Anyways, the first thing I asked when I got in was which way the permit office was....I got it, became a commander with the help of a Greeter at the time....and then started on my way back to the LP....", says Pintomike. Pintomike winks and says, "Of course I did....and I did dominate..." "Dominate what, is the true question..", says Windy. Pintomike says, "So, anyways, on my way back to the LP, I got sidetracked to this quaint little bar called the Starship Cantina....at least it was little back then...I spent the next, what, almost 4 years mainly there...:P" "So..what made you actually leave the cantina?", says Windy with a wink. Pintomike says, "So, I'm in the Cantina....and I got sidetracked for nearly a year....I became too lazy to promote, I just sat back, and watched the days pass and whatnot." Pintomike says, "grope onyxgod" Pintomike bahs. Pintomike has given Onyxgod a passionate grope! Charade asks, "is that an order?" "hehe likewise Mike", says Onyxgod with a wink. "too lazy to promote, but still able to dominate?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl thinks she's missing some strategy Pintomike winks and says, "ONe day, a good friend of mine, JadenThur, a regular Cantina Rat like me, asked me why I was still a commander...she was a JP at the time....and I told her I had no time to work off my loan.." "Yes, that doesn't say much for us if he was lazy and still dominated", says Windy with a wink. Onyxgod wonders if school loans can be easily paid off as fed ship loans ;) Hof wonders when he got dominated ;) "I hope so", smiles Windy. Pintomike winks and says, "Off course, I didn't know someone could give you the money, which she promptly did...and I became a captain...and THAT was my motivation for leaving the Cantina....realizing how much money was out there and how easy it was to get it.." Pintomike says, "So I asked if anyone needed a hauler, and I got my first hauling jobs...from PetVetKen and Yarmony....two people I'm indebted to to this day..." Onyxgod winks at Mike for his newfound vision of high finance and theater at the time of his fed infancy. Pintomike says, "Not to sound like I'm boasting (or have a large ego...;)), but I was the fastest hauler around...." "No boasting there..", says Windy. "how was you fastest hauler no experience ?", asks Jamel. Pintomike says, "Hauling back and forth, back and forth....Heliopolis, Sphinx, and Assyria were where most of my jobs were, and when I became a trader, those three cities were where I traded most..." "He wasn't..it's just his ego speaking through him", smiles Windy. "talent makes up for it Jamel.. like Jeff Gordan", says Onyxgod with a wink. "Because I knew all the commands, Jamel, being there a year....none of the other captains knew much...", says Pintomike with a wink. Meemarvin smiles, "He's just talented..Mike doesn't exaggerate" Charade winks and says, "I guess you would know best, Marvie." "On an interesting sidenote...I own a patent on the thwapp in Fed, I was there for its birth in Fed...", smiles Pintomike. Rudewrangler asks, "what about the thwap?" Windy smiles, "That's why we thwap, with just one p" Charade whispers to Windy.."Hmmm..he's become senial with his old age.." Pintomike mutters darkly at Windy. Pintomike says, "So anyways, I grew, and I grew....at merchant, I was temporarily slowed on my rapid rise to fame when I was DDed by a hacker....but Hazed reinstated me and the few others who were hacked, so all I had to do was do the cycle over again..." Pintomike winks and says, "Which only cost me $150 or so in hours..." Charade says, "only.." Windy says, "Merely.." Jamel says, "thought no one had been reinstated from dd" Pintomike says, "Pah, my Fed bills usually climbed into the upper $500 range....my highest one was $900 or so.....that was when I was a JP..." Pintomike smiles, "I have been, Jamel..." Pintomike says, "If they keep records of that, they'll show it...it's probably around July of 96 or so..." Hof laughs..$900.00 i thought I was nuts ! "You are Hof", smiles Windy. Jamel asks, "was that beta fed ?" Hof nods "No, Fed was fully on AOL by then.", says Pintomike. "But AOL wasn't at a flat rate..", says Windy. "just get on with the story already.", says Charade with a wink. Pintomike smiles, "Yes, AOL was still a few months before flat rate.." "Were you in any hurry to become a PO, Mike?", asks Chiefsgirl. Meemarvin asks, "Mike, what planets did you have facs on?" Meemarvin asks, "How and when did you meet OG?" "During JP, lots of things happened to me...made permanent friends, got lots of cash....", says Pintomike. "And I started a war..", smiles Pintomike. "hmm tell about war", says Jamel. "Planets? My original facs were on Graceland, Clef, and Krypt, when it was an agri planet..", says Pintomike with a wink. Windy smiles, "He's too busy trying to type to pay attention" "The war was not a physical war....few probably remember it, but it was called the Acker-Yahoo war...", says Pintomike. Jamel says, "no dont remember that ........" "I was the head of the Ackers....and CptDuron the head of the Yahoos....we each believed our respective phrase was more important to FedLife...", says Pintomike. "Needless to say, I don't hear anyone saying Yahoo nowadays..", smiles Pintomike. "ack...much more important..", says Charade. Windy can agree with that :) Onyxgod prefers yahoo! shares. Meemarvin asks, "There was a war over that??" Chiefsgirl laughs Meemarvin winks and says, "Dear God, I'm glad I wasn't here" "And during this time, I also met my two closest friends and associates, from this time on, JB007Ender.....and Decadency....", says Pintomike. "Marv, please notice how it was 2 males..", says Windy. Meemarvin nods to Windy..I noticed ;) "Shush, Kewlness was a big part of that war, she can tell you it was dead serious..", says Pintomike with a wink. "Of course..", says Windy. "JB007Ender was Head of La Famiglia...a don, so to speak....I soon became his head of security, his right hand man....", says Pintomike. "Ahhh...good old JB....", smiles Kao. Meemarvin only met him once and the circumstances were, uhhh, unusual ;) Charade grins at Marvie.. Pintomike says, "Back then, the guilds were an integral part of Fed...and I was an integral part of most of them...I ran covert operations for La Famiglia....I executed hits....I DDed a few people...people I had considered friends at one point..." Windy says, "That was a long time ago.." Pintomike winks and says, "But, I don't talk much about that part of my life anymore..." "thank god..", says Charade. Onyxgod had no idea that Mike had a violent side to him!. Charade did, and has the bite marks to prove it! "And like I said, the other most important person I met, was Decadency...", smiles Pintomike. "Yes, we're learning so many new things about Mike tonight", smiles Windy. Meemarvin winks and says, "No, no, Mikes a lamb underneath that hardened exterior" "And, if you hadn't realized, Decadency was none other than OnyxGod over there..", says Pintomike with a wink. Willianna chuckles and thinks just about everybody was OnyxGod at some time Rudewrangler thought everyone was Deathiscome or visa versa "like Milken, almost everyone was Mike Milken during the 80s.", says Onyxgod. "Questions anyone?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pintomike says, "Anyways, I finally solved that fiendish Snark puzzle, on my 17th try (believe me, I had friends who tried 50 plus times and couldn't do it) or so....and I was excited because I was one of the first to get to GM..." "But I only solved it on my 17th try because I was an excellant fighter...taught by NAMcD, pupils with Deathiscom, and NiteGhost...", smiles Pintomike. Kao was one of NAM's Angels..... Jamel asks, "you taught nite and death ?" Pintomike winks and says, "Again....my ego doesn't come into play here, I was truly the best.." "Ego? What ego?", asks Windy. Pintomike smiles, "No, I learned with Death and Nite, from Nam.." Jamel grins sure Fancy wonders how often he has seen Pintomike reported as a contestant in the fighting events... Kao is taking notes...may be a UG piece here.....maybe not Pintomike says, "So here I am, a GM...ran two haulers, and I was an Explorer..because you didn't have to max stats then..." Rudewrangler hopes the ego does not smell up the pub too much, since I have to teach here tomorrow ;) Pintomike pretty much hung up the fighting gear after he became an economist, Fancy...;) Charade says, "excuses.." Windy smiles, "It was really his old age" Pintomike says, "Which is before there WERE fighting events..:P" Jamel asks, "oh why ?" Fancy nods his head, saying, "Ahhh". Meemarvin notes Mike helped with every one of her exchanges..and she made it all of the way to Squire ;) "I been fighting for years , you old guys didn't know nothing about fighting", says Hof with a wink. Pintomike winks and says, "Why did I Jamel? Because again that need to dominate arose...not to dominate in Arena, which I already did at the time, but to dominate the whole of Fed...which I would come to do..." "That's cause we didn't use macros, Hof...hell, I didn't even use my auto computer, my targetting system, or even c&p..", says Pintomike with a wink. Hof has never macroed anyhthing ever Hof says, "err anything" Kao vouches for Mike's mighty fingers "no one used recorder with fkeys ?", asks Jamel. Willianna asks, "You can fight without macros?" Neo has used f-keys Charade could take that so many ways, Kao.;) "So, I make it to Squire...september 4th, 1996....more than a year after I started Fed..", says Pintomike. "Probably because there wasn't a way to use macros then.", says Fancy. "god, took me two weeks", says Neo. Windy thought you had stayed in the cantina for..4 years, was it? :)| "Yea, Fed was directly on AOL then...it took a lot of knowledge in VB to macro in that Fed..", says Pintomike with a wink. "Lets not nit pick", says Meemarvin with a wink. "aol had its on version of recorder with fkey interface fancy ,pug showed that", says Jamel. "Well, off and on Windy..", says Pintomike. Pintomike winks and says, "So, I was a Squire...and I was the second person ever to join Aaargh, the newest duchy....yanno, when they didn't pop out at the rate of 5 a second.." Hof laughs at the duke rate flow thingy Fancy also notes that we aren't getting 5 per second now... "I sat in Aaargh for 4 months...and did 4 builds....when they were 200 meg apiece...I had a relatively crappy exchange, but worse yet, I didn't know what I was doing..", smiles Pintomike. Rudewrangler sees that Mike is a 5&10 Duke now Windy smiles, "Now Mike, was that statistic proven mathematically?" Onyxgod says, "No, he was brilliantly using an allegory :P" Fancy says, "I didn't know what I was doing at first, either, Mike, so don't feel bad." Pintomike smiles, "So, in January of 1997....Duke OnyxGod ported into my office on IQ....my old planet...and asked me to join his new duchy of Onyx..." Jamel smiles, "i remember iq" Willianna asks, "IQ was yours MIke?" Pintomike winks and says, "Now, I had no clue who he was....I knew him by name only, but he said he had been "watching me"..." Willianna remembers IQ as having one of the most devlishly difficult links to solve to get to the exhange "After cajoling me (I felt bad leaving Zoot...after all I invented the "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh" cry and was a virtual legend there..;)), I joined Onyx as one of the original planetws..", smiles Pintomike. Chiefsgirl wonders where Mike wasn't a legend "Yea, Willianna..it was NW....the thing is I didn't tell anyone it was NW...:P", says Pintomike. Charade says, "he invented thwapp and aaaaaargh..amazing.." "Well CG, this is HIM telling the story", says Windy with a wink. Rudewrangler wonders if Pinotmike is actually Thomas Edison "Hmmmm...I dunno CG...I dunno...", says Pintomike. Onyxgod couldn't resist Mike in his squire youth, full of life possessing a brilliant mind. Windy subconsciously ponders when Mike will actually reach the end of his story.. Chiefsgirl wonders if OG's opinion changed later Pintomike winks and says, "On a sidenote....I also was the best puzzler of the day, alongside CytoPlasma...I solved: Icicle, Necis, Voyager, Freedom, Haunt (when it was still unsolved..:P) and most recently, Engoria..." Hof would say it was more a focused mind, brilliant never occured to me ;) "So, what do you want? A medal?", asks Windy. Pintomike doesn't need a medal. I know how great I am. "Well, that's a bit obvious..", says Windy. Jamel asks, "How did you solve all these puzzles from cantina ?" Pintomike smiles, "so, anyways....I joined Onyx...and G over there introduced me to DSaver, the ultimate money maker...and my ultimate claim to fame.." "your ultimate claim to fame? Marvie?", asks Charade. "Now, G was a very industrious Duke, JudeLing's DSaver would of been useless without him...", says Pintomike. Pintomike says, "He drew up lists of the best duchies for whichever type of commods you had the most of...agri, mining, etc..." Pintomike winks and says, "And it just so happened the duchies that bought my agri were Rainbow, Backdraft, and Neverland....along with places like Stadium and Connor, the latter two which had bans on IQ til the day I DDed..." "How did you DD?", asks Windy. Onyxgod loved Tbar's high markets ;) Pintomike has given Tbar a tender tickle! Onyxgod bows before Tbar, "Thank you for making me a very wealthy man, you are the living proof that Capitalism works.". "So, I was making roughly 200 meg a night with DSaver (this was after Fed went flat rate)...and I continued to build, and build....soon I was Thane...then Indy...and it was during the Indy and Tech days that I was making 400+ meg a night...", says Pintomike. "Well I'm glad you know who made ya Og ;')", says Tbar. "How did I DD? I DDed porting looking for my Duke on an unfamiliar planet..", says Pintomike with a wink. Onyxgod winces at Mike, "remind me not to chase women in uncharted territories.". "Okay..so now what are you..Baron?", asks Windy. Pintomike winks and says, "By the time July of 97 hit, I was a Baron....now, 6 months from Squire to Baron may not seem like a long time there, but back then, it was a miracle of sorts..of course, propogated by me.." "Like he'd listen..", says Charade with a wink. Hof winks and says, "hell you weren't safe in charted territory" Pintomike whispers to G, "Actually, you were with Jej on his planet, Metry..;)" Chiefsgirl wonders what other miracles Mike propogated Pintomike smiles, "Now, as you all know, we were in the middle of the Great Onyxian Wars....great cause we won....Onyxian cause we defined them, and wars because people despised us for being capitalistic and making money hand over fist.." Jamel asks, "how do you define winning ?" Pintomike says, "Define winning? Managing to extract megs upon megs from other planets by using their market weaknesses..." Pintomike smiles, "But at the same time, making money off those who "dumped" commods on us in retaliation..." Jamel asks, "but its not done anymore it was stopped ?" Tbar notes 'their' market weakness was NOT being on 24-7 ;') Jamel says, "you were but your agris got hit hard" Pintomike nods, "Aggressive trading, as I call it, ended pretty much with Fed's move to the web...there's a lot of things I didn't like with the move to the web, that was one of them...;)" Hof loved all you ships filled with money ( made ya slow and easy ) ....yeah define winning, I remeber enjoyable nights , and if that was losing ...i wanna lose some more :) Onyxgod says, "actually Jamel, macro-trading is an inherent trading method these days." "See, Hof is right....for the few out there who did know what they were doing, they made money...", says Pintomike with a wink. "DSaver, I have always maintained, is one step up from FedNav..", says Pintomike with a wink. Willianna knows there were good guys and bad guys by perception in those days, and Fed was a lot more fun "but not totally wth better macros like defiller lets adjust the amount to one planet", says Jamel. "Anyways, where the hell was I?", asks Pintomike. Pintomike scrolls up. Kao says, "you were finishing, Mike" "At the same time, Onyx was the party place of the galaxy...", says Pintomike. Rudewrangler says, "BS PM ... FN makes Fed mouse compatable" "To make a long story shorter...while I was on vacation in, oh, must of been Aug of 1997, OG DDed....Onyx was gone...", says Pintomike. Onyxgod says, "Work while afk, party while not afk. better fed formula." Willianna was in Fed the night OG DDd Pintomike winks and says, "I came back, and everything was pretty much in shambles....I stuck in Deceit and a few other planets, duchy jumping so as the embargoes wouldn't effect me....but then I stuck to Sol cause no one can embargo Sol..." "How did you end up with the planet Onyx, Mike?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Well, that's kinda funny....", says Pintomike. Onyxgod smiles, "hilarious" Rudewrangler has to admit OG told me how to online my first planet after hauling in about 100 bays for his health builds "I DDed Nov. 4th, 1997...and by the time I got back to Explorer, it was Feb....(20 day cycles yanno)", says Pintomike. Pintomike says, "And by then, there was new code which wouldn't allow you to name your planet with only 2 letters.." "so,", says Pintomike. Pintomike winks and says, "I was the most flabbergasted of them all..." "so, on a whim, I tried <online Onyx> and hey, I was Squire of Onyx....", says Pintomike. Pintomike shrugs. "accidental essence", smiles Onyxgod. "I thought you were going to give the name back to OG when he returned?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pintomike says, "From Feb to Dec was mainly gearing up for the Duke puzzle....doing 40 health builds, etc..." Chiefsgirl might as well get all these rumors cleared up since you're both here "I was under the impression that OG was never going to return...can never quite kill a ghost, though, eh?", asks Pintomike. Chiefsgirl pokes OG and thinks he's solid "true, the spirit remains intact", smiles Onyxgod. "to tell the truth... Onyx will always be OGs to me", says Zeusgod. "And when the Duke puzzle onlined in late Dec (after an unsuccessful stint in August), I was 8th to solve it technically, on Jan 24th of this year..", smiles Pintomike. Windy can's believe you remember dates.. "er..can't", smiles Windy. Chiefsgirl notes that OG is sitting at explorer, "I thought he was just waiting for you to give up the name" Meemarvin hates the Duke puzzle more than she hates the Cowboys.. Pintomike nods, "And the same to me, Zeus...Onyx is more of his legacy than mine..." Pintomike is perfect, remember?;) Pintomike says, "Yes, Jamel, and 80 somthing attempts later, I solvwd it, only to feel cheated out of it.." "Cheated why?", asks Chiefsgirl. "And since then..I've just been sitting around Fed, wondering where the influx of people thta came with the DUke puzzle went to...", smiles Pintomike. "because he really did it", says Jamel. Meemarvin sighs about the 80 attempts.. "Yes, I really did it, along with a few others..", smiles Pintomike. "What do you think about all these new duchies?", asks Chiefsgirl. "In fact, JopeJope got the last clue on his successful attempt from me...", says Pintomike with a frown. Hof knows what happened to the influx ....they came to read the duke manual ..and then leave Pintomike growls at JopeJope. "What do I think? I don't need to think anything...the proof is in the duchies themselves...", says Pintomike. "They're near empty....rarely any are active...", says Pintomike. "lol at least ya don't say ya did it alone, anyone who says that is a liar!", exclaims Hof. Kao is in an active and full new duchy, thank you "I noticed you're not around much any more either, Mike", says Chiefsgirl. Pintomike says, "And the one's that try to be active have no PO's to recruit because the PO can pick and choose which duchy he wants to go to..." Pintomike says, "Yes CG, that's true." "I think he meant empty in an all encompassing way, the general outlook of the whole game where the select few are successful.", says Onyxgod. Pintomike smiles, "I admit, I always yearn for my so called Glory Days, I often feel relatively bored nowadays.." "That may be true Mike fore many.. but mine is exclusive", says Zeusgod. "I look at the condition of Fed today, and I wonder where it is going...", says Pintomike. Chiefsgirl looks at Zeus, "your what, dear?" Pintomike says, "People demanded the Duke puzzle, and when it was put back in, there was a 2 month boom, and then Fed died again..." "People now demand the MArtian INvasion code...what can it bring other than a temporary high?", asks Pintomike. "you could start a war", says Hof with a wink. Willianna says, "Well it might give all you new dukes something to do actually" Charade winks and says, "What we need is a new invention from you, Mikey.." "The Duchy I'm in.. Mike said that POs can pick and choose.. not mine", says Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl says, "oh" Onyxgod nods and concludes that Fed is a drug and calls the DEA to bust IBGames for soliciting drugs to US citizens. Chiefsgirl smiles cause she's in the same one "Kao knows I wrote an article to the UG the other day, expressing my dissatisfaction...and I questioned how long any of us may stay here...", says Pintomike. "We printed it..yeah", says Kao. Chiefsgirl asks, "How long are you planning to stay?" "How long am I planning to stay? Originally, I expressed in my letter, that I'm moving to Boston in August....and Fed probably wouldn' be coming with me...", says Pintomike. "But now I look at my duchy....", says Pintomike. Pintomike says, "Those are my closest friends left, in my duchy....and most of them are closed..." Jamel asks, "mike half you planets are closed .......are you recruiting or gonna let a legacy like onyx die a slow death ?" "Congratulations to Mike for his Harvard entrance!", exclaims Onyxgod. "And is there anything that would make this a place you would want to come spend time in again?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I haven't expelled them, because I think it slightly symbolic.....everything I seem to care about has gone...", says Pintomike. Onyxgod claps to Mike, cuz he is proud of him Meemarvin pokes OG...hard.. "so I've decided that today is the last day, CG...tonight, right now...G can have the Onyxian name back if he wants...", says Pintomike. Pintomike smiles, "But Fed has nothing for me any more..." "oh my", says Chiefsgirl. Meemarvin is shocked.. "i didn't mean for you to leave right now", says Chiefsgirl. Leiaa 's jaw drops "Thanks for having me darling..", smiles Pintomike. Pintomike smiles, "I'm out of here.." Chiefsgirl will miss you "Are you sure, Mike?", asks Meemarvin. Pintomike rides out one last time. Pintomike has just vanished. "oh my, oh my", says Chiefsgirl. Zeusgod says, "oh Mike.. we will forget about you in a day or two.. stop the dramatics" Meemarvin frowns and says, "No, he's serious" Chiefsgirl says, "I think he is" "he dd'd", says Kariscats. "then that's his prob", says Zeusgod. Charade says, "he did it.." "he gone", says Hof. Meemarvin says, "He really won't be back.." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Ack!" Jamel says, "he is gone" "yes", says Hof. Onyxgod pokes Zeus, "He is a good man.. He is going to Harvard, Fed has no place for him, He is carrying the legacy into the real world Leiaa says, "oh my.." "I hope OG", says Zeusgod. "Oh God, I can't believe this..", says Meemarvin. Willianna is stunned Leiaa sits in shock "but you know what? I am damn proud of him!!", exclaims Onyxgod. Willianna asks, "How could he do that? Right here?" Meemarvin says, "Char..I remember the night Mags intorduced us.." Chiefsgirl thinks he's pretty brave Charade smiles at Marvie.."Yeah..I know.." "damn there goes my embargo", says Hof. Willianna is less charitable. Is never generous toward those who hurt there friends on purpose Onyxgod follows after Mike, to the real world of smashing success. "Well, that was a Meet & Greet first", says Chiefsgirl. Meemarvin says, "I remember all of the time in the Cantina..I remember when he did all of my hauling.." Chiefsgirl shudders Onyxgod bows to everyone, "it was great knowing all of you" With a sudden resolve Onyxgod pulls out an old Arix army knife and with a sudden slash cuts open his wrists. You watch with morbid fascination as the blood drains out of his body... A medical droid - complete with flashing lights and wailing siren - appears with a shimmer of teleportation effect. It scoops up what remains of Onyxgod and vanishes. Hof says, "he gone too" "oh goodness", says Chiefsgirl. "Oh cut the crap OG.... we both know that this is a game and life is seperate...", says Zeusgod. Hof says, "wow" "He's gone Zeus", says Chiefsgirl. "DD'd", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Well, goodness" "DDing is just an end to a game... period", says Zeusgod. "sorry they picked yer forum to do that CG", says Hof. Chiefsgirl wonders how she'll write this up Willianna says, "It's also a slap in the face to people who care about you" "Well, CG...you sure know how to clear a room", says Kao. Chiefsgirl shakes the blood off her notes Kao says, "Couple of sick puppies" Willianna nods to Kao Rudewrangler smiles, "Fed goes on" "well, wow", says Chiefsgirl. Kao says, "Yep.." Chiefsgirl pours herself a stiff drink Kao pours CG a double "OG.. will you loose that friendship?... Will you think that you lost a bud?... never I say", says Zeusgod. Kao points out to Zeus that OG is gone Willianna says, "OG really did just DD himself here" "Zeus... he DD'd", says Chiefsgirl. Hof laughs as he sees a few of OG's alts still and Mikes "the dramatics make me laugh", says Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl says, "Mikey is telling me the alts will be DDing soon" "maybe this is how OG is gonna get Onyx back", says Rudewrangler. "OG just DD'd", says Chiefsgirl. Willianna says, "Well Onyxgod was an explorer..could have done that just now." Chiefsgirl says, "He's telling me he's done with Fed" Willianna is sad and going home. "good...tell him to go and leave us the xxxx alone....what an ego", says Kao. "Who?.. OG or Mike", says Zeusgod. Chiefsgirl says, "It was different, that's for sure" "good job CG .... you sure know how to put on a show", says Rudewrangler with a wink. |