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Sparhawk ponders and smiles shyly. Sholuvr tries to hide in the crowd and listens to Spar Sparhawk laughs. "Crowd?", asks Sparhawk. Beef! Its what's for dinner, Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "I'm so sorry I'm late!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk smiles, "Hiya Baroness." Meet n Greet Roadie Singapore has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Sparhawk shrugs, he didn't mind too much m'lady. :) Chiefsgirl laughs "Too much", says Chiefsgirl. Singapore walks up to the microphone... "let me advertise and then we'll get going", smiles Chiefsgirl. Singapore says, "Test." "Test, test one, test two, three, four....", says Singapore. Singapore nods at CG Singapore walks off the stage and turns on the spotlights... Sparhawk hums a few bars. Singapore cues the theme music... Singapore focuses a spotlight on CG... "Sing!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk is, he believes, the first person to reappear at Meet and Greet. Sparhawk would be happy to volunteer whenever guests are needed. :) "Well, I've met and gret.", says Tickenest. Tickenest says, "er, greeted" "Now what do I do?", asks Tickenest. "Sit and listen.", smiles Sparhawk. Tickenest has a look on his face which lets you know that he is mildly puzzled. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Andy says, "Wow Tick... thats a side of you ive seen.... oh so many times" Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "Too often, really.", says Tickenest. Tickenest shrugs. "My guest tonight is Sparhawk, who is one of the few that has done this before", says Chiefsgirl. "But since it was so long ago, we thought it would be fun to do it all again", says Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk grins. Sparhawk whispers that he's also done lots since his last time. Countzero grins Chiefsgirl says, "Sparhawk will tell us about his history and things that have been happening" Chiefsgirl says, "Please feel free to ask questions, but allow Sparhawk the chance to answer" Sparhawk nods vigorously. Chiefsgirl says, "So without further ado, I give you Sparhawk" Sparhawk loves questions. :) Sparhawk bows. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and takes a seat Sparhawk smiles, "Greetings everyone." Sparhawk ponders a second or two and wonders where to start.... Sparhawk smiles, "Well, I first started playing Fed before most of you even knew the game existed." Tickenest asks, "Do we just ask away or do we raise our hands?" Sparhawk smiles, "Lemme schpiel first, then ask." "Hey, you just used "schpiel" as a verb....", says Tickenest. Tickenest isn't sure that's legal... Sparhawk smiles, "I was at the tender age of 14 almost 15 rl and had just found the games on the old ISP GEnie." Sparhawk is jewish, is allowed ta use his yiddish anyhow he'd like. :) "My original character name was Freak, but that didn't last long and soon I became Sparrowhawk.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk smiles, "Well, over my spring break, I spent 'bout 110 hours playing Fed and ran up a 500 dollar bill on GEnie." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Eoww!" Chooch clutches his chest in reaction. "Managed to run it to 700 dollars by the end of the month and 900 by the time my 'rents finally saw the bills.", smiles Sparhawk. Satinsheets cringes. Chiefsgirl says, "Oh my" "And you're still alive?", asks Chiefsgirl. Countzero says, "No never let it get any bigger Spar" Sparhawk says, "I kinda disappeared for awhile, roughly a year or so, in order to pay off my debt to society (read - the parents)." [CAMERA-PERSON WAS PUNTED AT THIS POINT...] Chiefsgirl says, "Sorry about that" "Um, I finally found my way back into Fed in January of 97. Been here ever since.", smiles Sparhawk. Singapore taps the controls for CG's microphone, and glares at her briefly Chiefsgirl sits quietly while brushing off punt dust Sparhawk mutters. Chiefsgirl asks, "After such a long break, Spar, what brought you back?" Sparhawk smiles, "I take that back, it was January of 98." Sparhawk blushes. "Um, well, I loved the game and decided to look for a website one day and when I found the IBgames website, I just had to get back in.", says Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl nods and smiles "I finally made JP right before p2p and then I dd'ed on a planet that had some funky stuff on it.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk mutters remembering that. Chiefsgirl says, "Ouch! That's a bummer" "So I restarted and quickly made it back. Then as an Indy in December of 98 I ended up dding again.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk sighs at that memory. "But I restarted once more and I haven't died since.", smiles Sparhawk. "Haven't died at ALL?", asks Satinsheets. "u made a promise", says Sholuvr. Sparhawk says, "I've had many, Many, MANY wonderful friends in this game. :) And I should qualify, I haven't dded since then." "and kept it", smiles Sholuvr. "WHat promise was that?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I've also in the past year or so had the chance to meet some of my friends from Fed in RL, which I have enjoyed lots.", smiles Sparhawk. Sparhawk promised not ta DD again. "Ah", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Who have you met?" Roberts raises his hand .. "I met him!" ::chuckle:: Sparhawk says, "Well, my Duke and his wife, Joliewings, Dizzyana, Safyreyes, Laurianaa, and Andy." Sparhawk ponders. Sparhawk hopes to meet more people when he's in Chicago this coming spring. "oh cool!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk smiles, "Actually, knowing Wing is 'bout the only reason that really got me into his duchy." Chiefsgirl says, "you've met a lot of folks" Sparhawk smiles, "Ummm... Well, I suppose that's 'bout it, though you are welcome to ask me anything." Chiefsgirl asks, "Are you planning to become a duke, Sparhawk?" Sparhawk shakes his head emphatically. Chiefsgirl asks, "No?" Sparhawk points to the tattoo that's under his kilt. :) Chiefsgirl wonders if we're allowed to peak under the kilt Naiad smiles, "What tattoo is that, Spar?" Sparhawk says, "it reads "Baron for Life"" Satinsheets wonders if Spar is a Sister of Darkshadow too! Sparhawk blushes a bright purple through his tan. Sparhawk motions to his left buttcheek. Sparhawk can just see himself reading this again a year from now and rofling. Chooch says, "Well, better than ralphing..." Sparhawk smirks. Sparhawk asks, "Any other questions?" Tickenest says, "Oh, yes." Tickenest has a question. Sparhawk will answer any question you can think of. Tickenest asks, "Sparhawk, how do you feel the breakup of the Soviet Union has affected the spread of Communism worldwide? Has it been a help, a hindrance, or neither?" Sparhawk says, "Neither." "Is that your final word on the matter?", asks Tickenest. Roberts has never been to "Soviet Union" .. does it have a puzzle? Sparhawk says, "In fact, I have it on high authority that Japan will be coing communist in 2 years." Sparhawk says, "And it is the final word." Tickenest sometimes coos communists, himself. "Coos?", asks Chiefsgirl. Naiad exclaims, "I never knew you were a dove, Tick!" Tickenest says, "Yes, it's like kooing them, only with a C." Tickenest says, "No, no, you're thinking of cooing, which is what pigeons do, anyway." Singapore looks slightly confused... Sparhawk wonders if anyone else has questions for him. Chiefsgirl is trying to figure out the cooing Chiefsgirl says, "I want to get back to why you have no plans to be a duke" "Well, a couple other things 'bout me. I love to haul.", says Sparhawk. "I am one of THE fastest typers in Fed.", says Sparhawk. "I think I missed something when I was wondering about your tattoo", says Chiefsgirl. Satinsheets winks and says, "That there is good enough reason to not be a duke" "It's a sequel to "the Shining" CG .. but nickelson plays a pidgeon ..", says Roberts with a wink. Tickenest isn't so sure about that, Sparry. "And there is a Baroness here in Fed who owns me 'cause she's given me more than 10 gig since my last DD.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk grins. "Owns you?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk nods. Chiefsgirl hopes she hasn't lost track of her possessions again Sparhawk smiles, "Wouldn't you say someone who has given you 10 gig kinda owns ya?" Roberts can bet he knows who the "Giving" Ducheese is .. :) Chiefsgirl asks, "And who might that be?" Sparhawk isn't allowed to divulge such information. "And no Roberts, it's not a Duchesse.", says Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Oh poo!" "We like hearing information divulged", says Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk mutters. Roberts laughs! I was so sure! :) Sparhawk says, "I take that back, she is a Duchesse, but not the one you are thinking of." Chiefsgirl thinks we'd all promise not to tell a soul Sparhawk has given groats to her. :) Naiad winks and says, "We'll find out anyway, Spar..one way or the other." "Oh, and I LOVE to give away groats to fems at random times.", smiles Sparhawk. "I promise I won't tell", smiles Satinsheets. Sparhawk grins impishly. Roberts chuckles as he sees the fednews headline "We promised not to tell a soul but . . . " Chiefsgirl reminds Sparhawk that she's a female Chooch could then see the answer being in the transcript of this Meet & Greet. Sparhawk says, "Um, I do have one alt, wonder if any of you know him." Satinsheets smiles, "And then it would be an answer on Fedpardy" Sparhawk smiles, "And that's exactly why I can't divulge such info." Bartholomew asks, "Why did you used to bow profusely, then get offended when someone acted in kind?" Sparhawk perks at that question. Sparhawk smiles, "Well, I still bow some and I still get offended by people bow to me." Naiad asks, "Why?" Sparhawk smiles, "But it's this entire rl related inferiority complex I got." Sparhawk says, "That and I do truly enjoy being kind." Chiefsgirl asks, "So, why do you dislike being bowed to?" Sparhawk just isn't comfortable with people showing respect to him; though hugs usually work quite well. "And, ummmm... sorry to keep bringing this up.... but why don't you want to be a duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Um, lets see.", says Sparhawk. "Laughs.", says Sparhawk. Roberts winks and says, "He likes making money CG ..." Sparhawk smiles, "If I'm a Duke, everyone will feel this weird need to be kind to me." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Oh!" Sparhawk says, "Or polite I suppose is a better word." Satinsheets winks and says, "Not true at all" Chiefsgirl forgot about the hauling "And groats ain't got nothing ta do with it.", smiles Sparhawk. Bartholomew says, "That's not true" "I'm sure you could find some to be nasty to you if you wanted that, Spar", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "We promise to mistreat you even when you are a Duke.", says Naiad with a wink. Satinsheets winks and says, "Some folks are equal opportunity jerks" Sparhawk has a side job as a male escort to get groats though. Chiefsgirl asks, "As a male escort?" Sparhawk grins slyly and nods. Chiefsgirl wonders how much the hourly rate is Sparhawk does one-on-one jobs, bachlorette parties, strip-o-grams, etc. Chooch wonders if that means Spar escorts males, or is a male to escort females. "You do?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl boggles Sparhawk grins and nods. Chiefsgirl wonders where she's been Chiefsgirl then remembers she's married Singapore peers at Spar, checking for signs of bullfighter... Bartholomew laughs! Sparhawk does not fight, and only does single jobs for single fems. Sparhawk has been engaged 'bout 3 or 4 times, and has since decided he's not gonna be trying again for awhile. Chiefsgirl asks, "weren't bachlorette parties mentioned a few moments ago, Spar?" Satinsheets visited Spar's old office recently on Zaphire ;) Chooch scrolls back and sees they were... Sparhawk has an office on Zaphire? "I think it was Zaphire...found it in her duchy during Duchy Safari", says Satinsheets. Sparhawk grins Sparhawk shrugs puzzledly. :) "Had a picture of one of your ex-fiance's in it", says Satinsheets with a wink. "Ummmm.", says Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any questions for Spar?" Naiad asks, "How many ex-fiances have you had, Spar?" Sparhawk says, "Actually, my house on Bah has most of my ex-fiancees' pics." Sparhawk refuses to answer on the grounds of self-incrimination and lack of memory. Bartholomew winks and says, "Hall of Shame?" Sparhawk smiles, "No Bart." Chiefsgirl says, "I think you said 3 or 4 earlier, Spar" "My house has pics of everyone who's been important to me.", smiles Sparhawk. Satinsheets says, "That's a good way to discourage future fiancee's LOL" "Bah produces 90% of all punt-pillows in Fed, and 99.999% of the root beer.", smiles Sparhawk. Naiad winks and says, "You're lucky, Sing...MY fiances used to disappear..DD..never came back.." "Never to heard of again..", says Naiad with a wink. Sparhawk laughs. Pathologicaliar asks, "I have a question for Spar. Are you ever going to be the guest at Meet and Greet?" Sparhawk 'ports himself a keg, his throat suddenly dry. "Actually Path, if they ever ask me, I may guest at some point.", says Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl makes note to ask Spar Barb asks, "have you told of your adventures on GEnie Fed?" Sparhawk asks, "Such as DDing constantly and never making it past Merchie?" "Or the incredible bill I ran up in one week.", smiles Sparhawk. Sparhawk shivers, wondering what other stories Barb remembers 'bout him. :) "what about the famous saga Sparhawk's Great Day where you saved all of Fed and the Galactic Administration?", asks Barb. Sparhawk grins impishly. "I forgot completely!", smiles Sparhawk. Windy asks, "Don't you own Sol Spar?" "Ohhh..how come we haven't heard that one, Spar??", asks Naiad. Sparhawk grins. Barb says, "it was in the Fed News" Satinsheets wants to hear this story ;) Chiefsgirl says, "Really Spar, do tell" "so it's in the archives somewhere", says Barb. Windy exclaims, "Don't encourage him!" Chooch wonders if that's in the Fed Archives somewhere... Sparhawk says, "Well, back 'round the beginning of 9th grade rl, I had to write a story in Latin, and he wrote a story 'bout Fed in Latin." Sparhawk smiles, "Actually Windy, I abdicated from Sol when I joined a duchy." "Oh really?", asks Windy. Windy wonders who owns it now.. Sparhawk smiles, "My alt." "You wrote a story in Latin about fed?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Yep.", smiles Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl is impressed "Talk 'bout an interesting experience, trying to put certain words into latin.", smiles Sparhawk. "Not easy to write in Latin..", says Naiad. "Nope.", smiles Sparhawk. Bartholomew says, "Carpe diem" Sparhawk says, "Seize someday." Sparhawk asks, "Um, well, that's 'bout it to my knowledge. Any other questions?" "I also seem to recall you were one of the very few kids who ever played GEnie Fed", says Barb. Chiefsgirl says, "I'm still pondering your tattoo, Spar" Sparhawk is THE Dragon Knight of Fed. Chiefsgirl asks, "You're a dragon?" Sparhawk grins innocently, "Of course. :) Satinsheets asks, "A kilt-wearing dragon?" Naiad exclaims, "Hmm...you don't look anything like a dragon!" "Ummm..somehow I don't see it..", says Windy. "But you don't think us true dragons go around looking like dragons all the time, now do ya?", asks Sparhawk. Sparhawk remebers all them knights that went ahunting after his kin. Chiefsgirl thinks Spar has disguised himself superbly Chooch comments, "Must be a magic dragon to look like a human..." Bartholomew asks, "Had to go underground, eh?" "All dragons are master-magicians.", smiles Sparhawk. Singapore pokes Sparhawk with a long-tined fork, and winks at CG... Windy is learning new stuff.. Windy cheers! Windy says, "Yes, yes..eat the guest.." "A dragon magician... now that's interesting", says Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk blows a puff of flame and chars Sing thoroughly. Sparhawk is a great fan of Feist. :) Singapore says, "Ouch." "It was a narrow beam of flame.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk says, "I am very fluent in typoese, and myself, rarely make a typo." Sparhawk says, "Though it does happen." "Any more questions for Spar before he finds himself on the grill?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl reminds the audience that Singapore will be the guest on January 9 Singapore says, "Ut oh." "And btw, you are always welcome to ask questions outside of Meet and Greet.", says Sparhawk. Sparhawk loves ta talk 'bout himself; sometimes. :) Sparhawk likes listening better though. Sparhawk looks at CG and wonders if this wraps it up. :) Sparhawk is a busy collegiate, and his 'puter crashed a bit, so it took him awhile to get back onto fed. Sparhawk says, "My apologies for the two month hiatus." Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Spar?" "Well, my closing remarks are this - Eat, drink, be merry, and HAUL!", exclaims Sparhawk. Windy asks, "Haul?!?" Chiefsgirl laughs "Haul?", asks Chiefsgirl. Windy covers Spar's mouth with her hand. Roberts perks .. I can do that! Chiefsgirl giggles again "Oh yeah, drink lots of root beer.", says Sparhawk. "Never ever..EVER say that word again!", exclaims Windy. "It's almost worse than saying..the W word..", says Windy. Sparhawk exclaims, "Haul, Haul, WORK!" Windy shudders. Sparhawk grins. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Ack!" Windy eeps!! Chiefsgirl covers her ears Windy exclaims, "No, no, no!" "Meat and Greet.", smiles Singapore. Naiad covers her ears in agony.. Windy covers her ears as well. Sparhawk smiles, "You newbies are just so lazy." Sparhawk smiles, "Back in my day, we had to haul up and down gravity wells and gas was so expensive, ya wouldn't believe it." "Hey now..", says Windy. Roberts laughs .. lazy huh? Just try and get a good proce in Boomtown for Spices, woods, crys etc ... ;) "Thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. "My scheduled guest next week is Lagkiller", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "And thank you Sparhawk" "Thank you for having me CG. Guess I need to get 'porting now.", smiles Sparhawk. |