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"heh, Cen gonna be here?", asks Sholuvr. Chiefsgirl smiles "Yes, he says he's ready", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl is happy he actually remembered this time Chiefsgirl is happy to report the guest is on his way Building for a better Cen has just arrived. Chiefsgirl has given Cen a friendly hug! "hiya Cen!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "welcome everyone!" Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to welcome you all tonight to the Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl says, "My guest tonight is Cen, Technocrat of Greyhaven" "Cen will tell us a bit about himself and feel free to ask questions as we go along tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Cen bows and grins a little self consciously ;) Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Cen and plops down on her barstool Sholuvr pays attention to Cen, sits quietly now Cen looks around and tries to think of where to begin "tell us how you came to find this world Cen", says Chiefsgirl. "Ah...well obviously...Ive been an internet junkie for way too long", says Cen. Cen says, "I dont know exactly how long its been but I started in fed right after aol went to flat-rate" Cen says, "I guess I just stumbled acrossed it and I got hooked horribly" "What was it about it that got you hooked?", asks Chiefsgirl. "The people....thats it right there. Nothing has made this game so enjoyable other then that", says Cen. Cen lights up a Yak "Tell us some of the more memorable people you have known through the years", says Chiefsgirl. Saffron coughs..she didn't think they still made those.. Cen says, "Well the first one that comes to mind is Artopia....she was there in the beginning and helped me right off the bat" Gaminglady nods at Saffron, "They're just not allowed to use the cartoon yak anymore to advertise." Saffron nods.. "If it hadnt been for her and a couple others Id probably still be a captain or some other such horrible rank", says Cen. Chiefsgirl giggles Cen laughs at another memory Cen asks, "Would you believe I was actually in a guild?" Chiefsgirl asks, "you were?" Chiefsgirl asks, "What was that experience like?" Lookout says, "no way" Rasal coughs embarassedly and adjusts the ice pack... Cen says, "Yeah...I dont remember exactly how I got involved but, all I could tell is that I must have been the oldest one in there" Chiefsgirl laughs Cen says, "The immaturity level was running at an all time high" Chiefsgirl asks, "How fast did you promote through the lower ranks Cen?" Cen says, "Yeah...it was back when literally everybody was picking a fight with everybody else" Gaminglady wants to hear more about the guild. "Slowly", says Cen. Cen says, "I spent a year before I finally got to JP....and I dd'd twice along the way" Lookout says, "what did you have to do in a guild" Chiefsgirl nods "Mostly accept poorly written emails and show up for meetings that no one came to and if anybody did ended in a war with another guild", says Cen. Chiefsgirl giggles Lookout says, "ahhhhhh i see" Cen says, "I think getting out of a guild is as hard as getting out of a cult alive....I didnt stop recieving emails till Fed moved" Gaminglady chuckles. Chiefsgirl says, "wow" Cen says, "And even then..." Lookout laughs Littleangel says, "that's bad" Cen says, "Actually if it hadnt been for some good friends and a certain someone else I probably just would have faded away when Fed left aol" Gaminglady asks, "What was your name in AOL, Cen? Or did I miss that part?" "It was Cen677.....still is...Ive grown far too attached to have another name", says Cen. Cen would have his name legally changed if he could Chiefsgirl asks, "Who were these friends that kept you around, even after the move off AOL?" Saffron thought she was strange for wanting personalized license plates with her name on them.. Gaminglady grins at Saf, "I've thought about them too." Cen winks and says, "Well the scotch-sipping Kao was one....fed family members were another" Chiefsgirl asks, "And who are your family members?" "That's our Kao", says Littleangel with a wink. Lookout says, "the Babe... Yes she does kind of touch you and your had. can't leave even if you want to" Cen says, "Well I dont see them around much anymore but the "parents" were TeeBear103 and..oh man...I know his new name is Sunshaker...oh wait...BrbKat" "I had a brother and sister as well....Tikldroid, who was responsible for my last dd ;p", says Cen. "and JSWRITING", says Cen. "I havent seen any of them for months...but they were pretty good to me despite my smart mouth ;p", says Cen. Sholuvr knows nothing about a smart mouth "how was your brother responsible for your ddinng", says Lookout. "Personality-wise Im a smartass in both fed and rl", says Cen. "Well I wanted to hone my fighting abilities...which by the way I never use....and we were taking potshots at each other in the Arena...and its an old story...completely forgot to reinsure", says Cen. Lookout smiles yes it can happen cen Barb says, "happens all the time" "I had just made it back to JP when it happened....I almost gave up then...everytime I made jp I seemed to die", says Cen. Littleangel says, "that's a bummer" "yes it is a hard to keep going but as you said you did have friends", says Lookout. Cen says, "A few months after I started I got in a relationship with Scully that ended badly when I got in another with Andykaufmn" Snocat remembers anykaufman "You should, it was Andy till he dd'd", says Cen. Saffron misses Andy.. Gaminglady nods sadly. Snocat is looking at you... Chiefsgirl misses Andy too Cen nods Barb nods Cen winks and says, "More questions? I need material" "How did you meet Andy, Cen?", asks Chiefsgirl. "It was at a psuedo-fedpardy game someone was holding after a wedding", says Cen. Cen says, "That was the first time I met him....he kept whispering "thats a good thing" in my ear when I was getting mad for not being able to answer star trek questions" "I remember Andy telling me how romantic it was... and how much fun", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles "We didnt know about each other at the time...and from the way he was acting I thought he was older then I am....boy was I wrong", says Cen. Chiefsgirl laughs Cen says, "I found out about him later when I read his one mood. Staring at the Breeders, Andykaufmn has just entered the room." Cen says, "but I didnt let him know anything about me for a few weeks after that" "We finally sealed the deal on a trip to Horsell when I kissed him...", says Cen. Cen says, "He STILL didnt tell me how old he was for a couple weeks after that or I probably wouldnt have gotten involved" Chiefsgirl asks, "As far as relationships go around here, you and Andy had one of the longer lasting ones. What did you attribute that to?" Cen thinks for a moment... Cen says, "I dont know honestly....its depressing in a way because he is one of the few things in my life that I didnt give up on" Cen says, "Determination and my ability to fly free with FedEx kept it going longer then it probably would have" Chiefsgirl has given Cen a warm tickle! Cen squirms "Im surprised there isnt more people in fed that havent had long distance relationships", says Cen. "I think they are pretty difficult to pull off", says Chiefsgirl. Snocat knows of at least one Barb asks, "do you mean you are surprised there aren't more?" "or not?", asks Barb. "there are a very large number actually", says Barb. "Yeah....surprised there aren't more", says Cen. Chiefsgirl knows of quite a few Saffron does too.. Littleangel says, "Yes, I thought there were a good amount as well" "Well this game does tend to bring alot of like-minded people together", says Cen. Barb says, "I think there's a large number but most either end fairly quickly and they are quiet about it" "or they work very well and one moves", says Barb. Chiefsgirl nods "And then they both drop out of Fed and ride off into the RL sunset.", says Gaminglady. "Cen, what sort of things do you do for fun around here?", asks Chiefsgirl. Cen says, "Well distance and Andy's youth played a good part in it ending" "For fun? hmmm I guess I like the chatting with other people the most...and planning developements for my planet and others", says Cen. "Where did you get the name Greyhaven?", smiles Gaminglady. Cen says, "Well it sounded cool, and at the time I thought of it I was reading Tolkien and thinking about the place called the Grey Havens" "I wasnt interested in making it like the book, I just liked the sound of it", says Cen. Snocat asks, "how about your name?" Cen winks and says, "That is derived from my rl last name.....Cencelewski....and I seriously didnt want to use the whole thing" Chiefsgirl giggles Snocat laughs "i see why", says Snocat. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Does anyone have any questions for Cen?" "Only one person has pronounced that name correctly the first time she read it....and it was a cashier in CA", says Cen. "nice nick name though", says Littleangel. Snocat would guess it rhymes with pencilewski Cen says, "Ive been called that" Cen makes to hit Sno Chiefsgirl laughs Snocat grew up on the south side of milwaukee "Have you found Fed a more accepting society than expected, Cen?", asks Barb. "That is a definite yes. No where else have I ever found such a diverse place where so much is accepted", says Cen. Littleangel says, "well you have read an interesting set of books then Cen" Chiefsgirl agrees with Cen about that Barb smiles "I read a little bit of evertying Little.....no sense in being picky", says Cen. Cen thought that after the relationship ended he would leave fed...but found it hard doing "that's true, Cen, very true", says Littleangel. Barb says, "well you still had friends here, Cen" "I'm glad you stayed, it's like family here", says Littleangel. Chiefsgirl nods Cen looks down at his feet for a second Barb winks and says, "and so much still to spy" Barb has given Cen a tender tickle! "Actually I think one of us had to leave...", says Cen. "And we would miss ya Cen", says Chiefsgirl. "It wasn't all roses was it Cen? Didn;t you and andy catch a lot of grief from some corners?", asks Kao. Barb nods Littleangel laughs at Barb's statement Cen winks and says, "Yes...we did...but I wont name names...it would bring back a whole slew of comments for them" Kao asks, "fact is though...not everyone was so accepting?" Barb frowns and says, "oh there are some who are very much not accepting" Cen winks and says, "True...fed does have a couple bigots, but the number dropped drastically after the move...most just couldnt afford to be A**holes" "Best to concentrate on the good ... life's too short to fret over idiots.", says Gaminglady with a wink. Grethor winks and says, "but they make life interesting" "Are you planning on further advancement Cen? Maybe going duke someday?", asks Chiefsgirl. Cen says, "That they do...I actually enjoy arguing with them, because most of them have no idea what they are talking about" "lol. Danny is pushing me hard to become a Duke", says Cen. Ddking laughs and hopes he isnt one of "them" Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any interest in that?" Cen winks and says, "He wants me to have a duchy for all the wayward pos that have no homes" Cen says, "A little. I'll be staisfied to become a baron, because if I become a duke what more is there left for me to accomplish in here" Chiefsgirl nods "yes that is a good question.. what do you think are the advantages for becoming a duke Cen", says Lookout. Cen says, "and unlike a lot of other members of Fed, its been a long time getting where I am" Snocat thinks there ought to be a way to climb back down without dd'ing Cen says, "Other then having a larger area of spying I cant see any" Chiefsgirl laughs "Do you do a lot of spying Cen?", asks Chiefsgirl. "That is another thing that Barb pointed out that I love doing...spying...ah I wish I could do it rl", says Cen. Superglide knows its hard getting PO'S in a new ducky "Yes...mostly Im looking for something interesting or something racey going on...for my laughing pleasure", says Cen. Barb grins Chiefsgirl asks, "I guess I can't ask who your favorite subjects are currently for entertainment?" Snocat thinks people who spy him might just see a full moon Chiefsgirl grins "Hmm I dont have favorites at the moment. I have my regulars though just to keep the beam running", says Cen. Chiefsgirl laughs Lookout says, "good play on words snocat" Barb says, "But you manage to spy in a fun way, Cen" Snocat smiles Lookout laughs don't we all "Yeah I try anyway. and in case anybody is worried...I never use the beam for negative reasons...just my amusement", says Cen with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "You aren't making logs of all this activity and passing it around to hurt others then, Cen?" Cen says, "And if I find something that looks to be really confidential I'll shut it off" Cen says, "Nope, because I know how that one feels CG, so I wouldnt put others through it" "good for you Cen", says Littleangel. Snocat has put his foot in his mouth so often he has come to like the taste of shoe leather Chiefsgirl smiles "Is there any truth to the rumour that you secretly like Hawaiian shirts, Cen", says Barb with a wink. "Oh, Ive tasted shoe...kinda rubbery", says Cen. Lookout laughs "Not a chance....a lighter and a ton of fluid and Id put an end to all Hawaiian shirts on this planet ;p", says Cen. "Being an Egyptian i wear sandals but they can be rubbery too", says Lookout. Grethor says, "I thought it tasted kinda like chicken..." "i'll donate the lighter fluid...", says Coug. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Cen?" Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd Cen says, "Of course most of the fluid would be used in CA where Danny has enough shirts to clothe half of europe" "COuld I have your autograph, Cen?", asks Barb. Barb holds out a blank check to Cen Cen chuckles.. Cen checks whose name is on the check "I see you just completed another build, how many is that now?", asks Littleangel. Cen writes it down and prays it bounces Littleangel says, "Oh, and congrats" Cen says, "Hmm 34...6 more to reach my goal" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Way to go Cen" Lookout says, "Is happy at baron and thinks Cen will like that also." "Lets see, final words....I hope fed sticks around for awhile (ten years) so I can keep having a reason to get online", says Cen. "And I hope to devote a little more time to Fed's most need commody", says Cen. Cen says, "err commodity" "How do you think they could get more players into Fed Cen?", asks Superglide. Snocat exclaims, "alloys!" Silowetcat exclaims, "furs!" "Oh no no no Sno....shrinks", says Cen. "Well other then returning to Aol or going to another popular Isp, I cant think of anything..", says Cen. Superglide says, "i mean as a promotional way" Grethor winks and says, "going free would be good, although unreasonable" "Most has been tried I suspect, and with the size of the internet its not enough anymore to hope people just stumble across it", says Cen. Coug says, "put the word out on icq...lot sof people with that..." Cen says, "Promotional? Id say advertising on some of the more popular websites..." Superglide says, "maybe put tags on websites to Fed or something ..." Cen says, "Word of mouth is okay...but people tend to forget the spoken word easily" Cen winks and says, "Any questions Wolfie? These people are about out" Wolfyn oinks. "Why don't I get to see you more?" "if Fed would put them dreaded things on websites that people always click on ...maybe some would come in and get hooked too", says Superglide. "Because I work 3rd shift now...no one gets to see me anymore ;p", says Cen. Wolfyn grins, and is glad to see you tonight. Grethor works 3rd shift also... you arn't alone! :) "Any final questions for Cen?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience "Danke for coming", says Cen. Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank Cen for being our guest tonight and thank you all for coming" Cen says, "Okay Im off to consider another build" "Thank you for having me CG...and I hope you can become a patie...err visitor at the Institute", says Cen. "Join me next week at the same time, same place when I don't know who my guest will be", smiles Chiefsgirl. Building for a better Cen has just left the room. |