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Beccai says, "tis ok , I am just so forgettable" "Well, that's not true... I'm just not used to having to be here on Sunday", Moria smiles. Beccai wonders if she can sit on table in case she gets the urge "I have never actually done one of these before, but I think I've seen one or two, so be patient with me", Moria smiles. "we will wing it together", says Beccai. Moria smiles, "So, to start tonight, I want to welcome everyone to Meet and Greet.... Beccai is our wonderful guest" Beccai stand and curtsies "I supposed we should start out with Beccai telling us about how she started in Fed and some stuff about herself...... I assume you are all free to ask questions about what she says. Just give her time to answer fully and be respectful.", Moria smiles. Beccai sit back down on her table careful not to muss her bikini Hello climbs up next to beccai in her bikini "umm lets see where do I start", says Beccai. Hof wonders about the streaking policy at MnG ;) Phiddie drags Hello off he podium. "squeek the beginning is good", smiles Squeeky. "How many DD's Becc!?", asks Njrudeboy. "Who's naked?", asks Windy. "Yeah, just tell us about how you found this little world", Moria smiles. "will get to that in my storty", says Beccai. "story even", says Beccai. Beccai blushes "let's see I started Fed March 30 , 1997, remember exact date because just as I was getting good and started, my son comes screaming,", says Beccai. Beccai says, "he had fallen and broken his arm, so after getting him to the hospital and all back, I got hooked" Beccai says, "I quickly found my way around sol, til time to find the gm" "then I walked into the radioactive room,woke in the hospital and couldn't find my way out", says Beccai. Beccai says, "after much panicking and unable to get out, longstrider finally came and walked me out" Beccai says, "after about 3 months I got my original planet, Rush, which came to live in Valhalla, til p2p" "Longstrider...nicest, nicest guy", smiles Phiddie. Beccai says, "then Valhalla, who has a wonderful Duchess died, so I moved to sol, then paps put me in Shade so he could keep an eye on me" "Paps?", asks Ghostryder. "I miss ninjal and his trees", says Njrudeboy. Beccai says, "which was still a bit out of his eye so then I ended up in Backdraft with my wonderful paps Aldva" Aldva chuckles at how much good that did Beccai says, "ok that is my beginnings open for questions" Beccai grins Moria smiles. "Tell them about your charming daughter!", exclaims Ghostryder. Njrudeboy asks, "what ever happened to the wire brush??" Beccai says, "err the Duchess of Valhalla didn't die" "I hid it on Romani Nj", says Beccai. Beccai says, "oh yeah to date I have dded I think 5 times" Beccai grins Beccai says, "questions, one time only to know my secrets" Beccai winks Moria thinks you are dangerous. :) Njrudeboy thinks he has given Becc at least 20 gigs ;) Ghostryder asks, "Beccai, can you tell us about your family?" Moria smiles, "C'mon guys, you can think of some enticing questions" "Who was your greatest Fed love? Hero? Enemy?", asks Windy. "meeee?", asks Hello. Beccai says, "fed love, my fed husband Smilf" "Can you even figure out your family Becc?", asks Njrudeboy. "hero I have I couple, Aldva, Hof, and Bababooie", says Beccai. Ghostryder nods at Nj, 'Its like a tangled vine, not a family tree.' "Hof? Whatever for?", says Windy with a wink. Beccai says, "Nj can anyone figure out my family" "What have you found so far is most difficult in climbing through ranks?", asks Phiddie. "Or more specifically,..", says Phiddie. Phiddie says, "Which rank" Beccai says, "basically, sjw is my gramps, myangel is my grammy, Aldva is my paps, mistikdawn my nana, Bababooie my dad,hof my uncle, valdrik,jambotee,breyer,and pianoamay are my kids" Zrasputin thinks its finding the stupid gm "most difficult finding the gm", says Beccai. Beccai nods to Zrasputin "No kidding..", says Windy. "So, who was your greatest enemy Bec?", asks Windy. "Pianonomay!? I have an other sister or brother!", exclaims Ghostryder. Windy asks, "And why..?" "Enemy hmm I don't think I have any, I get along with almost everyone", says Beccai. "squeek what are your thoughts on some of the more littler critters here in fed?", smiles Squeeky. "they are cut as long as they eat the cheese and don't cut it", says Beccai. Beccai says, "sister Breyer, but alas she seems to be missing" Ghostryder sighs, 'Darn, I really would like an other Sister. Jambotee and Valdrik are only good for so many laughs.' Windy asks, "What is your most memorable experience in Fed?" Moria smiles, "give her time to catch up now" Hof remembers a few folks sorta stalking becs ...but they didn't have time to focus on her much ;) "Okay, I'll try to slow down.", smiles Windy. "umm well along time ago I was doing a strip tease in private, and my fed brother spied it and teased me", says Beccai. Moria smiles, "Beccai, I will recap the questions for you... Phiddie asked about what rank you found most challenging.... windy asked about who your greatest enemy is and why" Moria smiles, "And windy also asked what your most memorable experience in fed has been" Beccai says, "answered that one Moria finding the gm was the hardest" "most memorable was getting caught by the spybeam and my brother", says Beccai. Moria asks, "Ooo, what happened?" "What was the funniest rumor you've heard about yourself?", asks Windy. Beccai says, "I was doing a strip tease , and bro tbs baba boom" Njrudeboy sees that Becc is fully clothed today Beccai says, "almost Nj" Ghostryder says, "Better then the day before." "hmm most interesting rumor,hmm what rumors most of what is said is true", says Beccai. Windy shrugs. "well I didnt think just my towel and cross would work for the meet", says Beccai. "I don't know..", smiles Windy. Hof remembers the love becs had for tbar ;) Beccai giggle Beccai says, "oh yeah Tbar,hmm he wanted to umm censor me" Windy asks, "What's the craziest think you've done?" Windy says, "thing, rather." "Nuts to hum, uncensored uncensored", smiles Hello. "umm does stealing guys pants and running em up flag poles count, or streaking comms", says Beccai. Beccai was the original streaker in fed "Poco might argue with you", Moria smiles. "we are all lucky to still have any clothes with becs around", says Hof. "I think I have like thirty pair of Hof's pants", says Beccai. "She wanted to have an official streaking event on Mars at one point", Moria smiles. Windy asks, "Just out of curiosity, how did you get started with the people here?" Hello wonders whether or not to take off his bikini Windy says, "I mean, there are various other groups out there that one could be associated with..like the Pirates, or the Onyxians..etc." Moria thinks Windy should be the hostess of this event. :) "with realms thru myangel and sjw", says Beccai. "met my dad thru them", says Beccai. "How did you meet them?", asks Windy. "I knew myangel in another body", says Beccai. Myangel smiles "and she introduced me to everyone", says Beccai. "squeek who are your parents Beccai?", asks Squeeky. Windy smiles, "Ah...I see." Beccai says, "I just have a dad, Bababooie" "Do you have any alts?", says Windy with a wink. "not anymore windy", says Beccai. "Why don't you tell us about some of the memorable things that happened along the way when you were fed growing up", Moria smiles. Aldva says, "Hmmmm..Immaculate concoction" Beccai says, "I can say back on aol I was very quiet and shy" Windy asks, "Why the change Bec?" Hof never knew becs to ever be shy Myangel did :) Aldva didnt either "well I got mixed up in the Barb snogging incident and alot was said about me that wasnt true, so I changed just to be different I guess", says Beccai. Beccai nods Beccai says, "Safy knew me when i was very quiet" Safyreyes smiles at Beccai Beccai says, "I remember her tryin to fix me up with someone and I about died of embarrassment" "That was a long time ago.", says Safyreyes. Windy laughs. Safyreyes grins "long long time ago", says Beccai. Squeeky finds it hard to believe that Beccai was ever quiet Myangel winks and says, "safy was good at that" "Were you ever caught up in the auctions?", asks Windy. "Do you remember your first fed date, interest?", Moria asks. "Or was the first one..... smilf?", Moria asks. "then one day crazy little kbear took me shopping in bare necessities", says Beccai. "actually No, I dont, I remember my dad tried to sell me cuz he said I had to many guys coming after me he might as well make some groast", says Beccai. Safyreyes wonders if that was bare.. or bear necessities Windy laughs.. Beccai giggles and remember her very first teddy Myangel grins Windy asks, "Did you ever join a guild?" Moria glares at Al. Moria smiles, "Oh, not Al?" Beccai says, "no actually I didnt" "dad is Bababooie, paps is my GREAT grandpa,", says Beccai. Beccai says, "the best there is" Beccai says, "any questions I have missed" Phiddie smiles and agrees Kariscats says, "cuz they let you get away with murder:p" Safyreyes grins at the word GREAT grandpa.. thinking Al isn't that old Beccai says, "nana does not" Ghostryder smirks, 'Can you tell us about your beautiful daughter now?' "Nah, they're great parents...mine too.", says Phiddie. Beccai says, "remember the barney suit" Beccai says, "I have beautiful daughter Breyer, who is everything I am not the perfect lady,except she disects her brother" Phiddie asks, "Purple?" Hof laughs Beccai says, "yes purple barney suit with pins still intact that darn suit itched" Phiddie says, "Hehe" Safyreyes raises an eyebrow Ghostryder nods and beams with pride, 'He was a frog, who could resist?' Moria whispers, "keep asking her questions and talking, I need to put the rest of my kids to bed real quick" "This one, Becc?", asks Aldva. Beccai groans Aldva holds up the Barney suit Beccai says, "I thought I burned that" "hehehehe", says Aldva. Beccai cancels all thought of dancing on the tables Aldva grins Safyreyes giggles at Beccai Victoria hopes no one breaks out with the Barney song Safyreyes thinks she came to visit at the right time "any other questions", says Beccai. Beccai grins Beccai says, "I am game to answer anything" Beccai says, "I did invent fed truth or dare" Beccai grins and thinks about Hof asking for someone to help him with his twin lasers Hof wants to see logs ;) Safyreyes laughs Beccai pulls out the clown paint and paints Moria since she went afk while she was here Safyreyes hands Beccai the barney suit "should I add the big floppy hat?", asks Beccai. Safyreyes says, "I bet she would look good in it too" Safyreyes looks at Moria Beccai ain't wearing barney "Not you.. .Moria", says Safyreyes. Aldva grins Safyreyes grins mischievously Beccai says, "I remember my first fed Halloween costume" Aldva hands Moria the Barney suit Beccai says, "and the fit it caused" Moria smiles, "Ok, I am back" Beccai fits Moria inside the barney suit Beccai smiles innocently Moria asks, "Do I look ok?" Moria poses. "Paps do you remember my I Halloween costume", says Beccai. Victoria dusts off Beccai's halo "you look awesome Moria", says Beccai. Aldva nods yes "Bec, do you have any best friends, anyone you would like to tell us about?", Moria asks. "umm most of my best friends are here, my family and friends", says Beccai. Beccai says, "Hof, myangel, Aldva, Phiddie" Beccai says, "and nana but she I think fell asleep" Safyreyes asks, "Beccai, would you like to tell the world how you reacted to your first blind date (almost) in fed when I tried to set you up?" "I blushed and stammered", says Beccai. Safyreyes giggles.. "Alot" Beccai nods "a whole lot", says Beccai. Safyreyes whispers.. "She was actually very cute" Beccai says, "like I said I was very very shy, and well behaved" "ya see Safy corrupted me its all her fault", says Beccai. "Well, she's good to blame", Moria smiles. Safyreyes laughs, "Do you think people will believe that one?" Beccai says, "she got me involved in my very first strip pokergame" Aldva believes it Hof shakes his head "ask myangel she knows", says Beccai. Safyreyes grabs Beccai and tries to cover her mouth Moria smiles, "So after you found out you were a streaker at heart and an all around outgoing girl..... were you well behaved then?" "tween safy and kbear I didnt have a chance", says Beccai. "shhhhh", says Safyreyes. Myangel grins "I am always very very good Moria", says Beccai. "of course depends on how ya look at it", says Beccai. Myangel thinks saf remembers that card game ;) Squeeky smiles, "squeek good at doing what?" Kariscats thinks Bec uses a different dictionary than she does "yeah safy lost it", says Beccai. Safyreyes laughs and gives up keeping her image in tack Moria smiles, "Everyone should be good at something" Beccai winks and says, "I am very good at being naughty Kari" Myangel just remembers a swinging door with a bra flying over the top and safy leaving quick ;) Safyreyes laughs as she blushes Beccai remembers the same thing Beccai says, "of course there were the 2 gigs bets I lost to paps" Squeeky is good at being mischievous Victoria wonders if that made the Fed archives "Uhmm, shall we tell about some of Beccai's wild channel streaking?", asks Safyreyes. Aldva grins Squeeky nods yes "anyone want to know about those bets", says Beccai. "No!", exclaims Safyreyes. Njrudeboy asks, "but did you EVER pay Paps?" Hof knew you would lose those bets Safyreyes fans herself Beccai was very lucky she had an understanding spouse he paid em off Moria asks, "If you could change anything you did in fed, what would it be, if anything?" Beccai says, "I lasted what two days" Safyreyes grins at Beccai... "yes, you loosed alot of them" "2 days!", exclaims Aldva. Safyreyes wonders what happened to her translator.. it seems to be having problems "I would never have tickled Barb in that prank which was the snogging incident,", says Beccai. "yes two days", says Beccai. Moria thinks that is a good one. :) Aldva thinks Becc is counting the day she started and the day she lost which were the same day! "What would you like the world of Fed to know about you, that nobody else knows?", Moria asks. "I am not !", exclaims Beccai. Moria smiles, "Or atleast anyone outside of your family in fed" Aldva chuckles Safyreyes looks at Beccai."There are things no one knows about you?" Beccai says, "hmm Safy I was just tryin to figure out if there was anything" Safyreyes smiles "ah yes I had a crush on a fed guy once", says Beccai. Njrudeboy says, "surely no 'Hidden" moles or tattoos" Safyreyes smiles at Beccai...wondering if it is who she things it is. Safyreyes bangs her translator on the table... Beccai says, "well safy it was someone you tried to fix me up with" Beccai grins Safyreyes smiles at Beccai.."Thought so" Beccai says, "to this day he is still a close friend of mine" Safyreyes smiles.. "good" "I think i'm mixing up my questions with Bizcarp's interview type questions..... so i'll just pretend i'm not a question thief", Moria smiles. Squeeky wants to know who it was Beccai giggles "tis ok Moria", says Beccai. Beccai grins "anyone want to know who I had my crush on, I had it bad too", says Beccai. "Is there anything you want to add to your story of your fed life?", Moria asks. "I think squeeky does.", says Safyreyes. Squeeky really does Ghostryder asks, "How did you first meet the first member of your Fed Family?" "justadawg", says Beccai. Safyreyes smiles "umm was Corngene safy's dad, my brother I met first, I hauled for them when I was a itty bitty adventurous", says Beccai. Beccai asks, "safy my crush was it who you thought?" Safyreyes sniffs... she misses her Dad. Safyreyes says, "Yes, it was" Beccai grins "Hey safy when we get done got to show you something on Romani", says Beccai. "Ok", says Safyreyes. Moria smiles, "Do any of you family members have any funny stories you want to share with the viewers?" Safyreyes thinks... Ghostryder ponders. Moria smiles, "And, i'll pay double for embarrassing stories" Moria winks at Bec. :) Beccai hides and blushes wondering what they can come up with Hof hmmms Ghostryder asks, "Wow! How much is double?" Ghostryder starts to think hard. Phiddie zips her lips Beccai says, "ask Kari she kept all the logs" "used to send em to paps to get me in trouble", says Beccai. Moria smiles, "Anybody?" Beccai grins Safyreyes just remembers Beccai being so embarrassed that I was trying to fix her up with someone that I picked up in the Cantina that she ran away almost. Myangel remains quiet, but with a grin. "Anymore questions, comment, sea stories?", Moria asks. Ghostryder thinks it better not to speak then be grounded. Aldva wonders how you could embarrass Becc ? "Then I remember teaching her how to table dance", says Safyreyes. "go ahead grammy", says Beccai. Beccai says, "told you she corrupted me" Safyreyes laughs Squeeky wonders if Beccai will table dance now Phiddie chuckles "remember my first table dance Safy and the gentleman who um excused himself", says Beccai. "first hide the Barney suit Safy", says Beccai. Victoria laughs Safyreyes wonders how many people will be in shock to find out I was the one that taught her those things Hof says, "Becs is the reason Fizbin is a streakable duchy" "Well, at least got Beccai started in her life of sin", says Safyreyes. Safyreyes laughs Squeeky prolly isnt "yep cuz I kept getting in trouble in BD", says Beccai. "bless paps and Nana they tried", says Beccai. Safyreyes loved to see what Beccai would come up with next Beccai remembers nana duct taping her and paps getting the shot gun after smilf Beccai whispers I am not nearly as wild as I was "I must be getting old", says Beccai. Beccai says, "see safy I have clothes on" Beccai winks "By the looks of your attire.. you have calmed a bit", says Safyreyes with a wink. Moria asks, "Well, Beccai, if you don't have anything else to add to your story, and if there aren't anymore questions. Would you like to finish up with your words of advice to the audience... if you have any, of what you've learned over the last 3 years.?" Kariscats think Bec helped corrupt her son PM Kariscats exclaims, "as well as my daughter!" Kariscats exclaims, "not to mention the really, really bad haircuts you gave!" with a smile Beccai has just disappeared. with a smile Beccai has just appeared. Ghostryder jumps startled. Beccai kicks her isp "she did a number on Abe ... killing him like she did", says Njrudeboy. "what I miss, I hope ya didnt say anything bad", says Beccai. "that was an accident Nj", says Beccai. Beccai grins Njrudeboy says, "just how you corrupted our children" Beccai says, "yep Abe was my first and only dd victim" Beccai loved designing clothes for Htwoo Kariscats says, "but there were many more fashion and haircut victims" Moria scrolls up. Beccai remembers Nj got a haircut Moria asks, "Moria asks, "Well, Beccai, if you don't have anything else to add to your story, and if there aren't anymore questions. Would you like to finish up with your words of advice to the audience... if you have any, of what you've learned over the last 3 years.?" Hof says, "i gotta run.... but wanted to say something quick........" "ok Hof", Moria smiles. "i gotta tell ya something tho, I have known becs a fairly long time and i know a wee bit of her personal life, and everything she does here is above board and honest,as much as we kid her and love to tease her,she is someone i always call friend.", says Hof. Beccai says, "I have learned sit back smell the roses and enjoy the people you are with they are what make the game, my advice would be you make your fun, dont sit back and gripe because you are sitting alone on a planet go out and meet people" Beccai says, "ah Hof" Moria smiles at Hof. Beccai blushes Moria smiles, "That is very good advice Beccai" Phiddie waves to Hof. Beccai snaps "You were a great guest, and I apologize if I left anything out that CG usually includes.", Moria says. Beccai says, "you did wonderful Moria" "thank you for doing it", says Beccai. "and thanks for coming everyone", says Beccai. Moria smiles, "I enjoyed hearing about you" Beccai says, "I was really nervous , but you made it go well" "And yes, thanks to all of you for coming out and supporting Beccai", Moria smiles. |