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Risadeamoconia smiles, "Iam here" "i'm glad you're here", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has given Risadeamoconia a tender hug! Chiefsgirl says, "hold on... I will advertise" "if I dont get punted Iam be ok", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl says, "Sorry I'm a bit late" Risadeamoconia says, "I dont mind" "your have 5 minutes to go", says Risadeamoconia. "May I call you Risa?", asks Chiefsgirl. Risadeamoconia says, "yes" Implantguy exclaims, "make her type it!" "It took me long enough to learn to type my own name", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Donny says, "good luck, risa" "Thank you", says Risadeamoconia. "good luck", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "This isn't an exam" "Its not?", asks Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "no! It's fun!" Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet" Risadeamoconia says, "and I might be punted" "We gather here at Duff's every Sunday evening to meet a different personality", says Chiefsgirl. Risadeamoconia says, "Iam getting lag to warn everyone" Chiefsgirl says, "Please join me next week when my guest will be Annavia" Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight I am pleased to introduce Risadeamoconia, Duchess of Shadowdonia as my guest" Chiefsgirl says, "Risa will tell us a bit about herself and her duchy" Risadeamoconia curtsies. "Please feel free to ask questions, but give Risa the chance to respond", says Chiefsgirl. Implantguy cat calls Chiefsgirl applauds and takes a seat on her barstool, sipping her drink Aiki looks for the cats "Iam The Dragonduchess of the Shadows", says Risadeamoconia. >ex risadeamoconia "I started my planet with the creation of the web of balance between chaos and order", says Risadeamoconia. Donny asks, "how long you been laying duchess?" "err playing", says Donny. "ooops! LOL", says Implantguy. Risadeamoconia says, "2 months after the puzzle came in" Chiefsgirl laughs, glad Donny rephrased that Risadeamoconia says, "I think 2" Chiefsgirl asks, "When did you find this universe, Risa?" "when my I solved the puzzle the web flowed out to the stars", says Risadeamoconia. "and I can catch planets now", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl asks, "ooooo... like a spider?" "yep", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl finds that very intriguing Chiefsgirl asks, "And how many planets have you managed to ensnare?" "I dont remember when I started my fed life", says Risadeamoconia. "15 so far", says Risadeamoconia. "you don't remember?", asks Chiefsgirl. Donny asks, "the puzzle then as copred to now?" Risadeamoconia says, "each time I promoted I eveloved" Chiefsgirl looks puzzled at Donny, "What was that Donny? Risadeamoconia says, "yes the new puzzle" "the puzzle wasit more complex?", asks Donny. "Did you have a rank you particularly enjoyed, Risa?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kosh asks, "was the puzzle more complex?" "puzzle is the puzzle", says Risadeamoconia. Risadeamoconia says, "my best rank as inud" Risadeamoconia says, "opps indu" Chiefsgirl nods "i think she would have to know the previous puzzle to answer that", says Implantguy. "my best roll ever", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl says, "We are not here to talk about puzzles and solutions everyone" "Please continue Risa", says Chiefsgirl. Risadeamoconia says, "The shadow are what are created between the strings of the web where the duchy planets reside" Risadeamoconia says, "The web hold and protects them" Chiefsgirl nods "i see", says Chiefsgirl. "As a duchess, do you have any rules and regulations for the duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I love the planets I have in my duchy", says Risadeamoconia. "aawwwwwww", says Gnort. "well Fair trade and no Deaths alowed", says Risadeamoconia. "I dont like death locations or events", says Risadeamoconia. "but I have not been forced to expell planets becuse of that", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl smiles "why have you expelled Planets ?", asks Aiki. "I had a stay open rule but have not use that for a while now", says Risadeamoconia. "for reasons of treaties that are no longer in force", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl asks, "You said you like all the planets you have residing with you now, why is that?" Risadeamoconia says, "They are good players some not able to be on as they wan" Risadeamoconia says, "opps want" "some planets ahdv move on to new duchies too", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl smiles "pardon my typing", says Risadeamoconia. "What qualities do you look for in planet owners?", asks Chiefsgirl. "kindness and a sence for fair play in fed", says Risadeamoconia. "Is shadowdonia a part of any duchy group or alliance?", asks Kao. Chiefsgirl nods and listens Risadeamoconia smiles, "Duit" Risadeamoconia asks, "unless you heard other wise?" Risadeamoconia smiles "Ok, and what is the Duit group?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl isn't familiar with that one Kao smiles, "I do it a lot...but not familiar with a group of Duit" Risadeamoconia says, "rignt now just an group a duchies looking out for each others interst" Chiefsgirl asks, "Trading interests?" Risadeamoconia says, "yes" "dumping?", asks Kosh. "and news on fed", says Risadeamoconia. "What other duchies are in Duit?", asks Chiefsgirl. "well if dumping comes we will be ready", says Risadeamoconia. "jollyrodger and camp", says Risadeamoconia. "Wasn;t shadowdonia in the old DHL?", asks Kao. "I was yes", says Risadeamoconia. Kosh is stupid... DHL? "took me months to remove the mentions of dhl from my link", says Risadeamoconia. Aiki asks, "there a new DHL ?" Kao asks, "Is the Duit group a reincarnation of the DHL...or different?" "New dhl. Iam not a part of that", says Risadeamoconia. "Duit is diffrent", says Risadeamoconia. "So you are no longer part of a group that chastises folks for associating with the "wrong people?" Cool.", says Kao. "The DHL ended on its own accord", says Risadeamoconia. Implantguy says, "landofboz and voyage too, Risa" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you always plan to be a duchess, Risa?" Risadeamoconia says, "yep :0 sorry I wasnt certain about them" Risadeamoconia says, "sence I did my first biuld yes" "Wow, I'm impressed", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl is never sure what she's doing Kosh coughs ... what does DHL stand for? "I did 20 health in the progress of my biulds", says Risadeamoconia. Kao will vouch for CG Chiefsgirl grins and winks at Kao "okay, n/m", smiles Kosh. Chiefsgirl says, "Kosh, DHL doesn't exist anymore" Kosh just recieved about 5 TBs ... Risadeamoconia says, "I was surpised by a group called the sisters of darkshadows" Chiefsgirl asks, "You were?" "Why was that?", asks Chiefsgirl. "surprised?", asks Kao. "Iam the Shadows and they are darkshadows", says Risadeamoconia. "oh!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl laughs Kosh says, "shadows ..." "a mix that might have started a war in my duchy", says Risadeamoconia. Kosh thinks ... I thought they went ... beyond the ... "oh nevermind ...", says Kosh. Risadeamoconia smiles, "well I liked the name anyway" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Oh well, it's a good thing they are separate" Chiefsgirl looks around at the audience, "Does anyone have any questions for Risa?" Risadeamoconia has bought you a Star CharDonnay with a little Sturgis Umbrella.! Risadeamoconia looks and listens Kao says, "we Sisters could hang out with Shadowdonia...all Risa needs is a jello tub and a dungeon" "", smiles Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl giggles Risadeamoconia says, "I got a dungoen somewhere" "and chains and never mind", says Aiki. Risadeamoconia says, "will have to think about the chains" Risadeamoconia says, "thats another chat" Donny says, "you did great, risa" Risadeamoconia smiles, "" Chiefsgirl asks, "Are there any special people you'd like to mention Risa, that helped in your life here?" "Yes", says Risadeamoconia. Kao raises her hand for a question Risadeamoconia says, "Galileo, Skatemore, Rsakitas, Pbear and Longstrider" Risadeamoconia says, "my first and best freinds in fed" Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl looks to Kao, "You had a question?" Pathologicaliar is disappointed Risa doesn't remember all the help he gave her. "What qualities do you think are most valuable in a duke/duchess and why?", asks Kao. Risadeamoconia says, "there ar more but too many to think of" Donny rauises his hand "me", says Donny. "and open mind and heart and that what you need to run a duchy", says Risadeamoconia. Risadeamoconia asks, "yes donny?" Aiki counts upheld hands Risadeamoconia says, "you must help the others too even if not in your duchy" "Do you agree with the recent move to force planet owners to alter the content of their planets?", asks Kao. Risadeamoconia says, "I dont agree with it but undstand it must be kept seprate from easliy access parts of your planet" "Would you expel a planet that had...say a dungeon that was graphically described?", asks Kao. "no", says Risadeamoconia. Risadeamoconia says, "as long as it has not deadly events or locations" "what are these new rules?", asks Kosh. Risadeamoconia says, "and not right on the lp" "You used to be part of DHL...do you still ascribe to that philosophy?", asks Kao. "thats on the web page", says Risadeamoconia. Gnort says, "no X-rated loc descriptions, Kosh" "I use my own judgemane and I did then too", says Risadeamoconia. Aiki thinks she would spend time in the dungeon Risadeamoconia says, "opps judgemant" Risadeamoconia says, "when I was in the dhl I took everthing even the rule with a gain of salt" "I have vote power on rules and didnt enforce ones i didnt belive in", says Risadeamoconia. "So you didn't spy your POs and expel them for doing stuff you didn't like?", asks Kao. "nope", says Risadeamoconia. "Then what the hell were you doing in the DHL?", asks Kao. Aiki says, "good question" Gnort seconds that Risadeamoconia says, "I liked the Roleplay part" Risadeamoconia says, "the you should play your character and not yourself" "Do you encourage that in your duchy now?", asks Chiefsgirl. Risadeamoconia says, "Yes I do" "Oh....the roleplay part where Dukes spied on people and emailed it to everyone? That roleplay part?", asks Kao. Risadeamoconia says, "but I think of everyone as characters and not players" Aiki looks at Lady Kao "and I liked sping on squires and helping with new exhanges more", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl says, "I still need help with my exchange" Risadeamoconia says, "if that wanted advice on markups and staoickpiles" Aiki looking for the bee under her bonnet "Feel free to help me any time", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "ok", smiles Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you have a question Aiki?" Risadeamoconia says, "watched the changes in exchanges" "no CG", says Aiki. Chiefsgirl says, "oooooo... a rhyme" Chiefsgirl bounces "the demands getting lower and lower", says Risadeamoconia. Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone else have any questions for Risa?" "Gnort, you're in Shadowdonia, how do you like it?", asks Chiefsgirl. Gnort says, "I'm one of the ones that's not on much..." "but, I like it fine", says Gnort. Chiefsgirl smiles Gnort says, "cept, Risa's usually on as an alt <G>" Risadeamoconia winks and says, "no such thing as an alt" Gnort says, "oh, that's right, I forgot..." "Risa seems to have a pretty libertarian outlook as a Duchess", says Gnort. Kao smiles, "I would like to ask Risa a question I was asked last week" Risadeamoconia says, "too many rules spoil the duchy" Risadeamoconia says, "ok" "Any other questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. Risadeamoconia asks, "kao?" "Is it true that you had Tbar's love child?", asks Kao. Chiefsgirl chokes on her drink Risadeamoconia says, "No, I dont have that many legs." Wolfyn asks, "Huh?" "My answer was "We tried, but he kept shooting blanks"", smiles Kao. Chiefsgirl won't ask what legs have to do with it Risadeamoconia laughs Risadeamoconia says, "I never was envolve with tbar like that he was just another duke in the dhl" Risadeamoconia says, "I must leave soon" "If no one has any more questions, I'd like to thank you all for coming", says Chiefsgirl. Kao smiles, "Hey, Risa....you're invited to my next beach and jello party" Chiefsgirl says, "And thank Risa for being my guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "Join me next week when Annavia will be my guest" "And if anyone would like to sign up as a future guest, please see me and we'll pick a date", says Chiefsgirl. |