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Rere laughs Bix giggles "you can't come no more", says Bix with a wink. Rere mumbles Bix could be special stand-in lol "So Bix, how did you get your start in fed?", asks Rere. "Lil aol welcome screen button "Play Fed"", smiles Bix. Rere grins "clicked", smiles Bix. "Tell us about your history here before Rook", says Rere. Rere whispers that that's what got Chi too "Was Rowzyay, started in 1995,
became a baron in 2 years or so", smiles Bix. Bix smiles, "long story" Rere has given Bix a passionate tickle! Bix says, "yes...." Queen of the Universe, Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Oh, there's chiefsgirl", says Rere. "hello everyone", says Chiefsgirl. Rere has given Chiefsgirl a sloppy hug! "Hi CG", smiles Bix. Rere asks, "Is it cancelled?" "well, I don't see my guest around", says Chiefsgirl. "I was interview Bix while we waited", says Rere with a wink. Chiefsgirl will give Cen a few more minutes "....setting foot on the QL Lp for the first time....with Dutch995 and Blirish", smiles Bix. "oh cool!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. "we were all Squires", smiles Bix. "I like that initiative", says Chiefsgirl. "that was in Nexcis; joined immediately there", smiles Bix. Rere asks, "Did you travel about the galaxy's much?" "Eod was the Duke; good teacher......", says Bix. Chiefsgirl sits back and listens as Bix fills in for the missing Meet & Greet guest Bix says, "Stayed in Duchy mostly....we had quite a tttt war with the Flying duchy" Chiefsgirl asks, "Necis you were in, Bix?" Bix says, "Serenity, Blirish's planet won often..." Bix nods Nexcis "You must know a good friend of mine then, Geohy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Planet Skate of Flying made bids for the TTTT, big battles", says Bix. Chiefsgirl wonders if that was his persona back then "nope; not familiar with Geohy.........I was Rowzyay of QL", smiles Bix. Chiefsgirl says, "hmmmm... he would probably remember you" "I remember when TTTT times started getting big.....", says Bix. "How big Bix?", asks Rere. "Serenity broke 13,000 and it was a big deal.....kept getting higher; broke 20,000 that year I'm sure", smiles Bix. Chiefsgirl leans forward, curious to hear how big "wow", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl boggles Rere nods "I remember those tttt parties were wild back then", says Rere. Bix smiles, "We would have 100+ people; mostly non-sleepers!" Mysterie says, "I remember those" Chiefsgirl nods as she remembers too "60+ in a room was Wild!", smiles Bix. Rere gets dizzy just thinking of the scroll Bix smiles, "i'm not big on scroll; but I hung in there" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "now 60 or more here at a time is wild!" Rere chuckles Mysterie would pop out every now and then Chiefsgirl thought she'd never get used to the scroll Bix says, "Then things got funky in Nexcis...." Rere asks, "Funky?" "there was a big split....think Eod was leaving...though not his charictor...", says Bix. Chiefsgirl nods Rere nods "Phoenix was a new duchy then, I think just Thunderddome; Maddmaxx990's planet was there....", says Bix. "About 7 of us left.....", says Bix. Bix says, "Tintangel, Seven, Serenity, QL, Santum, and a few more..." Rere says, "That's sure to be a shock to the Duke" "I left when Ripcharge did; He was Baron of Seven", says Bix. Bix says, "Darkshadow was in Nexcis, but didn't come along....not sure where she went" "We grew Phoenix with some new Squires; Boatenbear was one who I taught quite a bit", smiles Bix. Chiefsgirl says, "that's a name I haven't heard in a while" "Never really had too many factory owners; enjoyed Planet Econ", smiles Bix. Bix smiles, "Keylargo was another one that came onboard" "It was a very active duchy; haulers and FO's", smiles Bix. Rere asks, "What made it so attractive?" "kept pc's posted for traders too on the comms", smiles Bix. "We just tried to help everyone; It was quite a lot of fun meeting all the new people", smiles Bix. Bix says, "Things settled a bit; with everyone promoting; and the duchy being full..." Bix smiles, "I finished my Baron builds and maxxed my TB and Personal.....Exchange was great; but not quite as good as my Tech exchange" Bix says, "Things got kinda quiet though.....and the Duke Puzzle was non-existant" Bix says, "I faded to Sol a few times; and was asked to return, and did..." Bix says, "Life got real busy; and finally I just gave up; Probly should have shopped for a new Duchy....but didn't even think of it at the time..." Chiefsgirl asks, "how do you like things now around here, Bix?" "I had had a porter accident and decided not to reinssure", says Bix. Aylisa eeps at that. "Died creatively....", says Bix. Bix says, "took a small ship here in sol..........waited for Monty or Peg to come along..." "Monty did the honors", says Bix. Chiefsgirl asks, "really?" Rere says, "Wow" Chiefsgirl thinks that's the most creative way she's ever heard to DD Bix smiles, "Fitting; cause he's the only one I ever shot down" Rere smirks Bix says, "never got into ship fighting here" Bix says, "Had to shoot Monty to promote" Bix says, "Was gone for a good year and a half I think" Bix smiles, "Saw the homepage again, and the new unlimited pricing; decided to become Bix" Rere smiles Bix smiles, "Mostly leave my past behind...though there are still a few peole here I keep up with" "Most of Phoenix is gone; Iolair of Saille is around; and Madmaxx of Thunderddome; but I've only seen him once", says Bix. Rere asks, "Io was from Phoenix too?" "Do you miss your old friends?", asks Chiefsgirl. Bix smiles, "Yes; she was Willow of Tintangel at one time; Returned as Iolair and now has had Saille for quite a while; Saille was in Phoenix too" Bix winks and says, "...err Willow1701" "Yes, but times change; you have to change with them, you know", smiles Bix. Rere asks, "And, now, are you enjoying your time in Fed?" Bix smiles, "Yes, Checkmate is a great Duchy; enjoying my time there; and building the planet Rook" Chiefsgirl looks around, "Any questions for Bix?" Bix says, "My old planet; QL; was getting complicated.....I decided not to try to recreate it" "I'd still like to know your favorite fed memory past, and present", smiles Rere. Bix smiles, "Has to be setting foot on the QL Lp for the first time; With Squires Dutch995 and Blirish....was very very very exciting" Rere says, "Oh, I aplogize, you did say that" Bix smiles, "and meeting Mysterie" Chiefsgirl smiles "Would you like to be Duke someday?", asks Rere. Bix smiles, "so I started in Spring '95....left in '98 or so; and came back just this year" Bix ponders.... "Well; I wanted to as Rowzyay....though it's a very different job than just being a PO....", says Bix. "I'm taking things slow; not really looking to Duke", smiles Bix. "Bix, what's been your favorite rank?", asks Chiefsgirl. Bix smiles, "Techno Row was great; That Exchange Rocked!....Overall markup of 10 and individual markups in the negatives; and it still made tons of groats" Chiefsgirl nods Bix smiles, "was the greatest trading planet I ever had" Chiefsgirl asks, "Are you one that hauls in and out and does a lot of trading?" Bix smiles, "Used to be; socialize a lot more as Bix" Chiefsgirl smiles Mysterie is happy for that Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Bix?" "Further in history; I first was a Trader and FO in the duchy of Assyria", smiles Bix. Rere whispers to CG that Bix makes a great cup of coffee "Pern and Rift where where my first factories where, way back when", smiles Bix. Chiefsgirl thanks Rere and makes note of that... good info to know "I hear he has a sweet tooth too", says Aylisa with a wink. "took me 8 months to get QL as Rowzyay", smiles Bix. "What is the origin of your name, names?", asks Rere. "Someone was surprised today that I still had the list of where my facs were", says Chiefsgirl. "ooo... good questions Rere", says Chiefsgirl. Bix smiles, "Well, I'm a bit of a writer, poetry and plays.......Rowzyay and Bix are both charictors from a story of mine" Rere asks, "Do you portray the characters the way you wrote them here in Fed?" Bix smiles, "Would have used Zilby originally; but the name was taken when I first signed up for internet" "hmmmmm....well, the charictors have a bit of me in them; though they are quite different....I don't really role-play much; am mostly just me", smiles Bix. "Bix is a bit of a Jester and party guy...in the story", smiles Bix. Chiefsgirl smiles Bix giggles Rere would love to read that someday Aylisa is now courious also. Bix hopes to publish...has shared it with a few :) "I mostly write poetry; stories take much longer to develope", says Bix. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Bix?" "Does your poetry sometimes revolve around characters you meet in Fed?", asks Aylisa. Chiefsgirl giggles and waits for this answer Rere sits back and listens carefully Bix says, "My poetry covers a wide range of emotions...true poetry being about emotions...I try to capture feelings that are common to everyone...that everyone can relate too" Bix smiles, "Rl and fed have influence" Chiefsgirl smiles Bix smiles, "I've been writing for over 25 years.....some things take time to realize and understand enough to write about" "Well Bix and Rere, I must thank you both for providing such an entertaining evening for us all tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Bix smiles "And thanks for filling in for my no-show guest... you both were wonderful!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl bounces happily Rere winks and says, "We were just goofing around to start, but it was interesting to hear Bix's history" Bix smiles, "Glad to help....love the forum" Chiefsgirl had a very nice time "yes, it was wonderful to hear", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "you were a most excellent guest Bix" "Thank you all for coming too", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "well, this will be in the fed news next week and on the website this week sometime" Mysterie looks forward to reading....has been a bit hectic here. "My guest next week is Talonkardde", says Chiefsgirl. "ut oh, gonna be known", says Bix with a wink. Bix laughs Rere gives Bix his disguise "yes, everyone will know you", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl wonders if his past will come back to haunt him Bix thinks not :) Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Rere winks and says, "We'll hide him in Checkmate, not to worry" |