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Windy smiles, "Ooo, I remembered the number." Chiefsgirl says, "I'm advertising a bit" Windy asks, "What's going on on 19?" "Ana is doing the duke puzzle", says Chiefsgirl. "Oh really?", asks Windy. Chiefsgirl nods Windy winks and says, "She has to do it NOW?!?" Chiefsgirl laughs "I guess so", says Chiefsgirl. Pintomike has just arrived. Windy sighs. Chiefsgirl sort of remembers a meet & greet where Pintomike slashed his wrists Windy *forced* him to make an appearance... ;) "I remember too, CG..", says Pintomike with a wink. Pintomike winks and says, "Sorry about that..." Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl says, "Every Sunday evening we meet another personality from Fed" Chiefsgirl says, "It's usually at 9.00 pm Eastern, but tonight it's a bit later" "Next week my guest will be Cressida", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "But tonight, please welcome Windy, Baroness of Windemere" Windy says, "As boring as it is..." "Feel free to ask questions, but please allow Windy the chance to respond", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly for Windy Windy wonders if that's her cue? Chiefsgirl winks and says, "That was it" Windy smiles, "Ah...glad I catch on so quickly." Pintomike lays himself across Windy and begs her to start.. "We wouldn't want Mike getting addicted to Fed", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "Alrighty, well..first of all, I am horrible with dates.", says Windy. "I can't remember when anything happened, so just go with me here..", smiles Windy. "All I can remember is that I started playing in Feb. of 1997.", says Windy. Pintomike whispers to CG, "If I can still remember the commands perfectly and can still remember how to get to Mars from Earth without autopilot, I think it's too late...;)" "heh about 2 months before me windy", says Unomee with a wink. "I clicked 'games' on AOL, and there was Fed.", says Windy. "I tried some of the others, but for some bizarre reason, I stuck with Fed.", says Windy. "Anyway, I skipped the manuals like all good players do, and just jumped right into the game.", says Windy. Windy says, "I was wandering around Earth when some random person paid my loan off, but of course I was too ignorant to see my good fortune." Windy says, "So I wandered around...learned some stuff...I found the GM rather quickly.." Windy says, "Then I was at merchant." Windy says, "Perhaps it was because I hadn't read the manuals, but I was stuck at Merchant for 6 or 7 months." "but of course, this was when AOL was unlimited..", says Windy. Windy says, "Plenty of parties in the cantina to keep me occupied." Windy smiles, "And that's where I met my entire extended family." Windy smirks. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Tell us about your family, Windy" "It started out innocently..I merely became sisters with Angel. We enjoyed harassing snerts in the cantina.", says Windy. "Tsk tsk...never pick up a family in a bar...", says Satinsheets. "Suddenly, one day I had like 8 sisters..", says Windy. "Angel adopted Char, who was sisters with a dozen others.", says Windy. Windy smiles, "Char being Charade." Naiad exclaims, "Ohhh..i remember her!" "Let's see here..", says Windy. "My sisters are: Marv, Charade, Candy, Kylie, JSwriting, Leiaa, Maggie, Kit, and Cheeki.", says Windy. Windy asks, "Did I miss any?" "Sneezy, Dopey and Doc?", asks Singapore. "And then I have a few brothers, being Speedy, Olias, and Swald.", says Windy. Pintomike wonders what it means that he's had relationships with 4 of those women... Windy points at Mike. "And somehow he came along..", says Windy. "Around this time, it was the end of the Onyxian Wars.", says Windy. "Since I had been in the cantina for so long, and staying on Channel 5 like I was supposed to, I knew relatively nothing about the Wars.", says Windy. Windy says, "But I had heard the name Onyxgod many times.." Windy says, "So, I decided to be bold and just show up on his planet one day.." Windy winks and says, "Just so I could say I met him once." Naiad exclaims, "he was the first Duke I ever met!!" Windy says, "Well, he was there with Serepheia and some others, and they invited me to join them for an orgy." Windy winks and says, "Well, me being the innocent merchant that I was...I only watched." Windy says, "So I promoted up the ranks and I finally got my planet." "I have no idea what time this was..", says Windy. "I'm sure there are many happenings that I can't remember in here somewhere...", says Windy. Windy shrugs. "My main goal was to promote.", says Windy. Chiefsgirl asks, "You wanted to promote, Windy?" Windy says, "When I was a squire, the rank of Baroness was still something to be desired." Unomee winks and says, "hey it still is" Windy shrugs. Unomee is proud of her baroness rank and her porter too;) Windy smiles, "So, all that time I sat in the cantina had to be made up." Chiefsgirl laughs "Every time I would get 400 megs, I would do a build.", says Windy. Windy says, "I never had more than 20 megs in my treasury." "Oh right..", says Windy. Windy smiles, "I was, and have never been in Sol." "While I was building my link, I saw Dilvish, Duke of Pacifica on. I asked him if I could join, and he said I could.", smiles Windy. "Cool WIndy", says Chiefsgirl. Windy frowns and says, "So I was in Pacifica for awhile, until it closed." "Then I do believe I moved to Onyx..", says Windy. Windy points to Mike. "Mike's Onyx.", says Windy. Pintomike looks around. Pintomike asks, "Who, me?" "And I was pretty bored since my sisters didn't play anymore..", says Windy. "So I moved to Redwall.", says Windy. Unomee wonders if windy is planning on moving to onyx again or is she gonna stay in butterfinger? Windy says, "Well, I haven't been invited to join Onyx." "Bah, my Onyx wasn't Onyx...it was another duchy in the midst of 150 other new uchies...never got what I wanted to do with it...", says Pintomike with a wink. Windy shrugs. "stay in butterfinger", says Unomee with a wink. "Then I moved into Stadium for a day..", says Windy. "But that was simply to be annoying.", smiles Windy. Windy smiles, "Then, for some bizarre reason..I asked Dooeee if I could be in Butterfinger, and he said sure." "So, that's where I am.", smiles Windy. Chiefsgirl asks, "Which duchy have you liked best?" "Well, I enjoyed Pacifica thoroughly...but I love Butterfinger.", smiles Windy. Chiefsgirl asks, "Is Butterfinger active?" "hell yeah", says Unomee. Windy winks and says, "It's starting up." Chiefsgirl smiles "now that we have Uno that is.", smiles Windy. Windy says, "Well, there've been lots of famous people I've known.." Windy says, "Although I can say that I've never met Shaver." Satinsheets winks and says, "You said famous, not infamous" "But I do, or did at one point, consider myself good friends with OG, Tbar and Mike here..", smiles Windy. Chiefsgirl says, "Do or did, I like that" Windy says, "You and Mike together.." Singapore misses Tbar...there was a terrific intelligence operation target if he ever saw one... ;) "Pah, you know yer still friends with me..", says Pintomike with a wink. Windy says, "I can't go anywhere without one of my sisters showing up somewhere.." "Shhh..don't say that in public Mike!", says Windy with a wink. "Wait, Tbar is even gone now?", asks Pintomike. Windy says, "Tbar has been gone." Pintomike thought Tbar would never leave... Windy sighs. Chiefsgirl recommends Sing send Tbar an IM and get over that longing "No way, Tbar is frozen and he's coming back", says Bartholomew with a wink. Windy says, "Even though I usually disagreed with Tbar, I respected him very much." "The once and future Duke", says Cup with a wink. "Very sad to see him go.", says Windy. "I also have a tendency to get into trouble...", says Windy. Nom pokes Mike and points to windy..."Is that what I have to wear if I want to see you make out with another guy?" "No!! Really, Windy??", asks Naiad. Windy says, "This is the only outfit I've ever worn in Fed.." Windy says, "Unless I went to a wedding or died.." Windy smiles, "Even then, I wore thise to Sing and Naiad's wedding." Cup smiles, "I hope you wash it once in awhile, Windy" Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any goals or plans for the future, Windy?" Windy says, "When I started promoting rapidly, it was to become a Duchess." "Ever since I knew the rank structure, that was my goal.", says Windy. Chiefsgirl says, "That sounds like you've changed your mind now" "Have you?", asks Chiefsgirl. Windy nods. "But now, I just don't see the point.", says Windy. Windy says, "Like Mike points out everytime he speaks, there are five million duchies." Windy asks, "Why should I add one more empty one?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions for Windy?" Pintomike winks and says, "Windy, besides me, who did you admire most in Fed?" "That's not true Windy. If you're active, Your Duchy won't be empty.", says Cup. "Probably, it would have to be Tbar.", smiles Windy. Windy says, "But you're right, in order of admiration, it would be Mike, Tbar, and OG." "Well, you're a good friend. I have to put you first.", says Windy with a wink. "And what do you admire about those people?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Yea, just cause ya dodn't talk to those two anymore is why I get #1, eh?", says Pintomike with a wink. Windy says, "Mike has my admiration on pretty much every level..." "Any Love interests, Windy?", asks Cup. "Don't admire too much :P", says Nom. Windy says, "Tbar was a great motivator..always stirring up controversy to get the game going." Pintomike smiles, "no she"s a spinster and always will be" Windy says, "OG was an excellent manipulator." "I am not!", exclaims Windy. "pah i"m the best dreessed one here>>", says Pintomike. "But really, people must think I'm married or taken or something..", says Windy. "manipulation and controversary were 90% of the fun", smiles Christmasdream. Pintomike smiles, "But i was the ultimate nice guy eh?" "You are telling us you are available?", asks Chiefsgirl. Nom notes Mike had a tendency to be an ass ;) Windy smiles, "Probably." "He doesn't have a tendency..that's what he is.", says Windy with a wink. Windy smiles sweetly. Pintomike only has a tendency to be an ass when hes in here Pintomike says, "very strange i must say" Nom ponders whether Mike's claim is true ;) Christmasdream winks and says, "only place you can get enough power to be an ass mike?" Windy smiles, "Does anyone have questions...someone..anyone?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes, any questions?" "Windy, who is your favorite sister?", asks Nom. Pintomike asks, "i have a question: what"s next windy?" Windy asks, "What's next?" "what is next for you in fed?", asks Pintomike. "Hmmm.", says Windy. Windy smiles, "Good question. I'll probably sit at Baroness for awhile and just have fun...and when I get bored enough, I might promote." Windy smiles, "But I think we need some controversy around here so..perhaps that'll be my next project." Chiefsgirl wonders what sort of controversy Pintomike smiles, "Contreversy? Ha call me when it happens>>>" "I will.", smiles Windy. Windy says, "You know, i will say something.." "I miss the AOL unlimited days. a great deal.", says Windy. "My spybeam is all booked for controversy thru the end of Oct...perhaps next month?", asks Satinsheets. "Most people hated it, but I think Fed was at its best.", says Windy. "I miss the days before the unlimited days>>>", says Pintomike with a frown. Windy says, "At least when I was around to judge it.." "Well, if we could have a similar number of people without the game slowing down considerably because of it...", says Fancy. Windy says, "Ah..the fights in the cantina." "What fun.", says Windy. Singapore nods..."Chasing lunch around the Cantina...I remember that..." Satinsheets says, "I remember a funeral in the cantina once even....some wench threw her beer on me cuz I sat on the coffin" "The salad days....mainly cause I couldn't catch her and had to go vegetarian..."", says Singapore. Windy says, "I do NOT recall you ever being in the cantina.." Pintomike says, "Actually I think i still have the deed somewhere" Windy smiles, "Remember the pool in the cantina?" Pintomike owned it long before all of you...95-96... "What kind of pool?", asks Fancy. Windy smiles, "A big one." "Right smack in the middle of the cantina...", says Singapore. Fancy asks, "Swimming pool, or pool table?" "Swimming pool.", smiles Windy. Pintomike winks and says, "There was never a pool when it was my establishment..pools were aditions of the newbies.." Windy snickers at Mike. "Fell into it on the way to the restroom one night...when I got out, somehow I didn't have to go anymore....", says Singapore. "I have a question...", says Windy. Pintomike is principal promoter of the anti-pool-establishmentarianism of the Cantina organization.... Chiefsgirl grins "You can't Windy, we are questioning YOU", smiles Satinsheets. "Ok Windy", says Chiefsgirl. Windy smiles, "Really..how did I become the meal of choice?" "so that's were the murky color came from?", asks Dalman. Singapore asks, "Does it have anything to do with lunch?" Singapore nods Chiefsgirl laughs Windy pokes Sing. Singapore says, "It's the leather....reminds me of kielbasa...." Chiefsgirl looks around, "ANy other questions for Windy?" Windy rolls her eyes. "I have a question...", says Satinsheets. "What is yer planet Windemere named for?", asks Satinsheets. "My SN on AOL is Windem8669..it was supposed to be Windemere.", says Windy. Windy says, "Oddly enough, it's what I want to name my horse should I get one." "Ooo how cool", smiles Satinsheets. Chiefsgirl says, "ooooo.. a horse" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for WIndy?" Nom asks, "Windy, what hooked you? or was that already asked?" "What hooked me? The people, of course.", smiles Windy. Nom asks, "What keeps you here? or was that already asked?" "What keeps me here..", says Windy. Windy says, "Hmm." "Just to see if something will happen.", says Windy. Windy says, "I am patiently waiting.." Nom asks, "How long will you wait?" Windy says, "I love this game..I worked hard to get where I am." "So I'd wait a long time.", smiles Windy. "Had you left Fed for a while, Windy? It seems that I'd never seen you before and then suddenly you were around a few months ago", says Satinsheets. Windy smiles, "OOC- I went to college." Windy says, "But I don't know why I've never seen you before before.." "Odd, isn't it?", asks Windy. Windy is pretty vocal on 9 too. ;) "Not really...I played as Blaze during the time you started", smiles Satinsheets. "Satin is quiet by nature, so that may be why", smiles Kitten. Windy says, "Well, when I started...I didn't leave the cantina." "So I missed meeting a lot of great players..", says Windy. "hehe that might be it too...I try to avoid the 'tina", says Satinsheets with a wink. Pintomike says, "there is the difference between the times we grew up in jess" Chiefsgirl never went to the Cantina "How very true Mike.", smiles Windy. "i stayed in the cantina and all the great players did too", says Pintomike. Windy winks and says, "Darn right." "you lived in the cantina", smiles Christmasdream. "how many hours a week can you handle being harassed by the tourist?", asks Christmasdream. "The tourist is one of my sisters...", says Windy. Windy smiles, "Bet you didn't know that." Nom says, "Mike here and Mike in person bear so little resemblence to teachother.." Pintomike was never bothered by the tourist unlike others Satinsheets smiles, "I've licked the tourist-sicle a few times" "i told you so dear", smiles Pintomike. Windy says, "I doubt any of us are really like we are in here.." Nom says, "Well, you'd think some would rub off :P" Nom says, "I think I'm remarkably similar, Windy" "There's always a part of us that comes through..", says Windy. Pintomike does have part of his massive ego that he has here in rl "Nom, do we know you by some more familiar name perhaps?", asks Satinsheets. Windy winks and says, "Bren, you scare me then." Nom says, "I'm Windy's sister Marv" "It's merely Marvie.", says Windy with a wink. Satinsheets smiles, "Ahh well hello Marv" Windy smiles, "Well, thanks for all of you coming." "Hey Satin", says Nom. Pintomike just doesnt voice the massive ego to as many in rl Windy winks and says, "Amazing that I actually have friends.." Nom asks, "Am I very different in person, Dear?" "Or people who don't talk about me to my face..whichever.", smiles Windy. Kitten smiles, "Thanks Windy for being a delightful guest. You did great" Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Windy" "Good Job Windy", smiles Cup. "i hope yer not bisexual in reality dear", smiles Pintomike. "Join me next week when Cressida will be my guest", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Who is the guest the week after that Mom ?", asks Kitten. "Oh... on Halloween we have a special MEet & Greet planned with Kao", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Everyone should come in costumes and prepare ghost stories" Fancy muses, wondering if the Halloween Meet & Greet is intended to be somehow spooky... "oh, it will be spooky Fancy", smiles Chiefsgirl. |