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Spring curtseys to the queen of the universe Spring asks, "hmmmm does that mean there is a princess opening available?" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Well, I like to think I'm still a princess" "Can one be a queen and a princess?", asks Spring. "Eggie, what is the protocol on that?", asks Spring. Eggie blinks Chiefsgirl looks to Eggie Eggie only deals with the Baroness stuff Spring says, "you are soooooooo wise" "I don't know anything about Queenly protocols", says Eggie. String of cabana boys in tow Artopia has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Spring takes the cabana boys off Art's hands Artopia says, "I picked them up at Kis last night" Eggie winks and says, "So that's where all the good cabana boys went" Artopia whistles nonchalantly Artopia exclaims, "time to do the bunions!" Artopia grins merrily at the alpha cabana boy Spring watches the boys race over to Artopia "Wow....good reflexes", says Spring. Artopia snickers "how's everyone tonight?", asks Artopia. Eggie snaps the whip Eggie is drying her hair Spring watched Eggie dye her hair "it is beautiful", says Spring. Eggie blushes Spring smiles, "not many meet and greet folks get a first act." Artopia grins Spring wonders when Eggie will do a meet and greet? Eggie says, "Oh lord." Spring asks, "yes?" Eggie thwaps Spring Chiefsgirl keeps wondering that herself Spring cannot be queen, -The- Baroness, or Princess. Is willing to go for lord. Eggie doesn't do the public speaking thing "My Fedlife hasn't been that interesting anyway, I'm sure", says Eggie. Chiefsgirl says, "welcome everyone" Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "This is an opportunity to meet a different personality and ask questions", says Chiefsgirl. "Tonight my guest is Artopia, Duchess of Art", says Chiefsgirl. Artopia smiles and waves "Who?", asks Ryno. "Please give her the time to answer whatever questions are asked before bombarding her with another.", says Chiefsgirl. Ryno mutters, he thought it was someone else... Chiefsgirl plops on her barstool and applauds wildly Diamonddave throws his underwear on stage and screams like a school girl Dracula nods and whispers to Spring, "different personality is right." ;) Spring thinks Artopia is very different.....in a very good way ") Unomee gags diamonddave with peanut butter and a dirty sock Chiefsgirl says, "So Artopia, tell us how you came to be here and your early history" Artopia picks up the underwear and hands it to her cabana boy for safekeeping Artopia says, "Well... I first stumbled into dataspace in the fall of '96" "I wandered around enjoying sol for about 2 weeks, then was befriended by an explorer named PPPME", says Artopia. "He introduced me to CafeBen, Squire of Bernoulli, in the Duchy of Flying", says Artopia. "CafeBen gave me an office, which was quite an astonishing moment for me. From that moment I was hooked", says Artopia. Chiefsgirl grins as she remembers her first office "PPPME and Ben guided me through my early days, and Flying was a fun Duchy to grow up in", says Artopia. Artopia recalls the "Flying! Wheeeeeeee!" comms all hours of the day and night Sholuvr whispers... 3P easier to type than PPPME :p Chiefsgirl sadly notices that Flying is closed now Artopia nods Artopia says, "I had lots of friends there and in MBA and Neverland" "How long did it take you to get your own planet, Artopia?", asks Chiefsgirl. Artopia says, "hmmm... I wasn't in that much of a hurry. I wish I had dates like a lot of people I know, but I believe it was February of 97" Ryno asks, "You've never had a date?" "I remember spending about 8 hours straight figuring out my exchange", says Artopia. Eggie can tell ya it was after Feb 19th ;) Chiefsgirl never quite figured hers out so is glad to be rid of it Artopia says, "I sat there with Thesmothet and ASMiller7, who had just onlined his planet also" Artopia says, "Thes was a good friend, and part of Oz Duchy, where Chicago and Art first lived" Artopia says, "I had been warned about the exchange confusion, so I built a good portion of my planet before I onlined" Chiefsgirl met MND once or twice "I always recommend that to people", says Artopia. Artopia says, "MyNewDay was a wonderful person" Artopia says, "and Oz had a really fun puzzle" Danmathman hung out a lot with MND. .wasn't in Oz tho "She stopped coming online, and the duchy kept closing", says Artopia. Artopia says, "we all missed her so much... and it was really hard to work your exchange in a closed duchy with only 2 leisures" Chiefsgirl nods Artopia says, "so ASMiller and I convinced Gerndog, who was a Baron at the time, to defeat the Martians" Phiddie smiles fondly at the mention of her Fed uncle. "The three of us hauled in the necessary commods, warped, and the duchy of Dragoon was born!", exclaims Artopia. Chiefsgirl remembers trading in Dragoon "The martians are related to you Phiddie? Uncles?", asks Ryno. Phiddie says, "Hehe, no." "Ryno did you forget your 'nice-nice' pills?", asks Chelsia. "We had so much fun in Dragoon... I have so many fond memories", says Artopia. Ryno mutters and takes his pills "then I had an invitation to join Neverland. My best friend Neecerie really wanted me to be there with her, and I had been interested in joining for some time", says Artopia. "so ASM and I packed up and moved over to Nevvy. That was a riot.", smiles Artopia. "I left Neverland some time later, and returned to Oz", says Artopia. Artopia ponders that statement and laughs softly "What made these duchies fun for you Artopia?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ryno would make a comment, but his nice-nice pills have taken effect... he just sits staring nicely at the beautiful Duchess... "people playing... being involved in duchy activities", says Artopia. Chiefsgirl nods "group....", says Artopia. Artopia says, "roleplaying" Diamonddave leans forward at he word group "Who are some of the people you most admire from your years here", says Chiefsgirl. Artopia remembers the Neverland radio broadcasts and laughs Ryno says, "Psst... Dave... that was group.. not grope" Diamonddave says, "inside joke ryno" Ryno nods nicely "goodness.. I really just can't make a list, because I'm sure to forget people that I would kick myself over ...", says Artopia. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Well, just name a few" Ryno submits his name... Artopia says, "everyone who ever played with me is important to me... everytime I meet someone they touch me" Chiefsgirl is sure those forgotten would forgive you Artopia says, "and it's interesting to learn about people and their worlds. I love exploring" Dracula does not think he would forgive her.;) Diamonddave leans forward with intrest again Ryno says, "I would Dracula... but only cause of my pills..." Chiefsgirl asks, "What have been some of your favorite places to explore?" Artopia says, "I always enjoy a good puzzle... I died about 30 times on Aaargh" Artopia says, "hmmm.. Neverland was a beautiful planet" Ryno misses the good prices of Aaargh... Unomee grins, art should try darklight then Bix ponders 30 deaths make a good puzzle? :) Shiek misses typing too many, or too few 'a's in Aaargh Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions for Artopia?" Eggie raises her hand "Yes Eggie?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ryno does, but his nice-nice pills keep him from forming the words "What made you want to become a Duchesse?", asks Eggie. Spring whispers to Eggie, "That was MY question" Artopia says, "hmm... I suppose after hanging around at Baroness for as long as I did, I was curious about what I might be able to do as a Duchess" Gavin raises his hand, realizes he doesn't have a question, and puts it down again. Artopia says, "my driving desire was to build a fun home for people" "And that you have", smiles Eggie. Chiefsgirl smiles Artopia beams! Diamonddave asks, "fun????? elmer fudd hats are fun?????" Eggie grins Artopia POKES Dave "Shaddup Dave", says Eggie with a wink. "Do you have any duchy rules or regulations?", asks Chiefsgirl. Artopia hands Dave an Elmer Fudd hat with a naughty brim "wo ho if its kinky im a wearing it lol", says Diamonddave. Artopia says, "well... I'm not much of a rules person. I prefer for people to just be decent to each other and take things on an as-they-come basis" "I would punt a death trap", says Artopia. Dracula says, "If you are wearing it, it probably is kinky." Gavin decides he has a question and raises his hand. "What was your AOL name, I can't believe we both hung around MND and didn't meet?", asks Danmathman. "my name is as it has always been", smiles Artopia. "Ahh. .same here. .but I guess we didn't meet", says Danmathman. "you had a question Gavin?", asks Chiefsgirl. Artopia smiles "my loss!" Gavin says, "Actually, changed my mind again" "Wait, yes I do", says Gavin. Gavin asks, "What is MND?" Gavin is very indecisive tonight . . . "MyNewDay, duchess of Oz", says Artopia. "MyNewDay;) Duchess of Oz", says Danmathman with a wink. Gavin says, "Alright, thanks" Rere asks, "Back when I started playing, you helped me a great deal with no expections...What brought you to help people so much? The help you recieved?" Artopia grins Rere was lost till she met Art :) Artopia beams "I was helped a great deal.. not so much with groats, but with advice and friendship", says Artopia. Ryno looks at Rere and sniffles... "But that's what you told me!" Artopia says, "and that is what made my life special... I always wanted to pass that along" Rere smiles Chiefsgirl asks, "What's been your favorite rank Artopia?" "hmmm that's a tough question", says Artopia. "I really enjoy being a Duchess... more than I thought I would. But apart from that, I would have to say Baroness", says Artopia. Eggie winks and says, "It's all about Baroness" Artopia says, "there was nothing like the thrill of firing up the porter for the first time" Artopia says, "er, make that the second time" Artopia snickers at the evil Eggie Chiefsgirl nods Eggie exclaims, "What?!?!" Artopia asks, "you don't remember?" Eggie mumbles.. Artopia laughs "No =P", says Eggie. Eggie has a really bad memory Artopia says, "I didn't even have the plastic off the seats yet... Eggie tb's me... "go to Sol 69"" Eggie rolls! "so like the trusting dork I am...", says Artopia. Artopia laughs Eggie smirks "but thats tradition", says Unomee. Artopia nods "my first blooding", says Artopia. Danmathman was never told to go to sol 69;) Artopia says, "but... a close third would be squire" Ryno says, "Me either Dan..." Unomee hmms.. dan you should go there right now, its good luck Artopia says, "I absolutely adored owning the planet, writing it... it was really an obsession" Unomee will go with you Ryno exclaims, "I'm NOT going there with you dan!" Chiefsgirl asks, "I noticed Art is almost full...... do you look for certain things in your POs in your duchy? certain qualities?" Eggie winks and says, "Yes.. they must Feed Me Agri" Artopia says, "I look for people who want to have fun" Pin snickers, "A planet" Artopia laughs Ryno says, "Or do you just take anyone... <glances over his shoulder at Spring>" Chiefsgirl laughs Artopia says, "and who will feed Eggie, of course" Spring thinks that Art has simple requirements....just need to be the best. Artopia PINCHES Ryno Ryno shouts, "OUCH!" Ryno grins... those pills are wearin off! Unomee duck tapes ryno to the bar and puts a tomato in his mouth before covering him with whippy cream Chelsia slips Ryno a new bottle of nice-nice pills Spring applauds Unomee "eeew whippy cream and rotten tomatoes", says Artopia. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any questions for Artopia?" Artopia grimaces Eggie asks, "When did you save the galaxy from a fate worse than death?" Artopia says, "eeeech dates again... I think it was January of 99" "i have a question for Art", says Unomee. Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Uno?" "Art do you have any alts and what are their names?", asks Unomee. Artopia saunters over to Ryno and flicks the duct tape Artopia says, "I had one alt" "there's actually a silly story about her.. she was born as a costume", says Artopia. Artopia laughs Spring remembers that alt Artopia says, "I was invited to a costume party on MBA" Ryno looks at Artopia with his most endearing puppy dog eyes... Unomee is intrigued Chiefsgirl laughs Artopia takes off one piece of tape RRRIIIIIIIP!!!! Chiefsgirl asks, "And what sort of costume was she?" "oooh, lookit all the hair!", exclaims Artopia. Artopia holds it up Unomee puts a blindfold on ryno Ryno would screech but for the damned tomato Shiek winces in sympathy Rere cringes Artopia says, "she was Whodedoo" Artopia says, "I tried every version of "who" that I could... that was the best i could do" Artopia says, "anyway, I decided to keep her. She grew up as my little sister" Ryno would shoot daggers at Uno with his eyes... but for the damned blindfold Artopia says, "and she became my alter ego... she was much less reserved than I am" Eggie remembers that well ;) Artopia grins and RIIIIIPS off another piece of tape slowly Ryno writhes on the bar Chiefsgirl didn't know Artopia was reserved Artopia chortles Artopia says, "she eventually became a squire" Artopia says, "her planet was written, and I am NOT making this up.... in a single session on the bench off the top of my head" "Can't you all tell how reserved Art is?", says Danmathman with a wink. Unomee grins, didnt know Artopia enjoyed torturing Ryno, she would have ducktaped him sooner;) "it is a great planet", says Spring. "How long were you in there?", asks Eggie. "I hope people go see it, it's very silly.", says Artopia. "What's the planet name?", asks Chiefsgirl. Shiek asks, "How long did it take you to do it?" "I decided that I just couldn't swing owning two characters, so a friend of mine took her over", says Artopia. Artopia says, "the name of the planet is Escapade... and I was probably on the bench for 2 or 3 hours straight" "How many locs?", asks Eggie. "I think there's 110", says Artopia. "wow", says Unomee. "Lord.", says Eggie. Rere faints "there are a LOT of space loactions", says Artopia. Chiefsgirl says, "Wow, that's incredible" "110 locs in 2-3 hours?!?", asks Shiek. Shiek bows, in homage Eggie did 5 in 2 or 3 hours =P "do NOT port to 10.. I think the lp is 42", says Artopia. Artopia nods Chiefsgirl laughs Spring remembers the bar very well... "it's quite a silly place", says Artopia. Artopia snickers Eggie mumbles about people not putting their LPs as 10 ;) Eggie winks and says, "That's why I live in a hospital gown" Shiek notes that his lp is not 10, and snickers "also, if I may put in a plug, I would really like to see a few people going through the Art puzzle", says Artopia. Spring says, "it is a wonderful puzzle" "because I'm thinking about taking it out and reworking, it would do my heart good to have some puzzlers", says Artopia. Chiefsgirl will have to try the Art puzzle Chiefsgirl says, "I'm so horrible at puzzles though" Artopia says, "I need to put one clue back that became the easter egg" Ryno discovers that he can reach his remote porter control! Escaping the terror, THE Duke Ryno has just vanished. Artopia says, "it's really not a stumper... I meant it to be fun" Eggie spent forever and a day figuring out the Nevy puzzle.. and that was supposed to be easy! Bloody and missing hair, THE Duke Ryno has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Artopia giggles Ryno goes to the far end of the bar "I like that little bald patch there", says Artopia. Artopia points Ryno exclaims, "Just keep away!" Eggie winks and says, "You know you love it, Ryno" Ryno downs a triple shot of tequilla... straight Spring reaches into her hairdressing bag Rere asks, "Art, have a favorite fed Memory?" Spring gets out her "hair in a can" "When did you first discover that you were a closet sadist, Art?", asks Shiek. Artopia has bought you a shot of "The Dip!" guaranteed to erase your toons, drip your oils, and send you on a mind-bending cross-dimensional journey!! "yes, but not one I can share", says Artopia with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs "awww pick another one then", says Unomee with a wink. Eggie winks and says, "Then it doesn't count" Artopia giggles Bix watches her get to #7 on list? Artopia asks, "I have a better idea, how about if you tell me your favorite with me?" Artopia grins "This is about you, not us!", exclaims Eggie. "It isn't this meet and greet... I can tell you THAT!", exclaims Ryno. Unomee winks and says, "thats easy, Chicago" Dracula raises his hand. "I have a question." Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Dracula?" Dracula asks, "Is there any place vere ve can view your art?" Artopia leans over to CG and whispers "can I give an url?" Chiefsgirl nods at Artopia Ryno doesn't give a URL Artopia says, "I have work online at http://members.aol.com/duchess496/alyssa/index.htm" Artopia says, "oh.. I"ve got a memory for you Rere" "Oh?", asks Rere. "remember the Nevy-Onyx wars?", asks Artopia. Rere says, "Yes" Artopia was an undercover agent... Ryno asks, "Who's covers?" Rere falls down giggling "Really Art?", asks Chiefsgirl. Artopia says, "you have to know that I have been friends with OG since I was a merchie" "I didn't agree with his economic policies but I have always loved and respected him as a friend", says Artopia. "I was one who stood by him when he was banished from MBA", says Artopia. Unomee didnt know he was banished from mba Artopia remembers fearing the wrath of JT Artopia says, "but then there was the jello pool as consolation" Danmathman Went to Horsell when JtMoomua became a duke:) "anyway... during the wars, I was working on my "toy computer"", says Artopia. Artopia shoots a look at Ryno Ryno asks, "A mac?" Ryno snorts Artopia says, "and keeping Onyx on his toes... he kept building new weapons and I kept finding ways to thwart them" Artopia says, "and I think one of my proudest moments was when Onyx told Tbar that I was the only one who got in his way" Unomee says, "tb danmathman my daughter keeps trying to poke my boobies" Sniperspy LAUGHS! Kshandria shouts, "UNO!" "Thanks for this family moment Uno", says Ryno. Bix rofl Rere goes hysterical Shiek is ROFL!!! Ldyemrald rolls on the floor laughing!!!!! Danmathman protects Uno's parts Unomee dies Unomee blushes Eggie is on the floor! Artopia snorts ! Ryno hands Uno a handbook on Federation Communication Commands Sniperspy grins Kshandria writes to the fed chronicle for tb of the week Danmathman can't stop laughing. . "I love you hun" Unomee is laughing so hard she cant see Rere laughs Artopia dabs tears from her eyes! Bix knows "Line Of The Day" had been decided :) Unomee wipes her eyes Rere says, "Talk about a typo" Sniperspy is still chuckling.. Ldyemrald exclaims, "I think I'm gonna pee my pants!" "Well, that definatly makes this day memorable", says Eggie with a wink. Artopia laughs and thanks Uno Kshandria asks, "CG this all goes into the archives unedited right?" [Editor's note: No it doesn't, but I left this in. :)] Unomee is having a hard time breathing Kshandria thinks this meet and greet will be the MOST read transcript ever Unomee says, "nothings wrong hon, just what i said is an official part of the meet and greet now" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Art?" "Artopia....do YOU have any daughters?", asks Shiek. "yes, I have two... and they stopped poking my boobies a while back", says Artopia. Unomee blushes again Unomee always did really suck when it came to mixing up acts tb's and says "I have a question...", says Ryno. Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Ryno?" "What would the good Duchess, who looks quite stunning tonight, like me to do about these 7 Art POs that have asked to join Checkmate?", asks Ryno. Artopia rolls her eyes "Hmmm... what does it cost to commission you to do a portrait?", asks Ryno. "for you? two agris", says Artopia. Artopia laughs Eggie says, "Oooo" Chiefsgirl giggles Unomee asks, "just agri?" "thats cheap", says Unomee with a wink. Ryno has a couple leisures he'd give you... Artopia exclaims, "I didn't say I'd do a GOOD one!" Eggie exclaims, "No more leisures!" Eggie doesn't wanna risk getting kicked out of the top of the list ;) Spring says, "eggie, no one has been here longer than you...just shaver" Artopia grins and hands Eggie her walker "Eggie how long you been here?", asks Danmathman. Eggie says, "November 2nd, '96" "Yep. .I've been here longer", says Danmathman with a wink. Chiefsgirl notices the exact date Eggie assumed you did Unomee grins.. dan is an old man Dracula asks, "Ven did aol go unlimited?" "December '96", says Eggie. "That december", says Danmathman. "I was a became a PO June 96", says Danmathman with a wink. Dracula says, "Ah, then I must have joined in Feb of 97" Unomee joined in april of 97 Ryno thinks he joined sometime in the past... "Any final questions for Artopia?", asks Chiefsgirl. "wanna go out on a date Artopia?", asks Ryno. "I'll even pay", says Ryno with a wink. Chiefsgirl thought Ryno was married Eggie remembers November 2nd, because she played all weekend and then had to wait to the 5th to get more AOL hours or else risk a big bill ;) Ryno is divorced "Thanks so much for having me, I really enjoyed this", smiles Artopia. Chiefsgirl peers at Ryno Chiefsgirl is happy Artopia enjoyed herself Artopia looks at Ryno's cabana boy application and says "HEY!" "I want to thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. "Please join me again next week at 9:00 pm eastern", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl tries to remember who her guest is Chiefsgirl says, "I think it's Beccai, but I could be wrong" Chiefsgirl doesn't have her schedule in front of her Artopia giggles "poor Uno is going to have a hard time living that one down" "It could be a great mood for someone", says Eggie with a wink. Danmathman winks and says, "Remember if there is a lil ' before what you type. . it is a say" "Hey CG, how does one become part of this thing here", says Danmathman with a wink. Artopia mutters "Port to sol 69 Art.. it's fun!" "Oh Dan, do you want to be a future guest?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Sure why not", smiles Danmathman. Unomee snickers evilly "oooh that one will be fun", says Unomee. Chiefsgirl says, "Then I'll send you an email with my open dates that are available for you to choose one" Cgee packs up the video equipment |