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Chiefsgirl has Carl's name starred as a future guest possiblity Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening everyone and welcome to the Meet & Greet" "My scheduled guest was Gabriel, but since he's not here, Snuggs has graciously agreed to fill in", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "She'll tell us a bit about herself... feel free to ask questions and comments" Chiefsgirl applauds and plops down on her barstool next to Dawg Snuggs says, "Hello and Good evening all" "ok well lets see where to start", says Snuggs. Chiefsgirl smiles and thinks the beginning is good place to start "ok I started a long long time ago as a small innocent child here in fed", says Snuggs. "and that was many many years ago", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "her name was Snuggles and she was a beautiful lil girl with brown hair and a will to succeed" Snuggs thinks for a moment well like over 3 years if i remember correctly Chiefsgirl didn't realize Snuggs had been around that long Kalock says, "Where have you been Snoggs" Snuggs says, "well Snuggles was a wild one you see, she got into a lot of trouble sometimes" Bsacarl snickers Snuggs says, "well then fed decided to go to pay and she decided not to return" Chiefsgirl nods "and from out of nowhere Snuggs appeared", says Snuggs. Kalock asks, "What made you return?" Snuggs says, "well i think it was my friends" Snuggs says, "but in general I missed playing" Kalock knows about friends Chiefsgirl asks, "You had kept in contact with them?" Snuggs nods Chiefsgirl thinks that's nice Snuggs says, "some of the best friends i have now have been from playing fed" "well as everybody knows, Snuggs had to start over again, so she worked her way back up through the ranks", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "i might add it was exciting and somewhat frustrating" Kalock really knows how that is :) Snuggs says, "but all in all it was well worth it" Chiefsgirl asks, "Were you in a hurry to get back to PO or did you take your time?" "so finally came the day when i was able to build my planet", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "well in some ways i did take my time having fun of course" "and in other way i didn't", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "i wasn't in a hurry per say" Snuggs says, "but i had that dream of a planet again" "You are here more for the social aspects of the game then?", asks Chiefsgirl. Snuggs says, "so the day finally came and i was excited" Blondie asks, "can i ask a question?" "Sure Blondie", says Chiefsgirl. "You just did Blondie", says Kalock. Snuggs says, "i am here to have fun, make friends and also to learn more about how planets work" Snuggs says, "but as you can see I love being social" "hmm yes kalock very funny and non chalant but anyhow i believe i lost my wits about this place and need to read up on the laws again", says Blondie. Snuggs says, "ok all that time working myself back up in ranks, i planned my planet out" "How did you come to pick the name Greekisle?", asks Chiefsgirl. Snuggs says, "and i tell you it wasn't easy" Snuggs smiles Snuggs says, "it was a tough choice" Snuggs says, "i had a few others before i started.. so it took some time." Kalock says, "Do you have a PUZ on Greekisle" "i chose Greekisle because I have always had a love for Greece and ancient history", says Snuggs. "so off and running Greekisle was born", says Snuggs. "any goals for Fed Snuggs?", asks Justadawg. Chiefsgirl didn't realize Greekisle had a puzzle Snuggs says, "one min Dawg" Snuggs says, "yes Greekisle has a very personal puzzle" Kalock asks, "Personal ?" "my puzzle is all about me and whoever solves it will get a chance to see me through my eyes", says Snuggs. "Oh, that's very clever", says Chiefsgirl. "there are some special things that not alot of people know about me", says Snuggs. Snuggs smiles "wow...thats neat", says Bsacarl. Snuggs says, "lets see my goals" Chiefsgirl was waiting to hear some of these special things no one knows "well first off i want to make the Duchy i am in better", says Snuggs. "sure i might tell you a few", says Snuggs with a wink. Chiefsgirl holds up her Connor Rocks banner Kalock says, "How do you plan to do that" Snuggs says, "even though i started out in Darkshadow" Snuggs says, "then i moved to Darkstar" Justadawg asks, "how do ya feel ya can make your Duchy better?" Snuggs says, "but the best day happened when i was accepted into Connor" Bsacarl applauds the Duchy of Connor "well to answer how i want to improve Connor", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "i think i have started doing that as we speak.. when i joined Connor i came up with the idea to run a Newspaper for all the Po'S" Chiefsgirl smiles and cheers for Connor Corner "it was very exciting and alot of work i might add", says Snuggs. Deathiscome says, "now don't get me wrong I have much respect for connor, I shall leave" Chiefsgirl won't mention that she's wondering where the next issue is Snuggs winks and says, "speaking of papers, the new one is about to go into print" "Oh Death, no need to leave", says Chiefsgirl. "oh come now an indy?", asks Deathiscome. "err thane I mean", says Deathiscome. "Snuggs has a prescence in Connor", smiles Dancer. "you asking me why i am only a Thane Dealth?", asks Snuggs. "no, I am asking why you are doing this", says Deathiscome. Snuggs says, "i will answer that.. what does ranks have to do with any of this" Chiefsgirl says, "Snuggs has something to say.. . that's the only requirement, Death" Deathiscome says, "ok sorry" Chiefsgirl smiles "when does ranks matter?", asks Snuggs. Sparhawk was the first non-staff person, he was only a barely a thane when he did it. :) Sparhawk giggles. Buckaroo says, "Mebbe she ran plum out of Barons" Deathiscome smiles, "well I have LOTS to say" Bsacarl sighs Deathiscome winks and says, "but no one wants to hear it" "might that be a question for Snuggs?", smiles Dancer. Kalock smiles, "Well sign up for a Meet and Greet" "We'll book your future appearance, Death", says Chiefsgirl. Snuggs says, "the only thing i can think of that is important when ranks are involved is when people want to spy others and they are not playing to have fun" "so I'll go away and leave ya to your fun", says Deathiscome. "i play to have fun, not try to beat everybody else in ranking", says Snuggs. Deathiscome winks and says, "as do I" "i could promote if i wanted to but i choose not to", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "plus i like my exchange" "So do you plan to goto Duchess Snuggs", says Kalock. "am I bothering you people if so I'll go away ?", asks Deathiscome. "well that i really don't know", says Snuggs. Chiefsgirl says, "You're not bothering us" "i will make it to baroness but Duchess i'm not really sure", says Snuggs. "really Snuggs? no dream of the duchy of Greekisle?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Greekisle is still in the works but alot of new places have been born", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "well as of now, i really haven't thought about it" "i am just enjoying the time i spend in Connor and with friends", says Snuggs. Chiefsgirl asks, "What do you do to have fun, Snuggs?" Snuggs says, "I have seen Connor go through many Po's and each time it seems like it gets better" Chiefsgirl loves finding new ways to enjoy herself Justadawg asks, "yes, do tell.. how do you pass your time here?" Deathiscome has great respect for connor "oh fun, fun fun that's my middle name", says Snuggs. "well if i'm not having a party, then i'm exploring planets", says Snuggs. Snuggs has a love for exploring "even as a child i loved to just come on and go somewhere new", says Snuggs. Chiefsgirl wonders why Death never visits Connor then Deathiscome winks and says, "well I used to go to connor before yuo played fed" "i have probably explored almost every planet here over the past years", says Snuggs. Chiefsgirl can think of things she likes exploring too Deathiscome says, "costar" Snuggs giggles "knappers4 owned it", says Deathiscome. Snuggs says, "that one i haven't but i'm sure i will" Chiefsgirl says, "oh yes Death, way before my time" "even Fleez Snuggs?", asks Justadawg. Snuggs says, "yes" "so don't talk to me about fed", says Deathiscome with a frown. Deathiscome says, "sorry" "That's quite an accomplishment, Snuggs", says Chiefsgirl. Snuggs says, "well ok i have a secret that most don't know" Chiefsgirl needs to do more exploring Snuggs grins Chiefsgirl asks, "What's that?" Chiefsgirl bounces cause she loves secrets Bsacarl listens Deathiscome says, "do tell" "well Snuggs is a poet at heart.. she has been writing poetry and stories for most of her life", says Snuggs. Snuggs says, "there are some of her works on her planet now" Chiefsgirl will have to check out Greekisle "You don't want to recite a poem now?", asks Chiefsgirl. Dancer anticipates her next visit there Snuggs says, "alot of people don't know that, where as she is pretty shy when it comes to others reading her work" Snuggs says, "well i could if you would all like" Chiefsgirl says, "Somehow I don't associate shy with Snuggs" "We would love it Snuggs", says Chiefsgirl. Dancer applauds 'please do' "hmmm...", says Bsacarl with a wink. Chiefsgirl settles down to listen to a poem "Its called The Legend Of love", says Snuggs. Chiefsgirl makes sure the videotape is rolling during this Meet & Greet first Dancer sips her drink and listens Snuggs takes a drinks and breathes in Chiefsgirl smiles and adjusts the lighting on Cgee's camera Deathiscome thiinks they are reaching for guestss :) Foamfollower thinks about next weeks greet and hangs an arrow above Deaths head ... ;) "We know you have something to say Death", says Chiefsgirl. "Better put your money where your mouth is pardner", says Buckaroo. Deathiscome asks, "I'd love to, am I censored?" Chiefsgirl says, "Censored? certainly not" Snuggs says, "ok here goes" "the Legend Of Love tells of a love so delicate and sweet, it knows not the dividing lines between days,nights and dreams. where each moment is filled with", says Snuggs. "with laughter and the moon merged with the sun, where petals blossomed beneath the feet and the two grew forever into one", says Snuggs. Chiefsgirl applauds Snuggs curtsies "that was nice Snuggs", says Bsacarl. Snuggs says, "that one is one that i wrote many years ago" "very nice", smiles Ron. Snuggs says, "thank you" Dancer smiles, "so beautiful" Chiefsgirl smiles "Wonderful Snuggs", says Chiefsgirl. Snuggs says, "well in closing I would like to thank everybody for coming" Deathiscome says, "nice to meet ya Snuggs" Bsacarl applauds Snuggs Foamfollower smiles, "the thanx belong to the guest snuggs .." Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Snuggs, for filling in" "and i would also like to invite each of you to visit and explore Greekisle whenever you get a chance, try to solve my puzzle", says Snuggs. "been there mant times Snugg", says Deathiscome. Deathiscome smiles ;) Chiefsgirl smiles, "Join me next week when my guest will be Phiddie and we'll be in a new location" "well you haven't been there since i added", says Snuggs. "I'm lousy at puzzles but I will try in a few weeks if I can figure out the other one I'm working on Snuggs", smiles Ron. Foamfollower says, "A phiddie Grilling? :::wrings her hands in expectation:::" Dancer couldn't make head nor tails of the puzzle.. but will try again Snuggs smiles "Thank you all for coming", says Chiefsgirl. "thank you", says Snuggs. |