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"Welcome everyone", says Chiefsgirl. "Hiyas", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon has bought you a martini! The waiter slides it across your table and you choke on the olive!! Chewbacon hopes his connection doesn't fry tonight... Chiefsgirl stands, smooths her dress and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Every Sunday night we gather to meet a different personality from Fed", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "tonight my guest is Chewbacon, Industrialist of Providence" "Chewbacon will tell us a bit about himself and answer questions the audience may have", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "please help me welcome Chewbacon" Chewbacon blinks. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Chewbacon says, "Hiyas" Chiefsgirl sips her drink "Well, I guess I should start when I first started Fed on AOL.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "I went to the gaming section, just messing around being so proud of the unlimited access." Chewbacon says, "...I saw this area called FEDERATION...about space. At the time I was into astronomy and eagerly went in" "After emailing someone, I think it was Hazed, making sure it was free because AOL loved to steal your money, I started playing.", says Chewbacon. Zrasputin winks and says, "if only hazed had said "no"...." "I just messed around at first...begged Shaver to help me find the permit office.", says Chewbacon. "Started running jobs and after a while I got tired of it and took a break for about a month.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "I was off and on, each time having to recreate a player." Chewbacon says, "After a while, a friend of mine told me that Federation wasn't on AOL anymore...after a little research I found it on the internet. Started a new player and worked my way to Adventurer." Chewbacon says, "I heard about the GM, but never found him and got so mad at him I just harassed everyone and became a small time bounty hunter." Chewbacon says, "When Fed became pay-per-hour Fed, I protested and quit playing for nearly a year." Chewbacon says, "Around the end of May, this year, I went back to the site to see what I had been missing and I checked the prices and saw it was unlimited play for $10 a month." "After pulling some strings with my tight-like-speedos budget, I managed to work it out.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl smiles Chewbacon says, "I think Skunkfunk - deceased - was the first person to really help me out by getting my trader credits up to 1k and he gave me tips on how to find the GM...as well as a few maps." "Once I reached Trader, Kaira showed me the ropes on trading and when I reached Merchie, she sold me a few facs.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "...as well as Bizcarp. She forced her POs to sell me facs as well." "After about a month of being a company owner, I finally made squire and build my small, two-bit planet in Riverrun.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "Things got boring in Riverrun, so I moved to Lorien, and some bad things went down there and I moved to my current duchy Camp" "That's about it unless you want me to go into the big dispute with Slimtippy.", says Chewbacon with a wink. Chiefsgirl hopes we get to hear all the dirt about the bad things later Chiefsgirl bounces in anticipation "Okies...", says Chewbacon. "dirt!", exclaims Zrasputin. "Tell us about the word you adapted from my word, "Meh" to make "Feh".", says Breyer. "Lark, a fed-sister of mine, and I ran around Elegant causing some havoc and just looking at a few planets.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "I'll get to that, Brey" Chewbacon says, "We stopped by Slim's planet and paraded in his hot tub...after I found a thong with his name on it I added something about a crusted and deformed hand in my description." "He didn't like that at all", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "After I complained about his planet being based on Return of the Jedi TO THE LETTER, he started dumping on my planet and so forth." Breyer asks, "Letter Who?" Breyer grins evily. "letter, I dont even know her", says Zrasputin. Chiefsgirl is still trying to make the connection between a thong and a crusted and deformed hand Chewbacon says, "So, he finally came on my planet one day ran around all the locations, not reading the descriptions and yelling, 'YOUR PLANET SUCKS!' That kinda started a war." "Serious bacteria infection from it, CG.", says Chewbacon. "oh!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Bsacarl snickers Chiefsgirl ponders that awhile Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Chewbacon says, "After a while he was banned from Elegant and Riverrun for lying to the Duchesses and he eventually DD'ed." Chewbacon says, "Now...on to Breyer's question." "Feh was just something I adapted from my years of ICQ.", says Chewbacon. Breyer sighs, "Meh!" "I started using it on Fed as a force of habit.", says Chewbacon. "Feh!", exclaims Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "That's about it...again." Breyer shakes her head and mumbles, "Meh!" Chewbacon eyes Breyer and mouths, "Feh..." Xxyl thinks these stories need embellishing with more questionable facts. Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you come up with the name CHewbacon and does it have a special meaning?" Chiefsgirl has been wondering about this Chewbacon says, "Well, that's a interesting story...well...not really interesting...but:" "I was sitting at my computer with the dreaded question: What do you want to be called? (or whatever)", says Chewbacon. Quqi asks, "he eats a lot of pig?" Chewbacon says, "While I was thinking about this, I was also watching the Drew Carey Show." Chewbacon says, "Mark Hammil was guest starring that night." "As I sat and thought...and thought...and thought, Drew or Lewis (one of them) tried to start a fight with Mark and said, "You aren't so tough without that Chewbacon around are you?"", says Chewbacon. "And thus, Chewbacon was born.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl laughs Chewbacon says, "Minus the comma." "What comma?", asks Chiefsgirl. "On my last sentence...", says Chewbacon. Aylisa asks, "Your articles for the Chrol will draw a giggle from me, do you enjoy this and where do you usually draw your inspirations?" Bsacarl hands over the missing comma Chewbacon says, "Family, friends, and other fedders." "Also, for some odd reason, whenever I go outside and throw a ball up against the garage door...just bounce it back and forth, I tend to build inspiration.", says Chewbacon. "Did you get the name for your planet from television too?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has just disappeared. Chewbacon says, "No" Chiefsgirl has just appeared. Chiefsgirl brushes off the punt dust Chewbacon says, "Providence is just a word I've always liked the sound of plus, I wanted a rather safe planet - Providence means care and guidance...hence safe planet" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did I miss where you got your planet name from?" Chiefsgirl says, "Ah...." Chiefsgirl nods and settles back on her barstool "Are you on Santa's good-boy's list or bad-boy's list this year?", says Aylisa with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs "Depends...girls/women call me a bad boy.", says Chewbacon. "...other people say I'm a good kid.", smiles Chewbacon. Breyer just nods and says, "Meh." "So, whoever gets to Santa first with my report of conduct will determine that.", says Chewbacon. "Do you have any plans to become a duke eventually?", asks Chiefsgirl. Breyer sends a tightbeam promptly. "Not at the moment...Fed is too small for me to want to try that.", says Chewbacon. Brenda giggles Breyer asks, "Too Small?" "If there's a big population expansion--maybe", says Chewbacon. "tune off", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon exclaims, "oops!" "hehe", says Bsacarl. Xxyl smiles. Breyer grins and exlaims, "Meh!" Chewbacon smiles, "Feh..." "Questions? Comments? Death threats?", asks Chewbacon. Quqi raises his hand, waving it Breyer asks, "What was your inspiration for your planet?" "At first it was Italy...I've always liked the climate there and the morning fogs around the southern coasts...", says Chewbacon. "...I tried a new theme with underwater habitats, but after I took it off paper and put it into Fed, it really wasn't what I thought it would be.", says Chewbacon. Aylisa asks, "Whom are your fed mentors?" Chewbacon says, "Lark and Santiago." Chewbacon frowns and says, "Both DD'ed without telling me." Aylisa eeps Aylisa has given Chewbacon a friendly hug! Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you have a question Quqi?" Chewbacon mumbles, "Probably a death threat..." "yes, your most thrilling fed moment, Chewie?", asks Quqi. "Most thrilling?", asks Chewbacon. Quqi says, "sure" "Would most entertaining count?", asks Chewbacon. "sure", smiles Quqi. "Condor...channel 9...making that fool of himself.", smiles Chewbacon. Aylisa laughs Zrasputin nods and smiles "I think that was a field day for danny.", says Chewbacon. "Another mentor: Galadriel", says Chewbacon. Aylisa asks, "wonder what ever happened to him?" Chewbacon says, "She really help me understand PO-hood." Chewbacon winks and says, "Something bad happened to him, Aylisa...just something bad" Zrasputin asks, "How did she help you Chewie?" Aylisa tries not to look too happy. Chewbacon says, "She tought me about production points, stock piles, etc." "...except in a more indepth instruction.", says Chewbacon. "What's your general take on Fed's economics?", asks Zrasputin. Chewbacon blinks Chewbacon asks, "You mean how I look at it?" "Right, do you see economics in fed as critical, important, irrelevant?", asks Zrasputin. Zrasputin asks, "And how do you tend to deal with your own planet's economy?" "I see it in different ways.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "I see it in different ways." Chiefsgirl thinks CB sees it in different ways Quqi smiles, "hey, Zras, he was a thane forever..he loves his ex" Peaceful? Ahem, not me. Disturbed, Chewbacon has just disappeared. Peaceful? Ahem, not me. Disturbed, Chewbacon has just appeared. Chewbacon screams and fumbles his fingers all over his comm until it hits the TUNE OFF button Chewbacon says, "Darn lag" Aylisa winks and says, "Are you involved with someone ? ( Yes, we love soap err fed-operas" "No...I haven't been involved with anyone.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl asks, "hey! can we call you Chewie?" Chewbacon nods. "whooo Hooo!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl always wanted to call someone Chewie "Did we miss what you think about your planet's economy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chewbacon says, "That or Chewy...whichever floats your boat." "I didn't really understand the question, but since you put it as MY planet's economy...", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "It's better than Thane/Squire economy." Chewbacon smiles, "...if that says anything." "If you could write a novel on any one event in Federation- what would it be?", asks Breyer. "Do you do a lot of work with your exchange?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Um...prolly the Bar Crawl. There's always alot to write about there.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "Not at all, CG." "I walk it up and let it run.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon grins a lazy grin. Aylisa asks, "If you could change anything about Fed, what would you change?" "The fact that you can only have 1 ship!", exclaims Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl asks, "How many do you need?" Chewbacon says, "...and you can't bomb other planets." "Bombing planets?!", exclaims Breyer. Chewbacon says, "I'd like at least 2." Breyer hides Elwen from Bacon. Chewbacon says, "One for fighting and another for hauling." Sargon asks, "If batman and superman were in a fight.. who would win.. and why?" Chiefsgirl daydreams about having her very own fighting ship forever at the ready, parked on Rhapsody "oooo.. bombing planets", says Chiefsgirl. "Batman...he's smarter than Superman.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl asks, "how would you see that working?" Aylisa winks and says, "richer too" Chewbacon says, ">bomb domination Missiles deployed..." "Would the planet have any defense?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chewbacon says, "Of course, planetary shields and fighters." Chiefsgirl nods Chewbacon says, "As well as launching missiles to intercept the oncoming." "Incoming as well", says Chewbacon with a wink. Zrasputin says, "so you're feel is that federation should trend more towards battling" Breyer disagrees. Chewbacon says, "It would be good/bad idea." Chiefsgirl thinks battling would be great fun "Good because it would add some a way to fight...", says Chewbacon. "Bad...DDking...enough said.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl laughs "What kind of damage would the bomb dropping cause?", asks Breyer. Brenda smiles, "only if you can set the planets defenses to fire when your not logged on" "Link damage...I think Iceddog came up with that one...", says Chewbacon. "WT loss", says Chewbacon. Aylisa ahs "I pictured hides going up in smoke". Breyer asks, "Would link damage prevent people from visiting the planet?" "Yes", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "LP damage...raises a percentage of dying whenever you land" Breyer jumps "Dosn't that take away some of the creativity from planet design?", asks Breyer. Chewbacon says, "Like I said, it's a good/bad idea" Breyer grumbles and sighs, "Meh!" Chewbacon says, "One of those ideas your mom told you about...good - it's a thrill...bad - you break your neck" Aylisa winks and says, "You will shoot your eye out." Chewbacon smiles, "Yup" "Any other questions for Chewie?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl bounces happily at the ability to call someone Chewie Xxyl asks, "If you were an ice cream topping, what would it be?" Brenda giggles Brenda asks, "with nuts or candy crinkles?" Chewbacon says, "Um...hot fudge" Aylisa asks, "Do you belong to any of the "groups" in fed?" "Just the newdroids.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon winks and says, "HAS just doesn't call my name." "I bet they throw a wild Christmas party", says Aylisa with a wink. Chewbacon asks, "HAS? or the newdroids?" Aylisa says, "newdroids" "What's HAS?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chewbacon says, "err...newsdroids" Chewbacon says, "Nah...when we're off duty, Hazed makes us work in the spice mines." "That's Danny's group?", asks Aylisa. Chewbacon says, "Something antagonist society." "Yes, which is a scary thought in and of itself.", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "Habitual antagonist society." Aylisa winks and says, "I think I have a few of my pos in that" "Wait! I've just been informed that I am in DUIT.", says Chewbacon. "What is duit?", asks Zrasputin. Chewbacon says, "Duchies United In Trade...I think." Bsacarl smiles "Wow- I'm impresed with how dedicated you are to Duit.", says Breyer. Chiefsgirl laughs Chewbacon says, "Well, I'm as dedicated as I have to be...I usually don't haul so I don't trade that much" Bsacarl grinz Chewbacon hides from Bsacarl. Bsacarl laughs Bsacarl has bought you a liquid s'mores! Bsacarl winks "If you don't trade very often, is there a certain aspect that draws and keeps you playing?", asks Aylisa. "The people here.", says Chewbacon. "I made several friends here...I attend the events...plus it gives me something to write about.", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon has to write or he has emotional episodes. Aylisa looks weary "episodes?" Chewbacon says, "And just for CG: Creed rocked." Chewbacon hehes Chiefsgirl gives Chewie a poke and grumbles about not being able to go too Breyer asks, "What event is your favorite?" Chewbacon says, "Yeah...I become obsessed with banging on doors and licking stamps." "Um...Billionaire.", says Chewbacon. Aylisa giggles Bsacarl cracks up Breyer cheers for the good answer. Breyer asks, "Who is your favorite Billionaire Question Writer?" Chewbacon would say the rest of the joke, but it's a little dirty. "Um...Mac?", says Chewbacon with a wink. Breyer grumbles, "Wrong Answer- Meh!" Chiefsgirl is once again lost Breyer says, "That will drop you back down to 0... you should have used a life line." Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any other questions for Chewie?" Chewbacon nudges CG, "The banging doors and licking stamps is a joke." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "oh!" "If you were to be Fed Married- what planet would you want to have the ceremony on?", asks Breyer. Bsacarl wonders if Cg sat on a tack.. "Chewie, will you marry me?", asks Zrasputin. Zrasputin struggles to keep a straight face Chewbacon says, "Um...probably either mine or my fed wife" Aylisa glances over at Zrasy. Chewbacon jumps in Zras' arms, "SURE I WILL!" Chiefsgirl grins at Carl Zrasputin drops chewie Bsacarl winks "It was a joke!", exclaims Zrasputin. Zrasputin shakes his head at chewie Breyer exclaims, "Nope Zras- You have to go through with it now!" Chewbacon rubs his bum and sits on the bar still. "I dont marry things that have more body hair than me.", says Zrasputin. Chewbacon examines his nicely shaved body. "shaved??", asks Bsacarl. Aylisa hands Z his foot. Bsacarl gasps Chewbacon laughs Zrasputin deftly changes the topic. "What's your favorite eating utensil?" "oh, I think we are going down a road we do not need to travel", says Chiefsgirl. Breyer covers her eyes. Chewbacon says, "Sporks." Zrasputin cheers for sporks Bsacarl peers down the road Aylisa claps "Good Answer" "You can pick up your meat and eat your soup without changing tools.", says Chewbacon. "What's your opinion of fed's less used social commands? slap, salute etc?", asks Zrasputin. Chewbacon says, "salute...I used it once." Chiefsgirl giggles Chiefsgirl looks around, "Any final questions for Chewie?" Quqi smiles at someone Breyer asks, "What's your one regret?" Chewbacon says, "Saying that mac is the best question writer for billionaire..." Breyer exclaims, "Good Answer!" Chewbacon asks, "Do I win something?" Breyer asks, "Sorry- the game was already over... but- you might be a question?" "Do you have any final words you'd like to share with us tonight, Chewie?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Um...", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon smiles, "The message board doesn't need to be used seriously...that's it." "And one more:", says Chewbacon. "The International Space Station is not to be used as a road cone for you space yahoos.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank Chewbacon for being our guest tonight" "Please join me next Sunday when Rasal will be our guest", says Chiefsgirl. Chewbacon smiles, "Welcomes" Bsacarl applaudes Aylisa stands and claps. "Rasal? Oh lord...", says Chewbacon. Saffire applaudes "encore...encore...", says Xxyl. "And then Dec 24 and 31 we will have a break for the holidays", says Chiefsgirl. Breyer sniffles, "Rasal.. I use to be in love with Rasal." Chiefsgirl applauds enthusiastically for Chewie Breyer claps for Chewie's "Final Regret" Zrasputin says, "oh, you're taking a break for my birthday, awww...." Quqi applauds for the hostess with the mostess for doing so well Chiefsgirl stands and curtsies Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you all for coming" |