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Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet Chiefsgirl says, "My guest tonight is Aylisa, Duchess of Essencia" "She'll tell us about herself, her duchy, her history", says Chiefsgirl. Aylisa smiles and waves at everyone. "And she'll answer questions you may have", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "please give Aylisa the chance to respond to your questions" Aylisa hops into a seat and get comfy. "So, without further ado.... I present Aylisa!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly "Wow, let's see...I started Federation about 4 years ago, due to a skiing accident. I was stuck at home and viola there it was on AOL.", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "I started out as SpaceBabe and I was very slow working the ranks...I didn't have a 2nd line to make the cycles then and I had a small child at home." "So, really I didnt have a home at that point, I wandered where ever someone on 4 said the best prices was", says Aylisa with a wink. Chiefsgirl remembers the search for good prices Rere remembers oh too well Mynewday remembers tooo....sheesh Shaman remembers the days... Iolair nods Skiierdost smiles and remembers too.. "I some how made it to the duchy of Rage, ended up getting all of my factories there and such.", says Aylisa. Shaman remembers having a helluva time making profit in the cycles, too. Aylisa says, "I met so many nice people there, people that became my rl friends as well as online friends, I miss most of them so very much." Chiefsgirl drinks a toast to all the good friends that have left us Aylisa says, "I made Squire, I really dont' know how..and these people was my friends...fed my planet groats..never learned a thing about planet economics." Derian didn't remember it that way... Aylisa smiles at Derian. Aylisa smiles, "Oh, I had a fed son at that point. His name was Geiiga" Zrasputin remembers Geii Aylisa smiles, "And he use to be so nice and sweet" Zrasputin shakes his head and chuckles Raphael winks and says, "the green Geiiga" Aylisa smiles, "When I left fed, he was..I swear" "So, I took a break...I had a 2 year old...it's hard to fed and chase a 2 year old.", says Aylisa. Rere nods knowingly Calodia sudgests a wireless keyboard Chiefsgirl laughs Rere loves that idea "Or duct tape", says Calodia with a wink. "I then returned...I moved my home into Darkshadow. I met some wonderful people there.", says Aylisa. "I met Baron Ryno there, he ended up doing the puzzle and hence, I moved to his duchy.", says Aylisa. Chiefsgirl asks, "Weren't you married to Ryno, Aylisa?" Aylisa nods to CG. Rere asks, "You got married the night he went Duke right?" "Yes, I did", says Aylisa. Chiefsgirl is happy some of her memory is still intact Derian asks, "Weren't you married a half dozen times or so before that?" Rere giggles Aylisa says, "There I met some really great people" Aylisa nudges Derian. Derian grins mischievously. Rere twirls the duct tape in Derian's direction "Rere, Keshrika, Rootofevil, Macnbnc...we was all a very close family.", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "That's how the whole vixen thing started btw...Keshrika, Rere, Amethyst and myself." "Could you tell us a bit about how that began", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl thinks she missed it Aylisa bites her lip and looks at Rere. Rere whistles innocently Shaman smiles, "Ut oh..." Chiefsgirl thinks this might be quite a tale Derian laughs very hard, then lunges for a liter glass of beer. Iolair knows there's nothing innocent about her Vixen sisters... Sirglec wonders how a vixen can be innocent. Raphael says, "Expand on that Aylisa..." Myangel tilts their halos back to normal position "Well, we was not getting certain things from our Duke....there was a thing about showers near the jello pool...etc etc", says Aylisa. Calodia winks and says, "Vixens are always innocent" "So, we planned to tie him up and demand he meet our needs.", says Aylisa. Rere mutters about being all sticky in the jello and having no shower "Vixens unite!! lol", says Iolair. "The whole thing ended up turning against us, when Filbert showed up.", says Aylisa. Rere cringes Zrasputin howls Iolair says, "imagine that..lol" Rere says, "We did tie him up, if I recall" "He was Ryno's lawyer it seems..and he ended up taking Keshrika as payment for services", says Aylisa. Dorian says, "lol" Aylisa says, "His story is ..he was given her....so since he's not here to defend himself..I will say that." Rere coughs "You damn well better.", says Derian. "So, we ended up being called Vixens for our little deal.", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "Let's see, during that period, I also joined the sisterhood of Darkshadow." Zrasputin pokes Aylisa Chiefsgirl smiles Sirglec says, "That's discrimination." Iolair asks, "How??" "Could us men join?", asks Sirglec. Aylisa says, "Ryno and I had a falling out of sorts, and I really didnt' want to reside in checkmate anymore..so I had to move on." "Get a sex change", says Skiierdost with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles when she thinks about where the men receive their tattoos Sirglec looks down.... uh huh. Aylisa says, "I jumped around to a few duchies, Stage, Darkshadow, and then finally Glantri." Chiefsgirl composes herself "It was at that point, I realized I wanted to become a duchesse.", says Aylisa. "Glantri", smiles Zrasputin. Chiefsgirl bounces around on her barstool and pays attention to Aylisa Aylisa says, "So, I met Magesmiley and he was really helpful about planet design and such." Aylisa says, "He opened my eyes about a lot of things in Fed, that I kind of became a lemming to, I actually went back and mapped the maze and the ruins." "So after doing that, Fed once again...felt new..almost like that day when I hopped in as a Groundhog.", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "So, I did the puzzle, made Duchesse....I have wonderful POs who are like family to me." Mynewday applauds Aylisa wuvs em. Chiefsgirl smiles Zrasputin says, "And we love our duchesse.... most of the time." Skiierdost winks and says, "Most of the time" "Who accompanied you on your journey?", asks Penterkar. "Especially when she makes pudding.", says Zrasputin. Rere winks and says, "I should hope so, she's the best" Aylisa says, "Magesmily, Rere and Chigins." Calodia smiles, "I still love duchesse Aylisa" Aylisa says, "Then I met Sargon, back in June of this year." "He is just my total soul mate, not only are we mates, but we are really good friends and have a great time together.", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "He has showed me so much about Fed and I thank him for that." "Awww.", says Derian. Skiierdost awwws. Iolair smiles Shaman sniffles a little. Kitty smiles Chiefsgirl smiles at Sargon Aylisa says, "and that's about it...I think" Shaman passes around the tissues... :) Rere wipes a tear Mynewday applauds sargon Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Does anyone have any questions for Aylisa?" Derian asks, "How many times have you beeen married?" "I have been married 3 times..but I have some wonderful people in my life", smiles Aylisa. Rootofevil waves as the wonderful person Rere has given Rootofevil a warm tickle! Derian is one of the less wonderful people. Penterkar asks, "What is your most memorable moment in fed?" An stone-hearted right-wing Conservative has just arrived. Aylisa smiles and cheers for the conservative "Hey baby", says Conservative. "Wow, this is a wonderful suprise.", says Aylisa. "Anything for you", smiles Conservative. Aylisa says, "Memorable, probably when I fed married Sargon...it was so much fun." Chiefsgirl smiles Skiierdost asks, "Okay, that being most memorable.. how about happiest?" "Most embarrassing", says Rere with a wink. Skiierdost winks and says, "Lest we forget Ree" Derian says, "How about non-mush memorable..." Aylisa points at Conservative " That is Filbert" "Thanks for joining us Conservative", smiles Chiefsgirl. Conservative winks and says, "And the entirely of the room just felt a wave of disgust" "He has come to take over the spot-light...true fashion of my fallen friend", says Aylisa. Derian laughs. Calodia still has no clue Derian winks and says, "Dammit, Fil, that's MY job" "I am just suprised ...let me scroll back..think I missed a question", says Aylisa. Dorian says, "lol, filbert in disguise" Conservative winks and says, "Derian, you're just a sidekick" Derian says, "Nonsense." Zrasputin says, "Derian's grown into a full sized Kick now." "A kick in the nuts, maybe", says Conservative. "I would have to rank the happiest and most memorable into the same.", says Aylisa. Penterkar repositions the spotlight back onto Aylisa Rere asks, "Most embarrassing Fed-moment Aylisa?" Aylisa says, "Oh, I forgot to add...I had another fedchild...She is Ladyspar" "who is NOT sparhawk", says Zrasputin. "I am on cold-drugs tonight...you will have to excuse my lack of thinking", says Aylisa. Bront asks, "Do you explore planets? and if so, what has been your favorite one?" "Ladyspar is your daughter?", asks Calodia. Calodia feints Aylisa says, "Embarrassing...had to be a long time ago...I got into it with a captain..only to find out he was my Duke's alt." "Where ya been Cali??? lol", says Iolair. "Carnival", says Calodia with a wink. "I enjoy exploring..and seen so many planets...to pick one would be hard.", says Aylisa. Bront smiles, "Name a few" "People put alot of their life and passions into them..they are true pieces of art.", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "I am not sure if many recall Renots..but he had the best planet to explore." "It was always something drug related, but...I had a lot of fun in the mushrooms", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "Darlight was another really fun planet to explore." "Darklight, even.", says Aylisa. Derian ponders the lack of Lunacy in that list. "I died too much there", says Aylisa with a frown. Kao asks, "As a duchess what is your view on the banning rule? Have you used it? Why? If not, under what circumstances would you use it?" Zrasputin says, "ahh, the "potent" question" Aylisa says, "Well at first, I was so hard core against it......." "Then I had someone who was sitting on a Baron of mine's planet..he would buy up a commod..sell it back...slowly draining him..on purpose", says Aylisa. Calodia remembers that Aylisa grins "Yes it was Zrasypooh" Iolair frowns.. that's not very nice Zrasputin says, "eeh, numbnuts are hard to figure out." Aylisa says, "Anyways, I am given this power to do something..to protect my friend and po's planet...I did it" Chiefsgirl ponders that Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions?" Aylisa says, "I ended up speaking with that person again..and he actually came back into the duchy, to a party or something..so it worked out." Conservative asks, "Did we cover most humorous moment?" "what rules, if any, do you have for your duchy?", asks Kao. Rere looks at Aylisa Aylisa smiles "Well, there was this time with Rere and a tattoo....It was very funny. Rere says, "I knew that was coming hehe" Aylisa laughs. Iolair did too..lol Chiefsgirl smiles "Oh, please. Do tell...", smiles Penterkar. Rere winks and says, "Nooooo that's ok" Aylisa looks at Rere for permission. Calodia winks and says, "Aylisa is a horibly oppressive and ruthless duchesse" Skiierdost laughs.. "Aylisa, sweetie, I have a question", says Conservative. Zrasputin reaches into his back pocket, and retrieves his rule book for his duchesse Aylisa says, "Rules, I dont like my agri being hauled to...all my pos haul out to sol..that's about it." Derian has never hauled out to Sol. "You just don't haul Derian", says Skiierdost with a wink. Conservative knows that's a lie Chiefsgirl says, "Shaman has the next question, then yours can be next Conservative" "Okay.... I have a serious question to ask...", smiles Shaman. Conservative smiles at CG, "Okay, babe" Shaman clears his throat. Shaman asks, "If you were being chased through chin-high reeds by a rabid blue rhino, and you only had a toothpick and a chip-clip... what would you do?" The Essence of Duchesse Aylisa has just disappeared. The Essence of Duchesse Aylisa has just appeared. Aylisa brushes the dust off Calodia dusts off Aylisa Aylisa says, "sorry, I missed anything after I said what the rules was." Shaman clears his throat again... "I think ya better ask that one again", says Penterkar with a wink. Anjuli asks, "She would disappear?" "We waited for you", says Deedee. "Really, I was hiding from Conservative's question", says Aylisa with a wink. Shaman says, "Okay..." Conservative looks relatively innocent "If you were being chased through chin-high reeds by a rabid blue rhino, and you only had a toothpick and a chip-clip... what would you do?", asks Shaman. Rere shoos away that nasty punt monster Anjuli watches to see if the question causes another disappear. Iolair think the punt monster is on a rampage tonight. "the duchesse's ISP has a cold too.", says Zrasputin. Bront slays the punt monster again Aylisa looks at Shaman and answers "I would wake up" :) Mynewday thanks rere most merrily Rere claps Conservative says, "Okay... I know you've already stated most embarrasing moment" "But...", says Conservative. "Interesting....", says Shaman. Conservative says, "Everyone has a moment that brings butterflies and pangs of guilt everytime it enters the mind... just an overall lousy and utterly embarrasing feeling... and as subject of a Meet and Greet, I think it's your responsibility to share" Derian laughs really hard. Calodia rolls Aylisa sighs Penterkar runs that question over few times...still doesn't get any better Aylisa says, "I knew you two would do this to me..." Conservative giggles with sadistic glee Aylisa says, "I sold my son...weapons factories." Conservative exclaims, "And I'm going to steal your medicare benefits after you've answered!" Derian grins. Zrasputin cries Penterkar asks, "You were an arms dealer?" Shaman exclaims, "Ohmigosh!" "You're not getting off that easily, dear", says Conservative with a wink. "Arms proliferations!", exclaims Zrasputin. Aylisa just buries her face in her hands. Penterkar looks shocked Shaman says, "You should be ashamed..." Shaman says, "Weapons factories..." Rere pats Aylisa's shoulder Catspaws knew it! Aylisa smiles, "Well...I needed them really bad.." Calodia has given Aylisa a sloppy hug! Conservative says, "That's hardly embarrasing... that's just taking advantage of Derian's relative retardedness" Derian is NOT her son. Rere hides a snicker Raphael exclaims, "Oh My god, arms factories! to your son no less!! corrupting an Innocent!" "He was a merchant for a long time because of that.", says Aylisa. Skiierdost asks, "Innocent?" "hehe, he's not so innocent", says Zrasputin. Raphael snickers Shaman says, "That's almost as bad as someone selling me Anti facs." Catspaws asks, "Children are innocent? Have you met mine????" "oops, he did it again", says Zrasputin. "He was probably drawn in to the dirty profits he was making from those illegal arms sales", says Penterkar. Calodia asks, "Didn't you buy yourself Alloys Facs Aylisa?" Aylisa nods "But the person had 50 infra builds" Aylisa says, "they was Swwwwwwwwwweeeet." Rere asks, "yes, Aylisa, what do you think about being a duchess...are you enjoying the rank?" Conservative pshaws at all these softball questions Aylisa says, "Yes, at first...I thought..ok..this isnt going to be fun...but it has turned out to be a great rank that I enjoy." Catspaws mutters to Lisa, "The rank sucks, don't give up your day job..." Aylisa gazes at Derian. "Given the choice between Baroness and Duchesse, which would you choose and why?", asks Skiierdost. "to each their own cats.", says Zrasputin. Dorian wont be silent any longer......."OK NOW!! where was the strangest place you ever got "WILD" in ??" inquiring minds want to know "dorian, shhhhh", says Zrasputin. Derian asks, "If you could change on -major- decision that you've made during the course of your Fed life, what would it be?" Zrasputin pulls out the duct tape Mynewday thumps dorian Raphael exclaims, "ooh good question!" "Dorian, you're dumb. Don't talk anymore.", says Derian. "I really enjoyed being a Baroness, you had no worries, a great exchange. I miss being a Baroness at times..it was my favorite rank.", says Aylisa. Aylisa smiles, "It would make me blush, so no comment Dorian" "was just a joke........am VERY drunk", says Dorian with a wink. "You're all allowing Aylisa to dodge the question I fed Geiiga. Be silent and allow the lovely woman to answer", says Conservative with a wink. "Err, Derian. Old habits die hard", smiles Conservative. Aylisa asks, "You are feeding him those questions?" Conservative says, "I'm behind everything, you know that" "Pshaw.", says Derian. Aylisa whispers the words "Woof" Rere mutters shark "Just answer the damn question.", says Derian. Conservative slinks back down into his seat "Rere, Aylisa... you both know what I have the capacity to do if either of you reveal any of that", says Conservative with a wink. Aylisa smiles holding her log. Rere rolls her eyes "LOG!?", shouts Conservative. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Aylisa or are we gonna hear the story of Woof?" Conservative further notes that Aylisa dodged Derian's question "We are NOT going to hear the story of Woof.", says Conservative. Aylisa says, "I missed it...can you repeat..I am sorry." Penterkar votes for the story of Woof "If you could change on -major- decision that you've made during the course of your Fed life, what would it be?", asks Derian. Chiefsgirl thinks that would be a good story to hear Conservative would commit genocide in some breakaway Soviet republic if it were told Aylisa has given Conservative a warm hug! "No, one can't have regrets about anything...it has no logic to do so.", says Aylisa. Aylisa says, "You are given a path, you take it...even here in Fed." Zrasputin asks, "lissy and logic?" Derian exclaims, "No dodging!" "oh dear god.", says Zrasputin. Conservative exclaims, "Predestination, huh? Stop dodging!" Aylisa twirls a blonde strand of hair. Rere passes Aylisa a cherry lolli "I bet it would have been choosing one or another of her children <<coughs>>", says Brevin with a wink. Derian is -sure- that wouldn't be it. "No, I have no regrets on my fed children", says Aylisa. Brevin smirks ever so slightly at Derian Conservative figures it'd be forgoing a once-in-a-lifetime chance at political stardom for a bunch of 'Klingons' Conservative winks and says, "But I'm not answering her questions" "I'm sure she'd do something more interesting than make a political move, Dear", says Brevin with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any final questions for Aylisa?" "Can you tell us about your planet?", asks Rere. "Anything special there?", asks Rere. Chiefsgirl smiles and settles back to hear about Essencia "I wanted the planet named Essence but it was gone...so I picked something close.", says Aylisa. "I do have Checkmate's bar on there", smiles Aylisa. "Di Dded", says Deedee. "Opps", says Deedee. Aylisa giggles. "Is that what Ryno was so upset about? You took the bar in the devorce?", asks Calodia. Aylisa says, "No, It was moved after his DD." "Ahh", says Calodia. "I paid him alimony", smiles Aylisa. Conservative stole her planet from Ryno long before anything else occured "Ohhhh I have another question...", says Rere. Conservative fondly remembers propping his feet up on Ryno's desk Aylisa says, "My lawyer left town..and well...I got shafted on that." "How much was Alimony?", asks Calodia. "6ig a week", smiles Aylisa. Rere faints Zrasputin says, "Ryno was always late with the payments too." Grewl says, "It's not called alimony anymore." Aylisa smiles, "I had to pay him Zras" Aylisa laughs. Zrasputin says, "heheh, shhh" Brevin grins broadly at Con... Zrasputin winks and says, "I convinced him to pay me for you once" "Is it true you owned an ice cream truck early on in your duchessness to make groats on the side?", asks Rere. Shaman exclaims, "It's true! She tried selling me ice cream before!" Chiefsgirl grins Aylisa says, "Oh yes, when I became duchess, I had no planets...so I had no igs." "So I would hop duchy to duchy, ringing my ice cream truck bell...selling icecream.", says Aylisa. Penterkar winks and says, "Guess hauling was out of the question, huh" Rere pictures a vixen ice cream vendor and giggles Conservative asks, "Is it true you once tied a fine, upstanding citizen and his lawyer up in a failed attempt at grand theft spaceship?" Aylisa adjusts her halo "Who me?" "There are fine, upstanding citizens in Fed?", asks Shaman. Zrasputin says, "certainly not fil" Shaman looks around.... "I am.", says Derian. Bront says, "Rare, but they exist" Zrasputin mumbles about being worse than that stuff you find on the bottom of the tables in the cantina Conservative wonders if his gum is still under the left booth of table 4 Zrasputin says, "no, fang found it yesterday" Conservative frowns "Thank you all for coming...I enjoyed seeing all my friends and family tonight.", says Aylisa. "I want to thank Duchess AYlisa for being our guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Aylisa tries to get out before Consver asks anymore questions ;) Conservative grins Chiefsgirl says, "Join me next week when my guest will be someone in attendence tonight... I hope" Chiefsgirl applauds wildly Aylisa looks around.... Chiefsgirl nudges Sargon Aylisa whees :) Bront asks, "Anyone in particular CG?" Chiefsgirl smiles, "I hope it will be Sargon "And join us on October 29 for a special spooky Halloween edition of Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "With special guest storyteller Kao", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl invites anyone else interested in telling a spooky tale to contact her Aylisa asks, "You did last halloween too didn't you?" "Yep", says Kao. "I look forward to it.", says Aylisa. "And it was wonderful and great fun", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Which is why I wanted Kao back this year", says Chiefsgirl. Kao says, "thanks....i'll break out the jack o'lantern and he can leer at everyone" Aylisa smiles, "bye all..I had a lot of fun" |