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"Wow, she's not on", says Calodia. Tomyris says, "she's always on" Calodia says, "She isn't now..." Tomyris winks and says, "I guess Cats wants to make an entrance" Chiefsgirl says, "I wonder if we got our time zones messed up" "CAts is here", says Tomyris. Tomyris says, "she says she is on her way" Floating on a cloud with Kai, Catspaws has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Catspaws growls a soft greeting, looking a tad flustered Chiefsgirl says, "We'll give the duchess a chance to catch her breath and folks to arrive" "I do apologize for being late, I had to drive 15 miles to get to a puter that WORKED", says Catspaws with a frown. Sleeping peacefully, Triton has just arrived. Triton exclaims, "Eeegads .. lookit all the peoples .. and cats !!" Catspaws says, "Ok, one moment, one of the kits is lost" Bounceing around, Princess Pouncer has just arrived. Catspaws says, "Ah, here she is" Catspaws purrs softly to the little princess Chiefsgirl smiles at the crowd Catspaws eyes the fishie, her tail twitching, as she whispers to her mate Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, glancing at her notes Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to welcome you all to tonight's Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl says, "Our guest tonight is Catspaws, Duchess of Litterbox" Rere cheers Silowetcat applauds Chiefsgirl says, "Catspaws will tell us a bit about herself and answer questions" Catspaws fidgets a little nervously Chiefsgirl says, "But please give her a chance to respond to each question before yelling out more" "So without further ado, please help me welcome Catspaws", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops on her barstool and applauds wildly Catspaws slips her tail around the little princess and takes a deep breath Triton takes advantage of the appluase to steal the mustard and hide it Raphael pulls out about 30 catnip toys and tosses them out, and one to Kai and Cats to loosen them up Tomyris hands Cats a dozen pickled mice "Duchess Catspaws, please tell us about yourself and how you came to be here", says Chiefsgirl. "It's hard to know where to begin. I started Fed in what I consider one of the greatest duchies in Fed--Necis--under the tuterage of Eod. He taught me a love of the economic side of Fed, tho was very critical at times.", says Catspaws. Catspaws says, "I learned a lot in Necis. I was part of the engineering team, and helped Zobeme with the PR. I think some of the most fun we had were the Necis/Mash dumping wars." Chiefsgirl listens closely Raphael marvels at this early history "the necis/mash wars...i remember those", says Biggdogg. "So do I", smiles Raphael. Catspaws says, "Then Eod left us...and it was like the bottom fell out of everything. We moved to Ward. And we led the duchy...but, it wasn't the same without our leader." Raphael nods, been through that "I was rather inactive for a long while. But, in that period, I learned something that was as much fun as the econ--I learned what true roleplay is. ANd, when I returned, I brought a group of dynamite roleplayers with me.", says Catspaws. Chiefsgirl smiles Triton smiles, "And not a fish one amung them" Kingdymond says, "that screams of prejudice no fish geeeez lolol" Silowetcat eyes the disgruntled fish... Catspaws says, "I firmly Fed is what you make of it--and I want to make to see everyone realize the tremendous potential here." Raphael smiles as he watches all the sidelong cat glances at Triton, accompanied by licking of chops Chiefsgirl agrees with Catspaws Hof thinks Triton woulda liked an old player ....Gillfish .....Hof sits back down and drinks Chiefsgirl thinks Triton could have a shortened life if he keeps pointing out that he's a fish Catspaws says, "So, I returned, and my friends, who were used to my leading them in another realm, asked me to create them a home. Thus, the duchy of Litterbox came to be." "oh wow.... that's pretty cool", says Chiefsgirl. Catspaws winks and says, "Then one night, I met someone who, to me, had always been a legend. Up to this point, I'd never really roleplayed my feline nature. Till I met a pirate who taught me just how useful being a feline can be." Chiefsgirl wonders who that could be Teenangel awww's Catspaws purrs softly to the Prince of Fed. Triton points at the cat with one eye covered with a bandage .. Kaipanther slides the tip of his tail lightly down the middle of Cats back to tickle the base of her own tail. "Prince Kai makes me stretch. He shows me sides of myself I never even knew existed. And, I'm having a blast.", says Catspaws. Chiefsgirl smiles at Cats and Kai Triton covers his eyes Catspaws says, "We have formed the Grand Duchy of Litterbox/Ki's. And we are about to set Fed on its ears." "man...this many cats...hope there's no rocking chairs in here...could get messy.", says Coug. Raphael asks, "Cats, What types of realms did you wander in and how did that effect or give you better insight to your role playing?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Ah, can we hear about your plans Cats?" "oh yes.... and Raphael's question first... it's better than mine", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Duke Rapheal, I spent two years in a pure roleplay environment called Underlight, where even mentioning you were going AFK could get you in trouble.", says Catspaws. "I have been in realms like that", smiles Raphael. Catspaws smiles, "Pouncer knows, she's our recent Underlight recruit" Hof enjoys his right to afk ;) "What is the Setting for that realm?", asks Raphael. "That setting is a dream, you are dreaming the entire experiance.", says Catspaws. Raphael asks, "Fantasy sci-fi or mixed genre?" "But, I'm here to discuss Fed, not Underlight", smiles Catspaws. Chiefsgirl asks, "To get this back to here and now, were there any in Fed besides Kai that showed you a good example of roleplay?" Catspaws says, "I'd call it fantasy." Kaipanther calls Fed Sci-Fantasy "how about Underwear snatching if fed?", asks Deedee. Raphael asks, "back to CGs question, what are your litterbox plans?" Catspaws says, "There are some natural roleplayers in Fed if you know where to find them. Squeeky is a quick name that comes to mind." Chiefsgirl nods Triton points out that mice are better with mustard than fish Catspaws says, "There are many others. Which is different from when I started Fed, when roleplay was pretty much laughed at." "But, back to our plans.", says Catspaws. "Kai, I and several others have started the realm of PAWS.", says Catspaws. Chiefsgirl can't wait to hear about the ears and settles in to listen Silowetcat wants to know what PAWS is :) Catspaws says, "The purpose of PAWS is to promote active roleplay, to show people they don't have to be bored, just stretch their imaginations." Catspaws says, "It's not a superduchy. PAWS doesn't set political rules in the member duchies." "Instead, it's a group of people who want to have fun, who don't believe Fed is dead at all.", says Catspaws. Silowetcat applauds Kaipanther leans back and pulls his fedora lower, listening to his mate Triton is gonna create FINS - Feline Interaction Not Safe - Charter member :) "So that is where all the lively ones are hanging out", says Raphael with a wink. "And, despite the current rumor, it is not a means to overpopulate the universe with felines", says Catspaws with a wink. "So you don't have to be a cat to be in PAWS?", asks Chiefsgirl. "No, you're doing a good job of that on your own Cats and Kai", says Calodia with a wink. Biggdogg says, "it's cool either way...i get along with all creatures great & small" Naiad does purr sometimes...would that qualify her as a member of PAWS? "Not at all, CG, you can be any species, and politics doesn't matter, because this is roleplay, not economic politics.", says Catspaws. Raphael wonders if they except mad scientist and dreamers Silowetcat sends in her PAWS application.... "Well, I know there must be some requirements... can you tell us what they are?", asks Chiefsgirl. Catspaws slips her tail around Raph's waist and will sponser him herself. "ever see a cat get along with a killer whale and his entourage of fish? without eating them? (well, most of the time)", says Coug. "Do you want 100% in character roleplay at all times?", asks Chiefsgirl. Catspaws smiles, "As long as the members accept you, you're in. You just have to want to have fun. ANd, no, you don't have to roleplay 24/7. Even I don't do that, if that's what I wanted I'd be in UL right now. This is a relief" "And, Coug, I've been allied for months with a hamster", smiles Catspaws. "Is the creation of PAWS the thing that will shake up the ears?", asks Chiefsgirl. Raphael winks and says, "That is the one small drawback to those types of realms" "errrr... the ears of Fed", says Chiefsgirl. "Kai did an interview with Biz for today's News. If you read it, you know there is a mjor undertaking in the works.", says Catspaws. Coug shudders...hamsters might be a little TOO tempting... "I read it, but I like things explained to me", says Chiefsgirl. "PAWs might bring back an old friend of mine who left because of the jeers to his suggestion of roleplay", says Raphael. Midrats winks and says, "Not when they are married to dragons" "For those who don't know, Kai has a legitimate claim to the Fed throne.", says Catspaws. Chiefsgirl peers at Kai, "You do?" Chiefsgirl wonders if Kai is Ming's long lost son or something "Many of us would like to see an active ruler in Fed.", says Catspaws. Triton says, "Or least a yardstick..." "Aye, for some of those who can remember, I've been a Prince for years. Confirmed as a Prince by two Emperorers", says Kaipanther with a wink. Catspaws whispers to CG, "He's Ming's illegitimate son" "only as long as they remember I'm the Queen of the Universe", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Raphael hasn't seen the Empress lately Catspaws says, "No one has, Raph" Coug wonders if those darn martians are ever going to get off their rears? Chiefsgirl ahhhs and makes note of this new information Cats whispered Raphael the last time he saw the empress was during her coronation and kidnapping Catspaws purrs softly, pondering the possibilities Chiefsgirl asks, "So you all are going to help bring Kai to power as ruler of Fed?" Raphael ponders "With the growing support of Realms such as PAWS and WINGS, I believe I have the right to pick up the crown and rule Fed in the name of Empress Catty. As her Prince.", says Kaipanther. "Hmm Emperor Kai?", asks Raphael. Catspaws says, "But, Fed is more than a bunch of code that sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Fed can be anything you WANT it to be, if you only dare to accept the challenge." Kaipanther winks and says, "Oh no, Empress Catty is still the Empress. I'm just ruling in her good name" Kaipanther says, "If and when she wishes to return to conf...er....discuse with me the issue, we'll burn that bridge when it comes=p" Catspaws says, "He has no intention of deposing her. simply doing the work she seems not to wish to do." Chiefsgirl asks, "And the Empress knows that's your plan?" Kao points out that Cats is a Sister of Darkshadow.....and we are supporting Kai as well Bront asks, "If she disposed of Ming, wouldn't she want to dispose of you Kai?" Raphael certainly knows that the various agencies of the Empire are run from within those ministries Deedee asks, "Ming was in her way and Kai wasn't?" "Aye, there's always that chance Sir Bront. But as Prince, I've got a few resources to call upon as well as the backing of the Imperial Navy.", says Kaipanther. Triton mentions that FINS wil support the concept of PAWS until such time it can be proven there is a feline takeover plot :) Chiefsgirl thinks it would be really interesting to hear what Empress Catty thinks of all this "Catty had some clandistine support from the ministry of planetary affairs...", says Raphael. "CG, it would be marvelous to ask her, if she'd show up", smiles Catspaws. Catspaws says, "But, no one's seen her since the kidnapping. It makes one wonder...." "I'm sure the kidnapping left her a bit skiddish", says Chiefsgirl. Raphael smiles, "I could make some inquiries through my contacts in the government" "As of tonight, Federation is under control of the Prince. On the first sunday of Aug, I'll hold court somewhere.", smiles Kaipanther. "I'd never seen her before the kidnapping", says Bront. Chiefsgirl asks, "Ok, so let's see.... Kai would be the ruler and who would be helping you to hold court?" Kaipanther says, "Who knows, maybe Empress Catty will attend. If she don't, then I will." Chiefsgirl looks to Cats and Kai Raphael asks, "Ahh yes?" Naiad grins, "And why are you the ruler again?" Catspaws allows the Prince to answer this one, and explain about the ministers "Because Kai is DOING the job", says Raphael with a wink. Kaipanther winks roguishly at Naiad, "Cause I've got ego enough to spare?" Chiefsgirl laughs Naiad asks, "He is??" Catspaws nods to Raph, "Precisely" Raphael ponders the response of the senate "Well, if that's all it takes, I could do the job", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Naiad doesn't recall being ruled by anybody.. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "But we digress..... who's helping ya out Kai" "Aye, we've already been working on a Royal Court. Currently our Ministers are.", says Kaipanther. Raphael asks, "An uprising of the Newsies CG?" Kaipanther winks at CG Chiefsgirl exclaims, "whooo hoooo.. newsdroids take over!" Chiefsgirl settles down to listen to Kai Raphael knows of at least one newsdroid that would work with CG "Ministry of Reedu.....er...Education and Agriculture, Duchesse Aiki, Ministry of Navel Affairs, Grand Admrial Sholuvr, Ministry of Furrier Relations;) Grand Duke Midrats,", says Kaipanther. "Is that navel or naval? It makes a difference, you know..", says Naiad. Triton thinks Sho would be better as Minister of Mortuary Affairs :) Kao says, "It's NavEl....I asked" "how big is this Navy?", asks Tomyris. "Minister of Communications, Duchesse Bizcarp and Ministery of Corrections, Grand Inquisitor Tis. More ministrys are in the works and will be announced in doo time", says Kaipanther with a wink. Silowetcat ponders doo time.... Catspaws whispers to Kai that Tomy would be a good member of the Navy Kshandria asks, "Ahh Prince Kai you made yer announcement?" "Sholuvr liked it spent Navel", says Kaipanther with a wink. Naiad will rule her own navel, thank you very much. Kaipanther says, "Aye Duchesse Ks, I sure have." "Hey Kai, how bout Minister of State?", asks Jediknightq. Kshandria says, "tis good sorry I was not here for the announcement" Kaipanther spins the crown around the tip of his tail and winks roguishly at Ks "Does anyone have any questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience Jediknightq winks and says, "How long would it take to get to Alpha Centari and back at a slugs pace?" "Tell us about the new PAWS newsletter, Kai?", asks Kao. Catspaws hands Kai his other bucket of ego and sits back, her tail waving sassily in the air "ooooo... newsletter", says Chiefsgirl. Jediknightq guesses no one liked his question "Aye, the Realm of PAWS is supporting a monthly news paper called Paw Prints. Its ment as a open forum for Fedders with the intention of promoting RPing and life in general", says Kaipanther. Bront asks, "Is there a particular idea that some of the RP in PAWS will be encouraged around?" Chiefsgirl nods "Social Roleplay?", asks Deedee. "I see PAWS and Fed as two different places. Granted that not everybody will be like PAWS, shoot that ruins the whole idea", says Kaipanther with a wink. "Makes sense", says Raphael. "We want the variety that Fed has to offer. As Prince, through courts and other evants the COurt will help to promote RPing on a wider scale.", says Kaipanther. Chiefsgirl nods Kaipanther winks and says, "Thats why you see such a variety of people in the Court, don't look at them, look where they come from" "Courts.... what sort of courts? royal? judicial? basketball? tennis?", asks Chiefsgirl. Bront asks, "Ahh, so it will be RP based around your ruling of fed then?" Kao has her application for Minister of Parties Catspaws says, "Bront, that's a separate roleplay, that PAWS. as well as others, are supporting." Kaipanther says, "Aye, That's a very good question CG. And one I thought should be made by more then just me=p I'll have Royal Courts for sure, If major issues crop up in Fed, we could set up Judicial Courts for them. If both sides are willing." Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl knows those trials can get lively "Another Idea is to have Festiviles or Fed Holiday Courts", says Kaipanther. Chiefsgirl loves holidays and festivals Chiefsgirl bounces on her barstool Catspaws holds CG with her tail to keep her from bouncing off her stool Kaipanther says, "On the website we'll be having some addition idea and stuff posted. The classfieds is a great place to post stuff for your own evants" "Would you like to tell us where that website is Kai?", asks Chiefsgirl. Catspaws says, "ANd, for those who haven't seen it, the site is http://www.realmofpaws.homestead.com" Catspaws purrs, anticipated that question "Thank you Cats", says Chiefsgirl. "I've got a question fer You, Citizens of Fed", says Kaipanther with a wink. Hof thinks the new regime will need resistance. Naiad will not recognize any regime.. "so how do I go about joining the navy?", asks Tomyris. "Given that IB isn't behind this, and That I can't wave a magical tail and Fix Code, What can we do, to make Fed fun or more intresting?", asks Kaipanther. Kshandria says, "Ithikn we need more social interactions between groups of fedders.. not just a single here and a single there" Kaipanther winks and says, "Scribe Teenangel, ye taking notes?" "I agree with Ks", says Chiefsgirl. "Hopefully having Royal Courts and evants will help with that.", says Kaipanther. Kao agrees with KS...group happenings are fun <<w>> "And, Ks, that's what this is all about. People who don't normally socialize roleplaying together, and making Fed live up to its potential.", says Catspaws. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions?" "I plan to talk to Grand Admrial Sholuvr about some Royal Evant with fighting", says Kaipanther. Ashkellion ponders rumours he has heard about Prince Kai Ashkellion says, "The ministry of Planets wants to know what Kai's views are regarding planets" Ashkellion does admit that his ministry generally has their own standards Kaipanther says, "The Prince views Planets as fine places to visit, but prefers the safty of his star cruiser." Ashkellion has observed that Kaipanther says, "Personaly, I'd like to do away with Mini's. For shame, why have a planet with no personality" Ashkellion long standing views on stock mini's are very well known Ashkellion still has to take medicine just to teleport to one Kaipanther says, "With the Genesis device;) Planet design is fairly painless these days." Chiefsgirl laughs Kshandria shudders ya STILL have to brave Salarti's "And what is your view Duchess Catspaws on minis?", asks Ashkellion. Ashkellion has personal building drone at slartis Naiad is on good term with the good people of Slarti's. Kshandria will not go in there unless 5 really big strong male POS go with her "I think that, by the time a squire has found the time to do enough work to do a build or two, they surely should have found time to create a home for themselves.", says Catspaws. Naiad grins at Ks. Ashkellion has planet modifying equipment on his ship as well "Ye know, there are other people in Fed, who Love to design planets. So if you hate it, or don't want to, try running a add for somebody who will", smiles Kaipanther. Ashkellion nods to Cats approvingly Kao beat the Slarti's people into submission until they got the beaches right Chiefsgirl says, "ooooo.....hire out" Teenangel has her own personal revolving door to Slarti's Catspaws asks, "What is the purpose of having a rock of your own if you don't stamp it with your own personality?" Chiefsgirl makes note of that since she avoids work whenever possible Ashkellion HAS hired out in the past just for that Catspaws ponders hiring the senator to revamp Litterbox, but is unsure if he understands felines Ashkellion sighs that the planet design class is often lightly attended "Even a small, personal setup is better then any stock mini. It shows you at least like deversity", says Kaipanther. "It also shows you have at least SOME imagination, and are not just here to occupy space.", says Catspaws. "But some ppl are here just to take up space and have no imagination....\", says Jediknightq. "So Cats, your objective with PAWS is to bring more fun & excitement to Fed in general through roleplay?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ashkellion is proud of the fact that both senators of planetary affairs have won awards for planet design "Exactly, CG. There's no reason for anyone to be bored. Not unless they choose to just sit around moaning all day.", says Catspaws. Kaipanther says, "On this new Eve in Fed, ::Somebody mark a calender=p:: My first Decree is the creation of a New RP Rank of Grand Duke/Duchesse. For those who are married and have made a joint home, 2 Duchies should at least be known as a Grand Duchy." Chiefsgirl peers at Kai "isn't the divorce rate around here a little high for that?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl could see grand duchies being named and unnamed daily Ashkellion notes some Grand Duchys tha have been around for some time Kaipanther says, "As an example, I point out to the married couple Midrats and Risademoconia, and they're newly formed Grand Duchy." Catspaws growls softly, having no intention of ever disolving the Grand Duchy of Litterbox/Ki's Chiefsgirl nods "Aye Ash, Damn time somebody made it official", says Kaipanther. Chiefsgirl thinks it's maybe just her that's unlucky in romance then Chiefsgirl sighs Ashkellion just stopped by to see what your feeling was on planets Catspaws hugs CG gently with her tail and whispers, "Third time's a charm, I found" Kshandria notices her fed wed hasnt been around much Midrats is pretty happy with the Grand Duchy of Hamsterdom/Shadowdonia Chiefsgirl says, "ooooo... third time" Chiefsgirl makes note of that too Jediknightq asks, "Or how bout Hamsterdonia?" Kshandria looks forward to time when her Fed wed is a Duke again Kaipanther ponders how many Senators are left Naiad is quite happy with her second husband.. "I can only think of 4, Kai..", smiles Naiad. Chiefsgirl looks around Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions?" "One of the corner stones of our efforts will be the various news services and public posts. So I encourage you to read your local news=p Check out our website and help build a better Galaxy", says Kaipanther with a wink. Chiefsgirl can't wait to find out more about PAWS "I'm sure we'll all be flooding your website and trying to find out more, Kai", says Chiefsgirl. Kaipanther says, "http://www.realmofpaws.homestead.com and http://www.fringeproductions.homestead.com/pawprints.html" "Keep in mind when Feds down for the day or so it will be, PAWS has a chat room", says Kaipanther. Catspaws says, "In closing, all I can say is, if you love a challenge, and want to have fun, the means are there, if you only dare to dream...." "I want to thank Duchess Catspaws for being my guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Catspaws also adds that cats rule and mice...never mind :) "And thank you Kai for helping tell us about PAWS", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "There will be no Meet & Greet next week obviously, but join me August 6 when my guest will be Cen" Catspaws says, "Thank you for putting up with us, Cheifsgirl, it was a pleasure." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "I had a wonderful time!" |